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Post by Duke2Earl »

This thread has been all over the lot... so some miscellaneous comments...

The original rant that began this thread is basically the bizarre ravings of a disturbed mind.

I will not get involved in the battle of the sexes as that makes tax issues seem easy. I will say, however, that ..yes, women ask their significant others "unanswerable" questions. But I contend that the women fully know the questions are unanswerable and the whole thing has nothing to do with the question. Here's the deal, she was already angry with you for something you did or didn't do or said or didn't say anytime from a few minutes previously back to and including the beginning of the space time continum. The asking of the unanswerable question was just to provide an excuse for her to be openly displeased with you at this moment. Whatever you answer... or even don't answer... she's already upset with you... but the key point here is you can make it worse... much worse. The life you save may be your own.

On jewelry store's (Tiffany's included)... everything in every jewelry store is "on sale" every day. Damn near every store will negotiate on price... especially with established repeat customers. A bit of advice from someone who has bought a hell of a lot of jewelry... go shopping near the end of a month. After viewing the piece you are interested in, ask to see the manager. Tell the manager that you are really interested in that piece but it is just more than you intended to pay and that you wondered if they could do a little better. I think you will be amazed how flexible the prices become and the more you are viewed as a potential repeat customer, the more flexibility will exist.
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Post by The Observer »

Duke2Earl wrote: On jewelry store's (Tiffany's included)... everything in every jewelry store is "on sale" every day. Damn near every store will negotiate on price... especially with established repeat customers.
Ditto. It is interesting how the salesman is always able to reduce the price on the tag once you seem hesitant to make a decision and appear to be heading towards the door. It almost makes you want to doublecheck the sign outside to see if you accidentally walked into a car dealership.
"I could be dead wrong on this" - Irwin Schiff

"Do you realize I may even be delusional with respect to my income tax beliefs? " - Irwin Schiff
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Post by Demosthenes »

Tiffany's doesn't even give their employees a discount on diamonds.

Post by No_Name1 »

Same conversation in Demo house:

Demo: Does this skirt make me look fat?

Demo's Hubby: Kind of.

Demo: Asshole.

Demo's Hubby: Let's go the book store.

Demo: Cool.
I simply refuse to answer any inquiries with regards to physical appearance. I point out to my wife that she has girlfriends that care about matters relating to fashion and appearance, and they would be more than happy to comment.

You really can't win - so don't play the game.

Alternately, if she's not buying it, you can turn around the situation by asking her if this or that suit makes you fat, or if your shoes go with your ensemble, etc... If you do this incessantly for about a month she'll get the hint and never ask again.