William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by Constance »

I'd say this counts for something regarding the birther comments:

http://www.lawlessamerica.com/index.php ... Itemid=219
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by ashlynne39 »

Because of my job, I watch anti-guardianship websites and Bill Windsor has been a great subject on these sites over the last year. He has been traveling around the country taking video testimony of corruption in the courts. I won't say that there is never corruption in the courts but I am familiar with some of the Texas cases he has filmed about and they are basically hokum. In any case, he is now preparing to bring criminal charges against "every corrupt government official in America" starting with the judge that threw him out on his ear over his own ridiculous case. Here is a link to the story and a bit of it quoted that I found interesting. Looks like he will be convening citizen grand juries all over the place and to top President Timmy's letters to the governors, Billy has written letters to everyone in congress (portions of the letter in the quoted portion below. Enjoy . . .

http://www.lawlessamerica.com/index.php ... Itemid=105
Lawless America is exposing tens of thousands of corrupt government officials. This is a start, but I believe we need a full court press.

I want every government official in America to be afraid of Lawless America. What I propose and support is absolutely non-violent, so I want the Lawless America Revolution to be feared in other ways -- exposure, removal from office, and prison.

We intend to take control of every state legislature, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate. We intend to elect every state governor and the President of the United States. When we accomplish these goals, we will be able to retroactively take the steps necessary to validate actions that we take in the interim.

So, we won't wait until we are in control to put these criminals on trial, we will start next year. We will coordinate the process of preparing charges and evidence against the corrupt government officials, and we will assemble citizen grand juries to hear the charges. We will try and, I expect, convict these crooks for a variety of crimes, and I anticipate that many will be charged with and convicted of treason. A group of people in the Dakotas have been doing this, and we will call on this group for guidance and help.

The first corrupt government official to stand trial for treason and other crimes is federal Judge Orinda D. Evans of Atlanta, Georgia. She is the corrupt judge who facilitated the theft of all of my money. I know this matter backwards and forwards, and I have all the evidence organized, so this is the best one for me to begin with.

I will be publishing the procedure and the forms to be used. We would like to have people in every state to head this up.

So, I hope every corrupt government employee in America starts to fear their trials, including every member of the staff of corrupt judges, everyone in the court clerks' offices, and every government employee who has been aware of the corruption and has done nothing.

I am calling today on every dishonest and/or corrupt government official and government employee in America to resign. Your resignation may remove you from the list to stand trial.

We plan to make room in our prisons for the tens of thousands who are convicted by releasing from prison all those who were wrongfully convicted. I suggest that The Revolutionary Party propose changing most victimless crimes to ankle bracelets and house arrest (where these folks can pay their own room, board, and medical expenses). All told, it costs an average of $129.04 a day to house an inmate in the prison system. According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2010 — about 0.7% of adults in the U.S. resident population. That's at a cost of $106,765,373,280 -- $106 BILLION dollars of our money. Victimless crime constitutes 86% of the prison population. We could reduce our cost by $91 billion annually if we cease incarcerating those found guilty of victimless crimes.

I am sending the following letter to every member of the U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. Senate, state legislatures, and every judge in America (for starters):

My name is Bill Windsor. If you don’t know who I am, you should. I am leading a new American revolution, and we have formed a new political party – The Revolutionary Party. It is our goal to become the dominant party in America, formed from the 99% of us who currently have little or no power.

If you are honest, we ask you to step up and expose the corruption of your colleagues and other government officials.

We have drafted a list of common sense laws that will save America from the corruption that exists today. We ask you to immediately endorse our proposed legislation to reform the legal system and minimize corruption. Please contact me to confirm that you are honest and that you will act as we are requesting.

Sadly, my view is that you probably are at least dishonest, likely corrupt, and have committed treason. If this is the case, please resign immediately. If I do not hear from you, we will proceed accordingly with plans to remove you from office and try you for your crimes.

It is my plan to convene citizen grand juries all across America to bring charges against dishonest and corrupt government officials. We will ask law enforcement to arrest those charged and convicted. If existing law enforcement personnel fail to do so, we will replace them and validate the grand jury actions retroactively once we gain control of the legislatures in our country.

America has become lawless. We have plenty of laws, but judges, attorneys, elected officials, law enforcement, and a wide variety of government employees feel they are above the law. These dishonest, corrupt people take the law into their own hands. And no one is accountable.

We are being denied our Constitutional rights. And that’s a crime.

It's Lawless America. But we intend to change this. We want our country back!
Paths of the Sea
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by Paths of the Sea »

ashlynne39 wrote:
In any case, he is now preparing to bring criminal
charges against "every corrupt government official
in America" starting with the judge that threw him
out on his ear over his own ridiculous case.

Here is a link to the story...

Enjoy . . .

http://www.lawlessamerica.com/index.php ... Itemid=105
Kent Hovind is talkin' up a storm about what he has in store to try and vindicate his cause, but he refuses to give the details. He claims over 20 law violations by "the system" involving his criminal conviction.

It could be that what he is proposing, with the help of his current legal representative, John Paul Hansen, is something along the lines of what is mentioned in the above post.

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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by ashlynne39 »

Perhaps Hovind can get Windsor to take up his cause. I think they are from the same general area. I find it crazy that Windsor has such backing for his movie. From what I can gather he's filmed 1000s of testimonials and most of them deal with family law, guardianship and cps cases. Some of the issues may be legitimate and I know the anti guardianship groups are serious in their mission and do sometimes have a point but they keep making the mistake of hitching their wagon to cases without merit and to losers like Windsor who only bring down the purpose of their group.
notorial dissent
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by notorial dissent »

I'd wondered what this old crock was up to after he got bounced out of the GA courts, was it just last year??? I can't decide if he is just crazy or what it is, but he is a thoroughly nasty individual from what I have seen, and it is always someone else's fault for what happens to him, he is never in the wrong. I had kind of hoped he was yesterday's news, but I guess no such luck.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by Paths of the Sea »

ashlynne39 wrote:
Perhaps Hovind can get Windsor to take up his cause.
Kent's ego may be too big to consider that, but John Paul Hansen, Hovind's alleged legal representative, wrote this some time ago (the time may be ripening for Hovind to try it):



Territorial Jurisdiction, for Kent Hovind

March 29, 2011
By John Paul Hansen


What one must make clear the following:

a. A civil hearing, common law, will be called
some day in the future, Hovind v. USA.

b. Witnesses shall be subpoenaed with duces tecum.

c. Witnesses will be asked if they are well trained
and are qualified to do their job.

d. Witnesses then shall be called to testify and present
evidence of what is in the USA's possession as to fact
evidence that they have jurisdiction on the land that
Kent was raided on.

e. When and how was the land that the charges where
claimed to have taken place on, where purchased,
making them a constitutional "Places purchased"?

f. They will have none.

g. The jury will be left with calculating damages.

The USA government has no place to hide.

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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by ashlynne39 »

Paths of the Sea wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:
Perhaps Hovind can get Windsor to take up his cause.
Kent's ego may be too big to consider that, but John Paul Hansen, Hovind's alleged legal representative, wrote this some time ago (the time may be ripening for Hovind to try it):



Territorial Jurisdiction, for Kent Hovind

March 29, 2011
By John Paul Hansen


What one must make clear the following:

a. A civil hearing, common law, will be called
some day in the future, Hovind v. USA.

b. Witnesses shall be subpoenaed with duces tecum.

c. Witnesses will be asked if they are well trained
and are qualified to do their job.

d. Witnesses then shall be called to testify and present
evidence of what is in the USA's possession as to fact
evidence that they have jurisdiction on the land that
Kent was raided on.

e. When and how was the land that the charges where
claimed to have taken place on, where purchased,
making them a constitutional "Places purchased"?

f. They will have none.

g. The jury will be left with calculating damages.

The USA government has no place to hide.

What kind of attorney is this? He sounds as nutty as the tax protestors and sovereign citizens.
Paths of the Sea
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by Paths of the Sea »

ashlynne39 wrote:
What kind of attorney is this?
He sounds as nutty as the tax protestors
and sovereign citizens.
I think he has a history here on Quatloos, and he's quite an Internet character and, as you properly noted, somewhat of a tax protestor and sovereign.


Is there such a thing as a "common law" attorney?

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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by ashlynne39 »

notorial dissent wrote:I'd wondered what this old crock was up to after he got bounced out of the GA courts, was it just last year??? I can't decide if he is just crazy or what it is, but he is a thoroughly nasty individual from what I have seen, and it is always someone else's fault for what happens to him, he is never in the wrong. I had kind of hoped he was yesterday's news, but I guess no such luck.

Windsor has quite the following these days. It is sad really. I've listened to some of the testimony he's taped on some of the cases I'm familiar with from Texas. There is a good reson in those cases why the individual was taken from their family and made a ward of the state or given a private guardian. The family members can't accept that . . . If they could understand why then they likely wouldn't have lost guardianship in the first place. But Windsor is giving these people false hope. He's a nut in his own right with his ridiculous pro se lawsuits but this whole Lawless America thing is just really disgusting and misleading. He's traveling across the country taking testimony from these folks and telling them he's going to present it to congress and things will change for them. If you read any of their comments about him its like a little cult following where Windsor is going to save them all and win America back by punishing the evil government workers who wronged them. I guess I'm included in that group that is about to be arrested since I work for the government in one of the areas he's targeting.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by ashlynne39 »

Paths of the Sea wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:
What kind of attorney is this?
He sounds as nutty as the tax protestors
and sovereign citizens.
I think he has a history here on Quatloos, and he's quite an Internet character and, as you properly noted, somewhat of a tax protestor and sovereign.


Is there such a thing as a "common law" attorney?

Maury Enthusiast!

Is he an actual bar card carrying attorney or just one of the masses of self taught legal scholars aka sovereign citizens.
notorial dissent
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne39, I think you hit it pretty well on the head with this comment “. . . If they could understand why then they likely wouldn't have lost guardianship in the first place. . .”

This seems to be an altogether too common theme in much of the sovrun whining I come across, the inability to accept and acknowledge that families are more than just property of the lord and master, and that if they don’t live up to their responsibilities their “rights” don’t exist, and the recurring theme seems to be the “violation of their rights” rather than the welfare or rights of the child and/or spouse. It always boils down to they didn’t do anything wrong and it is all a plot of de ebil gubmint to deprive them of their rights/property children/wife, and that is usually why things ended up the way they did. When you start treating a child or spouse as property things get ugly real quick.

I quite agree, that he is a nut beyond all reasonability. As I recall he is barred from GA courts now as a vexatious litigant, must be going for the national title now. My take on his GA escapades is that he is basically a conman and this is his current con.

My personal opinion is that what he is doing is just this side of threats of violence, and he is certainly attempting to interfere with lawful judicial process.

I can’t remember the details on Hansen, but based on the gibber he is spouting, he is just another in a long line of sovrun pseudo legal babel peddlers, as there is certainly no such animal as a “common law civil hearing” any more than there is a "citizen’s grand jury" that Windsor is going on about. They are both counterfeit of legal process. It sounds official to the unaware, and means absolutely nothing in the real world.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by grixit »

John Paul Hansen wrote:
Territorial Jurisdiction, for Kent Hovind

March 29, 2011
By John Paul Hansen


What one must make clear the following:

a. A civil hearing, common law, will be called
some day in the future, Hovind v. USA.

b. Witnesses shall be subpoenaed with duces tecum.

c. Witnesses will be asked if they are well trained
and are qualified to do their job.

d. Witnesses then shall be called to testify and present
evidence of what is in the USA's possession as to fact
evidence that they have jurisdiction on the land that
Kent was raided on.

e. When and how was the land that the charges where
claimed to have taken place on, where purchased,
making them a constitutional "Places purchased"?

f. Goverment lawyers will show that Hovind's property is in the United States and not an embassy or a registered indian reservation.

g. The judge will be left with determining sanctions.

Ken Hovind has no place to hide.
Fixed it for you.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by wserra »

ashlynne39 wrote:
We intend to take control of every state legislature, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate. We intend to elect every state governor and the President of the United States.
What, not the President of the Galaxy?

No ego problem there.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by wserra »

ashlynne39 wrote:Is he an actual bar card carrying attorney or just one of the masses of self taught legal scholars aka sovereign citizens.
From Paul John: Hansen's vanity page:
Foremost I love the Lord, His written Word, and the Family of God. My income is primarily derived from rental properties and counseling people across the country in living independent of the corporation called the US INC. I understand that the elect of God should promote the Kingdom of God (and dominion) on earth as it is in Heaven. I am a serious student of Christian / English common law, and constitutional limitations of the US Government. . . . I am a free inhabitant pursuant to Article IV of the Articles of Confederation. (Not a US citizen.) I believe in full support of the “perpetual Union” as found in the second of four constitutions, “Articles of Confederation”. I have discovered that a “free inhabitant” has the lawful standing to choose to live independent of the corporate US governments, and its statutory courts in the vast majority of his daily life, and to be forced to do otherwise is slavery.
I'll take "one of the masses of self taught legal scholars aka sovereign citizens" for $1000, Alex. And yes, I know, yet another jerkoff who embarrasses real Christians.

BTW, Ashlynne, while of course I know what you mean, I don't have a "bar card". Not every state uses them. I do carry something more valuable: a "secure" lawyer's ID that lets me walk around security in courthouses.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by notorial dissent »

I think "one of the masses of self taught legal scholars aka sovereign citizens" pretty well sums up Paul John's credentials.

I'm still not sure what magic properties he seems to think that Article IV of the AOC confers on him that puts him outside of Federal jurisdiction. He seems to be another of the illiterati hung up on the use of the word perpetual in the AOC. Also doesn't understand what the term “free inhabitant” meant in context with the documents he is already misconstruing.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by ashlynne39 »

Interesting wserra. I didn't realize that not all states issue bar cards. I guess I never thought about it. I don't have one for the federal courts I'm licensed in but do have one for Texas. Learn something new every day
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by notorial dissent »

A number of states don't require bar membership at all, and varying by the state, some lawyers are licensed and discipline by their Supreme Courts, and some otherwise. Confuses the poor legal wannbes no end.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

ashlynne39 wrote:
We intend to take control of every state legislature, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate. We intend to elect every state governor and the President of the United States.
What? They are going to replace Timothy Turner?
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"We intend to take control of every state legislature, the U.S. House of Representatives, and the U.S. Senate. We intend to elect every state governor and the President of the United States."

Yeah. I intend to move to a huge mansion on a huge lawn, with a huge plot of land surrounding it, with a huge retinue of attractive young females in constant attendance. Whether I actually achieve my attention is on a par, I think, with these constitutional scholars achieving their intentions.
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Re: William M. Windsor v. Fulton County et al

Post by PatriotTrue7 »

This thread is worth resuscitating. Bill has been a busy boy. He founded Lawless America http://www.lawlessamerica.com/ a group for dissatisfied court customers claiming judicial misconduct and he traveled across the US filming 1500 of their stories. These were mostly CPS cases or custody cases or "wrongly convicted" people (read: criminals) claiming their tales of woe. He also, at some point, founded the Revolutionary Party and gave a State of the Union address on youtube, where you can also find the story videos. He's supposed to be making a documentary film out of them, but he's mostly just scamming for money.

In the meantime, a blog site developed exposing him as the vexatious litigant and nut that he is: http://joeyisalittlekid.blogspot.com/

It's really worth the read. Well, Bill decided that these people were all defaming him and he started travelling the country filing for PPOs and filing lawsuits for slander and libel. He's sought PPOs against Sean Boushie in Montana, Sean D. Fleming in Michigan and others. He's sued Allie Overstreet, a former supporter, in Missouri.. He has a huge lawsuit in Texas going against the folks who post on the joeyisalittlekid blog. And he has his lawsuit against Facebook in California for taking down his Lawless America page for nudity or pornography or sexually explicit material. There was another lawsuit against Google and Yahoo, but I don't remember which state it was in. He also filed suit in South Dakota, where he now lives. I can't remember who he sued.

You can read a great summary of who Bill is here: http://www.lifeinpiercecounty.com/ On the last page of that is a partial list of all the lawsuits he's been involved in but doesn't include this past year of targeting people who expose him.

Any attorneys here want to get on PACER and pull up the complaint in Texas? It's in the 40th judicial district. I'd love to see the documents in that one. I haven't been able to find them online. In every suit, he blames that person or company for the loss of his wife of 42 years and his kids and grandkids having no contact with him. He can't seem to decide who is responsible, but he claims damages for it.

He's a paper terrorist to be sure. His filings in each case are constant and voluminous. I don't know how he manages so many of them in multiple states. He also takes out domain names of his targets, like www.allieoverstreet.com and posts his pleadings on them and defames his detractors.

Anyway, I thought it would be interesting for us to catch up with this guy. I've done as much research as I can on my own and was hoping the Quatloosians might be able to come up with the good stuff. I really want to see the complaint in the Texas case.