Birthers Again

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

One of the major reasons for this SSN fuss is that, about three years ago, someone using one or more of the paid internet services ran through every possible record of any combination of the names of Obama, his mother, his father and his wife's second husband, including misspellings and nicknames (e.g., Barack and Barry) and even Stanley Dunham as a male. With all those permutations they naturally got a lot of hits, including places where we know the President never lived, and including a Mr. Stanley Dunham, etc. Many of these were utility accounts and the like and had someone's SSN attached ... but it might have been the landlord instead of the tenant whose name was listed. Stuff like that.

Rather than hurt their brains by trying to think this out, the birfers immediately claimed that the President had personally been using dozens of different SSNs and even aliases.

I have no idea what the President's SSN is. Someone came up with a Selective Service card that had an SSN on it, but I don't know if it was genuine, etc. One very real possibility is that the Social Security Admin gave the President, when he was elected, extra protection from identity thieves and the like by taking his SSN out of their usual system of records; possibly even assigning him a new SSN.

PS: I was astonished to see that Donald Trump was born in wedlock. I must now find a new way to refer to him.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

On Inauguration Day, Orly Taitz apparently is standing at an airport holding up a VERY amateurish sign accusing Obama of all sorts of stuff, a sign that is almost impossible to read except close-up. ... n-protest/
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

From a site called Wonkette, where Orly mocking has been raised to a fine art.

BIRTHERS 10:20 am January 25, 2013Now Orly Taitz Is Gonna Arrest The President, Uh Huh
by snipy

Welp, we haven’t written anything about Orly Taitz in…(checks archives) A WHOLE F***ING WEEK! Readers, what have you been doing? Are you bereft? Are you weeping? Are you yearning, deeply, for new Orly Taitz news? Of course you are! Wonkers, it’s cool, she’s just gonna arrest the president.

Taitz posted on her website Wednesday night that she has three supporters in Connecticut who are willing to sign a petition claiming that Obama has violated election law in the state. Under Sec. 9-368 of the state’s election code, if “three electors” in a town sign complaints to a judge claiming violations of election law then an arrest warrant can be issued.

Yr Wonkette was going to run straight over to Connecticut’s election code and deploy some lawyerin’ to see how this works and if the world’s most famous dentist/lawyer/realtor is right. Just in time, we remembered that this was a theory from Orly Taitz and therefore we skipped it.

We did glean, though, that a key part of this plan requires that at least three residents of the same town need to share Orly’s mad fantasies about the Kenyan usurper. Does she have three people in the same town? Mebbe.

Taitz did not specify if the three volunteers all reside in the same town. Earlier she had posted that she had a volunteer in Stafford Spring, Conn. willing to sign her petition. She then then asked if several of her supporters could move to the small town on the Connecticut-Massachusetts border in order to register to vote and help her get Obama arrested. One supporter commented that they would if someone else paid for the move.

Time for an indiegogo campaign! Let’s unite these birthers in Connecticut so they can FINALLY prove Obama stole a social security number because he was born in Kenya blah blah blah. We do not wish Orly Taitz on the election officials and courts of Connecticut, but it would be amusing to engineer a birther meetup.

Speaking of birther meetups, apparently there is unrest and incivility in birther-land! It is not the land of milk and honey, as promised. Yes, Orly’s been all fightsies with some birthers she used to love for going on close to four years now:

…Philadelphia lawyer Phil Berg, anti-Obama activist and judicial candidate has filed suit against Orly Taitz on behalf of individuals who have come under attack recently by California lawyer and anti-Obama conspiracy theories promoter Orly Taitz.

Orly Taitz frequently makes published assertions that two people who share the same name are the same person (like Barry Soetoro and Soetoro Moestabjab), and in this case Lisa Liberi, Phil Berg’s, associate may be the victim of just such a false association with a New Mexico felon having a similar name.

Also, former webmaster of Orly Taitz’s blog, Lisa Ostella, the recipient of all sorts of accusations related to the handling of former Orly blogs and the funneling of PayPal donations, is suing.

Apparently this thing has dragged on for YEARS. We tried to sort out who was who, but then got bored and just googled it until we found that helpful little synopsis above. Given that we make it our mission to bring you the freshest news ever, why are we babbling about old news? Because this bit of awesome just happened:

U.S. District Court Judge Andrew J. Guilford is ordering Taitz “to show cause in writing why she should not be sanctioned for lying to this court” by Feb. 4, to do so within 10 pages and to supplement any claims with documents.

At issue is whether Taitz purposefully misled Guilford last October after he ordered all the parties to the lawsuit to immediately inform him of all “pending ethical, disciplinary, or related matters.”

Taitz claimed her only problem related to a minor discovery sanction.

But Guilford–an unapologetic stickler on ethics as corrupt Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona learned on his way to prison–discovered evidence that “the sanction involved far more than discovery,” according to the order.

So Taitz had past sanctions and then lied in her current case about NOT having sanctions, and now likely is on the hook for…sanctions. We will be waiting impatiently for February 4 to roll around to see what hodgepodge filing she comes up with when she is limited to 10 pages. We’re hoping for diagrams. You can really convey a ton of whackjob conspiracy theories in diagrams. Godspeed, Orly Taitz. Never surrender.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Orly Taitz, legal genius, has decided she can arrest President Obama.

The Dept of Justice Office of Legal Counsel (which now writes up what used to be called Attorney-General Opinions) some years ago decided the exact opposite:

Gee, now who's more likely to be right, Orly Taitz or the DOJ? Maybe we'll never know.

But I know this, anyone who tries to lay violent hands on the President of the United States (whoever he/she may be) is going to have the rest of their day accounted for.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

fortinbras wrote:Orly Taitz, legal genius, has decided she can arrest President Obama.

The Dept of Justice Office of Legal Counsel (which now writes up what used to be called Attorney-General Opinions) some years ago decided the exact opposite:

Gee, now who's more likely to be right, Orly Taitz or the DOJ? Maybe we'll never know.

But I know this, anyone who tries to lay violent hands on the President of the United States (whoever he/she may be) is going to have the rest of their day accounted for.
For a much more insightful legal analysis of the merits of Orly's position I suggest you try the commentary in one of my favorite websites; ... cause.html
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Orly Taitz, legal genius, has decided she can arrest President Obama.

The Dept of Justice Office of Legal Counsel (which now writes up what used to be called Attorney-General Opinions) some years ago decided the exact opposite:

Gee, now who's more likely to be right, Orly Taitz or the DOJ? Maybe we'll never know.

But I know this, anyone who tries to lay violent hands on the President of the United States (whoever he/she may be) is going to have the rest of their day accounted for.
I read your so-called legal opinion, and it's all in lawyer language with references to laws and judicial decisions and such. Orly speaks the language of the great masses of regular folks out there (I blame high fiber diets) and is much more easily understood, or would be if she made sense. Of course the president can be arrested for the treasonous act of having more than one SSN come up on a computer screen after typing in his name! Duh! Imagine the trouble we would be in as a country if this wasn't the case! Keep it up, Orly, the law of averages says that one of these days you'll win in court!.
Burnaby49 wrote:For a much more insightful legal analysis of the merits of Orly's position I suggest you try the commentary in one of my favorite websites; ... cause.html
Great link. My favorite part:
I think most of us would recommend researching the relevant laws first, let alone lining up people allegedly now willing to swear under oath that the guy violated laws you admit you haven't researched yet. (If one insists on doing the latter, which seems kind of like suborning perjury, one should not post the fact on one's website. Free advice.) I personally would also point out that warrants require probable cause, not just the word of any three yokels off the street, and so it'd be unconstitutional to apply the law in the way Orly seems to be contemplating.
Silly lawyer, insisting that the legal system work within the law. Some people are fond of quoting the old saw that "scientists proved a bumblebee can't fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know this and flies anyway." Well, Orly doesn't know the law, but she doesn't know this so she litigates anyway. Triumph of the will!
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by rogfulton »

Deep Knight wrote:Well, Orly doesn't know the law, but she doesn't know this so she litigates anyway. Triumph of the will!
Well said!!! :lol: :haha: :lol:
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Orly Taitz, legal genius, is still carrying on her lawsuit against the Electoral College, and Friday issued new subpenae to the shifting multitude of defendants. The judge told her, very explicitly, that a one-week deadline to answer was unreasonable (normally, the federal govt or any of its parts gets a couple of weeks longer than ordinary defendants) -- so Orly gave them a 6-day headline!

I'm not making this up: ... nols-case/
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

fortinbras wrote:Orly Taitz, legal genius, is still carrying on her lawsuit against the Electoral College, and Friday issued new subpenae to the shifting multitude of defendants. The judge told her, very explicitly, that a one-week deadline to answer was unreasonable (normally, the federal govt or any of its parts gets a couple of weeks longer than ordinary defendants) -- so Orly gave them a 6-day headline!

I'm not making this up: ... nols-case/
Since Orly is now giving a deadline of six business days she is complying with the letter, if not the spirit, of the order since six business days plus the weekend is one day more than a calendar week. She probably thinks this is an incisive innovative legal response but these kind of shenanigans will count against her when the judge finally loses patience.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

That is of course, always assuming she is able to effect service, something she doesn't seem to have mastered to date.

Not that the entire issue isn't legally moot at this point, and that someone can't be compelled to provide something they don't possess or could have no way of possessing.

i would think the SSA would be barred from compliance by superceding privacy laws.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

The birfers now stand at having filed 190 lawsuits ... and winning exactly (drum roll) ZERO! ... -lawsuits/

But does this discourage them? Does this perhaps cause them to think it possible that Obama was born in the USA? Does this make it possible for me to flap my arms and fly to the moon?
notorial dissent
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

I remember someone a while back posting the quote about insanity, I still think it fits.

I guess my biggest point of bemusement in all this is the continuing lack of attention paid to what the courts have been saying(repeatedly in fact), i.e. specifically lack of jurisdiction, lack of real evidence of anything, failure to follow the rules, etc, although the jurisdiction part is what nails them every time it seems. I can understand the pro se types not getting the hint(well sort of), but there have been a few lawyers involved along the way, and no I don't include Orly in that group, and they don't seem to get it either. It has become quite obvious that Orly doesn't understand what proper service is, and since she can't make up her mind in which capacity she wants to sue Obama she keeps getting it wrong, and that is what has tripped her up previously, and even more so in this latest round.

At this point all the
electoral stuff is an ex-parrot, dead, moot, over and done with, settled, so that is out the door, that bell can't be unrung. The isn't a citizen nonsense really has been ruled on repeatedly by various courts throughout this farce, and all to the same effect, although the birthers refuse to acknowledge that, so will they or nil they, it is a settled, dead and well buried issue as well. So the only thing that she has left to stand on is the SSN nonsense, for which she has exactly zero proof. It isn't that court's, or any court's purview, for that matter, to do crime investigation. If she actually had anything but wildass unsupported speculation, she should have reported it to the proper authorities and let it be handled that way, not trying to do it by abuse of legal process and the courts in general. But then she wouldn't get to grandstand.

The biggest fallacy in this French farce, at least to my mind, is that Obama is, or could be using someone else's SSN. Yes, you can assume someone else's SSN for some purposes and get away with it, at least for a time, but that an 18 year old somehow had the reason, presence of mind, and access to an elderly citizen of CT, and stole his SSN, and then proceeded to continue using it for the next 30 some years without someone getting wise, positively stretches my willing sense of disbelief well beyond the breaking point, particularly with regard to the SSA, who issue regular statements to the holders showing the previous year's activity, wouldn't suddenly wonder why an elderly man was suddenly getting income in the high dollar range, and wouldn't investigate. More to the point, the IRS would have been looking at him real funny, to say the least, when the SSN used on tax returns got kicked back from SSA showing a name discrepancy. Of all her nonsense, this is the one fullest of holes and built out of a real low quality of tissue.

Of all the derogatory things I can think of or say about SSA, and I can say a lot of them, they are scarily good about closing out SSN's of the deceased. Sometimes ahead of the event. So, as I said, the likelihood of Obama being able to get and use an elderly CT retiree's SSN all these years is right on par with Orly's getting the Electoral College to unvote for Obama at this late date, or her being the next senator from CA.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Donald Trump vs. Bill Maher Update

As reported gleefully by MacHaffie and cut 'n pasted here, Donald Trump is upset Bill Maher is making birth certificate jokes at his expense, and last week filed a lawsuit. Last night Bill Maher responded on his show. Well worth five and a half minutes of your time. ... uit-over-o
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Deep Knight wrote:... Bill Maher responded on his show. Well worth five and a half minutes of your time. ...
Maher isn't worth the bytes required to engage in this exchange.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Trump is like the Congress, if he doesn't want to be the butt of every caustic comedian that can draw a breath, then he, like the Congress, should quit providing free material. Actually in Trump's case, he needs to crawl back under his comb over and quit talking as that is the only way he will avoid making a fool of himself it seems. As comedian Mark Russell was known to remark, his was the easiest job on earth since Congress and the various politicians provided him with a never ending supply of ready material.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:... Bill Maher responded on his show. Well worth five and a half minutes of your time. ...
Maher isn't worth the bytes required to engage in this exchange.
I disagree. I found it a very relevant clip which, apart from some great humour at Trump's expense, explained the entire issue concisely and lucidly.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Just when it didn't look like she could get any worse, or further off the beam, Squirrely has now filed a supplemental brief(with new and improved evidence) to go with her petition for a stay(Noonan v. Bowen) being reviewed by the SCT at the upcoming conference, wherein she demands that two of the justices recuse themselves, and if they don't do as she says and grant all her wishes she is going to stamp her foot really hard, and charge them all with treason-didn't you just see that coming????
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Words cannot fully express ..... ... on-charge/
... how much damage Taitz is doing to herself. Sending the Supreme Court an unsolicited pleading, accusing unsympathetic justices of treason, and asking for two justices to recuse themselves, and doing this BEFORE the Court will decide whether to accept the case (which, the case having been so badly done at the trial level, is not likely at all) just rubs the Justices the wrong way.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

It isn't even that simple. She is DEMANDING that the two Obama appointees recuse, and then in effect saying that if the remaining six don't do exactly as she wants they are guilty of treason. I don't think the woman has a single subtle bone in her body, and isn't even on a nodding acquaintance with common sense.

I can't for a minute imagine that Roberts put it on the conference list for any other reason than to once and for all drive a stake through it and put it to rest, and to make sure that they were all in agreement on it so that it would not keep popping up. I don't see any possibilities for anything but a flat denial since everything in it is moot at this point. Not that anyone in Orlyworld will agree, but still, reality is reality.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Supreme Court will certainly drive a stake through Oily's latest legal fantasy; but to her that will only be further proof that the Court is corrupt and treasonous. Only the heavy hammer of the law being dropped on her will stop these lawsuits -- and if Oily ever winds up in the Graybar Hotel as a result, she will need to spend her time there in solitary confinement, because I can see a cellmate being driven crazy, in short order, listening to her rants....
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