Birthers Again

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Words cannot fully express ..... ... on-charge/
... how much damage Taitz is doing to herself. Sending the Supreme Court an unsolicited pleading, accusing unsympathetic justices of treason, and asking for two justices to recuse themselves, and doing this BEFORE the Court will decide whether to accept the case (which, the case having been so badly done at the trial level, is not likely at all) just rubs the Justices the wrong way.
Rubs them the wrong way? Surely you jest! Who could take statements such as these as anything but the highest praise?!
Allowing this usurpation to go on is an act of HIGH TREASON. The nation has a right to know who is committing high treason: 9 justices of the Supreme Court of clerks, who hide the pleadings and sworn affidavits from justices.
The similarity to NAZI Germany is startling. In 1932 when Hitler came to power there were thousands of highly educated judges in Germany, graduates of the world renown universities of Heidelberg and Berlin, Germany had a Constitution. However, either out of fear or due to corruption being bought and paid for, those judges simply ignored the Constitution and looked the other way when thousands were denied their Constitutional rights, when later they were deprived of their property and any economic rights and ultimately deprived of liberty and life itself. It is startling that out of thousands of judges not one single judge rose to declare Hitler’s actions to be unconstitutional. If only one judge in Germany in 1932-1945 were to show one drop of honesty, integrity and adherence to the German Constitution and were to issue a declaratory relief ruling Hitler’s actions to be unconstitutional, possibly the lives 65 million people around the World could have been spared.
Let us not forget another peculiar fact: two political figures who have hidden their IDs or engaged in some falsification of their IDs were Joseph Stalin and Adolph Hitler. Stalin falsified his date of birth in order to either cover up the illegitimacy of his birth or prior service as a double agent with “Ohranka”, being a hired thug for both the bolshevics and the special services of the Szar. Hitler ordered the building containing his birth records to be demolished. Possibly it was done due to persistent rumors that his illegitimate father was an offspring from an out of wedlock relationship of his grandmother with a Jewish man. This did not mash with Hitler’s policy of extermination of Jews. Regardless of reasons, people who hide the circumstances of their birth who use forged IDs are inherently dangerous as no one knows who they are, what is their allegiance and end goals. What is most important is that corruption of the Judiciary leads to disastrous results.
3. Due to the fact that this is the most important case of National Security and due to the fact that justices of the Supreme Court were clueless about other cases brought before them and supposedly discussed in conference and due to the fact that on prior occasions clerks of the court and other employees of the Supreme Court have hidden cases from the justices, there have to be the actual signatures of the justices showing that they actually read the case, that it was not ruled upon by the employees of the court who have hidden the case from the justices and simply printed an order.
MacHaffie posted this.

Sunday, February 10, 2013
Unless or Until…

Dear Friends of Liberty:
Joe Note: Unless or until the usurper is removed from office along with his handler(s), looks like we will continue to spiral downward. Thus, I would encourage you to get on board with this dear lady HERO, who is definitely standing in the gap.
Supplemental brief for the Supreme Court of the United States
Taitz provided the court with Federal Express receipts showing packages received by the Supreme Court and signed for by the employees of the Supreme Court, but never docketed and hidden from the Justices of the Supreme Court by the employees. These employees of the court were not appointed by the President, were not confirmed by the Senate, they never took an oath of allegiance and nobody knows where their allegiance lies. HERE
Thank You

We learned last night, that Dr. Taitz has been sleeping on airplanes during the red eye fights to save money on airfare and avoid the use of hotels, so she could continue this fight virtually alone. She is a dentist and a lawyer and instead of amassing great wealth, she is broke.

I waited for years to come here to America legally.
He then looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, “It appears I may have done this all for nothing.
She told me then:
” These people better wake up! We are so close to losing all of our freedom in this country. I lived it. I know.”

I want to urge all of you to take what you can afford, even $5, and send it to Dr. Orly Taitz. Go on her web site and you will see a place to donate online by credit card, or you can mail a check to her at Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, c/o Dr. Orly Taitz, 29839 Santa Margarita Pkwy, Ste 100, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688
Sign the Petition
Start immediate investigation of Barack Obama's use of forged IDs and a CT SSN which was never assigned to him according to e-verify
If You Are Going To Take A Stand, You Must Take It Now!
On a related topic, let me remind readers to let their pastor-friends know about the webpage where they can sign up to publicly state that they will support the right of their church members to keep and bear arms, no matter what law is passed in Washington, D.C.
All over America, hundreds of sheriffs have publicly said that that they will not enforce any attempt by the federal government to confiscate semi-automatic rifles from the citizens of their counties and neither will they allow federal police agents to confiscate semi-automatic rifles from the citizens of their counties. We are asking pastors all over the country to take a similar stand, by encouraging their congregants to NOT obey any federal law to disarm.
Second Amendment Pastors
Can anyone identify the men in these photos? Please let me know.

Scripture(s) from KJV:
Ecclesiastes 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
Ecclesiastes 12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
Exposure is the name of the game, The name of the game is exposure.
Please pray and share.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 9:39 AM


Anonymous February 10, 2013 at 10:41 AM
Something about this report does not make sense. In late January we were informed that in EARLY Jan 2013 Chief Justice John Roberts of the Supreme Court of the United States scheduled a case by attorney Orly Taitz dealing with Barack Hussein Obama's use of forged IDs and whether he was qualified for the office of President. The case was to be heard in private conference before the full Supreme Court. It is our understanding that Dr Taitz presented the damaging evidence against BO to the Supreme Court resulting in the Court indicting BO on as many as 18 or more counts. LaRouche subsequently held a press conference and released a video in which he referenced the US Supreme Court’s indictment of BO on January 25 2013.
That video has been circulating the net all through January and February 2013. To our knowledge, and not surprising, no national media press was given to the Supreme Courts decision. The questions for all America is this: WHY are there two opposing reports on this one same issue? WHY would Dr. Orly Taitz continue to pursue presenting the Supreme Court with the evidence if this has already been done? WHY is BO not under arrest? WHY has the Supreme Court’s indictments of BO not been enforced? BEFORE the inauguration, we were informed that BO was under house arrest, was under the supervision of US Marshals, and that Boehner had been sworn in as interim 'president' pending elections to be reheld within 90 days to refill the President's position. We were told that BO no longer had the football, nor was operating in ANY presidential capacities whatsoever, even that the inauguration was a farce to fool the public until such time as PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENTS WERE TO BE HELD TO INFORM AMERICA. WHY is BO still functioning in the position, continuing with his treasonous activities against this nation? WE ARE BEING LIED TO IN THIS NATION ON EVERY THING IMAGINABLE – LIE AFTER LIE AFTER LIE AFTER LIE. CONFUSION ON TOP OF CONFUSION. PEOPLE – WAKE UP.

Anonymous February 10, 2013 at 11:04 AM
the right one is Erich Mielke, Stasi boss till the end in 1989.
Do a google search: Erich Mielke.
Tertiusgaudens from East Germany

Anonymous February 10, 2013 at 11:19 AM
the lesft one might be Markus Wolf, another high ranking boss of the Stasi. Google: Markus Wolf.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Nice to know that LaRouche is still as out of touch with reality as he ever was, he and Squirrely would make quite a tag team of crazies, if they could get along with each other.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

The actual photos posted by Dr. Taitz and substituted as a cheap shot above are from "CIA Sleeper Responds to El Wapo's Chandra Levy 12 Part Series" on a site named "Wake Up From Your Slumber." Took me 30 seconds to find 'em. They are of Aribert Heim and Erich Mielke, who are clearly identified on the website, along with others who apparently were part of a Chandra Levy conspiracy even though they were long dead at the time. The second person ID'd by Tertiusgaudens is part of this list, but a wrong one (and, hasn't East Germany been kaput for 23 years?), which leads one to believe that this was the source of his/her/its "knowledge."
Nazis/Former MFS Dir's, Dr. "Death" Aribeit Heim, Erich Mielke, Markus Wolf, others, (even) Gary Condit & I

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Gee -- I didn't know that the Supreme Court issued indictments. :shock: :roll: :shock: :roll: :shock: :roll:
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
notorial dissent
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, it seems they do in either Orlyworld or LaRoucheworld, along with special elections for President, and holding evidentiary hearings, and anyone taking anything she says or does seriously.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

And Lowering the Bar steps into the breach to explain the legal basis of why the Donald will not win his purported lawsuit against Bill Maher. LTB also brings up an intriguing question which, to the best of my knowledge, has not yet been asked:

It's also hard to avoid speculating that all this is designed to take attention away from the real question—how do we know Fred Trump was not an orangutan? The Trump camp has been completely silent on this issue. What are they trying to hide? ... .html#more
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Just in case you feel the need, here is Bill Maher's account of the suit from his show last Friday night (Feb 8th ) :
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

A bit of research along the lines of The Cold Case Posse brings up starling proof as to Donald Trump's orangutan origins. First, there are these cards.


Why would anyone make cards with orangutans on them if THEY WEREN'T DESIGNED TO BE USED BY ORGANGUTANS? They wouldn't! And, now that we've proven there are card-playing apes, isn't it more-than-likely that they would play bridge, a game where playing trump is key to winning? In such a case, wouldn't a orangutan named "Fred" be called "Fred the Orangutan who plays Trump," or "Fred Trump" for short?

Consider, if he was a human his legal name would be "Fredrick" not a nickname like "Fred" which would only make sense if it was an animal or pet name. Sounds like a smoking gun to me.

Now that we've proven that Fred Trump was Fred the Trump Playing Orangutan, The Donald doesn't have a legal leg to stand on (or should that be "leg to grasp a branch and swing from?"). If this doesn't meet the constitutional requirement for treason, then I don't know what does!

Actual photo of dogs, who are known to be less smart than orangutans, playing cards.

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

Orly desperately needs DK's investigative and analytical skills. His case against Fred Trump is rock solid compared to Orly's unsupported meanderings. At least he provides real evidence (if those cards aren't a smoking gun I don't know what is!) rather than just flailing around accusing everyone of treason.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly Taitz Defends Her Honesty, Blasts Huffington Post for Defaming Her Character
By R. Scott Moxley Mon., Feb. 11 2013 at 9:30 AM

If Orly Taitz could speak now to U.S. District Court Judge Andrew J. Guilford, she'd say in her Zsa Zsa Gabor voice, "I did not lie, darling!"

I can be sure of this assertion because on Feb. 4, Taitz--the Orange County Republican dentist/attorney from the Soviet Union and a leader of the Birther movement determined to out Barack Obama as a Marxist Kenyan--complied with Guilford's terse order to explain why she should not be sanctioned for lying in a wild libel lawsuit.

According to records at the Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse in Santa Ana, Guilford has not yet announced a ruling after receiving Taitz's sassy, nine-page, typo-filled explanation: She insists the judge was duped into believing she'd lied by Philip J. Berg, a plaintiff in the libel case against her.

In January, Guilford made an official note in the court record that he'd received information that Taitz had lied to him when she'd declared a few months earlier that she had no pending ethical or disciplinary matters.

At issue is a $4,000 sanction against Taitz last year by Orange County Superior Court Judge Charles Margines in her relentless attempts to get access to Obama's student files from Occidental College in Los Angeles.

Guilford, who doesn't equate ethics violations with discovery violations, gave Taitz until Feb. 4 to explain why he shouldn't sanction her. He also ordered her to supply evidence of her assertions.

In her response, Taitz re-declared that she'd always been truthful. "There were no ethical, disciplinary or related matters," she wrote.

According to Taitz, the sanction was, indeed, for a discovery violation, and now she is demanding Guilford sanction Berg for committing an "egregious fraud" on him.

To back up her claim, she attached a sworn statement by Joseph Anthony Dolz, a Thousand Oaks resident who declared he attended a Nov. 1, 2012, hearing involving the $4,000 sanction and, although no court reporter was present, heard Margines tie the penalty to discovery.

Taitz, who lives in Laguna Niguel, is also "distressed" that her reputation was soiled by media reports of Guilford's order. She specifically names the Huffington Post as defaming her with its follow-up reporting on OC Weekly's breaking coverage of the issue on Jan. 24.

"Her character was assassinated," Taitz told Guilford while referring to herself in the third-person.

In the libel lawsuit involving Berg and Lisa Liberi, Taitz claims pro-Obama agents are secretly pressuring her to abandon her quest to unravel the president's hidden, anti-American background and that she has been falsely accused of hiring a hit man and plotting a kidnapping, according to court records.

Guilford, a 2006 lifetime appointment by President George W. Bush, proved he's more than up for the job when he skillfully presided over the corruption trial of Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona, who nowadays appropriately lives in a federal prison.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by ashlynne39 »

notorial dissent wrote:I remember someone a while back posting the quote about insanity, I still think it fits.

I guess my biggest point of bemusement in all this is the continuing lack of attention paid to what the courts have been saying(repeatedly in fact), i.e. specifically lack of jurisdiction, lack of real evidence of anything, failure to follow the rules, etc, although the jurisdiction part is what nails them every time it seems. I can understand the pro se types not getting the hint(well sort of), but there have been a few lawyers involved along the way, and no I don't include Orly in that group, and they don't seem to get it either. It has become quite obvious that Orly doesn't understand what proper service is, and since she can't make up her mind in which capacity she wants to sue Obama she keeps getting it wrong, and that is what has tripped her up previously, and even more so in this latest round.

At this point all the
electoral stuff is an ex-parrot, dead, moot, over and done with, settled, so that is out the door, that bell can't be unrung. The isn't a citizen nonsense really has been ruled on repeatedly by various courts throughout this farce, and all to the same effect, although the birthers refuse to acknowledge that, so will they or nil they, it is a settled, dead and well buried issue as well. So the only thing that she has left to stand on is the SSN nonsense, for which she has exactly zero proof. It isn't that court's, or any court's purview, for that matter, to do crime investigation. If she actually had anything but wildass unsupported speculation, she should have reported it to the proper authorities and let it be handled that way, not trying to do it by abuse of legal process and the courts in general. But then she wouldn't get to grandstand.

The biggest fallacy in this French farce, at least to my mind, is that Obama is, or could be using someone else's SSN. Yes, you can assume someone else's SSN for some purposes and get away with it, at least for a time, but that an 18 year old somehow had the reason, presence of mind, and access to an elderly citizen of CT, and stole his SSN, and then proceeded to continue using it for the next 30 some years without someone getting wise, positively stretches my willing sense of disbelief well beyond the breaking point, particularly with regard to the SSA, who issue regular statements to the holders showing the previous year's activity, wouldn't suddenly wonder why an elderly man was suddenly getting income in the high dollar range, and wouldn't investigate. More to the point, the IRS would have been looking at him real funny, to say the least, when the SSN used on tax returns got kicked back from SSA showing a name discrepancy. Of all her nonsense, this is the one fullest of holes and built out of a real low quality of tissue.

Of all the derogatory things I can think of or say about SSA, and I can say a lot of them, they are scarily good about closing out SSN's of the deceased. Sometimes ahead of the event. So, as I said, the likelihood of Obama being able to get and use an elderly CT retiree's SSN all these years is right on par with Orly's getting the Electoral College to unvote for Obama at this late date, or her being the next senator from CA.

How did Obama at 18 have the presence of mind at 18 to come up with the SSN fake out scam you ask? Silly silly question. He didn't think it up. Don't you know that Obama was groomed from birth to be president and grand emporer of the world and while his handlers fouled up on the birth certificate issue (they have been punished) they handled the SSN also.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

Of course he was groomed from birth. Aren't you aware that an intrepid investigative reporter uncovered that plot years ago?

"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by ashlynne39 »

I read a very entertaining article recently on the discrimination inherant in the natural born citizens clause as it does not allow those born by c-section to be president.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

A legal commentary blog, LOWERING THE BAR, has a comment on Donald Trump's suit against Bill Maher: ... wrong.html
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:I read a very entertaining article recently on the discrimination inherant in the natural born citizens clause as it does not allow those born by c-section to be president.
Duh! This is because if they were born by c- or Caesarean-section they would become another dictator like Caeser and we'd have to find a new Brutus to save us. To tell you the truth, I'm suspcious of any president that wasn't born at home, in a log cabin.

Of course, it would be different if it was a proven fact.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Law Enforcement Investigation Proved Obama's Government-Released Long Form Birth Certificate and Selective Service Registration Card are Both Forgeries and that He has No Credible Proof of Being Born in the USA.
You Can Prove This Yourself: Barack Hussein Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro, a.k.a. Soebarkah) is a Usurper –
His 4-27-11 Birth Certificate is an Easy-to-Prove Fraud –
Obama's First Act in Office was to Hide His Identity –
Congressional Ruling Applied to John McCain Defines Obama as Ineligible –
Not Constitutionally Certified to Serve by Any US State –
Not Natural Born –
Refused to Show His Long Form Birth Certificate –
Jailed a Military Officer and Arrested a Woman Who Both Asked to See His Proof of Eligibility –
Spent $Millions, Signed an Executive Order and Created a Hawaiian Law to Hide His Identity –
His Grandmother Swears He was Born in Kenya –
No US Hospital Claims His Birth Location -- No One Claims to have been Present at His Birth –
Three in Five Americans are Not Convinced of His Claimed Hawaiian Birth –
School Records Say He's was an Indonesian Citizen –
He May Have Received Aid as a Foreign Student –
Yet No Government Body Has Demanded to See His Eligibility Credentials!
Instead, the US State Department has Destroyed His Mother's Files, the Hawaiian Gov't Has "Lost" Obama's School Records and the National Archive has "Lost" Obama's International Flight Records.
Government Agencies Refuse to Show Original Obama's Identity Documents.

Want to Get Rid of Obama, Obamacare, Two Communist Supreme Court Justices and Every Law Obama Signed Since He Took Office?
Then Insist the House of Representatives Immediately Arrest and Investigate Obama.
If the House Does Not Demand Obama Prove His Identity, then the GOP is Complicit in a Treasonous Conspiracy of Epic Proportions Against All American People!
The Evidence:

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:45 AM


Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 9:59 AM
Lets stop talking about it and get his zebra ass out of there. Bring him before a constitutional court and up hold whatever decision comes down.

Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 11:58 AM
The People must first BELIEVE that ALL authority and power of government is by the CONSENT of the People. Then the People must assemble with the intent to investigate, charge and bring to trial the usurper. Bring forward the People's lawful government.

Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 12:12 PM
Who is eligible to be you master, ruler? Let's debate who is most qualified to be your master telling you what you can and cannot do -- initiating violence and threat of violence against you if you violate your master's, ruler's demands Is it Joe Biden? How about the Speaker of the House, John Boehner?
Why do we have governments? Why are there government? That's two good questions. They have similar answers but they are not the same question.
First, people have free will and thus, are self-governing. Thus no need to be governed externally. Second, scribbles on paper, more commonly called laws, regulations and codes, are violated by everyone every day. We're a lawless bunch of individuals.
I tried diligently to find out how many laws, rules and regulations there are at the federal level, but to no avail. The best I could find was between one million and several million.
That said, there is one law that 98% of people honor and abide. It's natural law: No person shall initiate force, threat of force and fraud against any individual's self, property and contract. Also know as the non aggression principle (NAP). To violate the NAP is a criminal act.
When someone tells you to leave them alone, you leave them alone. 98% of us interact voluntarily. So where are the 2%? They're spread all across the country. But, there is one place where there is a gang of criminals hiding in plain sight -- government. The destruction wrought by 1% of the 2% that violate the NAP far exceeds the destruction of life and property combined.
Hiding behind a full-on propaganda public-relations scam facilitated by corporate mainstream media, big business and funded by international banksters. You see, we don't fund the government. The government is a criminal organization that robs people of their life, liberty, property and pursuit of happiness.
We don't need to be externally governed. And it doesn't work anyways because according to government, we're all a bunch of lawless criminals. The difference is, government gives itself free passes on its criminal actions -- violating natural law, the NAP. It's standard operating procedure for government to violate natural law, violate the NAP.
The only legitimate function of government is to protect individuals from initiatory force, threat of force and fraud.
Commonly known criminals such as people that commit theft, assault, rape and murder don't care about violating the NAP. Thus the million+ laws government has created don't stop the 2%. You and I and the 98% don't violate the NAP because we have a conscience and empathy. That's something most lawmakers, law enforcement officers, judges and prosecutors don't have.
To answer the first question: Why do we have government? We don't have government. Not unless you voluntarily fund that criminal organization can you call it your government and your representatives. Taxes are compulsory. Pay the tax or go to jail is theft. Factually, it's the same as a common thief saying to you, "give me your money or your life." Politicians and bureaucrats have no voluntary support whatsoever.
To answer the second question: Why are there governments? Because international banksters and the corporations that grew up around them need the masses of people to BELIEVE in the authority of eternal authority rather than self-governance. Self-governance is an irrefutable, inescapable fact/reality.
External authority is an illusion. The propaganda, public relations scam that government is to protect and serve is for the purpose of hiding the gun in the room. When you tell the government to leave you alone is when the gun in the room comes out of hiding and the government agents violate the NAP.
Government is an illusion. Your self-governance is real.

enzio February 13, 2013 at 12:13 PM
There is a contradiction in terms here, much like our 'beloved' CIA...If Obama is 'supposedly' the one to spring Nesara on us and is behind us with OPPT or so says the Light Workers, what will happen if he DOES get ousted? Where will that leave Nesara? There is a major paradox here. While I DO believe he is not fit to run this "Country/Corporation" (once the Cabals have been exposed, jailed or given up) he is NOT a citizen and does not deserve to be in office, there are a lot of people that claim he will bring about what we need. I just cannot see him as a good guy even if he is illegal. With all his rantings, executive orders to enslave, tax, kill and dumb us down, yes he is evil but the talk of him being good, should nullify that but it doesn't. For the life of me, I just cannot fathom the idea of someone so hell bent on destroying this Country as the one that will save it!!

Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 12:46 PM
Good for you, you are not drinking the kool-aid. You judge a man by the fruit he bares. Not by what others want you to believe, this is called a cult. Obama lovers are a cult!

Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 1:09 PM
Have you drank the Kool-aid? Judge government -- politicians, bureaucrats and armed agents/LEOs -- by their actions, not what they say. Government lovers are a cult.

Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 12:37 PM
The (secret,black-ops) government "disappears" people's records when it is in their interest to do so, and then there is no record of their existence. They have done this to other people before, and sometimes do it to people in their MK-ULTRA and Darpa programs, where they mind control people and plant computer chips in them, and don't want them to be traced back to. Get rid of the people behind this "secret, black-ops" government and definitely get rid of Obama who is the "Trojan Horse" put into the White House by secret communists to destroy America and pull it down to hell. If everyone would do as suggested above, and call your House of Representatives and DEMAND the Immediate Arrest of Obama, then we will see how powerful we really are when we focus on a situation and actively participate in doing something about it ourselves, without waiting for someone else to do it for us!!!

Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 1:03 PM
This complete article is as blatant an act of propaganda as any on the internet. The ruling by the Republican owned Supreme Court has nullified every shred of false OPINION in the above piece. Every court that the Birther Orly Taitz has moved to motion using the same arguments as this article has been laughingly thrown out of court, due to lack of evidence. Just because some shill-for-hire sheriff in gun county has rigged an affadavit attesting to Obamas' Cerificate of Birth being false does not make a case in point, as numerous court challenges have shown. Even the congressional repubs have accepted this and have moved on to other agendas. Only true obsessive-compulsive disorders are still trying to turn a monkey wrench into WD40. Why don't you people get a life? I only come here for RV updates, but since they are also based on keeping all readers in manic mode, I can see now that even that is pure hype, and only a come-on to entice people to this site to be influence by utter nonsense.

You judge a man by the fruit he bares. Then again, if you bare your plums or melons in public, you might get a judgement you don't like.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Burnaby49 »

DK said;

You judge a man by the fruit he bares. Then again, if you bare your plums or melons in public, you might get a judgement you don't like.

Ok, deep knight is getting too deep for me. If we are to understand his message he is saying that we judge a man by the "fruit" he dispays when he is bare-assed naked. That's getting a little to NSFW rated for me to believe that it is his real message. I'm not going to believe that DK, our Illuminatti emeratus (he is getting on) made a simple typo. So what is the real message?
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Burnaby49 wrote:DK said;

You judge a man by the fruit he bares. Then again, if you bare your plums or melons in public, you might get a judgement you don't like.

Ok, deep knight is getting too deep for me. If we are to understand his message he is saying that we judge a man by the "fruit" he dispays when he is bare-assed naked. That's getting a little to NSFW rated for me to believe that it is his real message. I'm not going to believe that DK, our Illuminatti emeratus (he is getting on) made a simple typo. So what is the real message?
One of the 8 Comments wrote:Anonymous February 13, 2013 at 12:46 PM
Good for you, you are not drinking the kool-aid. You judge a man by the fruit he bares. Not by what others want you to believe, this is called a cult. Obama lovers are a cult!
This evidence PROVES that bear-assed-naked is what we're talking about. Bare with me for a moment while I have some fun with homophones, and no, that has nothing to do with gay phone sex so it's OK for work. Just be glad I used "plums" instead of "banana." As for "getting on" I'm proud to say I still have plums, not prunes (although I'll be the first to admit that either is an obscure euphemism - "balls," "stones," or "shrunken love nuggets" are more common). But enough of that, it's Ash Thursday and I have to be at the Satanic Temple to meat with the Obama Lovers Cult to get into the meet of their celling sell phones to bears.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Anonymous asks, on February 13, 2013 at 1:03 PM:

"Why don't you people get a life?"

That's easy. Without her endless birfer bulldada, Oily would be spending part of her time bottom-feeding at courthouses, trying to hustle up clients, and the rest trying to maintain an obscure dental practice. This way, she gets endless face time and endless Internet references. She fears "getting a life" like the Kardashian sisters fear the "where are they now?" columns.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Thu Feb 14, 2013 6:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by ashlynne39 »

Isn't today the big day when the supreme court will painstakenly read all of orlys evidence and kick obama out of office on the spot?
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I'll bet that Oily is sitting on the steps of the Supreme Court building, waiting to vouchsafe the news of her impressive victory to an eagerly-awaiting world.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools