Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Deep Knight
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Post by Deep Knight »

Every so often MacHaffie returns to his roots and tells us about the wonders of NESARA. He felt this was so important he posted this from Beth Trutwin/Truthwind/Tushwink. Why my surprise? They had a big falling out over politics, with her thinking Obama was a space alien and him thinking he was the anti-Christ. Don't you hate it when politics gets in the way of having a sane & rational discussion? HEAVILY edited.

Saturday, November 17, 2012
NESARA - Explained

Imagine you have been invited by the Universe to be one of the handful of people on Earth who know about NESARA Law and you are asked to promote it to help raise Earth Consciousness to end war and live in abundance which is our birthright; health, freedom and prosperity. There are actually millions of people on Earth who know about NESARA Law and are working to bring it to fruition, but they all have a gag order in place and they are instructed to behave as if they have no idea who you are. If they break the gag order, not only will they be killed, but so will their family members. Also, many affluent people who are the few controlling the many will produce websites debunking NESARA Law and will launch personal attacks on you which will last years. It sounds almost like a conspiracy theory? It happened to me. I'm sure after a quick look around the internet you may be wondering how I can think it is real? Who gave the bankers and wall street companies a 700 trillion dollar bail out? Do you believe that is real? Millions of Occupy America protestors do believe that is real. It is real. All of the corruption, the government working in collusion with the banks to take away our land and take us deep into poverty, that is real. NESARA Law was written as a remedy for a lawsuit that the farmers filed and it was taken all the way through the Supreme Court. Please read through and it will begin to make sense to you. Elizabeth Trutwin

What are your sources on NESARA?
What I know comes from Faction 3 Intelligence, which is 38 levels above the President, which involves KOS, ACIO [Advanced Contact Intelligence Organization] of which I am a member, Ashtar Command, Ascended Masters, Mother Sekhmet, the president of the Solar Tribunal, and White Knights within the top levels of government and intelligence.
One of my friends was originally contacted by the team of 100 wealthy visionaries over 33 years ago and asked to help get the word out and be a liasion between parties. My friend, Rama Arjuna, who is Ashtar's incarnated son, was contacted by Ashtar to combine their efforts with KOS in 1979 to help bring this to Announcement. All of these folks are real and backed up by Galactic Federation support, around the world in every country.

What does NESARA mandate?
The illuminati controllers will do anything to prevent its implementation as it immediately spells their removals from political and economic control over the people and resources of this Planet. It requires full return to Constitutional and Common Law principles by 190 countries starting with the US. It involves due to present fraudulent practices mortgage debt forgiveness; cancellation of all credit card debt; student loan forgiveness; ends IRS collection of Income Tax and substitutes a National Sales Tax on non-essential items only with no tax on food, medicines or used goods. It requires all existing congressional/administrative heads to resign; all lawyers would have to take a 30 day Constitutional Law course as statute laws will be dissolved.
The world economic system will shift to transparent operations Basel II was implemented in the month of April precious metals backed currency and the federal reserve and its collection agent [IRS], and most corrupt alphabet agencies will be dissolved. Current Federal Reserve notes will be exchanged for US Treasury bills backed by Gold, Silver or precious metals on a $1 for $1 basis.
Special Trusts and 78 programs which were originally created by St Germain over 200 years ago for this time, will provide the means to offer free education to all and assist all in upgrading quality of life. Suppressed technologies, secretly being used by the controllers, will be made available to the public. These provide clean and unlimited power for home, industry and travel. Replicators will be made available with First Contact landings to provide most items.
There will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies, 30 days after announcement, so that while you now receive $100 income and pay sales taxes and income taxes on that amount, you will only pay sales taxes on $10 when spent for non-essential items after re-indexing. This is to remove much of false inflation from the prices of goods caused by use of fiat money instead of precious metals backed currency.
Peace is a requirement and no more wars or nuclear weapons will be allowed. The methods and means to achieve this are already in place and can be implemented upon a single command.
A single molecular change in the nuclear process will make all existing nuclear processes benign. Galactic/human teams will clean up air, water, soil and toxic contamination in the first two months following Announcement. Polluting industries will no longer be necessary as their replacements will be non-polluting and the old plants will be removed by processes that re-cycle the energies.
Benefactor programs will become available and gifting programs are extensive and worldwide to ensure that all will experience unprecedented opportunity to make new choices for their future occupations and enhanced learning programs will be available to quickly upgrade or learn new skills. Diagnostic/healing methods and technologies will become available to reverse all medical conditions and restore optimal health. All these technologies and methods presently exist. Many others have been suppressed but will be brought forth for all to benefit from.
Our new financial foundation has already been laid and is being powered up now. St Germain and Kuthumi are in charge of that aspect. Massive arrests and millions of Starships will be decloaking over all the major cities on the planet. That will be followed by direct broadcasts from all satellites connected by nanites to the bridge of the New Jerusalem the Flagship of the Galactic Federation ­with messages from Ashtar and Sananda. First Contact landings will occur within 7-28 days following NESARA's Announcement. This is why the NESARA Petition and the Disclosure Petition are intrinsically connected.
An interim government will be enplaced with full revelations of the truth about our origins and the galactic presence that has been actively kept from us for over 70 years. Everyone will be told what to expect next and all areas of life will be invited to participate and share in the abundance¨Cfree from credit card/mortgage/student loan debts¡­with NO IRS; NO war; all military brought home immediately and given positive new employment and educational options. Constitutional Common Law will be fully restored. Peace will be declared.
Skies/water/air/land will be cleared of all toxic substances and all DNA is being raised to higher awareness. Everyone will experience an increase in quality of life ­no matter what age.
Enhanced educational opportunities will become freely available along with enhanced medical care and a new worldwide communications system Internet 5­ will begin to replace existing communications systems. Zero pollution energy systems will become commonplace along with new transportation methods. New housing methods will quickly be introduced and congestion in cities will no longer be necessary as new transportation innovations will not require roads or petroleum products.
There will be a National Sales Tax payable only on NON-essentials, with food and medicines/medical treatments non-taxable. Within 30 days of NESARA's Announcement there will be a worldwide re-indexing of currencies on a 1:10 ratio which will mean that a 10% sales tax on $100=$10 vs $1000 x 10%=$100 a major savings for each of us. This is needed to wring out the inflation caused by fiat/worthless paper currencies, worldwide.
These funds and others will result in the end all poverty on the planet within a 12-15 month period. That will then ensure that all will have the opportunity to receive spiritual education about who we all are; our purpose here as an expression of Source essence in physicality.

What is this about a gag order?
There was a gag order that prevented congress or the media from talking about this on pain of death. It is about to be lifted. Thousands of media people have attended weeks of briefing sessions arranged by KOS and are ready to flood the media with stories as soon as the gag order is lifted.
The Secret NESARA Law was signed by Bill Clinton in Oct 2000, and then Sealed with a gag order on all government and media. I do not have a gag order in place. I have been asked to get the word out and my goal is 1 million people.
Don't bother to check on the Internet as that Law is sealed until announced and is now protected by Lady Master Nada and the Galactic Forces along with Faction Three earth-based resources under the King of Swords.

What about the rest of us?
In addition to these beneficiaries, all citizens, men, women and children, of these countries not in any program will receive $10 Million, and forgiveness of most debt, bank credit cards, and student loans.
They can expect to receive their $10 Million within 72 hours after Announcement. Thirty days later we will have re-indexing on a 10:1 ratio. That means the buying power of that $10 Million will actually be the equivalent in purchasing power of $100 million. Pretty impressive result.

When will NESARA occur?
Lady Master Nada foreclosed on our Corporate Government on 9/30/08 when Bush defaulted on his payments. The KOS then put us inside NESARA Law and saved the world banks and stockmarkets from crashing. We've been under ICJ jurisdiction since then. So it may look like Congress has the power; that is a fiction. They are simply convicting themselves of treason¡­prior to being arrested and removed.
What we are looking at is a surface projection/shadow play. We have been inside NESARA Law since Oct 1, 2008 and that has allowed many foundational changes to be implemented. The US is economically bankrupt, and the surface system is failing and will soon be removed.
It takes a lot for people to let go of old ways and rules of how to proceed. The entrenched system doesn't care about election results. It wants to continue the old ways, which are bankrupt. We are living on two tracks at the same time, migrating from the old to the new.
The overlap allows us to continue in both as our shift takes place. Most are aware that we are upgrading from carbon to a liquid diamond substructue. That shift allows us to absorb and hold more light so that our physical structures can continue existing as Soul Containers.
The same is true of the old outer structures being infused with the new foundational structures. When NESARA is announced, the old will then fall away, like a scab on a wound, and the new will be seen to already be present.
Then progress will move exponentially forward. Everything is following this model to allow the maximum preparation by all, before the Announcement is made. Then public actions will take place that will remove those remnants of the Old Regime who have chosen not to migrate to and support the new policies.
All of this preparation for war crimes prosecution has been proceeding since Oct 1, 2008, and Obama knows all this and also knows that NESARA is about to be announced along with 911 exposure and revelation of Galactic presence.
Sananda, St Germain, Maitreya, Metatron, Michael, Mother Sekhmet, and Ashtar are working tirelessly to synchronize all these actions so that the transition will be smooth and seamless. Without these preparatory steps we would have extreme shock throughout the Planet.
There is a critical mass of people who now understand that big changes are required and that painful as change is we can not try to patch the old system. It is too far gone; it's too late and there are no resources left. In this country we are still better off than 90% of the world, where conditions are beyond the average American's comprehension.
At the same time as the outer conditions collapse, we are in a profound Universal situation where all are waiting for us to take our next step towards Galactic citizenship. The changes are coming fast and furious and will be so rapid we will not be able to keep track of the number and their impacts.
As to timing of NESARA, they will not give us an exact date.
We don't have because our sources aren't allowed to tell us the details or exact timetables.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:27 AM
1 comment:

1. Anonymous November 17, 2012 7:48 AM

So the gag order prevents anyone other than some channeler with a fake name giving out information otherwise they are put to death. Right. Meanwhile, Characters like Drake, Fulford and keenan drone on about Nesara for years with impunity. Free pass here so I call BS.
You know in the US, the Coinage act of 1792 still stands which says anyone who counterfeits money shall be put to death as well yet every Central banker has been doing just that and so has every politician that has taken office. if they aren't worried about that threat, why would they be worried about a nesara threat?
"Follow the Money"
Princeps Wooloosia
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Post by fortinbras »

You know in the US, the Coinage act of 1792 still stands which says anyone who counterfeits money shall be put to death
Not so. The only portion of the 1792 that remains unchanged is the decimal system of the coinage. The rest of the 1792 was replaced (some parts several times) long ago.
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Post by fortinbras »

Perhaps this has not been mentioned previously. There is a NESARA group in Canada, where I thought they were more sensible, .... and they publish RECENT speeches by Abraham Lincoln!
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Post by Burnaby49 »

fortinbras wrote:Perhaps this has not been mentioned previously. There is a NESARA group in Canada, where I thought they were more sensible, .... and they publish RECENT speeches by Abraham Lincoln!
If we're so sensible why have about a dozen Porisky followers (so far) received criminal convictions for tax evasion because they argue they are not people?
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
Deep Knight
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Post by Deep Knight »

JFK and some guy from Canada too! In memory President's Day, here's part of his first message.

6th December 2005
through Helen Engel
We are returning. We are returning in space-craft. You will see us in the skies momentarily. We are you. We walked before you. We trained you. We opened the frontiers. We buried our dead in battle. We have come to redeem you with our tender love.

And now I will address the Senate and Congress of Americas. I am Abraham Lincoln, and I speak through a human being who has been touched by God, and who has been prepared by God to do this work. She has an instrument in her head that connects with my beingness, and as I send these thoughts out, her fingers touch keys on a computer keyboard, and this message goes out to you.
I am with you,
And I shall come again.
I am Abraham Lincoln, a man of America and a man of God.

Who who has read the Gettysburg Address could doubt this is Ol' Abe himself? Same meter, same phrasing, and same reference to space-craft. Yep, it must be him.
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Post by fortinbras »

Are you sure that the 16th President spelled Spacecraft with a hyphen?? I am almost certain that he would write "computer keyboard" as three words.
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Post by Mider »

What is this "Stasis" that is all over that website. Was Dove actually frozen and about to be thawed out as the love interest of Ole Abe? She sometimes wrote like she had something in her head, she might have been frozen so that they could download the wisdom of the ages.
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Post by Burnaby49 »

Mider wrote:What is this "Stasis" that is all over that website. Was Dove actually frozen and about to be thawed out as the love interest of Ole Abe? She sometimes wrote like she had something in her head, she might have been frozen so that they could download the wisdom of the ages.
Well, officially, Dove was cremated. If she's on ice the NESARA crowd have kept it to themselves and they are not a group known for their ability to keep a secret.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Post by Mider »

So, just add water?

But really, what is "Stasis", their website says in a few places "Nesara and Statis Now". Is this suppose to be the world's Nesara proclamtion?
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Post by fortinbras »

Stasis (not statis) seems to be a word popularized by StarTrek for a period of frozen time - not freezing temperature but where, as a result of some sort of time travel science, something has been stored in an environment where time did not seem to pass so it did not have any of the physical effects of aging or the passage of time; no mold, no cobwebs. ... is-stasis/
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Post by Deep Knight »

"Stasis" is short of the pathogenic bacteria Stasis defformiusia, a notorious STD common at new-age retreats and seminars. Thought to have originated at a northern California commune after all the women left and some sick goats started to look good, it has been passed onto a countless young spiritual seekers who have more credulity than virtue. Undetectable at first, it's long-term symptoms are a massive disfigurement of the genitalia, making them useless for procreation even if you could find someone who could stop laughing long enough succumb to seduction. As resistant to antibiotics and the carriers are to reason, it's thought to be the cause of recent growth in non-revealing flannel underwear sales in the towns around Mount Shasta.

So as you can see, their thinking that "stasis" is a good thing tells us just how sick they really are.
"Follow the Money"