Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

Thanks gatsby for uploading the Kozak arraignment. I noted three things from it:

(1) Shes not rich but shes definitely not poor either, yet she tried to get the court to appoint a lawyer instead of paying for one. Sounds like she has one or two properties valued at $100k each free and clear.

(2) The judge mentioned one of the reasons they wouldnt detain her is because the only thing on her record is a traffic ticket. Its kind of tragic then when you think about it - this women has gotten into ALL of this trouble because she just couldn't stop believing in the sovereign nonsense. Shes in her 60s, and she could have lived out a nice peaceful retirement, but now shes facing a federal court case with a maximum of something like 15 years in jail because of filing sovereign paperwork and terrorizing judges in a case that wasn't even about her. Its truly a coming of age story: a normal person who seems to have gone off the deep end and is now only making things worse for herself.

(3) One of the common themes with sovereigns like Kozak is how terrible the court system is and how they can't get justice. In light of their hatred and flippant disregard for the authority of the courts, they are treated very nicely. It really made me proud of the court system to listen to that judge treat her with the utmost respect, even though given the chance shed file fake liens against him too. Yes, Ms. Kozak, the court system is SO rigged like sovereigns claimed that the judge dismissed the governments well argued request to detain you. Oh, wait...
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

The RuSA's Thursday night conference call is now called their News Network; I don't think non-officials will have much opportunity to contribute to their discussion. But if you want to listen in:
Republic News Network
Thursdays at 6:00 PDT /9:00 EDT
Conf #: (712) 432-0075
Code: 594637#
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

fortinbras wrote:The RuSA's Thursday night conference call is now called their News Network; I don't think non-officials will have much opportunity to contribute to their discussion.
Nope, no more random questions from the RuSA citizenry. That reduces the likelihood of unscripted, embarrassing questions about previously promised actions and events that never occurred -- and removes much of the entertainment value for us. :cry:
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

LightinDarkness wrote:(1) Shes not rich but shes definitely not poor either, yet she tried to get the court to appoint a lawyer instead of paying for one. Sounds like she has one or two properties valued at $100k each free and clear.
Yes, she hates the federal government, yet she would have been more than happy to take free counsel at taxpayer expense. Not to mention the Social Security payments and Medicare coverage she no doubt receives.
LightinDarkness wrote:(3) One of the common themes with sovereigns like Kozak is how terrible the court system is and how they can't get justice. In light of their hatred and flippant disregard for the authority of the courts, they are treated very nicely.
This is also true for the birther lawyers like Orly Taitz, whose cases I follow in excruciating detail. The judges almost always believe if they just explain, in plain language, the reasons why the judiciary branch cannot intercede in an issue that the Constitution exclusively leaves to the legislative branch, the birthers will understand and all will be well. In fact, at least in the case of Taitz, she is more likely to increase her vexatious filings in the courts where the judges think they can appease her by using facts and logic.

Back to Kozak, don't forget that she thumbed her nose at that kind court system by later violating the conditions of her release. She was arrested again in early January, but once again released, I think this time on bond.

DOJ needs to go after anyone who does even the smallest amount of paper terrorism. If you cannot rid the sovcits of their delusions, you can at least force them to keep those delusions at bay by the threat of federal prison time.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

Here's the Feb. 12 conference call for the RuSA House of Representatives. While it lasted 90 minutes, nothing much was accomplished.

In the beginning, there's a long roll call, which indicates that not many "representatives" are actually participating in the call. Then there's a segment where the theocrats debate with the non-theocrats. There's also a discussion about the proper rules to use for conducting future business. I wasn't listening all that carefully, but that's about it before they adjourned.

http://dev.republicoftheunitedstates.or ... _22-38.mp3
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

I'm curious what prompted this diatribe from the Indiana "governor" (bolding within the letter is mine):
Our Sacred Honor by: Indiana free State Provisional Governor - Dan Owens

RE: Our sacred honor Date: 2/15/2013
To: My fellow republic inhabitants

Dear brothers and sisters;

I proudly joined your ranks in December 2011. Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of my own knowledge and understanding of what it means to live in republic. I committed myself, as I remain to this day, to learn and understand what that truly means. Admittedly my education has come more from day to day encounters with my fellow republicans than it has from books and writings. This interaction has confirmed to me a great deal about what I already understood to be an honorable way of life.

Republic is a commitment to one another that transcends time and personal ambition. It protects and defends the honor, life, liberty and posterity of those who embrace it and live by it. It ensures Law, liberty and justice to all who dwell under its branches. It is indeed a beautiful tree that can be enjoyed by all. It is divinely inspired and by providence of that inspiration no mistake that our forefathers chose republic as our form of government. The principals and core of Gods common law have guided us and divinely protected us these many years and is the very fabric of our republic that has allowed it to stand.

It is for this great cause that I joined this struggle, not wealth, notoriety or position. I understand the meaning of the word struggle and with forethought could see that this effort would require much struggling and perseverance. To be honest it has been even more then I had envisioned but not so much so that I count the struggle greater than the cause. The final sentence of the Declaration of independence is as follows: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." How can we do any less, our circumstances disregarded, their circumstances were no less treacherous. Our cause is greater than any one person and in fact greater than us all, for it is the whole of humanity past, present and future that cries out for our success.

The effort to reverse the course of destiny and render this Republic ineffectual and of no consequence will FAIL. The enemy of the God of creation planted seeds of treachery and deceit well before the beginning of this restoration process that we have embarked on. As these weeds grew up among us they have choked many good seeds out. And as they themselves have been discovered and divinely plucked from us they have, without regard for others, sought to sow even more seeds of discontent, disperse deception and fear. But with the certainty of our Divine Creator, this too is destined to fall short.

There are those who have lost faith or realize that the purposes of this cause are not in line with their goals and choose peacefully and honorably to no longer stand with us; we salute your efforts, respect your choice and bid you God speed without judgment or condemnation. Those who choose to leave us with their honor intact and without fanfare or malice, do so with my respect. But for those who choose to leave in a cloud of accusation, bitterness, strife, debate and condemnation, please understand that we mean you no ill will, however, we will defend our cause, our reputations and the reputations and honor of our brothers and sisters that choose to stand in republic with us.

I find that we are a peaceful people that seek to honorably complete the task that has been set before us. I believe that most of us understand that we all have some things to learn about how to live in republic. Through their actions and demonstrations of honor and respect, I believe most of us are willing to peacefully work alongside each other. I believe most of us, at our core have the same heart and purpose as that of our forefathers. We should be and are forgiving of one another when mistakes have been made and those making them act in honor as they seek to correct their error. Many of us have found ourselves in need of such grace at some point in our lives. On the other hand, when mistakes become violations of law and harm is done to others because the milk of humility is distasteful, and defiance of right authority breeds anger, bitterness and even hatred. We are compelled at that point to ensure that the law and justice prevail. It is our duty to see to it that this happens, or our Republic is of no consequence.

I salute all of the brave souls that have taken up this quest from its beginnings and count it an honor and privilege to serve with you in such a great cause. Since December of 2011, I have forged friendships that I will cherish the rest of my life. The respect I have for those of you who continue to stand whether you serve the people in an official capacity or are a member, you are of great value to the purpose of the Almighty and in my eyes. With tremendous excitement and anticipation I look forward to our journey to restore freedom and justice to our great nation.

May God bless you all and God bless the Republic for the United States of America.

Daniel Mark Owens
Provisional Governor of
Indiana free State

Acting President James Buchanan Geiger
Acting Chief Justice Pete Moake
Indiana District Court Justice Roger Waters
Governor Jim Horton - Arkansas
Governor Sharon Anzaldi - Illinois
Governor Mac Stewart - Oregon
Governor Kevin Saunders - Connecticut
Governor Linda Stoops - Ohio
Lt. Governor Dean Henning - Wisconsin
SoS Gregory-Alan: Johnson - Colorado
Rep/Acting Speaker John Rockwell - Oregon
Senator Nicholas Krug - Arkansas
Representative Clinton Ford - Illinois
Senator Raymond Flory - Louisiana
Former Rep Mim Noordam - Pennsylvania
Rep George "Rowdy" Templer - Iowa
Acting SoS/RRB Jeanine Stewart
Sen Acting Pro Tempore Brett LaRue - Oklahoma
Last edited by gatsby on Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

I thought discontent, deception and fear were RuSA's primary tools. :lol:
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by grixit »

gatsby wrote:I thought discontent, deception and fear were RuSA's primary tools. :lol:
But their chief weapon is surprise!
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by grixit »

Actually, FakeGubInd's rant sounds like someone in the Rump Parliament, obstinately claiming relevancy.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

An example of what RuSA fake treasurer Kelby Smith is doing with his time:

Log in to your account first then Click here to reserve your spot for this Sunday's call.

Moderator: Kelby Smith
Invited guests: Bob Schaefer

-How an Audit used properly can change the outcome.
-Learn all the steps of the Offer to Pay.
-Have you paid for help with your home foreclosure issue? Start helping yourself!!
-Is bankruptcy the best solution?
-Learn how to offer lawful money to pay your debt
-Stay any foreclosure sale
-Lawfully wipe your lender off title
-Lawfully claim your land patent
-Handle code enforcement with respect by knowing the law

Conference Number: (712) 432-0075
Participant Code: 754245
Time: 6:00 P.M. Pacific
Moderator: Kelby Smith
Guests: Bob
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

gatsby wrote:While it lasted 90 minutes, nothing much was accomplished.
And this is different how from any other time?

So do they have a new pretend Chief Justice now in place of the last one?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

About their chief justice: Unlike the real one, this RuSA appointee played like a politician, participating in a variety of RuSA groupings, ingratiating himself with various RuSA politicians, and generally giving the impression that he's a buddy of the office-holders ... and woud decide that way if there were a case with members vs RuSA politicians.
And, naturally, he has no legal training and knows nothing about legal analysis.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:About their chief justice: Unlike the real one, this RuSA appointee played like a politician, participating in a variety of RuSA groupings, ingratiating himself with various RuSA politicians, and generally giving the impression that he's a buddy of the office-holders ... and woud decide that way if there were a case with members vs RuSA politicians.
And, naturally, he has no legal training and knows nothing about legal analysis.
I'm sure that he will be happy to tell you that he knows all about the "common law" and has all of the "common sense" needed to be a Chief Justice, unlike those fancy-pants/skirts people on the Court in Washington who went to elitist law schools and probably don't know how to saw a straight line, change the oil in one's car or prepare a field for planting.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

notorial dissent wrote:So do they have a new pretend Chief Justice now in place of the last one?
No, silly. :naughty: This was the pretend House of Representatives. The pretend Senate is the chamber that vets pretend presidential nominations. :lol: There's no sign that the pretend Senate has met yet this year.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Famspear »

grixit wrote:
gatsby wrote:I thought discontent, deception and fear were RuSA's primary tools. :lol:
But their chief weapon is surprise!
Well, yes, that -- and, and....

.....and an almost fanatical devotion to Jimmy Timmy.......

Yes, that's it: Their primary tools are discontent, deception, fear, surprise, and an almost fanatical devotion to Jimmy Timmy......

and of course delusional thought patterns!

Oh, yes! Delusional thought patterns are definitely one of their chief primary tools as well!
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

Famspear wrote:
grixit wrote:
gatsby wrote:I thought discontent, deception and fear were RuSA's primary tools. :lol:
But their chief weapon is surprise!
Well, yes, that -- and, and....

.....and an almost fanatical devotion to Jimmy Timmy.......

Yes, that's it: Their primary tools are discontent, deception, fear, surprise, and an almost fanatical devotion to Jimmy Timmy......

and of course delusional thought patterns!

Oh, yes! Delusional thought patterns are definitely one of their chief primary tools as well!
I would like to add two more: greed and revenge.

It seems like every RuSA citizen can be tagged with one or both of these keywords. You have the folks who lost their jobs and their homes who are looking for a free ride by "discharging their debts" or some similar sovcit nonsense.

And you have some people from that group -- for example, the ones who blame the courts for letting the banks take their homes -- joining those who feel wronged by law enforcement and the judiciary in criminal matters who want revenge against the police, prosecutors and judges.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by AndyK »

Start playing record at track 1 again:
It's not my fault. It's all a conspiracy against me / my family / all of us. They're not following the LAW. The courts are corrupt. I just didn't use the right magic words. I used the right words, but they ignored me.
Rinse, repeat as necvessary.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

It doesn't look like tonight's "Republic News Network" conference call is very interesting -- but you never know with RuSA!

The email links to a video:

The video's description: "This is the Executive Summary from the Republic explaining what happened to America and how it went so wrong. If you have questions or want to get involved, go to:"

The video has 21 views. :lol:

Also, I just listened to the call from Feb. 14. The only agenda item was an appearance by the infamous Sheriff Mack. But he didn't show! :haha: They filled the dead air with the usual sovcit mythology before finally acknowledging he probably wasn't going to call in. And then the call ended.

Added: That no-show may explain why RuSA hasn't sent out a link to the Feb. 14 recording. :mrgreen: I listened to the replay via Skype.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

I'm listening to last night's RuSA call via Skype. Kelby Smith begins the call with a passionate lecture on sovcit mythology/lies. Later, he once again denies RuSA members are sovcits.

So far, I have learned the Southern states seceded not because of states' rights or slavery, but over taxes. :shock:

Also, Kelby says he loves this country, but dislikes the de facto government's corruption.

And Faux-President Geiger proclaims: "We are against anarchy." :haha:

I'm recording the call. If all goes well, I'll upload the sound file and link to it in a subsequent post.
Last edited by gatsby on Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by gatsby »

As promised, here's the recording of yesterday's RuSA conference call. It's my first attempt, so there's (at least) one issue: The RuSA replay doesn't actually start until the 53-second mark, so you may want to skip ahead.

Enjoy! ... eb-21-2013