Birthers Again

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Maybe we can start a rumor that Kim Jong-Un is actually a shape-shifting lizard sent here from the planet Zogon to introduce a secret drug which will make the entire population of Earth uninterested in sex, fine food and good beer and wine, making us die out and free our planet for colonization; and that Oily and ONLY Oily stands between us and that horrible fate.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Maybe we can start a rumor that Kim Jong-Un is actually a shape-shifting lizard sent here from the planet Zogon to introduce a secret drug which will make the entire population of Earth uninterested in sex, fine food and good beer and wine, making us die out and free our planet for colonization; and that Oily and ONLY Oily stands between us and that horrible fate.
Why would we want to start a rumor about the above known facts and truths?
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

wserra wrote:Probably because - unlike Taitz & Co. -they know what "application denied" means.
She knows only too well that it means she needs to file a demand for a writ of mandamus for judicial relief to have their decision not to review set aside by a higher court. I believe that's her S.O.P., or perhaps that's a twit of mandamus (one of the prerogative twits in common law). Then, a few peevish press releases.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:...or perhaps that's a twit of mandamus...
No, it is a writ of mandumbass. You need to keep up.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:Maybe we can start a rumor that Kim Jong-Un is actually a shape-shifting lizard sent here from the planet Zogon to introduce a secret drug which will make the entire population of Earth uninterested in sex, fine food and good beer and wine, making us die out and free our planet for colonization; and that Oily and ONLY Oily stands between us and that horrible fate.
Why would we want to start a rumor about the above known facts and truths?
The rumor part is the bit about the fine food.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Then, a few peevish press releases.
I don't think Squirrely has ever done A FEW press releases peevish about anything, and peevish is certainly the kindest term I've yet seen applied to any of them.

When, as is inevitable, the 9th fails to comply with her latest demands, and treasonously refuses to issue her writ, I fully expect to see her file yet another writ of mandumbas with the SCT, demanding that they make the 9th issue a writ to make the CA DC ignore the law and facts and issue her default on something that was never properly served.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by wserra »

fortinbras wrote:As for Orly visiting Canada: Is there some way we can keep her from re-entering the United States??
See to it that she gets wider press coverage in Canada.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly is MAD.

Finally local police is doing a criminal investigation of people who harassed, made death threats and tampered with my car. Please, e-mail me all the info you have, so I can forward to detectives
Posted on | March 4, 2013 | 1 Comment

[Strange, if they made threats to Orly, why would other people have this information?]

Yesterday my husband and I drove to the airport as I our oldest son came for a visit from his PhD program. We came home at 1am and from 6 am retarded Obama supporters were calling non stop both my house land line and my cell and playing Obama speeches. The phone was ringing off the hook. There is constant harassment.

There are constant death threats via phone and e-mails, tampering with my car.

I was asked if I would be willing to testify in court on harassment, I said “you bet’ya”

I have mountains of documents on Obama cases and don’t have much time to search for all the evidence on harassment of me. Please, send me all the info and tracing you found before on Darrel Hankins in CA, Thomas Brown, there is someone in Scottsadale AZ, who have been calling from 480-253-9958 number.

Also, I need all the evidence of fraud, forged documents and perjured affidavits in cases that were conducted collaterally to destroy me as a human being and as an attorney. Specifically I need evidence we got on Donna Enders or Anders, court reporter in the Eastern District of Pa, who removed 14 pages from the certified transcript.

I need all the evidence showing Obama’s prsonal attorneys filling with Judge Wingate forgery of a forgery of his alleged birth certificate, showing that someone forged the original garbage forgery to make it look more presentable, more genuine. I need information on backdating by the clerk in the 5th circuit and obstruction of justice by other clerks and employees of the department of Justice.

Please, send the info to and also to adnd to this blog. Things tend to disappear

Yes, things tend to disappear when you're unorganized and lose them.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by fortinbras »

Funny how someone who advocated (& participated in) harassing Supreme Court Justices calls out the cops when she gets a taste of her own poison.
notorial dissent
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Orly is MAD.
Just so we're clear on the concept here, and are all on the same page, is that as in a teensy bit upset, or as in barking? Just saying...

With Squirrely, the difference being minor to indecipherable.

I can see the telephone harassment, although why she has a publicly available number is beyond me considering her proclivities, considering the number of people she has personally harassed, as well as having encouraged her followers to do the same, I'm just not feeling the sympathy there, but I still have my doubts about the car business. If she tends to car maintenance with the same precision and attention to detail she does her legal filings, I'm more than middling surprised the car even runs at all.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:Funny how someone who advocated (& participated in) harassing Supreme Court Justices calls out the cops when she gets a taste of her own poison.
Last Tuesday, in a post titled "I don’t have time to deal with this, please, someone report this person to the FBI and sheriff for threatening my life" Orly detailed how a person who gave an e-mail address that contained the name Darren (not Darrel) Hankins made the following comment to a post on Orly's malware-infested site.
Submitted on 2013/02/26 at 8:36 pm

hang the b*tch or give her some black long meat to eat
Now, first of all, it's illegal and rude to threaten people and comments like this should not be made under any circumstances unless they're by me. But, if I was threatening someone, I would be more clear in my word choice and syntax. What exactly does the writer want who to hang? Professionals are always clear in their terms and intent, advice Orly could use in her pleadings come to think of it.

More interestingly, the very first comment on her post was:

leo derosia
February 26th, 2013 @ 10:30 pm

treasonous, illegal presidents should be hanged. maybe darren is a sodomite like dinglebarry
FBI & Sheriff Arpaio (Aurpieo?), take note.
Mission: Impossible
February 27th, 2013 @ 12:52 pm

It’s amazing that they let this Looney-toons walk around free! Hey, D-Wad: your time is coming, when nice people will send you to your “secret place”–a mental facility, where they can keep you corralled. D needs a lobotomy, kept in a “jacket,” and castrated, so he can’t breed and do more damage!!
February 27th, 2013 @ 4:37 pm

Nice, classy followers you got, Orly.
February 27th, 2013 @ 5:25 pm

these are not my followers, these are Obama’s foillowers
Foillowers? Speaking of crusading cold case Sheriff, Orly and Arpaio are having a birther lover's spat, and spitting at each other. Is a breach of promise lawsuit in the wind?

Why is Arpaio acting like a panhandler instead of filing a criminal complaint against Obama? Tell him “Not a cent for you in donations until you file a criminal complaint against Obama for fraud and use of forged IDs in your jurisdiction”

Posted on | March 4, 2013 | 17 Comments

I got this e-mail from Sheriff Arpaio. It further asked for a donation. I feel that a sheriff, who is getting a high salary and benefits and 3,000 employees working for him in his sheriffs department, should not be asking for donations, but should be doing his job and filing criminal charges. He has all the evidence against Obama, he needs to file a criminal complaint immediately. Same goes for all the politicians, congressmen, senators, conservative organizations. Please, tell them “Not a cent for you until you file a criminal complaint against Obama”

Fellow Patriot,
I need your help now more than ever.
In my last message I told you about the effort to remove me from office through a recall campaign.
Well, just this week, the group behind this recall effort posted a comment on their site from an individual who stated the following:
“He should see the color of his skin and where he comes from…stupid motherf***er…let’s kill him. I will kill him for free. I am going to Arizona to kill that a**hole.”

Ignacio Carbajal is a U.S. Citizen living in Arizona who wrote these words while visiting Mexico. As disappointed as I am about this, I understand that there are still elements and people in this country that have no respect for the Rule of Law; that there are those who cannot accept the majority will when it comes to fair elections; that there are those who want to thwart the will of the voters and make them pay for a costly special election.

March 4th, 2013 @ 12:51 pm

Orly threaten him with criminal charges if he wont do his job as sheriff of that Arizona county lets put charges on all the corrupt in government lets put a stop to this coup de tat

March 4th, 2013 @ 1:08 pm

Arpaio has proven himself to be greedy and arrogant. He needs to either prosecute “0″ or return the $7,000,000 in donations he received from the public and pack his bags.

God Bles Iowa
March 4th, 2013 @ 1:08 pm

Orly shuld get all the credit, not thatt coirrupt sheriff in arizonia!!!!

Can anothhr sherriff arrest Aurpieo?

March 4th, 2013 @ 3:34 pm

I saw an article awhile back saying the sheriff did not stop his investigation & is waiting for the RIGHT time.
March 4th, 2013 @ 3:51 pm

how stupid people have to be to listen to this? When is the right time? in 4 years, when Obama is gone?
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote:Just so we're clear on the concept here, and are all on the same page, is that as in a teensy bit upset, or as in barking? Just saying...
Full-contact, pig-biting, pee-on-your-leg-and-tell-you-it's-raining, howling-at-the-moon, e-verified mad.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, now that that's settled, we return you to our regularly scheduled psycho-drama.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Birthers Again

Post by Deep Knight »

In an early post this morning, MacHaffie cuts and pastes a short rant about hiring Sheriffs and such to arrest those criminals in Washington instead of citizens (and pay for them by the $trillions in stolen funds that will be recovered) that includes this note:

2. Also, the immediate arrest of a perpetrator, Obama/Soetoro, needs to be effected somewhere in between all those lavish, glamorous vacations the taxpayers are getting stuck for. This perpetrator should be required to show proof of his identity at the trial. Failing the proof that he has not two natural born U.S. parents he should be prosecuted accordingly for fraud and a host of other charges which have taken up an unbelievable amount of time from Americans.

Not only is he a fraudulent foreigner, his not being deposed for it is a plot to waste patriotic American's time by forcing them to endlessly investigate it online!
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