NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Burnaby49 »

I'm sure Lame Cherry's revelations would be fascinating if I could make any sense out of it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

That's just full on crazy, even for the birther crowd. I think Lame Cherry is in serious need of some "special" time at the home, and her anti-psychotics need to really be adjusted upwards.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

I didn't think this could get crazier but it did. We are now expected to believe that Barack was born to a 35-year-old Filipina in Indonesia. Yeah, he looks it. Also, that he (Barack) personally renounced his US citizenship (then, was he ever a citizen? where is the paperwork for renunciation?), etc.

And Orly is claiming that Barack Obama was using something like 80 different SSNs in the last 50 years. More than one SSN per year. Why? How would this in any way advance his supposed pretences to be a native-born citizen? There's a certain point where, if someone -- especially a conspiracy with (apparently) enormous resources -- has cooked up a plot, they don't do incredibly goofy and unnecessary things that risk exposure.

By the way, does either Orly or Cherry have evidence for their accusations -- I mean evidence at least as authentic-looking as that White House birth certificate? We have all these people claiming to find fault with a birth certificate that two governors, a state attorney-general, the head of the state health department, and the head of the state vital records office all insist is genuine - and yet these people who find fault with that don't turn their magnifiers or whatever on the bilge that the birfers are peddling as evidence!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote: where is the paperwork for renunciation?), etc.
The same place a the magic proof that Sheriff Joe is gonna produce any day now that the birth cerificates are forgeries, and he "knows" who the forger is and he's gonna arrest that forger too while he's at it.

The ONLY proof that Squirrely's got are the "unimpeachable" sure fire affidavits that someone's brother's cousin's next door neighbor knows fore sure that Obama was born.... fill in the blanks, or that there was no birth certificate on file. In other words, she gots bupkis.

The other "proof" she is basing her fantasy world on comes from what is actually listed on the database itself as suspect "UNVERIFIED" information, in other words, collated bits and pieces of unrelated extraneous data that have no backwards verification at all, and probably no actual relationship one to the other, and yet she is swearing that it is all proven fact, becuase that is what she wants to believe. The only thing more suspect would be a verification coming from one of the tabloid newspapers, and even they get it right once in a while, in spite of themselves.

What she doesn't have is any kind of real world verification, that Sotero adopted Obama, there are several good reasons why he wouldn't have, not the least his ultimate divorce of Obama's mother, with that divorce, there is no reason that Obama could have or would have wanted Indonesian citizenship, and by the time he was of an age where he could have he was back in the US and both Sr and Sotero were out of the picture. By US law, Obama could not have renounced his citizenship until he was 21, and there is no documentation of that. Kenya certainly, and Indonesia, I believe, do not allow for dual citizenship, so not having renounced his US citizenship, he would by operation of their laws, NOT have been either a Kenyan or Indonesian citizen. Again a serious lack of documentation on Squirrely's part and no proof of her fantasies.

On the other hand, what the real world has, is both a long and short form birth certificate, singed, sealed, and attested to by the HI Dept of Vital Stats, a certification, or certifications, from the state of HI that Obama was in fact born there, that they have the birth information, that the information released by the White House matches what they have on file, the actual birth announcement as reported in the two HI newspapers of the time, that would have come from information released by Vital Stats at the time, school records and remembrances from people in HI, Obama's university graduation record from both schools as shown in their records under his full name, and not under their fantasy variations. That he was licensed to practice law, and elected to state office in IL. That he has been paying taxes for fifty some years, and that the IRS doesn't seem to have had any problem with his SSN.

What Squirrely's got is a whole big lot of fantasy, and a lot of things she really really really wishes were true, and aren't.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

That he has been paying taxes for fifty some years, and that the IRS doesn't seem to have had any problem with his SSN.
The Prez is only 51 years old (52 in August), but I agree with your point.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Sorry, wasn't thinking when I wrote that.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

The irrefutable, undeniable mounds of evidence are out there, you just have to look on the internet. There are statements by people like "Anonymous" and "TechDude" that are not only what we all know is true, they are written in a firm, assertive style, SOME OF THEM EVEN IN ALL CAPS. If you want more proof than that I can't help you, you're obviously an O-bot who won't listen to reason.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:The irrefutable, undeniable mounds of evidence are out there, you just have to look on the internet.
Like I said, "the "unimpeachable" sure fire affidavits that someone's brother's cousin's next door neighbor knows fore sure that Obama was born.... fill in the blanks, or that there was no birth certificate on file". After all Sheriff Joe swore out an affidavit that it was all a forgery, so it has be true.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly has filed a "correction" with the court, and is so proud of knowing them big words she posted it on her site.

Grinols ex parte application to correct First Amended Complaint
Posted on | March 13, 2013 | No Comments

The complete text of the correction

Case # t2-cv-02997
James Grinols, Robert Odden, in their capacity as Presidential Electors Edward C. Noonan, Thomas Gregory Macleran, Keith Judd in their capacity as candidates for the U.S. President Orly Taitz in her capacity as candidate for office in the state of CA; Edward Noonan and Orly Taitz in their capacity as registered voters in CA v Electoral College, President of the Senate, Governor of California, Secretary of State of California, U.S. Congress, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Soebarkah, aka alias Barack Hussein Obama, aka alias Barack A. Obama, aka alias Harrison (Harry)J. Bounel aka alias S. A. Dunham in his capacity as an individual and candidate for the U.S. President and John Does and Jane Does 1-300


Due to the page limitation in uploading into ECF, First Amended Complaint could not be uploaded as one document and had to be divided into part 1 and part 2. lnadvertently part 1 was uploaded twice and Defendants received part 1 twice and never received part 2 of the First Amended Complaint and could not properly respond. Plaintiffs move the court to accept this corrected First Amended Complaint (part 1 and part 2) in order to allow the Defendants to respond properly. Since the motion hearing is scheduled for April 18th, over a month from today, filing of the Corrected First Amended Complaint containing part 1 and part 2 will allow the Defense to file proper responsive pleadings.

Orly made a mistake? But, I thought she never made mistakes, the court did! And so did Hitler!

Press release: New motion filed in Grinols with an affidavit of process server, showing that Obama is evading legal service of process
Posted on | March 13, 2013 | 17 Comments

Law offices of Orly Taitz

A new motion was filed today in Grinols v Electoral College. Originally presiding judge Morrison England refused to grant Default Judgment against Obama due to the fact that Plaintiffs served Obama through the US Attorneys’ office and not at his residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Yesterday attorney Orly Taitz filed a reconsideration motion and attached sworn affidaits from process servers, showing that Obama refuses to accept legal service of process at his residence and demands to be served through the Department of Justice, even in cases, where he is sued as an individual, such as the case at hand where he is sued for elections fraud and use of forged IDs during the 2012 Presidential election. Obama has no right to use taxpayer funds to pay for his defense, yet taxpayer funds are being de facto stolen by the U.S. Department of Justice under the leadership of his friend Eric Holder, Department of “Justice” which not only refuses to criminally prosecute Obama for his use of a forged Birth Certificate, forged Selective Service certificate and a stolen Social Security number, but is aiding and abeting him in this cover up. U.S. Department of Justice became akin to the Department of Justice of NAZI Germany, which not only did not prosecute Adolf Hitler for violations of German constitution, but was complicit in the cover up of all the actions by Adolf Hitler. Sadly, a number of courts and judges, members of the media and members of Congress in the United States of America acted similar to their counter parts in Nazi Germany in being complicit in the cover up of actions of a criminal in the top position of power. Attorney Taitz is continuing this battle. She is working pro bono. Her clients are not being charged. Donations from supporters are greatly appreciated. If we do not stand up to this, most egregious crime, usurpation of the U.S. Presidency by a criminal with forged and stolen IDs, we will gradually become Germany not of 1930s, but Germany of 1940s, when violations of German Constitution and power grab by Hitler and his accomplices in German Judiciary, German Department of Justice and German Congress (Reichstag) escalated to disarmament of citizenry, mass looting of the disarmed and unprotected citizenry and unprotected treasury, mass incarcerations and culminated in mass exterminations of millions of defenseless people.

Donations can be made through paypal on or by mailing to the address

Ddefend Our Freedoms Foundation
c/o Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Margarita, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, Ca 92688

Great strategy, Orly. I find most judges respond positively to being called Nazis.

Finally, to make your irony meters go off the scale...

Mandate issued, decision of the District court, which originally denied my motion to dismiss the case against me by Liberi, Berg and Ostella was vacated. I can now file a new motion to dismiss this case as an antiSLAPP, seeking not only to dismiss a bogus case against me and Defend Our Freedoms Foundation, but also to seek attorneys fees for 4 years of harassment by a convicted forger and thief Lisa Liberi and by Philip Berg, who is currently awaiting results of his appeal of the decision of the disciplinary board of the Supreme Court of PA to suspend his license to practice law.

Posted on | March 13, 2013 | 7 Comments
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Please correct me if I'm wrong; but I seem to recall that, after the failure of the "Beer Hall Putsch", Hitler decided that he would take power only in a legal fashion, which he did by being legally appointed Chancellor. The Enabling Act, under which he was able to rule by decree for four years (it was renewed each time it was needed), was also constitutional under Article 48 of the "Weimar Constitution".

But then, Oily is so good at being wrong about what our Constitution says; so why shouldn't she be fully capable of being equally wrong about other constitutions?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:The Enabling Act, under which he was able to rule by decree for four years (it was renewed each time it was needed), was also constitutional under Article 48 of the "Weimar Constitution".
Some may take issue with your statement in regards to the fact that the Nazis used a number of "dirty" tricks to ensure the passage of the Act, including arresting members of the Reichstag sure to oppose the legislation, changing procedural rules for quorums so that the left wing of the Reichstag could not block the bill by boycotting the vote and having the SA present during the session to intimidate other members who were suspect as to which way they were going to vote.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:The Enabling Act, under which he was able to rule by decree for four years (it was renewed each time it was needed), was also constitutional under Article 48 of the "Weimar Constitution".
Some may take issue with your statement in regards to the fact that the Nazis used a number of "dirty" tricks to ensure the passage of the Act, including arresting members of the Reichstag sure to oppose the legislation, changing procedural rules for quorums so that the left wing of the Reichstag could not block the bill by boycotting the vote and having the SA present during the session to intimidate other members who were suspect as to which way they were going to vote.
That is accurate; but in a bare legal sense the Enabling Act itself was indeed constitutional, even though extralegal means were used to ensure its passage. Hitler and the Nazis violated German law, not the German constitution.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

The Observer wrote:
Pottapaug1938 wrote:The Enabling Act, under which he was able to rule by decree for four years (it was renewed each time it was needed), was also constitutional under Article 48 of the "Weimar Constitution".
Some may take issue with your statement in regards to the fact that the Nazis used a number of "dirty" tricks to ensure the passage of the Act, including arresting members of the Reichstag sure to oppose the legislation, changing procedural rules for quorums so that the left wing of the Reichstag could not block the bill by boycotting the vote and having the SA present during the session to intimidate other members who were suspect as to which way they were going to vote.
I thought that was how the health care bill was passed.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Enabling Act, under which he was able to rule by decree for four years (it was renewed each time it was needed), was also constitutional under Article 48 of the "Weimar Constitution".

Some may take issue with your statement in regards to the fact that the Nazis used a number of "dirty" tricks to ensure the passage of the Act, including arresting members of the Reichstag sure to oppose the legislation, changing procedural rules for quorums so that the left wing of the Reichstag could not block the bill by boycotting the vote and having the SA present during the session to intimidate other members who were suspect as to which way they were going to vote.
gregg wrote: I thought that was how the health care bill was passed.
You mean those FEMA/UN/NATO/Delta Force/SEAL/Bogeymanofthemoment concentration camps are REAL???? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Last edited by Gregg on Fri Mar 15, 2013 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: fixed the quotes, sort of,it's better than it was
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Gregg »

I was referring to the hoops jumped through and rules tortured to pass the bill.

In a way this demonstrates the slippery slope theory.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Press release: Taitz talks to 4 congressmen and multiple members of the media during CPAC. Congressmen are stating that the Department of Justice, who supposedly acted on their behalf in Grinols case never forwarded to them any documents, they were clueless.

Posted on | March 14, 2013 | No Comments

Press Release
Law Offices of Dr. Orly Taitz
29839 Santa Mrgarita, ste 100
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688

Dr. and Attorney Orly Taitz is currently a VIP attendee og CPAC convention. She personally talked to Member of the Judiciary Committee Congressman Loui Gohmert, Senator Jim Inhofe, Congressman Steven King and retired Senator and current president of the Heritage Foundation Jim Demint.
During the conversation with Congressman Gohmert Taitz was surrounded by multiple reporters, who took pictures and recorded on video tape the conversation. Taitz showed Gohmert Obama’s tax returns with CT SSN 042-68-4425 and SSNVS and E-verify, showing that Obama failed E-Verify and SSNVS, that he is using a stolen SSN. Taitz advised Gohmert that in January Department of Justice appeared before Judge England, stating that they represent the US Congress and on behalf of the US Congress they opposed the injunction of the certification of Obama’s electoral votes. I asked, if he as a US Congressman and member of the Judiciary committee indeed felt that it is proper for Obama to use the SSN that was not assigned to him, whether he indeed directed the US Department of Justice to represent him and oppose the injunction. Gohmert stated in front of all the reporters that he did no know anything about this and that the Department of Justice never gave him any papers.
Later reporters, who witnessed the conversation took more in depth interviews, among them reporters from US News and World Report, National Reviews and a reporter from Australian TV.
Senator Inhofe similarly did not know anything about it. The conversation took place in front of the talk show host Rusty Humphries . Taitz talked to Congressman Steven King. He said that if the Department of Justice were to give him any papers he would remember it.
He stated that his staff will review all the info and will prepare an executive report for him. He should have an answer in 1 week. LT. Zullo and talk show host Carl Gallops stood next to Taitz during this conversation and witnessed Taitz giving the documents to King.
As of now the picture is such that the Department of Justice went behind the backs of the U.S Congressmen and never gave them any pleadings or documents and did not act as an attorney for the US Congress, but rather as a private criminal defense attorney for Obama..
Currently Taitz has problems connecting to the control panel of her web site and asking the supporters to spread the word. If Department of Justice went behind the backs of the US Congress, this is a scandal much bigger than the Watergate.
Additionally Taitz did some 10 interviews for different stations and reporters. Those interviews should be on line shortly.
Currently it is 2 am in DC. Taitz flew red eye to CPAC , so there 2 days and nights without sleep. Taitz wll provide more information tomorrow

Orly must be tired, no mention of Hitler and Nazi judges.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

I would suspect that at any given moment, the gov't is being sued by any number of people, crazy or otherwise, and I do not see why the DOJ would forward anything to congress individually, since it is the gov't that is being sued and not the individual reps. The reps have enough paper to wade through without having to parse through the likes of a Squireely special. There just aren't enough hours in the day. If an individual were being sued in their official capacity, I am equally sure that they would be briefed and kept up to date. As usual, Squirrely, conflates one thing with another, since she served the gov't as a whole rather than the individual reps. Not that it will make one whit of difference since she has no standing to be suing about anything in either case.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

It seems to be a chronic element of abnormal psychology: When a crank is being ignored, getting no traction, etc., he (it's mostly men - but Orly is an exception) come up with yet another conspiracy theory - that there is a very highly placed conspiracy that is specifically aimed at 'neutralizing' this particular crank and his message. The crank is not failing in his crusade because his ideas are lousy - no, it's because the gubmint, the UN, the Illuminati, the Vatican, the Communists, and, of course, the Great Jewish Conspiracy has decided to make him its prime target.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Pretty much spot on!! There seems to always be some "faction" out to thwart her Orliness in her righteous mission, except the someone is usually just her own incredible ineptitude.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

A necessary element of the political phoenomenon known as Oily is that there needs to be a crowd of acolytes who view themselves as well educated on the subject of Obama's eligibility for office, but who get their information solely from birfer blogs, from what their birfer friends tell them and from "common sense" and "what everybody knows".

The facts will only confuse them; and even if the Supreme Court were to rule, 9-0, that there is no rational evidence to suggest that Obama is anything other than a natural born citizen of the U.S., Oily and her followers will view that decision as nothing less than hard evidence of the depth of corruption within our govermnent, and will keep plugging away.

Hey, Oily -- I'll bet that Kim Jong-Un will be willing to meet with you and give you some media face time....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools