Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Breaking - Deep Knight Isn't Outed

The last post by MacHaffie of Rassy's "writings" now has 4 comments, the last of which is the subject of this post (but the first was too good to leave out).

Anonymous March 14, 2013 at 7:35 PM

Have you read the Bible? It talks about the battle against principalities and powers of the air, etc. Why should the people put up with these kind of people taking control of the government of America? And they SHOULD do something about it, in my humble opinion. Remember these people have stolen money from a lot of people's bank accounts, and they put on an act like they're stopping scams and frauds, when they ARE the Scam and Fraud!

Anonymous March 14, 2013 at 7:30 PM

Why would anybody want to stop someone from writing and publishing a book??

Anonymous March 15, 2013 at 1:28 PM

Research reveals who this deepknight is....

Dave Wild
Photographer. Urban Explorer. Eukaryote.
Troy, MI, USA

Look at the code speech....

photographer - pornographer
urban - intercity leeches on society
eukaryote - I had to look this one up - "comes from the Greek (eu, "good") and (karyon, "nut")" - "includes molds and fungus"

This is a photographer in Michigan who has a Twitter account apparently named "Dave Wild @deepknight" or maybe just "@deepknight" (I don't Twitt). There's a link to his website, which has pictures of abandoned buildings (apparently in the Detroit area), thus explaining the first two "code words." The last is a biological term that describes all forms of life except bacteria, which I supposed does included molds and fungi (cherry picking much?)

But, most importantly, he's not me. I realize this is par for the course for conspiracy "research" but give me a break. Just doing a search on "deepknight" (as Erasmus spells it, but I never do) and jumping on the first thing that comes up with a name isn't research, unless you're Orly Taitz.

I would go along with this like I do with everything that Gassy Rassy does, the better to mock him, but while fun is fun, some guy getting harassed by nutcases isn't.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

It's how he does all his other research, why should he change now? That is always assuming he actually does any research and doesn't just make it up as he goes along.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by the_imp »

I am experiencing a sensation bonus just waiting for my copy.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

An actual story and headline about a Rugby player and coach from South Africa.

Rassie Erasmus: Eccentric Genius or Right Out of Left Field?
by iamjonnyking in Rugby, Rugby Journeys
5 Jul 2012

I remember Rassie Erasmus on the field of play. There was a sense of clarity about his vision in these moments. He would play front and centre. It was as if his shutter was set at its optimum apeture. In many respects, he looked free.
I empathise with eccentric, which further encouraged this line.
Rassie Erasmus: Eccentric Genius or Right Out of Left Field? Two lines of reasoning stuck at either ends of a continuum. Where do your thoughts presently reside?
It is not often you are asked to give your thoughts on a person largely regarded as a bit of an enigma – so when I was offered the chance to provide my thoughts on Mr. Rassie Erasmus, I simply could not refuse.

That was my first thought, but after trying to put these together on Erasmus and struggling for 3 days to write 300 words, I thought; ‘What the hell did I let myself in for?!’

Is Rassie the trailblazing technical guru so many make him out to be, including players and peers? Or, is he the self-centered, obnoxious chameleon, I have heard others describe him as?
Rassie’s arrival ... was met with huge expectation ... As far as they were concerned, the Messiah has arrived.

Unfortunately, for Rassie and the union, the task would prove far greater than he’d expect.

It is perhaps true that the levels of Erasmus-expectation were unfair and created unnecessary pressure. Most believed the union would enjoy instant success ... It would also be this pressure that would, in time, force him to .. distrust the media (who were out to get him according to Rassie), which later reached outrageous levels. He would not attend a post-match press conference without his legal advisor! This was followed with media black outs of certain WP and Stormers events and even accusations of Erasmus installing listening devices in visiting teams’ dressing rooms, which resulted in the previous team he coached, the Cheetahs, once staying out on the field at half time, during a match.

The longer the positive results stayed away, the more his paranoia grew.
Having once been told that Erasmus was quite similar to John Nash, the famous American asocial mathematician, who had a brilliant mind, but struggled to explain his thoughts and ideas logically to the rest of the world, I had a better understanding of where to ‘place’ Erasmus in my own thoughts.

Erasmus had been known to spend hours analysing the game, his own play, and the trends as a player. It has been said that Erasmus would often find himself isolated from his team mates disengaging himself from what would be seen as ‘normal’ behavior by a player at the time. This degree of asocial behavior is what would distinguish Erasmus from everyone else, but could also explain why he is often frustrated or has difficulty in explaining his actions and thinking logically to the media and public.
But if you had to ask me to explain the man who is Rassie Erasmus through my personal experience and observations ... The man may be eccentric and even viewed as a nutcase by some, but from where I sit he has the ability to force major changes in trends through innovation in the game of rugby, if given the opportunity – something desperately needed in a stale, predictable South African game.

Brilliant piece, Morne.

Shooting from the Lip

Make sure you also keep up with all our play on – @RugbyJourney
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Our tongue-in-cheek mockery of Gassy Rassy has been exposed as the military takeover of America it really is. Oops.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

According to Dr. Martin Luther, I have reopened the door for the real reunification of Christianity by release of my book "THE EARLY ROOTS OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY" BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA (MY PEN NAME). The first reaction of Christians, both Protestant and Catholic, reading this book is that I have written the most powerful Christian book maybe ever released in American history. One Catholic monk and one Protestant business woman both indicated they think this is a holy book and likely the most powerful Christian book written in Christianity since the time of Christ and the Apostles. The book is now in the hands of many Christians across America and we expect much more word on their reaction to it in coming days.
The Satanist secret society the Illuminati savagely fought to try and block this book from being written or released in America. I have a heavy background in military intelligence and used intelligence tricks on them I had used much earlier on the Soviet spy ring in America during the Cold War. The Illuminati fell for my sucker tricks and in shock they found we had suddenly got them in copied print to admit that they had sent one of their best Illuminati computer hackers in America to try and destroy our electronic files we were creating in order to put this book together. They admitted in print in private discussion and we got copies of their legal confession they tried to destroy this book by their computer hacing tactics so it would never be released. We got more copied legal confessions from them than I had even expected. They admitted that they secretly controlled the U.S. Justice Dept and that is why their computer hacker "Deepknight" was not arrested by the U.S. Justice Dept. after we by intelligence tricks got his legal confession several ways that he had been the computer hacker who savagely fought to try and destroy our electronic files we created in order to produce this book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity."
Various representatives for the Illuminati in private conference admitted that they had ordered him to destroy the book and then legally frame us as they claimed we were con artists by asking money for the book prior to its completion and national release. Until the book got out, they kept mocking us over the internet that we were con artists and no book existed or ever would exist. And we were conning people asking for advance payment for a pre-release offer we gave to some people nationally. Okay, what all did we get copied in legal confession on paper that they said before they realized we got all their comments into computer files and memory? We also sent out nationally some of the legal confession they gave before they realized we were recording everything they posted in email messages to each other over a national forum of theirs run by their Illuminati moderator "Deepknight." They said they secretly controlled the U.S. Justice Dept. and secretly controlled the U.S. Republic in Wash., D.C. is why he couldn't be arrested after being totally caught in copied printed confession saying that he had done the hacking we reported on. His Illuminati associates chewed him out because he had screwed up the computer hacker job they had ordered him to do. He also screwed up the federal murder threats in the name of Obama he had issued to me and fouled up their Illuminati orders to do this more secretly and not get caught! His Illuminati buddies talked about how they secretly controlled Wash., D.C. as a government and the American people were not supposed to find this out. They are planning a military takeover of America on "The Ides Of March" in 2013 meaning a few days from now. All but 12 members of Congress are to be murdered by them once they stage their "The Ides Of March" on Wash., D.C. and the American people. The 12 members of Congress they plan not to murder in Wash., D.C. on "The Ides Of March" are apparently all secret Illuminati members and working with Obama to make him the Muslim dictator of America as soon as the military takeover of America occurs. They stated as we recorded them that they are planning to kill millions of Americans as soon as they take over America through total seizure of Wash., D.C. this month. To soften America up for this military takeover of America, they controlled the American economy through Wash., D.C. and Obama to keep it slow and not really growing. They wanted to keep the American people as poor and in constant poverty as they could through disguised federal policy.
A friend of mine who had been trained in military intelligence by the U.S. Army recorded this last week in permanent record that they planned to murder me as soon as "The Ides Of March" military takeover of America occurred. They rated me the only American leader smart enough and tough enough to stop them in America. They code-named their planned Illuminati murder of me "The Ides Of March Murder of Julius Caesar." Their code-name for me as the murder target was "Julius Caesar" symbolically meaning that they rated me I as the only leader in America smart enough and tough enough they judged to stop them and defeat them in America. Other Christian and conservative leaders in America they think are a joke to the Illuminati. They plan to execute all U.S. military soldiers and officers not willing to take orders to murder all Americans as commanded by their Islamic military commanders once they take over the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, etc. The F.B.I. has been ordered to prepare to arrest all leaders of leading conservative and Christian organizations in America and kill followers of theirs trying to resist the F.B.I. arresting anybody belonging to them. Separate plans much earlier worked out with Islamic leaders in America is when their Trojan Horse Islamic leader made President of America militarily takes over America, he Obama is then to kill all Jews in America and all Christian Americans not willing to convert to Islam.
By the way, their operative "deepknight" is on the side associated with am Islamic movement training Islamic extremists for the takeover of one Middle East nation presently pro-Western in alliance. He has been helping to sponsor the revolutionary school training extremist Islamic leaders how to overthrow their pro-Western government in the Middle East. I studied some of the revolutionary tactics discussed by this Islamic extremist movement on their website I found out about by tracking how "deepknight" operated. He led to them and we spied on them. Their training material sounds like it is straight from C.I.A. and is totally professional. Maybe their target after overthrowing this one Middle East government is Saudi Arabia for the next Islamic government they will target to overthrow. Also, it appears this website because in English as well as Arabic is being used to train Islamic revolutionaries in America for their planned "Ides Of March" military takeover of America later this month. As a technical note of law, a computer expert has indicated 5 of our computers which were infected with this apparent C.I.A. computer bug "Deepknight" infected our computers with, while we can still operate our computers because we partially isolated control of our computers from it, this spy virus cannot be removed by standard spyware software. This implies that our computers can be used to spy on us until replaced with fresh, new computers which will cost several thousand dollars once done. This is a major felony in malicious damage as separate the hacking attack on all 5 computers to try and destroy our computer files being used to produce this book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity." Any website in America now backing "deepknight" or allowing him to operate from them can be now legally charged with a number of felonies including the planned overthrow of the U.S. Republic later this month of March, 2013. This legal charge is enough to get potentially executed under law for the planned military overthrow of the U.S. Republic to be replaced by an extremist hardcore Islamic dictatorship over America. I suggest nobody gets associated with this "deepknight" now as he is becoming the biggest felon in America with the felonies building up on him and anyone associated with him in America now. He has committed several federal and state felonies by his criminal attacks to try and prevent the release of our book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" - "The Key To Understanding The Bible" - By Erasmus Of America (my pen name.). …
Since Wash., D.C. is now in some secret circles engaged in the deadliest forms of high treason against the American people in the national history of America, time to talk some tough legal measures and otherwise to defuse the situation so this "Ives of March" military takeover of America does not occur. First of all Americans. Copy and pass this message on to all of America. Military takeovers do not like the whole nation knowing what they are up to before they can stage their planned military takeover of the nation and then killing off millions of America shortly afterwards. When the Communists seized control of prior Czarist Russia in 1917, they then murdered an estimated 10 million Russians soon afterwards to crush any attempt in Russia to stop them from turning Russia into a Communist nation. In this case, apparently their plans are to turn America into an Islamic nation and maybe kill off from 50 million to 150 million Americans after they gain effective control of America through Obama at the White House.You keep your arms. Any federal personnel try to work for them instead of the American people, we shoot them before firing squads after a fast trial to confirm they are guilty of high treason. With this alarm released across America fast, most of the military, F.B.I., etc. will join with the American people instead of Islamic Trojan Horse Obama working in alliance with the Illuminati (secret Satanic society whose god is "Lucifer!) who wants to sell out and destroy America forever as a Christian nation on earth.
A quick note on the Illuminati who just got caught to their wild embarrassment confessing their plans to soon seize military control of America and then promptly kill off millions of Americans then. Russian intelligence shortly before the 9/11 attack in 2001 released a warning for the American people through an economist for Putin interviewed in Moscow, Russia. She was warning Americans about the coming 9/11 attack in America in 2001. She said that an incredibly wealthy international clique of evil leaders had over $300 trillion to finance the creation of a one world government over the world. Later in 2001 they were engineering a surprise attack on America to panic the American people into accepting a federal police state to replace constitutional government and human rights in America. Once America was a federal police state engineered by this (Illuminati Satanist society attack engineered attack on America), then later America was to be used as the power base under this group (the Illuminati) to establish a one world government set up by them and run by them. This Russian warning is public record and officially early reported on by Alex Jones and then others in America. A secret military intelligence contact at the top of the Pentagon secretly got word to me after the 9/11 attack. "Part of U.S. intelligence knew the 9/11 attack was coming. They did nothing to contact the rest of U.S. intelligence. They did nothing to alert Wash., D.C. about this attack. They wanted the attack to occur!" As the Russian economist commented, this secret clique wanted an excuse to set up a federal police state in America and needed this attack to occur. After America was a federal police state, then later this federal police state America would be used as the power base to set up a planned one world government.
Folks, the Illuminati is colossally determined that you are not supposed to read my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" and they even are so scared to death you might listen to me that they code-named me "Julius Caesar" of America and I must be murdered by them before you the American people can listen to me. They rate me the deadliest political brain in America, honest, and the only leader they rate in America smart enough and tough enough to stop them and save America from their plan to totally seize control of America and then put America through a colossal bloodbath.
I am a tough military dog among other things. How to break their nerve so the "Ides of March" military takeover of America is cancelled. Immediately pass my Omni Law. State legislatures can pass their resolutions to call for a constitutional convention to pass the Omni Law ... We will hold a national referendum to order the arrest of all officials and personnel in the U.S. Republic who were involved in this "Ides Of March" plot. We will apply special features of law. If 20 million people were planned to be murdered by this plot, we will say that each person planned to be murdered will be one felony count in sentencing, punishment, fines, etc. The convicted guilty will be legally charged for 20 million felonies, fines, etc. by this standard. They can be released from federal imprisonment as soon as they serve 20 million felony charges. For those seriously involved in this conspiracy, we will send them to a special federal prison island out of America. When sent there, they are stripped of U.S. citizenship and can never reenter the main continent of America. They will be given some farming equipment, etc. They will support themselves by farming there or else die of starvation. We will assign naval and air units to watch the island. If any try to escape the island, these military units are to shoot them down in the water and let the sharks eat off of their bodies. Thus we will treat Obama traitors who hated the American people so savagely as to want to submit the American people to the most ruthless dictatorship and bloodthirsty police state ever to exist in human history. The American people are too soft in character to defend their legal rights before a growing federal police state in America. This felony policy and building of the special island prison will paralyze the traitors in Wash., D.C. and restore effective morale in the average American citizens so they once more stand up for their legal rights under law.
…Their money will go to their federally created victims. Let's be frank about it! I am one mean legal son-of-a-bitch when it comes to defending and enforcing the legal rights of the American people under the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. … I beat in court a Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court until he faced me. And I have won some other stunning legal upsets when I got provoked against federal and state tyranny under law. … If the Illuminati is so scared to death that you might read this book, you should find out why. The book is the key to breaking their power over America, breaking the American economy loose from the Illuminati who said by control of Wash., D.C. they are trying to sabotage your economy from really growing and you starting to make real money in life instead of remaining poor or else unemployed as the Illuminati want to impose on you!
I have said enough. Copy and send this all over America. The national and world spotlight on them will break their power over America, over Europe, and the world.!
Yours For God And Country, Erasmus of America (nicknamed "Julius Caesar" by the Illuminati and we copied their legal statement this week once they can, they plan to murder me this month of March so I will not then be available to help you the American people break loose of the Illuminati domination of Wash., D.C. and through Wash., D.C. keep your poor, broke, or unemployed for much of America. God is giving America a chance to regain its day of greatness in the world by breaking the power of the Illuminati over Wash., D.C. through passage of my Omni Law heavily played up in my book offered to you.)
As you are highly ignorant of your legal rights under law, keep this report as reference and send copies out to other people across America. Act fast if you don't want a military takeover of America they have planned for "The Ides Of March" as they called the military takeover of America in code.
… America and kick the Illuminati out of secret control of Wash., D.C. as we caught them in plain print this last week boasting they control Wash., D.C. and not the American people. Pass this report all over America to stop the planned military takeover for "The Ides Of March" to make Obama the Islamic dictator of America if he can pull this off successfully without you the American people stopping him first. And passage of the Omni Law restores the common law to national authority over America which the politicians and judges of Wash. D.C. today refuse to do. With passage of the Omni Law, freedom is restored to the American people under law. And our national economy will soon boom. As we caught in print the Illuminati boasting, they were using Obama to sabotage the American economy so you will have a weak economy, not strong, not have jobs instead of having jobs, and keeping you deliberately poor to broke instead of growing fast in jobs and prosperity for all Americans, not just fewer and fewer under the Illuminati plan of conquest of the American people. The Middle Class has nearly been destroyed by Illuminati control of Wash., D.C. as they admitted in their secret communications we copied to their shock this last week! Pass the Omni Law and the economic crisis of America is over! And we will restore the Middle Class to prosperity once more in America.
Yours For God and Country, Erasmus of America (I stand for the answer that James Madison, "Father of the U.S. Constitution" said would make this national government free and serving the American people by breaking the corruption in it through my proposed creation of 10 civil tribunes for America modeled after ancient, very smart Roman law!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:16 PM
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Wow, Rassy has written a book as powerful if not more powerful than the Holy Word of God. You all realize what this means don't you? The Bible says that in the end days false prophets and false Christ's will arise to lead people astray. Is it possible that Rassy is a false prophets? If he weren't such an utter inept moron I would say sure. At the very least I find his claims of being on. Par with God to be not only ridiculous but repulsive. I can't find it in myself to be offended because I really think he's mentally ill or a few bricks shy of a load.
Deep Knight
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Brother and Sister Quatloosers,

Erasmus of American has discovered and revealed our plot to have the 12 members of Congress we plan not to murder on "The Ides Of March" (last Friday) who are all secret Illuminati members make Obama the Muslim dictator of America as soon as the military takeover of America occurs to take over America. The time of waiting is over, it is time to strike this blow of high treason and badness.
I have just received the Product Key for to activate "The Ides Of March Murder of Julius Caesar" our code-name for eliminating the only leader in America smart enough and tough enough to stop us and defeat us in America. Other Christian and conservative leaders in America are a joke to us, but not ol’ Gassy Rassy. Be sure to type each letter in exactly, the “Beast 666” ID entry program is case sensitive, and DO NOT type in any spaces or dashes unless they are clearly part of the key code, and use bold formatting and italics where indicated.

GE95T sQ5I9 4Spbz-958E2 NX10W 0O 01I bN-qt Xmn%$ BWATT 409Eq-G1

We plan to execute all U.S. military soldiers and officers not willing to take orders to murder all Americans, the F.B.I. has been ordered to prepare to arrest all leaders of leading conservative and Christian organizations in America and kill followers of theirs trying to resist the F.B.I. arresting anybody belonging to them.

Our conspiracy shall be like Gaul into three parts divided.
- Group Marcus Junius Brutus. Proceed to the Senate and wait with your daggers in your togas.
- Group Gaius Cassius Longinus. Seize military control of America and then promptly kill off millions of Americans.
- Group Osamus bin Ladenus. Turn America into an Islamic nation and maybe kill off from 50 million to 150 million Americans.

Remember, because this website is backing me and allowing me operate, you all can be now legally charged with a number of felonies including the planned overthrow of the U.S. Republic later this month. This legal charge is enough to get you all executed under law for the planned military overthrow of the U.S. Republic to be replaced by an extremist hardcore Islamic dictatorship over America, so TAKE NO PRISONERS. I suggest that this is the deadliest forms of high treason against the American people in the national history of America, and you should all brag about it to all your friends and relatives. Ask at the front desk at Dark Agenda HQ and get a couple of yard signs too.

Remember, the Ides of March was the 15th, last Friday, so DON’T MISS IT!!!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Wow, Rassy has written a book as powerful if not more powerful than the Holy Word of God. You all realize what this means don't you? The Bible says that in the end days false prophets and false Christ's will arise to lead people astray. Is it possible that Rassy is a false prophets? If he weren't such an utter inept moron I would say sure. At the very least I find his claims of being on. Par with God to be not only ridiculous but repulsive. I can't find it in myself to be offended because I really think he's mentally ill or a few bricks shy of a load.
The Devil is evil, not stupid.

As for Erasmus' load, "shy a few bricks" doesn't even start to describe it.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote: A friend of mine who had been trained in military intelligence by the U.S. Army recorded this last week in permanent record that they planned to murder me as soon as "The Ides Of March"
military takeover of America occurred. They rated me the only American leader smart enough and tough enough to stop them in America.

Ok ha ha. I realize we all need to take time out our busy illuminati days of creating mayhem, and spreading chaos, fear and evil, deciding how many in congress can sway us to keep them on by swearing to serve the illuminati (and frankly serve me coffee every morning), and most important of all ensure Obama (or as we know him soebarkah aka la petit evil one) becomes known as the American Shia Muslim leader. But seriously guys. Rassy is enough of a pain in the assy without some jokester planting a false lead that we rate him the only one tough enough to save america. Yes it's funny until the phone calls from 38 level above the president start coming in asking for a dossier on this yahoo. Deep Knight, you seem to have started this so I volunteered you to put together the rassy dossier and make a report on him.
Last edited by ashlynne39 on Mon Mar 18, 2013 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Gassy Rassy wrote: A friend of mine who had been trained in military intelligence by the U.S. Army recorded this last week in permanent record that they planned to murder me as soon as "The Ides Of March"
military takeover of America occurred. They rated me the only American leader smart enough and tough enough to stop them in America.

I'm still trying to work out what part of those sentences aren't Rassy Bull, oh, wait, Rassy's mouth was running, so all of it is. That was simpler than I thought.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Well, Operation Julius Caesar is now completed and we can proudly say it was a success. How successful was it? More than we could have possibly hoped for, given the fact that Erasmus unwittingly helped us along. Sure, Operation JC would have been a successful Illuminati caper without Erasmus, but he made it so much easier and more fun by being duped. Moredetails on what we did accomplish, but first I want to point out why Erasmus was so easily fooled.
Erasmus wrote:They are planning a military takeover of America on "The Ides Of March" in 2013 meaning a few days from now.
Who could have known that Erasmus had no idea when the Ides of March was? So while the Illuminati was finishing up and walking out of the building, Rassy was still trying to come up with a message warning the people - about an operation over and done with. You would think that someone who compares himself to Julius Caesar would at least know the date that Julius was assassinated on.

Of course, Erasmus got it all wrong about what Operation Julius Caesar was about anyway. Which goes to show that he isn't as bright as he makes himself out to be. Because we had said directly and specifically in the open that Operation JC was going to be regarding Omni Law. Somehow Erasmus thought that meant an entire military operation to wipe out him and half the US population.
A friend of mine who had been trained in military intelligence by the U.S. Army recorded this last week in permanent record that they planned to murder me as soon as "The Ides Of March" military takeover of America occurred.
Another sign that you are dealing with a false genius is that their associates are pretty dumb too. Someone trained in military intelligence actually expected a military takeover in one day? The military is still trying to take over Afghanistan after 12+ years of fighting. They simply could not do that Here's a hint, Rassy: fire your "friend" since he failed to realize that the Illuminati work on far more deeper, powerful and subtle ways to achieve control. We don't need to rely on military brawn.
As you are highly ignorant of your legal rights under law, keep this report as reference and send copies out to other people across America.
One more indicator that Erasmus is not leadership material. It is never a good idea to insult the people from whom you are trying to enlist support. Calling potential followers "ignorant" is a sure fire way to ensure that your book or reports won't end up on their coffee table in the living room.
...Yours For God And Country, Erasmus of America (nicknamed "Julius Caesar" by the Illuminati...
No, we never nicknamed you "Julius Caesar." We just named the operation that because it was to happen on the Ides of March. But you seem so insistent on being identified with Julius it is obvious that you have little knowledge of the man and his history. The truth of the matter is that Caesar was a power-hungry tryant and broke a number of laws during his life passed by the Senate of Rome. He conquered a number of tribes in Gaul, that was not in the Roman Empire, despite the Senate's wishes to the contrary. He then marched on Rome with his army to overthrow the Senate, started a civil war resulting in the death of Pompey, a former friend and comrade-in-arms, plus additional members of the Senate. He then agitated for to be declared king of all areas outside Rome (since he knew he could never get the republican-minded rump of a Senate to establish a monarchy in Rome). Therefore, his assassination was done to get rid of a dictator and eliminator of freedoms. Yet Erasmus wants to be equated with Caesar so badly, you can only conclude that Erasmus is trying to run his own little illuminati scam to gain a dictatorship.

Which brings us back to Operation Julius Caesar. Our more attentive and detail-oriented readers will remember that Op JC was going to targeted at stopping Omni Law, and not Erasmus. And it was a rousing success. For we had received insider information that an important legislator was going to introduce the Omni Law into Congress as a way to resolve the current legislative crisis over sequestration and the fiscal 'cliff.' This had to be stopped quickly, so our crack Conspiracy Central team got together and crafted an undercover operation that intimidated the congressperson from introducing the bill into open session. This person had the political clout to carry Omni Law through committee straight onto the floor for an open vote, but the bill never got the chance to do so. Once we showed the congressperson that Erasmus was behind this bill and how he never had invented anything that he claimed to do so, our legislator started believing that Erasmus was probably a fraud. He became even more convinced when we proved to him that Rassy didn't even know what day the Ides of March fell on. He agreed that it wouldn't do to be associated with anything that Erasmus had touched and promised never to listen to Rassy again.

Given we were successful, the governing body of the Illuminati has asked us to come up with another operation. I naturally cannot give any details, but we are calling it Operation "Iscariot" and it will happen on Good Friday. I'm betting that Erasmus will get it wrong again.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Most Intelligent Person In United States History stated thusly:

"A friend of mine who had been trained in military intelligence by the U.S. Army recorded this last week in permanent record that they planned to murder me as soon as "The Ides Of March" military takeover of America occurred."

This reminds me of something I saw, twenty-odd years ago. Someone actually asserted that Mighty Mouse cartoons promoted drug use; and as proof exhibited a clip in which The Mighty M reached into a pouch of his costume, snorted whatever it was, and then proceeded to wreak havoc on the Bad Guys (or something like that). In order to resolve any doubt, the writer said that he/she had consulted an attorney, who informed him/her that it was definitely cocaine that Mr. Mouse was snorting.

Talk about ironclad proof....
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I need confirmation that "Operation Erasmus Iscariot" is different from "Operation Erasmus Isacarrot"*

*the one where he gets turned more orange than Angelo Mozilo.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:The Most Intelligent Person In United States History stated thusly:

"A friend of mine who had been trained in military intelligence by the U.S. Army recorded this last week in permanent record that they planned to murder me as soon as "The Ides Of March" military takeover of America occurred."

This reminds me of something I saw, twenty-odd years ago. Someone actually asserted that Mighty Mouse cartoons promoted drug use; and as proof exhibited a clip in which The Mighty M reached into a pouch of his costume, snorted whatever it was, and then proceeded to wreak havoc on the Bad Guys (or something like that). In order to resolve any doubt, the writer said that he/she had consulted an attorney, who informed him/her that it was definitely cocaine that Mr. Mouse was snorting.

Talk about ironclad proof....
Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures (not to be confused with The New Adventures of Mighty Mouse) is a 1987 revival of the classic Mighty Mouse cartoon character. Produced by Bakshi-Hyde Ventures (a joint venture of animator Ralph Bakshi and producer John W. Hyde), it aired on CBS on Saturday mornings from fall 1987 through the 1988-89 season ...

The show's content sometimes crossed into controversial territory. In “Mighty’s Wedlock Whimsy”, it’s hinted that peripheral male characters Gandy Goose and Sourpuss are showering together, and—in a dream sequence— that Pearl Pureheart has a lovechild with Mighty Mouse’s unhinged nemesis The Cow.

During the production of the episode "The Littlest Tramp", editor Tom Klein expressed concern that a sequence showing Mighty Mouse sniffing the remains of a crushed flower resembled cocaine use. Bakshi did not initially view the footage; he believed that Klein was overreacting, but agreed to let him cut the scene. Kricfalusi expressed disbelief over the cut, insisting that the action was harmless and that the sequence should be restored. Following Kricfalusi's advice, Bakshi told Klein to restore the scene, which had been approved by network executives and the CBS standards and practices department. The episode aired on October 31, 1987, initially without controversy.

On June 6, 1988, Donald Wildmon, head of the American Family Association (AFA), alleged that "The Littlest Tramp" depicted cocaine use, instigating a media frenzy. Concerning Bakshi's involvement with Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures, the AFA claimed that CBS "intentionally hired a known pornographer to do a cartoon for children, and then allowed him to insert a scene in which the cartoon hero is shown sniffing cocaine." Bakshi responded, "You could pick a still out of Lady and the Tramp and get the same impression. Fritz the Cat wasn't pornography. It was social commentary. This all smacks of burning books and the Third Reich. It smacks of McCarthyism. I'm not going to get into who sniffs what. This is lunacy!"

Bakshi defended the episode, saying, "I despise drugs. I would be out of my mind to show a cartoon character snorting cocaine in a cartoon.", and stating that Wildmon had interpreted the scene out of context. "Mighty Mouse was happy after smelling the flowers because it helped him remember the little girl who sold it to him fondly. But even if you're right, their accusations become part of the air we breathe. That's why I cut the scene. I can't have children wondering if Mighty Mouse is using cocaine." On CBS's order, Klein removed the sequence from the master broadcast footage.

Wildmon claimed that the edits were "a de facto admission that, indeed, Mighty Mouse was snorting cocaine". Bakshi agreed to the removal of the offending 3½ seconds from future airings of the episode because of his concern that the controversy might lead children to believe that what Wildmon was saying was true. Wildmon's group then demanded the removal of Bakshi, but, on July 25, 1988, CBS released a statement in support of him.

Where I went to college (Communist Martyrs University, home of the REAL "Big Red") they had a "film series" that showed cartoons when they could get them. One they dug up was an old Popeye episode where he was bound with coils of rope but still was able to get his pipe loaded with a bunch of spinach and smoke it, which of course developed his muscles just like eating it did. The only time I ever heard cheering during a cartoon, no doubt from people in the audience who were into bondage.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:I need confirmation that "Operation Erasmus Iscariot" is different from "Operation Erasmus Isacarrot"*
I cannot confirm that either operation is different or the same. For all I know, neither exists. I can only confirm that there is an Operation "Iscariot."
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Operation schmoperation, you're just confusing poor old Rassbo. what he had best remember is what happened to ole Jiven' Julie. As usual, he missed the whole point.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Operation schmoperation, you're just confusing poor old Rassbo. what he had best remember is what happened to ole Jiven' Julie. As usual, he missed the whole point.
I would think it would be quite difficult to confuse Erasmus more than he already has been -which I suspect has been his state for quite a while.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Doug Vogt, Digital Imaging Expert and Criminal Investigation Consultant is an expert consultant to Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in his investigation of the identity theft and felony forgery case against Barack Obama.
Looks like Rassy is close to hitting for the cycle. Now if he can get Orly involved in his mad crusade, the Circle of Crazy can be complete.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

The Observer wrote:I would think it would be quite difficult to confuse Erasmus more than he already has been -which I suspect has been his state for quite a while.
Oh, I don't know, I have faith in Gassy Rassy being able to go above and beyond the standards of total and complete discombobulation.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.