Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A giant smear machine is trying to organize to discredit this newly elected Pope from Argentina. A Protestant friend of mine and I were watching him when he appeared from the balcony as the new Pope. This friend commented that Christianity suddenly had two coming powerful leaders for Christianity as of this date and time. By coincidence I was releasing nationally the first copies of my new book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" …

I normally do not do this, but I will intervene this time as I wanted the legal excuse to bring down police state elements in Wash., D.C. … I am the boy who beat in state court the Jewish lawyer who had never lost in any state court until he faced me. Then he lost for the first time and looked like he had been hit with a sledgehammer when leaving the courtroom. I took a lawyer from the federal government in Wash., D.C. in a courtroom and brought forth the surprise legal testimony from a former federal marshal and intelligence operative of U.S. Naval Intelligence who overheard C.I.A. personnel in a bar boasting how they had just set up this federal legal frame-up case against me which he signed his sworn statement about. Their C.I.A. boast was as they laughed in the bar that they would keep on setting up legal frame-up cases against me until finally they destroyed me. The federal judge did not think this funny and at my request put on the witness stand the federal lawyer who was trying to ruin me. He protected that he could not be forced to testify in the witness stand. This federal judge said yes he could be forced to testify and so he did. Under oath, he admitted that he had absolutely no legal grounds nor proof forever filing against me the federal case that he did. The judge dismissed the case with an implied warning to not try and bring a federal frame-up case into his courtroom ever again or else grand jury time for those trying this! I have won many other legal upsets but let's just say I don't commit to legal action unless I already know in advance why I am going to win in court and under law!

[Funny, Rassy has bragged about besting a Jewish lawyer half a dozen times but the details, when present, were always different. In real life I believe his one trip to Federal court ended in his being a guest of the government for 3 years.]

We have a con artist federal government highly criminal in nature and little loyalty if any to the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. I understand that there is a secret way of paying off federal judges and members of Congress to be corrupt and bend the law to make the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights treated not as national law over them, but a laughingstock joke to them to laugh at either in their courtrooms or else secretly behind the scenes. If in the corrupt loop to be paid off for being corrupt in Wash., D.C., you are invited to join a secret Forex fund which pays spectacularly every month! Never fails! It all looks legitimate and no one asks any questions from the outside. The Forex fund is paid by the use of the Federal Reserve Banking Code so banking computers electrically issue all the electronic counterfeit money needed to pay off the corrupt members of this "Forex Fund" (federal electronic counterfeit ring paying off each month). Officials in the U.S. Justice Dept., federal judges, members of Congress, and some former Presidents are all paid off by this federal counterfeit ring using electronic money instead of paper money. It is not smart of federal sources to pick fights with me. I really do know too much and you don't want to make me mad at you!

[That's the "Foreplay Fund," and Ravin' 'Rassy seems quite mad already.]

… secretly controlled by the Illuminati which Russian intelligence says has over $300 trillion to buy off control of Wash., D.C. and try to set up a one world government using Wash., D.C. as the front. The Illuminati loves Satan, hates Jesus Christ, and wants to make "Lucifer" their "god" of the world. These boys are crazy as all hell, but intensely wealthy, hire political gangsters like "deepknight" who made the mistake of catching my attention, then his group, and here were found a little hidden nest of Illuminati reptiles boasting how the Illuminati controls Wash., D.C. so "deepknight" cannot be arrested for murder threats against me in the name of Obama over the internet. This is because the Illuminati controls the U.S. Justice Dept. under Eric Holder and the whole U.S. Justice Dept. is bought off as well as other key federal agencies. By now Eric Holder is in super legal hot water. By legally stonewalling so "Deepknight" will not be arrested for documented federal murder threats in the name of Obama to try and shut me up as I make the Illuminati very unhappy in Wash., D.C. by exposing their operations in Wash., D.C., across America, and worldwide, and by stonewalling when "deepknight" keeps on adding more felony charges to his chart, Eric Holder personally can be criminally sentenced on enough federal felony charges now to put him away for several lifetimes in federal prison, not just one lifetime! "Deepknight" without you being the one they are trying to cover for, Eric Holder would not now be facing up to several lifetimes in federal prison if I push all the legal charges now! By covering too long when "Deepknight" threatened murder in the name of Obama, now it is becoming almost certain that Eric Holder is trying to keep Obama from being legally investigated and removed from the White House for federal murder threats and other federal felonies committed in his name and to carry out his secret criminal policies for America.

I will amend a little the report I issued over the weekend charging a planned military takeover of America and killing of at least millions of America has been planned between the Illuminati and Obama. I said plainly in my report "Tricks Of The Trade In Military Intelligence" that with an arrogant enemy, pull the trick of a few deliberate typo errors and in their hatred of you, they will lose their cool and expose much to all of their security by trying too hard to get at you. Now that the damage is done and the Illuminati has mass exposed their secret plans and names of their people instead of protecting their security, I will do a little better proofreading as I don't need this tactic any longer to sucker them into blowing their Illuminati security. I will make a few minor corrections and supply more perfect copies of the report on the pending Illuminati plot with Obama for the military takeover of America and the planned killing of many millions of Americans. Always trick the enemy to think that you are weak where you are strong and you can smash them in battles and in total war itself! I learned this tactic in eleven calendar years in military academies and also other tricks of military intelligence.

... My book heavily pushes my Omni Law and shows how it works. It is also based upon the political teachings of early Apostolic Christianity. People, you do not know your legal rights under law! You are incredibly ignorant and pushovers for evil movements because your knowledge of law stinks! Read my book as American Law was founded upon the teachings of early Apostolic Christianity. … I will accept donations for the passage of the Omni Law. Write checks, etc. out to NIFI and send … When the Omni Law is passed, the federal government owes me so hugely in financial damages, I will treat all donations then as loans and gladly pay you off. Also, a handsome bonus beyond what you donated which turned into a loan because of the way I legally handled and accepted it. Pass this report all over America. You know Jesus said He would vomit lukewarm Christians out into the understood world tribulation. … A little nest of Illuminati reptile snakes who love Satan and not Christ have been according to their own testimony trying tricks on you so you would not back me. They concentrated their efforts to try and trick the Christian Americans not to back me. Why? Because they feared me far more than any other Christian leader in America. They knew I could give you victory in America and other Christian leaders were just shadowboxing and not serious about winning for Christianity in America … My book which gives you the battle manual how to fight and what to fight for in America is "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" - "The Key To Understanding The Bible" By Erasmus Of America (my pen name). It is on my website and can be ordered for $25.00 plus SC sales tax on a credit card.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:02 PM

So, his typos and bad syntax were traps for us Illuminati so when mocking them we would reveal our secret plans? Dratzo, he’s right! We lost our cool and revealed too much! We should have known that only a real idiot would have used words and language like that, so it couldn’t have been intentional on the part of “The Albert Einstein of American Jesus vomiting.”

Well, I don’t know about the rest of you, but I won’t be bated into saying anything about Operation Grand Slam, two words he may have overheard, which cannot have the slightest significance to him or anyone in his organization. April first will come and go before an idiot like Erasmus even knows about it. By exploding a Chinese atomic weapon in Fort Knox, the entire gold supply of the United States will be radioactive for fifty-eight years, to be exact. It's an inspired deal! The Chinese get what they want, economic chaos in the West and the value of our gold increases many times. I conservatively estimate, ten times. It’s brilliant!

As for the Pope being good and a leader on par with Gassy Rassy, not all of MacHaffie’s readers agree.

1 comment:

Anonymous March 19, 2013 at 4:46 PM

Actually, the new Pope is a back door fulfillment of the Final Pope Prophecy. He was chosen because he has Italian parents (making him Roman), and he chose the name Francis because one of Francis of Assisi's names was Pietro (linking him to the name Peter). Also, his coat of arms ties him to Satanism.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by JamesVincent »

IIRC only one of his parents are Italian, the other one is a native of Argentina. I know, details....
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



[Bla, bla, bla - mostly about how he would have saved the world with his genius but the government "federally stole" his inventions. NOTHING about Deep Knight. Bad Erasmus, bad, bad, bad. No re-posting for you!]

Posted by John MacHaffie at 5:02 PM

Just kidding. In reality, I'm so evil that I can't leave without numbing your brains using Gassy Rassy's prose.

First comments coming back from readers of this book is that it is a "Christian classic" and will likely lead America into a new national direction where Christianity wins back America for real. Also, people think the many bonus reports in the book are fabulous such as how I cured in 4 days flat two tumors on me and knocked out advanced Colon Cancer in 7 days flat for less than $100 in natural supplies to do it. How I got a car of mine to go from 17 18/2 miles per gallon up to 94 miles per gallon in a publicly witnessed test, how to increase food production of American farms up to 10 times more (people think this angle was powerful), how to fast turn faces into looking younger as women have indicated worked for them, and a number of other free bonus reports with the book. Order by Friday and our "free energy report" is included. Don't order by Friday and we may never offer this free bonus report ever again. By the way, the technical mathematical abstract behind this free energy report and simple design indicates that this free energy comes from gravity turned from a force into work energy. It indicates that a Swiss mathematician was correct who had this special theory what exactly was gravity and why it could be turned into useful work energy.
It is hard to stop this technology from being released when it is given to you for free. No official enforcement, but those who released this free energy design to me indicated they had tested it and it worked fine. This may be the only chance you will ever have to know how to supply your house with free electricity for life, run your car for free for life without liquid fuel such as gasoline, and free energy for whatever else you want it for in life including heating your house for free or air condition your house for free. If Wash., D.C. had returned to me my federally stolen $525,000 as I repeatedly legally demanded of them, I would not have released this unique technology and the simple design anyone can potentially build or else have a technical friend help them to build it!

Let me get this straight. Rassy has been holding onto this free electricity invention he knows works 'cause the inventor said so. Even with this proof that it could cure all of our problems, he didn't release it because he wanted to use this threat to get $525,000 from the government? So, in other words, he kept the salvation of the world hidden to try and extort money. Is there any form of International High Treason more odious than this? And he confesses his guilt right here! I suggest you all call the International Common Law FBI right now and DEMAND he be arrested, tried for Free Energy Suppression Treason and common-law executed!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

And another contradiction is that Erasmus is not only offering a report for "free energy" but is also offering a report showing how one can get 94 miles to the gallon of gas for their car. Why would one not use the "free energy" for the vehicle (since Erasmus clearly states that you can skip using liquid gasoline) and forgo the 94 mile per gallon option?

Not only should Rassy be arreseted for energy suppression, he should also be arrested for Felonious Wasting Of Time and Inciting Others to Break The Laws Of Thermodynamics.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

I'm still wondering why it is always a jewish lawyer he beats. Is there something particularly scary or skilled about jewish lawyers?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by JamesVincent »

Sigh... another one?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:I'm still wondering why it is always a jewish lawyer he beats. Is there something particularly scary or skilled about jewish lawyers?
They are the most dangerous kind, having resources such as yarmulkes, matzahballs, menorahs and dreidels unavailable to non-Jewish lawyers. They also speak Hebrew, which I understand is exactly the same as the Latin used by lawyers except it uses a different syntax and vocabulary. All part of the world-wide conspiracy to make anti-Semites look like idiots.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Just remember that Erasmus always fails to mention how he got beat by the other 999,999 Jewish lawyers that he went up against.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

Deep Knight wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:I'm still wondering why it is always a jewish lawyer he beats. Is there something particularly scary or skilled about jewish lawyers?
They are the most dangerous kind, having resources such as yarmulkes, matzahballs, menorahs and dreidels unavailable to non-Jewish lawyers. They also speak Hebrew, which I understand is exactly the same as the Latin used by lawyers except it uses a different syntax and vocabulary. All part of the world-wide conspiracy to make anti-Semites look like idiots.
You're wrong in your assumptions. Erasmus doesn't need any Jewish help to look like an idiot.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

What I'm getting at with the Jewish lawyer, is he just able to beat Jewish lawyers? Can he beat female lawyers? Black lawyers? Asian lawyers?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus Needs Help Again

I know it's asking a lot, but Erasmus has once again asked us to send one of his missives far and wide. And this one's important. It DEMANDS in large, bold, underlined, red CAPITALS that Deep Knight be arrested for his crimes. If only he had also made it in italics, then I'd know he was really serious. Actually what he did was put the complete text in the title - which on RAP-NESARA makes it red-underlined-bold, and then again in the body, so you can read it twice. I am merciful and repeat it only once.

Friday, March 22, 2013
I CALL FOR THE IMMEDIATE ARREST OF '"DEEPKNIGHT" THIS TIME AND NO NONSENSE FROM THE U.S. JUSTICE DEPT! FROM ERASMUS OF AMERICA - MARCH 22, 2013 As I write this, "Deepknight" is messing with the computer of a volunteer worker sitting beside me. He is in control of the other computer and we both can see him playing with the controls to it to block my volunteer worker from being allowed to get on the computer and use it. We separately had just looked at a forum where he was offering his services as an authority on how to hack cell phones (and we assume also computers in America as he has hacked 5 of our computers and tried to destroy five computers so far. The boy is arrogant because he counts upon the U.S. Justice Dept. to legally protect him so he can't be arrested for his repeated felonies under federal law against us. We copied his own website where he and associates boasted of their clout with the U.S. Justice Dept. so he and they couldn't be arrested for federal acts of criminal felony.) My book "THE EARLY ROOTS OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY" and the free promo copy from the first seven pages from inside it are both covered by copyright law as the notice is on the inside page to the cover page. He got into one of my main email accounts to send copies of my copyrighted material from and punched out the picture of Jesus Christ from maybe several dozen copies of this copyrighted book and erased the PDF attachments from dozens of emails that were sent out. We just found out what this "Deepknight" had done. If any got promo - free attachments of the first 7 pages inside the book and no attachment there, let us know. We will send out duplicate documents of anything needed. Okay, U.S. Justice Dept., "Deepknight" has totally hung himself under criminal law with this latest criminal action of his. We ask for formal arrest warrants for him, his associates on his website who have been backing him in many hacking attacks against our email accounts, and arrest warrant or warrants for anyone owning the website or websites he is currently operating from as he had to do all this with their knowledge, not without their knowledge. He is attacking my business email accounts and trying to damage them as far as he can. Spyware has identified one or more sophsticated spy viruses probably invented by C.I.A. in our computers. Ordinary security systems for cleaning out spy viruses cannot remove these so far. I ASK FOR THE IMMEDIATE RESIGNATION OF ERIC HOLDER AS U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL AS HE HAS WILLFULLY IGNORED SEVERAL POSTINGS OF OURS OVER THE INTERNET POTENTIALLY VIEWED BY MILLIONS OF AMERICANS ASKING THAT "DEEPKNIGHT" BE ARRESTED AS AMONG OTHER THINGS HE THREATENED OVER THE INTERNET THAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO MURDER ME BY AUTHORITY OF OBAMA IN THE WHITE HOUSE. EITHER HE WAS LYING OR ELSE TELLING THE TRUTH. BUT IN ANY CASE, HE UNDER FEDERAL LAW WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN ARRESTED BY LAST OCTOBER, 2012 AND THE SILENCE OF THE U.S. JUSTICE DEPT. TO ARREST HIM OR STOP HIM STRONGLY IMPLIES THAT HE WAS FOR REAL AUTHORIZED BY OBAMA IN THE WHITE HOUSE TO MURDER ME, BUT HE MADE THE DUMB MISTAKE OF POSTING HIS THREATS OVER THE INTERNET AND THEY GOT RECORDED BY US! HE BOASTED THAT HE HAD HACKED US AND HIS ASSOCIATES AS WE RECORDED SAID HE HAD BEEN ORDERED BY THEM TO HACK OUR OPERATIONS SO WE COULD NOT GET OUT OUR BOOK IN DEFENSE OF CHRISTIANITY CALLED 'THE EARLY ROOTS OF APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY" BY ERASMUS OF AMERICA. SINCE HE HAS PULLED REPEATED CRIMINAL TACTICS TO TRY AND BLOCK THE RELEASE OF THIS BOOK, OUR WEBSITE FOR ORDERING THE BOOK BY CREDIT CARD IS http://WWW.FASTBOOMAMERICANECONOMY.COM . OUR EMAIL ADDRESS IS NEEDED IS FASTBOOMAMERICANECONOMY.COM@GMAIL.COM . THE BOOK IS $25.00 PLUS 6% SC SALES TAX OR $26.50 TOTAL AND MAY ALSO BE ORDERED BY MAIL. CHECK, ETC. MADE OUT TO NIFI AND SENT TO NIFI, P.O. BOX 1465, SENECA, SC. 29679. SAY 'FOR BOOK." WE WILL KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! AS ONE OF THE SPY VIRUS WAS TAKEN OFF OF ANOTHER COMPUTER OF OURS TODAY, WE HEARD AN AUDIO VOICE SAYING WHERE WE WERE CONNECTED TO THE INTERNET FROM. IT HAS BEEN SUGGESTED THAT THIS SIGNAL WAS NOT INTENDED FOR US TO KNOW, BUT TO LET "DEEPKNIGHT" OR MAYBE C.I.A. KNOW WHERE WE WERE AT SO THEY COULD MURDER ME WITH ONE OF THEIR LITTLE DARTS THAT INDUCES A HEART ATTACK AND LEAVES NO EVIDENCE AFTERWARDS AS THE POISON QUICK DISAPPEARS FROM THE BODY AFTER USE! WE CALL FOR AN IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION OF "DEEPKNIGHT,"HIS ASSOCIATES ON HIS WEBSITE AND THE OWNER OF THE WEBSITE OR WEBSITES HE IS OPERATING FROM NOW. WE EXPECT THE U.S. CONGRESS TO BEGIN AN IMMEDIATE INVESTIGATION INTO "DEEPKNIGHT" AND HIS ASSOCIATES. AND ALSO ERIC HOLDER FOR WILLFUL OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, DERELICTION OF DUTY, CO-PRINCIPLE OR ELSE CO-ACCESSORY TO THE MURDER THREATS IN THE NAME OF OBAMA, REPEATED HACKING ATTACKS IN VIOLATING OF FEDERAL FELONY LAWS, VIOLATIONS OF MY CIVIL RIGHTS UNDER FEDERAL CIVIL AND CRIMINAL LAW, AND TRYING TO DESTROY IN CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL OF MINE TO CENSOR RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL MATERIAL MUCH OF THE CHRISTIAN AND CONSERVATIVE POPULATION OF AMERICA WOULD STRONGLY WANT TO SEE! AFTER ALL, THE WORDS OF PRAISE FOR THIS BOOK ARE GROWING AS MORE PEOPLE READ THIS BOOK. SOME FIRST COMMENTS INCLUDED "WOW!" "THIS BOOK IS GREAT!" AND SO ON. PEOPLE, COPY THIS REPORT EVERYWHERE AND SEND THIS EVERYWHERE. TURN THIS OVER TO STATE GRAND JURIES FOR CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION ALSO AS IF THEY FROM WASH., D.C. CAN DO THIS AND GET AWAY WITH IT, THEN NO AMERICAN CITIZEN HAVE ANY LEGAL RIGHTS AT ALL UNDER WASHINGTON VERSION OF LAW! YOURS FOR GOD AND COUNTRY, ERASMUS OF AMERICA (MY OPEN NAME, THOUGH REGULAR NAME REVEALED AT TIMES IN NATIONAL REPORTS. WASHINGTON, D.C. DOES NOT LIKE CHRISTIANITY DEFENDED IN AMERICA NOR THE U.S. CONSTITUTION OR U.S. BILL OF RIGHTS AS BINDING NATIONAL LAW OVER WASH., D.C.! THAT IS WHY I AND PATRIOTIC AND CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATES HAVE BEEN CRIMINALLY ATTACKED BY THIS "DEEPKNIGHT AND HIS CRIMINAL ASSOCIATES FROM WASH., D.C.)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:09 PM

Gotta get me some of them darts.

You heard the man, he said "PEOPLE, COPY THIS REPORT EVERYWHERE AND SEND THIS EVERYWHERE." In CAPS yet, you can't be more clear than that. I'm sure this reasoned statement of fact would cause great excitement at the Justice Department, as would the local police, mental health authorities, and Erasmus' mom. Let's face it, I've been getting away with this life of crime and preventing prosperity for too long and need to be executed.

So Google up some good addresses, print some copies (I suggest in red, bold, underline, and the largest font that fits) and send 'em away. To avoid accusations of plagiarism, unless you add to the text don't sign your name, but credit Erasmus as the source, using his "real" name and address.

Martin Hunter
302 Goddard Ave
Seneca, SC 29672

Have fun! I'm sure the people you send them to will bless you and get in touch with Erasmus right away!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

And there you go again, winning friends and influencing people where ever you go. What are we going to do with you?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Two of rassy comments really made me laugh.
That is some powerful reasoning by rassy. Either DK was lying or telling the truth.

"Wow This book is great" and so on
Even more powerful are these book reviews rassy cites.

Any bets on whether the volunteer worker sitting by rassy is an actual person or one of the voices in his head.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Wow, Gassy Rassy's level of reasoning is positively amazing. No wonder he is a legend in his own mind.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

Let's be careful about making sport with Erasmus. He seems to have a lot of pull with Google, our ultimate overlord. I tried to Streetview the address DK gave but the Streetview camera was apparently turned off "accidentally" a block or two on either side of the property so it can't be specifically identified. Best I can do is give you an indication of the general tone of the neigbourhood Rassy lives in by noting that the north end of the exclusion zone starts at a towing yard full of wrecks and the south end is a trailer park that, hopefully, once saw better days.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Burnaby49 wrote:Let's be careful about making sport with Erasmus. He seems to have a lot of pull with Google, our ultimate overlord. I tried to Streetview the address DK gave but the Streetview camera was apparently turned off "accidentally" a block or two on either side of the property so it can't be specifically identified. Best I can do is give you an indication of the general tone of the neigbourhood Rassy lives in by noting that the north end of the exclusion zone starts at a towing yard full of wrecks and the south end is a trailer park that, hopefully, once saw better days.

Are we trying to pinpoint sassy Rassy's location so DK 's federal murder goons can find him? Or are we helping out the mental health professionals who are planning to raid his trailer and put him on a locked unit and give him thorazine until the voices in his head stop and he is no longer a danger to himself or others and is able to stop with the compulsive lying.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

I think the purpose was to help us avoid making the mistake of driving by Erasmus' house; you gotta remember that by now the Illuminati has the HAARP array pointed at his residence. You don't want to get caught up in the resulting collateral damage.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Well, Bing Maps will certainly have a nice oblique aerial photo of Rassy's abode.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Timewarp Sunday, some Classic Rassy from almost 15 years ago.

AMERICAN ALERT! Y2K COMPUTER CRISIS UPDATE! by Martin Hunter, Director, National Institute For Inventors, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 USA - September 10, 1998. Please reprint and distribute by copying and Internet.

[For any of you who doubt ol’ Gassy is Martin Hunter, NIFI, we start with his and his mother’s bona fides as smart asses.]

My mother had once been rated by I.Q. test to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time and entered a state university without prior formal education. My own I.Q. had been tested to be beyond scientific measurement. I spent eleven years in military academies, studied with an engineering school, was a history major at a major university, studied with six of the most brilliant economists of America and Europe, and I was trained in several other technical fields as well. I don't like to mention the above, but only do so to give maximum crdibility to the following information.

[My god, the pain this man must go through saying this all the time just for crdibility. Now, to his warning for a future that’s now in the past, mercifully edited for run-on paragraphs…]

This Y2K computer crisis is far deadlier than admitted by Wash., D.C. The people of America and the world must be warned in time. And the people must also be given ways to protect themselves from total death and destruction when everything hits in a short period of time. More and more very brilliant people are warning that this Y2K computer crisis is dangerous enough to potentially even collapse Western civilization before, on, or shortly after January 1, 2000 A.D. This might even cost countless millions of people their lives …
And to make matters worse, on May 5, 2000 A.D. totally separate from the Y2K computer bug crisis, because of the alignment of six planets on that day, this may trigger off the global event originally warned about by Albert Einstein back as early as January, 1955. …. Albert Einstein warned that the building polar cap would through massive weight pulverize the rock under the ice(now two miles high of ice and off balance over the land below) and slide from its location which could kill off maybe even most of mankind on earth. …

[You heard it “maybe even most of mankind on earth,” you can’t be more certain that that.]

Also, separate from the ice cap factor, the six planet alignment according to a top secret government report may trigger off the largest solar flares in "60,000 years" of earth history! This could cause such large solar flare eruptions as could bombard mankind with enough proton exposure as to wipe out the immune systems of most of mankind. As one nuclear physicist expressed to me, he wondered if this is how the dinosaurs were suddenly made extinct on earth. Only this time it would be mankind made extinct … The National Institute For Inventors has technology which can protect mankind from the solar flare threat and also give mankind protective answers that can preserve their lives if society collapses for a few months to a few years … for $35. and foreign people for $42. in US funds. This package is made up of 20 technical reports written in simple language and illustrations so the people can know how to homemake a 10 cents per gallon auto fuel substitute if gasoline is stopped in production or delivery, how to raise food in any apartment or home without soil and just water and nutrients if food become unavailable, how to purify ocean water into drinking water or else take local polluted water and make it drinkable if water stops in your area due to Y2K, how to produce electricity for your home if local electricity collapses, and other reports. We may save millions of lives in America and abroad by seeing the people get this survival information. If people can eat and survive in cities collapsed by Y2K, then we can restore law and order, civilization, and a national economy if we first save the people while cut off from the support of a national economy and civilization. …

[But his last raving on genocide is my favorite, and apparently one of his since he’s still using it. A tribute to how effective a legal ploy it is!]

Also, since the governments are moving too slowly to solve the coming crisis problems, NIFI is forced to propose building a great scientific community using advanced technology. … This community is to be designed to even house from 10,000 to 100,000 people in a super advanced technological society within this huge potential even city size community self-sufficient in all things should civilization fall. …. The time is very short if this is to be done!
For civilized nations this should not be necessary, but following is posted a very stern legal warning covering this message. Under several sections of the Genocide Treaty law, it would be a criminal violation punishable by even lifetime imprisonment for any governmental official or judge(federal or state), business official, or any private citizen of America to try in any way to interfere with or in any way to try and legally block the transmission of this message by mail, by hand, by Internet, etc. by any citizen of America. The U.S. Supreme Court already ruled that binding treaty obligations are higher national law than the U.S. Constitution, state constitutions, etc. A similar legal situation also applies in other nations which signed the Genocide Treaty as a binding treaty law over their nations.
Readers of this message, feel free to copy and transmit this worldwide. No one can legally forbid you without committing a major criminal act under binding international law for civilized nations.

[No wonder Deep Knight is in such deep trouble, mocking Erasmus of America makes fewer people listen to him, which is genocide. Just think of all the people who could have been saved when civilization collapsed in 2000 if we had only listened to him!]
"Follow the Money"
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
Posts: 13806
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:17 pm

Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, then I would guess it is safe to say, except around Gassy Rassy, that Gassy Rassy never met a WACT he didn't like or couldn't spin to his own advantage.

My question, is how could fewer people pay attention to him now than previously, when the only ones who are listening are the voices in his head, and then only because they can't escape. I wonder if that constitutes cruel and unusual punishment for them to have to listen to him bang on repeatedly about the same nonsense day in and day out?? One of the few cases where possession was set up as punishment for the possessors. They must have done something really awful to warrant that.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.