Tim Turner indicted!

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Dr. Caligari
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Dr. Caligari »

Ouch, 164 years,
Not that he's getting out any time soon, but that's just typical sloppy reporting. Newspapers add up the maximum sentence on every count the defendant was convicted of and say that that's what he's "facing." Realistically, the federal Sentencing Guidelines don't work that way.
Dr. Caligari
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

Quite true, but it is a nice round number, and it would at least keep him out of things.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by fortinbras »

Tim Turner is 57 years old, so just about any sentence of more than 20 years is going to be a life sentence.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Dr. Caligari »

I haven't done a Guidelines calculation, but 20 years is what I would guess he's realistically facing.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by LightinDarkness »

I can't wait to see the official propaganda minister of Tim's fake republic (a guy named Kelby Smith) explain this one away. You can almost predict it:

- Timmy had the support of the United Nations, Hague, 86 different countries, but the court ignored it all.
- The jury members were de facto government shills sent there to make sure the trial didn't blow wide the US-CORPORATION conspiracy.
- Timmy did the right sovrun ritual song and dance in court but that sly judge got'em and let him have jurisdiction over him when Timmy stood up/said he "understood" the charges against him/etc. (this one is less likely - the IT WOULD HAVE WORKED BUT YOU MADE AN ERROR isnt usually used to explain away sovrun guru loses).

Watching the Republic of the United States hysteria over this should be amusing...you cant get a bigger case of cognitive dissonance here. If anything Timmy's republic followers believed was true then this COULD NOT have happened. Yet they will find some way to explain it all away.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by grixit »

Hey, it worked for the millerites.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by GlimDropper »

LightinDarkness wrote:I can't wait to see the official propaganda minister of Tim's fake republic (a guy named Kelby Smith) explain this one away. You can almost predict it:
It's almost strange how mute the reactions have been to Jimmy Tim's conviction. No updates on the official website and their facebook page is as dead as ever. Even "media boy" Kelby Smith has been silent. Kebly runs a "social media site" called His Advocates and at least in the areas of the site open to free members (which include a forum and blogs) there is no mention of the president's predicament. You can opt to pay $50/month for greater access to Kelby and his wisdom but the way I look at it I'm already spending almost that much a month for slow, self induced brain damage in six pack form so Kelby's subscription would sorta be redundant.

There is a pattern here. Kelby has said nothing about Tim's trial on his site but then again he's said almost nothing about RuSA there as well. It looks like Tim and the Republic are like so two years ago as far as Kelby's concerned. A year ago at this time Kelby was going great guns promoting Fred and Nina Gutierrez's EFT Setoff scheme as the latest greatest sovereign solution to paying your bills. "It works 100% of the time" Fred said, it's just that the banks try to trick you into thinking it didn't work with nasty tricks like foreclosing on your home or repoing your car. Now Fred and Nina are like so last year as far as Kelby's concerned. This year's latest greatest is Robert Eugene Schaefer and his magic land patents. I found actual photos of Robert's Public Notices on an unrelated blog.

I wonder how long Kelby will content himself in the second banana role and start hyping his own scams for a change.

I just found this photo and for some reason find it poignant, I call it "Turner Vision."

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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

I think even more likely, they, and Kelby, are in utter deep denial, after all, the impossible has happened, invincible sanctified pretend president for life Jimmy Tim went down like the last dandylion of Summer, and if he could, so could they and their pretend republic. It just couldn't happen, but it did, so therefore it must be ignored absolutely, or the reality will sink in to all the rest of the inmates, and then the wheels will come off for real, all three of them.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by fortinbras »

Here is the 'official' RuSA announcement:
The Republic for the United States of America

March 23, 2013
Secured ID PR364423858RUSA
Re: President Turner's Trial by Jury

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart to report that our beloved President, James Timothy Turner has been convicted of all 10 counts charged. However, the good news is that the Judge is still considering dropping most or all of the charges against the President. Those observing the trial and witness to the facts can tell you that there is more than enough evidence as to why the Judge should drop the charges. We will not publicize these facts until after the Judge has made his ruling and/or President Turner has filed for an appeal.

Now more than ever we must remain peaceful and non-violent. The corporate actors/imposters and their agencies/agents are most likely emboldened by this conviction that labels President Turner as the leader of the "Sovereign Citizens" and are looking for any excuse to align the Republic with groups that advocate militant action. The Southern Poverty Law Center would also describe us as members of the "anti-government Sovereign Citizens Movement". Nothing could be further from the truth. Lawful - Constitutional government is the very foundation of the Republic. We need to publish far and wide the fact the every American is a Sovereign Citizen, not just members of the Republic.

President Turner has reminded us all along; "don't poke the bear". The Republic is a form of governance - not a remedy. We must be ever vigilant in governing ourselves accordingly. The Republic does not have the authority by Constitution to engage in commercial or legal process on behalf of the People.

The indictment against President Turner was related to processes he was speaking of during his seminars, which were not related to the business of the Republic. It is now believed that with the conviction of our President, those who have engaged in those types of commercial or legal process(s) will be especially vulnerable. Some of you may choose to file an Affidavit of Non Signature to distance yourself from such processes you may have employed. This can be found at http://www.hisadvocates.org/. Once you have signed up for a free account, simply search "affidavit of non-signature" or use this link:

http://www.hisadvocates.org/displaycont ... signature.

You will find step by step instructions on how to complete this affidavit. A signature as lawfully defined in Black's Law Dictionary 5th Edition: Signature: "The act of putting one's name at the end of an instrument to attest its validity...". Please visit this site to learn more. This is a suggestion only. Neither is this an endorsement or guarantee.

President Turner is expected to file an appeal. To be sure, only President Turner will be directing his appeal. This is not a function of the Republic. However, each of us in our private capacities may offer assistance or financial aid to President Turner. Sentencing is scheduled for July 29th. We will keep you informed of President Turner's location. Please continue to send words of support and encouragement.

The last line of the Declaration of Independence reads, "For the support of this declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor." President Turner did in fact pledge this to the People and the Republic. He is a man of great courage. They are taking his liberty. Without liberty what is life? Indeed, he gave all of his fortune for this noble cause. He is and will forever remain an honorable man.

God bless you President Turner - founding father of the re-inhabited Republic for the United States of America.

Republic Press
As for the line about the judge "still considering dropping" some of the charges, I assume there was, from Turner's appointed lawyer, the usual motion for a dismissal notwithstanding the verdict, which got the usual response that it would be "taken under advisement". I don't expect anything to come of it.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

Certainly more than I ever expected, but definitely nervous sounding.

I love the bit about "affidavit of non-signature", under the heading of nothing at all, way too late. Definitely sounds par for the course though.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by grixit »

Ah come on, eveybody knows that all you have to do is say you had your fingers crossed when you signed something and it doesn't count.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by GlimDropper »

The indictment against President Turner was related to processes he was speaking of during his seminars, which were not related to the business of the Republic. It is now believed that with the conviction of our President, those who have engaged in those types of commercial or legal process(s) will be especially vulnerable. Some of you may choose to file an Affidavit of Non Signature to distance yourself from such processes you may have employed. This can be found at http://www.hisadvocates.org/. Once you have signed up for a free account, simply search "affidavit of non-signature" or use this link:

http://www.hisadvocates.org/displaycont ... nsignature.
That link returns the following:
This post has been deleted.
Which I believe is what "those who have engaged in those types of commercial or legal process(s)" wish were true of the "commercial or legal process(s)" Tim sold them and they submitted.

And I wonder if all the people who sign up for free accounts at HisAdvocates dot Org in hopes of distancing them self from all the crap Tim sold them will also receive as much spam for the crap Kelby wants to sell them as I have.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Demosthenes »

MONDAY, MARCH 25, 2013 (202) 514-2007
WWW.JUSTICE.GOV TTY (866) 544-5309


WASHINGTON - A federal jury in Montgomery, Ala., found James Timothy Turner, also known as Tim Turner, guilty late Friday of conspiracy to defraud the United States, attempting to pay taxes with fictitious financial instruments, attempting to obstruct and impede the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), failing to file a 2009 federal income tax return and falsely testifying under oath in a bankruptcy proceeding, the Justice Department, the IRS and the FBI announced today.

Based on the evidence introduced at trial and court filings, Turner, the self-proclaimed “president” of the so-called sovereign citizen group “Republic for the United States of America” (RuSA), traveled the country in 2008 and 2009 conducting seminars teaching attendees how to defraud the IRS by preparing and submitting fictitious “bonds” to the United States government in payment of federal taxes. Although the evidence at trial revealed the bonds are fictitious and worthless, witnesses testified that Turner used special paper, financial terminology and elaborate borders in an effort to make them look “real” and more likely to succeed in defrauding the recipient. Turner was convicted of sending a $300 million “bond” in his own name and of aiding and abetting others in sending fifteen other “bonds” to the Treasury Department to pay taxes and other debts.

The evidence at trial also established that Turner taught people how to file retaliatory liens against government officials who interfered with the processing of fictitious “bonds.” Turner filed a purported $17.6 billion maritime lien in Montgomery County, Ala., Probate Court against another individual. Finally, evidence presented at trial demonstrated that the FBI began an investigation after Turner and three other individuals sent demands to all 50 governors in the United States in March 2010 ordering each governor to resign within three days or be “removed.”

“The jury’s verdict in this case sends a message that defrauding the government and others through the use of bogus financial documents will not be tolerated,” said Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Tax Division Kathryn Keneally. “Disagreement with the law is no excuse for the real harm caused by these self-interested tax defiers.”

“These sovereign citizen groups use these retaliatory tax liens and fraudulent tax schemes as weapons against the United States and its citizens,” stated Acting U.S. Attorney Sandra J. Stewart. “It is only the hard work of law enforcement that can stop these criminals from using these financial weapons. I would like to thank the law enforcement officers who worked vigilantly on this case to bring this criminal to justice.”

“Those who create elaborate schemes and fraudulent tax elimination tactics run a high risk of prosecution,” stated Richard Weber, Chief, IRS Criminal Investigation. “Mr. Turner’s attempts to thwart the IRS, as well as the assistance and training he provided to others, was not tax planning, it was criminal activity. IRS-Criminal Investigation is committed to vigorously pursuing those who promote illegal financial transactions designed to evade the payment of taxes. For those who would consider similar behavior, let this case be a strong warning that there is no secret formula for evading the payment of taxes and no one is above the law.”

Turner remains in federal custody pending sentencing. Turner faces a potential maximum prison term of 164 years, a maximum potential fine of $2,350,000 and mandatory restitution.

“The prosecution of individuals who intentionally impede the IRS by submitting fictitious and frivolous documents, in an attempt to avoid paying federal taxes, is a vital element in maintaining public confidence in our tax system,” stated Veronica Hyman-Pillot, Special Agent in Charge of IRS Criminal Investigation. “Hopefully the verdict will send a message to other individuals like Turner, that this conduct will not be tolerated.”

“This joint investigation exemplifies the government’s commitment to investigate and prosecute those, who through tax schemes, attempt to cheat and steal from the government,” stated Stephen Richardson, Special Agent in Charge of the FBI, Mobile Division.

This case was investigated by special agents of the FBI and IRS-Criminal Investigation, and is being prosecuted by Tax Division Trial Attorney Justin Gelfand and Middle District of Alabama Assistant U.S. Attorney Gray Borden.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"Tim Turner: He Wanted The White House, But He Got The Big House."
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by LPC »

The jury’s verdict in this case sends a message that defrauding the government and others through the use of bogus financial documents will not be tolerated,” said Assistant Attorney General for the Justice Department’s Tax Division Kathryn Keneally.
Hopefully the verdict will send a message to other individuals like Turner, that this conduct will not be tolerated.”
I doubt anyone likely to commit this kind of nonsense will get the message.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ: evans-legal.com/dan/tpfaq.html)
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

Always assuming they can read and get past all the big words.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by Famspear »

Sentencing for Jimmy Timmy Turner is scheduled for July 29, 2013.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by fortinbras »

Although RuSA says the reason is Holy Week, it has effectively taken a very low profile, canceling all the conference phone calls - the Governors, the Congress, and the general conference - till next week.
notorial dissent
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeah, real low profile. Busy trying to shred all that stuff they had out on the internet that now might not be so convenient to have lying around for just anyone to find.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Tim Turner indicted!

Post by GlimDropper »

Nah, they're just reuninhabiting the republic, and doing it lawfully.