Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by texino »

Good grief! If I had only listened with my second mind, then I wouldn't be here mopping blood down on the killing floor. Actually, it's not so bad in the winter if you can keep your feet dry. The cold kills the smell of the freshest blood, so it's the summer time that is the worst time for that sort of work.

It's funny, I was just about set to quit Chicago and head down to Fort Pierce to run an orange boat to Nassau and back for a few months and then take some time off. Now that all this stuff about Deep Knight has hit the wire, I'll be lucky if they don't pull my Master's Ticket.

Oh well, DK's been good to me and I'm not going to leave a standup guy to twist in the wind while that Rat Erasmus gets fat selling that comic. What ever the game plan reads, you can count me in for the whole roll. TT
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

In a deceptively-titled post

Monday, March 25, 2013
Can the Government STEAL Money From YOUR BANK ACCOUNT?

Erasmus of Getting Old throws down the gauntlet or something

I had a spy who was a private registered nurse to one of the top Satanist leaders (Illuminati) in America and I was told how she found out that the Satanists secretly controlled Wash., DC. and had much infiltration in many state legislatures in America. By the way, my group intercepted a communication from the Illuminati. They listed Obama as a middle level Illuminati official who has to take orders from higher authority officials in the Illuminati. The one called "Deepknight" has a higher grade ranking in the Illuminati than a common lower servant of theirs. Arrest him and you have a prime witness who can identify nearly all the higher rank Illuminati in America. He is at this moment trying to arrange my murder in order to silence me.

No, MacHaffie's readers are trying to silence you by petitioning him to stop posting your garbage, I'm trying to mock you. No, not "trying," succeeding. What, if anything, are you doing?

One of the minor Justice Dept. officials once years ago boasted to me and I think five other witnesses including a lawyer there how the U.S. Justice Dept. arranges federal murders of American citizens without it tracing back to the U.S. Justice Dept. My report on Thursday will take of countless federal murder programs of American citizens starting from World War II up to and including "Deepknight" who is trying to give away my address nationally and inciting my murder by a non-federal if possible. If not, then a federal posing as an unknown murder is supposed to murder me shortly. All on his website and the owner of his website who is a lawyer from California as I understand it are under law now co-conspirators to trying to incite my murder by an old tactic of the U.S. Justice Dept. which has used this tactic many times to murder American citizens and not trace back to the U.S. Justice Dept. having incited or else arranged the involved federal murder of an American citizen who was too honest, a patriot, etc. of America. I will be releasing this week the assembled legal evidence that the U.S. Government bought off by secret interests allied with the Illuminati have arranged the murder of millions of Americans by designed federal policies in national health intended to hurt and murder millions of Americans on a regular basis. The F.B.I. murdered the original brilliant man who assembled this legal evidence on Wash., D.C. with names, dates, etc. and famous people quoted on this, but he told us just before he was murdered that he had been threatened by the F.B.I. to shut up or else. The day he was murdered, they cleaned out his house of thousands of DVD's all with the legal evidence on Wash., D.C.'s secret health policy designed to murder your husband, wife, son, daughter, etc. and you are supposed to be too dumb to know that Wash., D.C. did this to you. He got one copy of his assembled evidence on DVD over to me, a best friend of his, and his best friend who lived close to him. He let us know that the F.B.I. had just threatened him with implied murder which shortly happened and thousands of copies of his assembled legal evidence on Wash., D.C. in DVD format were all removed from his house the same day Wash., D.C. murdered him. They tried to arrange his house to look like he died of natural causes, but not knowing his life style, made mistakes which showed the federal murderers arranged the death scene incorrectly and identified themselves as his murderers. By Thursday I will be releasing nationally the legal evidence to show that these legal charges are valid and not made up.

Well, I have to apologize, you HAVE been busy. Not only do you have damning evidence, it's in DVD format not the earlier VHS or BetaMax formats which are less damning.

When I release my bombshell legal evidence on federal murders of American citizens I plan on Thrusday to release unless Wash., D.C. quick makes it peace with me, I am considering releasing nationally the Illuminati document where they say Obama in the White House is also an Illuminati official for the Satanists in America but only middle rank of Illuminati officials, not one of the top officials of theirs. He takes orders from them as they, not him, run the White House and the rest of Wash., D.C. right now at the federal level. "Deepknight" broke open the security of the Illuminati which secretly run Wash., D.C., not you the American people. What suckers you are to think you control Wash., D.C. which you do not. But the grand juries in America are your power base. Use them with powers of presentment under law and you can kick the traitors out of power like lightning as you mass send them away to prison until all criminals and traitors in Wash., D.C. get the clear message the American people have taken back control of the government of America and the Illuminati no longer secretly control Wash., D.C. or some of the state governments. My nurse spy told me of the secret meetings ... Then the world must either worship "Lucifier" as their god as all other religious are now illegal under plan of death or else heads roll in every nation where the people do not now worship Satan called "Lucifer" by them as their god. Insane plan! Absolutely yes! But as Russian intelligence reported openly in print in Moscow in 2001, they estimate that the Illuminati has over 300 trillion dollars as their secret fund to establish a one world government with.

He prefers to be called "Mister Satan," not that other name (when he was young others teased him by calling him "Luci," kids can be cruel to someone who's different and has glowing red coals for eyes). From here Rassy goes on and on and on about this and that and his book, WHICH APPARENTLY HAS YET TO BE PUBLISHED regardless of what he said earlier. Some choice bits.

When the details got out how America was supposed to be annihilated late last fall and I saved America from total planned nuclear annihilation to occur before 2012 was over, the clicks stopped and the F.B.I. of course listened but considered this so top secret, they have no plans of ever using this to say that I was not the most loyal American in all of America last fall in pushing the Confederate angle to keep America from having 300 million dead Americans all killd the first day by nuclear attack.

Those of the U.S. Justice Dept. trying to return to me the federally stolen $525.000, include your names, and when grand juries rip the U.S. Justice Dept. to pieces over this and countless other criminal violations of law, I don't think you will get prosecuted when the hardcore criminals in the U.S. Justice Dept. will and you can be the foundation to rebuild an honest U.S. Justice Dept. this time.

By the way, the Catholic monk who wrote up my book so highly "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" says that he has read through about half the book now and thinks that this is definitely the foundation to reunify Christianity on and all Christians should listen to me, not just Protestants or Catholics.

Let me give you something to speculate on. Drill a 10 foot wide hole through the center of the earth and so a hole goes through the entire round ball of the earth. Throw a tennis ball down that hole that goes from America to China or wherever you want it to. Does the tennis ball go from America to China, or stop at the center of the earth? When you figure out the many subtle scientific angles to this, then you may finally have figured out what scientifically gravity really is! I know the correct answer. but if you are scientificallly inclined, this is not easy to answer what causes the tennis ball to go to and end up where it does. If I explain it to you, then you think this is not so hard to understand. But it takes brains to figure this out in science. I know the answer. Do you? Folks, get my book the Illuminati through "Deepknight" tried all their tricks to try and trick you not to see as it will free America if the people read it!

I will allow a limited number of those who bought my book to become dealers for it. Twice I set up marketing campaigns which did over $100 million in sales the year I started the marketing campaign with around $1,000 each time. I predict this will be my third $100 million in sales or more within 12 months of release.

But finally, after pages and pages, he comes up with a slam bang thank you mang ending and explanation of what the heck he's talking about way back in the beginning, and I don't mean the hooker in the nurses uniform.

I will be releasing this week the DVD movie by Dr. David M. Garst which he called "Mad About Alternatives." He spent $50,000 producing it. His only mistake was a poor soundtrack. I owned a movie studio years ago, knew what the mistake was, had a "Hollywood" soundtrack revival system on it as hgh expense to myself and now it may end up winning one or more Oscars the people will love this movie so much I predict once they see it. This movie guarantees my Omni Law should be passed in America and fair chance this year of 2013. In the first part of his movie, he shows the federal policies from Wash., D.C. to strip the American people of all their legal rights under law. The second part of the movie quoting from a Nobel Peace Prize winner, medical sources, etc. but done in a very entertaining way called "parody," he shows the federal health policies deliberately designed to injure the health of and murder millions of Americans by planned federal health policy and laws, not by accident. Wash., D.C. was bought off by corrupt interests and so did not give a "damn" if they murdered millions of you by these cunning, totally evil laws they passed to harm or else kill you, your husband, your wife, your son, your daughter, etc. You may use this DVD to have grand juries all across America by votes of presentment to have arrested those who try to block passage of my Omni Law as only it, no other Wash., D.C. policies or laws will end the present federal policy of killing off all the time millions of Americans. Dr. Garst nailed the case down. It is a murder policy and clearly proven by medical evidence and quoted sources. Pass this report all over America unless you like being murdered by federal health policies designed to injure you for life in health or else murder you outright by cunning traitors in Wash., D.C. in Congress and federal agencies who laught at you if you are dumb enought to believe they really care about you or are on your side. Enough s

Posted by John MacHaffie at 12:07 PM

"Enough s" indeed. His whole post is full of it.

By the way, if you assume that the hole was wide enough to allow the tennis ball to pass, smooth on the sides and somehow insulated from the molten rock at enormous pressure ... then the ball would fall and reach a terminal velocity of less than 100 mph fairly quickly, but then it would both start to slow down and become smaller, as the air pressure and density increased rapidly. After 10 miles the tennis ball would essentially be crushed and only the rubber and such would remain, materials with an approximate density of 1 g/cm3 which means that after about 45 miles the crushed ball would stop and "float" in air as dense as it was. But not as dense as Rassy.

But of course this would never work because the earth is hollow and the ball would simply crash into the great central sun that never sets, "the smoky god."
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

...and now it may end up winning one or more Oscars the people will love this movie so much I predict once they see it...
Since when does the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences give out Oscars for screwball comedies?
He is at this moment trying to arrange my murder in order to silence me.
Which can only mean that Deep Knight is the slowest assassin in history.
...including "Deepknight" who is trying to give away my address nationally...
Actually, he did give away your address nationally. No trying about it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Things to ponder: does Rassy have a wife, children, parents? Anyone close who looks at him and realizes there might be mental health issues and commitment to an institution might be appropriate. Or are Rassys loved ones (and I don't just mean the voices in his head) on board with his crazy talk.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

ashlynne39 wrote:Things to ponder: does Rassy have a wife, children, parents? Anyone close who looks at him and realizes there might be mental health issues and commitment to an institution might be appropriate. Or are Rassys loved ones (and I don't just mean the voices in his head) on board with his crazy talk.
All I have noted is that Erasmus mentions a wife who was cured of her tumor(s) by him. Or he cured her of injuries sustained from a car accident. Or it was the car that had the tumors and he was able to cure the car. Or maybe he married a tumor that had a wife and a car in it and he cured the tumor. I get sloppy with details when I keep getting immersed in Rassy's gibberish.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Against my better judgement, I went and checked out the original Erasmus of America thread. There Rassy states his wife, "Linda", had a tumor on her chest in 1993 that just fell off. Then he stated his wife in 1984 had a tumor on her face and another one inside her body that fell off. Not sure if there was separate instances of tumor for his wife or if he is mixed up on dates. I am just surprised that he hasn't figured out that Deep Knight was somehow behind the attempt to plant tumors in his wife.

No mention of children, siblings or parents. If there was really a wife, for which I have some strong doubts, I would find it hard to believe that she has stuck around for all of this.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:I am just surprised that he hasn't figured out that Deep Knight was somehow behind the attempt to plant tumors in his wife.
Especially after DK did it to Bill Casey.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

The Observer wrote:Which can only mean that Deep Knight is the slowest assassin in history.
Didn't you see the memo? Due to Deep Knight's previous misdemeanours, the method of assassination was chosen for him. Unfortunately, it was randomly selected to be based on the old ninja story where the ninja hid in his victim's cess pit, as that was the only time he was unguarded. DK is tunnelling his way to Erasmus's bathroom as we speak, but, hey, America is a big place, if you know what I mean; he's got a long way to go and the sewerage system maps aren't up to date.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Unfortunately, it was randomly selected to be based on the old ninja story where the ninja hid in his victim's cess pit, as that was the only time he was unguarded.
Well, that certainly explains the quality level of the Deep Knight stories.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:Against my better judgement, I went and checked out the original Erasmus of America thread. There Rassy states his wife, "Linda", had a tumor on her chest in 1993 that just fell off. Then he stated his wife in 1984 had a tumor on her face and another one inside her body that fell off. Not sure if there was separate instances of tumor for his wife or if he is mixed up on dates. I am just surprised that he hasn't figured out that Deep Knight was somehow behind the attempt to plant tumors in his wife.

No mention of children, siblings or parents. If there was really a wife, for which I have some strong doubts, I would find it hard to believe that she has stuck around for all of this.
Easily-searched online records show a Linda L. Hunter (NOT Linda M, who also lives in Seneca) age 69 living at the same 302 Goddard Ave. address as Martin R. Hunter, age 68.
The Observer wrote:Well, that certainly explains the quality level of the Deep Knight stories.
Thank you!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Easily-searched online records show a Linda L. Hunter (NOT Linda M, who also lives in Seneca) age 69 living at the same 302 Goddard Ave. address as Martin R. Hunter, age 68.
So you have essentially been targeting a senior citizen couple in the frail golden years of their lives? Couldn't find someone a little stronger and younger than you to plant tumors into? Didn't consider wrecking the great American novel of someone else that might be less senile? Failed to consider a younger target for federal murder? Or was this just a sordid plot to get rid of Erasmus so you wouldn't have to compete for his wife's attention?
Deep Knight wrote:Thank you!
Of course,don't mention it. I always like to encourage people when their latest work improves over previous creations.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

I heard some discussion around the illuminati water cooler tonight after DK went home. Word has it that the big guys are not at all happy about two things

1. That O's federal murder plan not only got out on the internet but that the job hasn't even been done. The belief is that we give O so little real authority that when we do let him issue an order we really should follow through.

2. That rassy continues to list his many miracles online as well as his many credentials, his schools, his blessings, and his off the charts IQ points. He has been aloud to keep touting his book which our hackers who have read the book admit is the most powerful book on Christianity ever. And he keeps taunting us,the Illuminati and our hired assassin DK who doesn't stop him and seems to be too busy writing a book of his own stories to focus on the task at hand.

Word has it that the big guys have several contenders to take over for DK and some on this board will be considered. I heard talk of one person with his attack dachshunds who might be called in to take over the mission. Another person discussed seems to wield a banhammer in a most effective way

Bottom line, I hear they're giving DK one last chance. Follow through on rassy by April 15 or the big guns will be sent in to do it for you. It is thought that the follow up group can get rassy taken care of by April 30 if they have to replace DK. The big guys are tired of rassy and all the info he's getting out there
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Gassy Rassy (did you know we call his Julius Caesar 'round here as a sign of respect?) has made two hyperbolic posts in the last two days, but since they don't mention Deep Knight, even to demand that he be arrested, they don't get copied here. But the comments for the second are priceless.


Anonymous March 27, 2013 at 5:04 PM

is there not one person on here that has bought this from him that can verify it? that is not just another scam? with unusable info and a waste of money or do i got to be the first?

Anonymous March 27, 2013 at 7:18 PM

Did you buy something from him? I read the book that was written, and make no mistake, the reports on how to increase your gas mileage on their own, if you have someone who knows technical stuff, is worth the price of the whole book!! All the other information is unique and valuable, I've never seen it anywhere else, and I would have to rate it as one of the most eye opening books I've read in my life.

[Rassy, 'zat you? If you want to make anonymous posts, watched stock phrases like "rate it as one of the most" 'cause they're too telling]

Anonymous March 27, 2013 at 6:49 PM

If the information Erasamus has, truely came from God... I surely don't believe it came
with a ($) Dollar Sign... if he has information that can help humanity then release it
to humanity... Oh but then... he stated he would sell out to the gov't to pad his pockets
while humanity continues to suffer... Sad!!

Sorry, just not buying it... (no pun intended)

Anonymous March 27, 2013 at 8:34 PM

Excuse me, but even God asks for 10%! Where do you come with the notion that Erasmus, or anyone else, is to provide you with whatever you think you need because you "need" it, regardless of the labor, inconvenience, cost or even possible danger to them? You surely must be a progressive liberal who voted for Obama! Get real! Wake up!

[Not Rassy unless he learned to curb his tongue, sounds more like MacHaffie]

Anonymous March 27, 2013 at 6:51 PM

Erasmus is an anagram for "reams us." That about sums it up.

Anonymous March 28, 2013 at 4:12 AM

Your pitiful. God never asks for anything. God gives, God loves & God cries because of people like you.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"[Rassy, 'zat you? If you want to make anonymous posts, watched stock phrases like "rate it as one of the most" 'cause they're too telling]"

This comment from Deep Knight reminds me of a short story which I read in French class, years ago. This struggling writer, Jehan Fardot, comes up with the idea of inventing a mythical fan, named Prosper Mariolle, to write glowing reviews of the articles which Mr. Fardot submits to the newspaper "The Dawn". He has Mr. Mariolle "living" halfway across Paris; so he keeps on giving money to his maid so that she can take the bus to that neighborhood annd mail the letter from there.

One day, the maid is waiting for the bus when she sees some chocolate candy in a window display. She doesn't have the money to buy them; but then, she realizes that the offices of The Dawn are very close by. With the chocolate candy in her hand, she walks the few blocks to the office of "The Dawn" and hands the editor the latest letter from "Mr. Mariolle", and told the editor that Mr. Fardot had told her to take the bus to Mr. Mariolle's "neighborhood" and mail it from there, but that she had decided to simply deliver the letter in person.

The next day. Mr. Fardot gets a letter from the editor, saying that he doesn't know what to make of Mr. Mariolle, because of the enclosed letter. That letter, or course, was from "Mr. Mariolle" and gives the worst possible review of Fardot's latest article.

Of course, here, Rassy is both Mr. Fardot, Mr. Mariolle, and the editor....
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Of course, here, Rassy is both Mr. Fardot, Mr. Mariolle, and the editor....
So he's both conning and busting himself? Truly multitalented!

The last 3 posting have all been about Rassy selling a DVD that nobody has seen because it's maker, Dr. Garst, was killed by the FBI to keep him from distributing it. Luckily, he knew his head was on the block, so he gave one to Rassy who's releasing it after more than 7 years for $25. Better late than never, I guess.

Okay, on to Dr. David M. Garst of the Roanoke area of Virginia who was murdered by the federal government for producing his movie copyrighted in 2005 and had to be quick murdered by Wash., D.C. and the legal evidence indicates the F.B.I. directly murdered him to stop the release of his copyrighted movie "Mad About Alternatives." He let his best friend in Roanoke and I likely his other best friend know after the F.B.I. visited him, called him a "terrorist" for exposing scandals of Wash., D.C., and if he did not quick shut up, it was understood by their implications to him that he would be soon murdered by Wash., D.C. to shut him up. He let us know about this, but the F.B.I. did not know that he tipped us off about this F.B.I. visit right after it happened. About two weeks later, he was murdered in his house. They staged it cleverly C.I.A. style to make it look like natural death while probably giving him the C.I.A. drug that induces a heart attack or stroke, and leaves no trace later on for an autopsy to spot. They made a few errors not knowing his life style. He was a man of routine and would put his groceries away before sitting down to eat. The grocery bag sat on the floor with nothing put in the refrigerator. He liked to get comfortable and would not still have his boots on and all his outdoor clothing on before sitting down to eat or go to bed to rest. But the colossal giveaway that this was a federal murder is that his house which was now a warehouse of one thousand to several thousand copies of his DVD movie he had spent $50,000 to produce had all disappeared from his house the same day he was murdered by the federal government of Wash., D.C. As they had threatened him with implied murder as he reported to us, the F.B.I. is either the federal agency to be suspected as the actual federal murderers of him or else know who murdered him which as second choice would likely be C.I.A. as this style federal murder called "natural death" is one of their favorite methods of murdering people and not having the people realized the federal government just murdered someone in America.

Funny, but his obit from 2005 talks about this movie too.

Dr. David Minor Garst, 51, passed away December 20, 2005. He was born to Lucille M. Garst and Dr. James Garst on June 22, 1954. Mr. Garst is survived by his mother, Lucille Garst and his three brothers, Dr. James Garst, Dr. Gary B. Garst, Kevin Garst and two nephews, Simon B. Garst and Benjamin B. Garst. He was a graduate of Virginia Tech and Palmer Chiropractic College. Some of his great achievements were in professional radio announcement and more recently film production and acting. His most recent production "Mad About Alternatives" premiered at Mango's located on Smith Mountain Lake in October 2005. He lived life with a zest and love for others. His family and friends ask that he be remembered for the dedication and sincere commitment he had to improving other lives in his many talented ways. The service to honor his life will be held at Oakey's Roanoke Chapel on Tuesday, December 27, 2005 at 12 Noon with the Rev. Benny Peyton officiating. Interment will be private. The family will receive friends on Monday from 2 to 4 p.m. and 6 to 8 p.m. at Oakey's Roanoke Chapel. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made in his honor to the Roanoke Chapter of the Multiple Sclerosis Society.

The same paper also had a article on his movie. Funny how the FBI never covered this up, huh?

The Roanoke Times (Roanoke, VA)
September 30, 2005 | Denise Allen Membreno Special to The Roanoke Times |

David Garst is angry. Some would even call him mad or crazy for spending the past two years of his life and his own money to make what he calls a "docu-parody" titled "Mad About Alternatives."

He says it's a documentary with some acting and social commentary on current events from him and his co-star, Kathleen Turner. Garst wrote and edited the project, which pokes fun at Congress, corporate America, the medical system and everyday Americans.

"I believe that this country is suffering from an overdose of conformity," Garst said. "I believe anybody with an original thought seems to be considered as a heretic or being out to lunch and that one day we'll probably be seeing …

There was more, but you had to join some service and pay money.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Gassy Rassy promised that he'd blow the lid off of "it" on Thursday and this morning it has no lid.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

[Not so much, or at all, "through" these two times, but only during them. Rassy makes unverifiable claims given to him by friends of friends about: 1) Pearl Harbor, 2) Manhattan Project, and 3) Normandy, and how Americans were murdered to cover these up? Then he comes to present times, the murder of the guy who made the film he's selling, AND ...]

Nothing in America legally proves so totally the utter legal corruption of the U.S. Justice Dept. is that the criminal on the loose "Deepknight" is allowed to go around without being arrested by the U.S. Justice Dept. after he on worldwide internet said that he was going to murder me in the name of Obama in an "Oct. surprise" in 2012, he massively attacked our website and electronic operations and especially on a Sunday we fought him for several hours as he was trying to wipe out by massive hacking all our electronic material that had been prepared to write and publish the book now nationally and internationally released called "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America (my pen name). At the same time he was pitching the American people that I had no intention or writing this book, and was a con artist to get money from people. At the same hour, he was trying to sabotage our book so it could not be released having been destroyed by him in massive hacking attacks on our electronic work creating the book. He is a super con artist trying to legally frame people such as myself which is a felony under federal and state law every time he tries it. We caught him redhanded hacking into our files to remove his cover name from our files. He didn't know that we were watching him as he did this! We just wanted to confirm what alias names this "Deepknight" was using thinking we were really as dumb as he thought we were. He has not only broken serious federal laws but also felony laws of 50 states as well as he crossed state laws to do this. He, any associates of his on his website or websites and whoever owns these websites and approves of him threatening murder, running hacking attacks from the website, and violating a bunch of other federal and state felony laws in the process may at any surprise time suddenly have state grand juries from 50 states all legally investigating him and associates in these many federal and state felony acts, and whoever is with him could end up going to prison for life, not just him. I suggest to associates and owners of websites he operates from, drop him like a hotcake or he will land all of you into either state prisons or else federal prisons for life. I play cat and mouse in legal ambushes and we have been recording his growing list of acts of felony under law. We also recorded his felonies against other targets in America as well.
We needed some dumb felon like "deepknight" thinking that he was so smart floating around loose to end up legally framing the U.S. Justice Dept., not us, He legally frames them by exposing that they are highly criminal in law and policy instead of being honorable in law. The U.S. Justice Dept. is now in such hot legal water due to "Deepknight" that when the dust all settles, we will decide whether to push for the legal abolishment of the whole U.S. Justice Dept. or else pretend the legal fiction that only some were criminals inside the U.S. Justice Dept. and not all in the U.S. Justice Dept. We know how to use state grand juries in all 50 states to legally investigate and arrest those in the U.S. Justice Dept. who think they may commit serious felonies in all 50 states and get away with it. An old proverb says, "When a strong hurricane gale wind blows against you, bend with the wind or else get your back broken by it."

[No, an old proverb says that if you want the US Justice Department to arrest somebody it's probably not a good idea to insult and threaten them. Rassy goes on some more about chemtrails and the Federal Reserve but then gets back to it.]

"Deepknight" posted what he thinks is my address on the internet which is a U.S. Justice Dept. method of setting up the murder of private citizens of America. A former minor official of the U.S. Justice Dept. boasted to us when I was living in Wash., D.C. and other witnesses including a lawyer with us and maybe 4 other people how the U.S. Justice Dept. murdered off private American citizens without the federal murder tracing back to the U.S. Justice Dept. An example he gave to show how the U.S. Justice Dept. murdered American citizens without getting caught for murdering them. One man who knew criminal elements in Wash., D.C. the U.S. Justice Dept. wanted him to spy on them for the U.S. Justice Dept. refused to do so. They then used plants of their in criminal elements to say that he had sold out these criminal elements by telling what he knew about them to the U.S. Justice Dept., making sure the criminal elements knew where he lived and soon he would be murdered without it tracing back to the U.S. Justice Dept. that they had engineered his murder. DeepKnight is using this U.S. Justice Dept. tactic of how to arrange a murder without it tracing back to him. He gives out what he thinks is my address and tries to incite people to murder me. Then he pretends innocence to the whole murder affair after it happens. His current posting is that the higher ups in the Illuminati have given him on his own website that I am to be murdered by DK by April 30 or else they will take over and eliminate both him and me. And the U.S. Justice Dept. sits around whistling "Dixie" and no arrests when his website is bristling with murder threats this very day of March 28? I call for the immediate arrest of Eric Holder and Robert Mueller if murder threats over the internet is approved of by the U.S. Justice Dept. It is obvious that the U.S. Justice Dept. is protecting him as he is a felon time and time again by what he does from any website he is on. I call for Congressional investigation of the U.S. Justice Dept. and DK over this non-ending vomiting out of new murder threats coming from DK and any website that he operates from. I am no dummy. I know as well as you the public that the Government in Wash., D.C. is crooked as all hell is why they are not going to legally arrest DK or open an official criminal investigation of the criminal activities of DK when he breaks more and more felony laws all the time either federal or state level and the U.S. Justice Dept. pretends to be looking the other way while I am told by various sources that such as a special unit of D.O.D. is reporting directly to the White House what is going on with DK, etc. in any case, a unit of the D.O.D. and reporting to the White House was spotted by another person on the internet checking into this matter. I am not that dumb. I know what is going on and I am not scared at all of stated or implied murder threats from the White House or on behalf of the White House, etc. The American people at last have a national leader who cannot be bribed, cannot be intimidated by threats, and deadly enough in ability once one of the Rothschilds once secretly met with me and offered me a position with the "Secret Government" of America if I would work for them instead of for the American people. He indicated the "Secret Government" of America judged the American people were too stupid, too irresponsible, and too morally unfit to be allowed to govern America through Wash., D.C., so they secretly did. They were not elected officials but members of key banking families forming a criminal cartel which controlled the government through corrupt leaders both parties and through control of the main part of the news media so they did not serve the American people but released the altered news they were supposed to, censor news they were supposed to, and give the American people the propaganda lines the power elite wanted the people to believe instead of the truth.

[What can I say, I'm blushing at all the high praise. But enough about me, after some edited-out lines it's time for Rassy to tell you why we need him as our Supreme Leader!]

People like DK pose as many different alias people and pop up silly propaganda arguments why you should not back Erasmus of America (my pen name). If you really are dumb enough to fall for their pathetic arguments of pseudo-facts and pseudo-arguments why you should listen to him (DK) instead of back me, then you are the dumb moron that this Rothschild said you were and too dumb to ever beat them as you will not back smart, sound, honest leaders God approves of as they can beat your enemies you do not know how to beat. No army wins without a general and commanders leading the soldiers to victory. Mobs are easy for any disciplined army to defeat and crush. But once under smart leadership and you close ranks with your leadership, then the other side gets scared they are liable to lose instead of winning now. If my mother had once been rated by I.Q. years ago to be the most brilliant child in American history up to her time, do you really think that her son would be a moron or naive in how to defeat your enemies and gave you back America under control of the American people? A smart people want smart leaders to deliver victory to them. A dumb people want dumb leaders or no leaders at all.The power elite are smart in their own ways and it takes brains to beat brains when the other side is well financed and they have Ph.D.'s to advise them how to trick and control you. The power elite think you are dumb as all hell because you won't back good leaders and win back America through them. You know what is the key proof that I am a smart leader for you? I talk with smart to very brilliant people and we form a think tank where the smartest ideas prevail with us and we as a team work out details how to make our smart ideas win for you as we are your servants, not your enemies as the power elite are! The power elite according to the posting on one of DK's websites has said that if DK can't in effect murder me by April 30, then they will put him aside and arrange my murder by more professional tactics. They by their threatening words indicate they think I am their deadliest threat in America and will deliver back control of America to you the American people if you back me while I am available for you. They think I am the "Gen. Patton" of the Christians and conservatives and the one and only leader they fear in America. The other leaders they consider sissy boys and a joke to them! But they fear me by the very words posted on DK's website. Their smart hired brains have told them that I am very deadly and the one smart enough to defeat them in America. Your enemies have told you the only leader they think can win against them in America! Time to listen to the truth and face reality instead of dreaming sweet dreams until America collapses into a nightmare beyond human imagination. I know what your enemies are planning for you! You do not! I know how to stop them! You do not!

[Words fail me. There's more, but including it here would be too cruel. No, wait a tick, I'm evil so being cruel is OK! Woot, here it is!]

Copy this report everywhere and send this everywhere in America. Thanks to DK, we were able to show the American people how crooked and criminal Wash., D.C. really is. And especially the U.S. Justice Dept. I couldn't believe that DK was so colossally dumb as to expose to all the American people the actual control of Wash., D.C. including the U.S. Justice Dept. by the Illuminati which is the secret, powerful Satanist society of the super rich in America and abroad. The Illuminati may thank DK that he was dumb enough to give us the hand we needed to pass the Omni Law with. We had to expose how criminal Wash., D.C. really is. DK won our case for us with national opinion so now we will win America because of him. As the old Roman proverb says, "Those who the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad." DK was crazy enough to play into our legal and political ambush. We had to prove to the American people that Wash., D.C. was totally corrupt and criminal. Without DK, we would not have had the proof to win public opinion with! His arrogance became his colossal stupidity and colossal insanity not realizing he was hanging himself by his reckless mass felony actions.
Folks, pass this report across all the internet in America. I got an email that I am also being followed in Africa and they say I am a great man and leader arising in America. I prefer to say an honest, intelligent man and the evil are scared to death of honest and intelligent leaders in America.

Face it Rassy, it's not my colossal stupidity or colossal insanity you're jealous of, but my colossal thingie. That's right, I'm talking about your pathetically-small you-know-what. Well, no amount of ranting and raving online is either going to get me arrested for mocking you or make your winkie grow big enough to keep the wife from dragging her behind from barstool to cheap hotel and back with anybody who has a larger one, and that's pretty much anybody. Especially those guys who e-mailed you from Africa.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:Gassy Rassy promised that he'd blow the lid off of "it" on Thursday and this morning it has no lid.

Thursday, March 28, 2013
In the mystery of the great missing posts, I posted to you late last night about this new post and how Rassy had written another novella about your evil deeds. It seems to have disappeared though.

Deep Knight wrote:The power elite according to the posting on one of DK's websites has said that if DK can't in effect murder me by April 30, then they will put him aside and arrange my murder by more professional tactics. They by their threatening words indicate they think I am their deadliest threat in America and will deliver back control of America to you the American people if you back me while I am available for you. They think I am the "Gen. Patton" of the Christians and conservatives and the one and only leader they fear in America. The other leaders they consider sissy boys and a joke to them! But they fear me by the very words posted on DK's website. Their smart hired brains have told them that I am very deadly and the one smart enough to defeat them in America. Your enemies have told you the only leader they think can win against them in America! Time to listen to the truth and face reality instead of dreaming sweet dreams until America collapses into a nightmare beyond human imagination. I know what your enemies are planning for you! You do not! I know how to stop them! You do not!
I am going to take credit for the April 30 deadline that Rassy mentions since I put that in my post several days ago about how the upper echelon of the illuminati is getting tired of waiting for DK to take care of Rassy. Shocking I know, but Rassy embellished (lied) about my post though because I said that the word is that if DK doesn't deal with the Rassy problem by April 15, the big boys will bring in someone else to get the job done by April 30. I don't recall comparing Rassy to General Patton or the deadliest threat in America. I think Rassy is a bit full of himself.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by LaVidaRoja »

OOOOOOHHHHHHH!!! I can't WAIT until Rassy's after you too, Ashlynne39!!!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

LaVidaRoja wrote:OOOOOOHHHHHHH!!! I can't WAIT until Rassy's after you too, Ashlynne39!!!
I don't think that will ever happen because it appears Erasmus is too afraid to name any of Deep Knight's purported associates. I think once he established that he could get away with naming Deep Knight in his rants, he decided it would be foolhardy to risk bringing the rest of the Illuminati down on him, especially Illuminati who might be able to do something more than write trashy sex novellas.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Cathulhu »

And Razzie's first post quoted on this thread last November said:



I think we've all seen how deadly is his true legal hand. Last time I saw anything on Mitt, it was a brief spot showing him pumping his own gas.
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