Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

LaVidaRoja wrote:OOOOOOHHHHHHH!!! I can't WAIT until Rassy's after you too, Ashlynne39!!!
That's what I'm waiting to happen. I feel as if I could post the most outlandish scenarios and Rassy is just enough of a moron to believe them. Then again, are they outlandish scenarios or are they thinly veiled descriptions of the Illuminati's plans to silence Rassy from distributing his book.

From what I hear the book is the greatest book ever written - right up there with the Bible. Then again Rassy is God's messenger here on earth so how could it not be and outstanding work of literature. Word has it that stopping publication of the book is of paramount importance to the powers that be and because all that knowledge is in Rassy's highest ever IQ'd brain, he must be stopped as well. If I might be a little cagey here, I believe that what is known as the Rassy project kicks off on April 1 and the upper echelon have tagged it as a mission that must not fail. So, I hope DK gets with it and gets his job done.
Deep Knight
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:In the mystery of the great missing posts, I posted to you late last night about this new post and how Rassy had written another novella about your evil deeds. It seems to have disappeared though.
My theory, Erasmus of America, hacker-terrorist, somehow got into our website using a program developed by the CCIA (Confederate Central Intelligence Agency) to keep you from posting because he's jealous of your legs. He wishes his were half as nice.
ashlynne39 wrote:I am going to take credit for the April 30 deadline that Rassy mentions since I put that in my post several days ago about how the upper echelon of the illuminati is getting tired of waiting for DK to take care of Rassy. Shocking I know, but Rassy embellished (lied) about my post though because I said that the word is that if DK doesn't deal with the Rassy problem by April 15, the big boys will bring in someone else to get the job done by April 30. I don't recall comparing Rassy to General Patton or the deadliest threat in America. I think Rassy is a bit full of himself.
As John Wayne said in the western movie he made, "never take credit for anything, it's a sign of weakness." Sure, you might want to have me replaced for such a lame October surprising of Erasmus, but ask yourself this philosophically - if he was expecting an October surprise, how could it ever be a surprise? Given this, it would be conceptually impossible to have conceived it, and besides, we DO call someone here "General Patton" but it's that big blonde down in accounting. No wait, that's "Betty Grable." Anyway, have you ever asked yourself, is he still alive only because he's useful to us? Think about how many of MacHaffie's readers have run from their computers screaming when they come to his posts, thus keeping them uniformed about the latest news from Sheldan Nidle and Sorcha Faal!
ashlynne39 wrote:That's what I'm waiting to happen. I feel as if I could post the most outlandish scenarios and Rassy is just enough of a moron to believe them. Then again, are they outlandish scenarios or are they thinly veiled descriptions of the Illuminati's plans to silence Rassy from distributing his book.

From what I hear the book is the greatest book ever written - right up there with the Bible. Then again Rassy is God's messenger here on earth so how could it not be and outstanding work of literature. Word has it that stopping publication of the book is of paramount importance to the powers that be and because all that knowledge is in Rassy's highest ever IQ'd brain, he must be stopped as well. If I might be a little cagey here, I believe that what is known as the Rassy project kicks off on April 1 and the upper echelon have tagged it as a mission that must not fail. So, I hope DK gets with it and gets his job done.
You know how Satan feels about humiliating and debasing his victims. The more outlandish the torment/torture/entertainment the better, especially if it involves Rassy messing himself. No wait, he's too used to that.

And yes, he is going after you too.

I released yesterday my very deadly legal report "Federal Murders Of American Citizens From World War II Through 2013." This was posted on Nesara News which gave it automatic mass exposure in America and across the world. Then I sent copies of this to political and news groups across America. Then next week I will be sending this report to the offices of probably all 50 state attorney generals in America and invite them to investigate with their state grand juries certain portions of this report relating to current federal murders and murder threats issued on behalf of federal sources. This is the preliminary legal maneuver which should end up where I later collect up to $100 billion in actual and punitive damages from the U.S. Justice Dept. and their top officials and involved personnel who will be screaming , "But you can't sue the government unless we permit you." I will then show them the mistake in federal law saying I can sue their agency and officials and personnel for $100 billion in actual and punitive financial damages. And everyone in the government is going to want to crucify DK if they can then for opening the legal door so I would have the legal basis to file such legal financial damages and win by standard law.
Since I have won various legal upsets before when no one thought it could be done, my estimate is that we can force this into court as soon as this year or else 2014. And once in court, I expect to win. I needed the criminal acts of DK to give me the legal proof I needed so I could file this fast way to get a first and then final judgment on those involved in the federal government who are going to cost the federal government in Wash., D.C. $100 billion in actual and punitive damages.Anyone ordering between now and Sunday night as of midnight will get at least one chance at a colossal size bonus reward equal to or better than was offered earlier in a previous national report of mine on an alternative way to become a millionaire. . More details later. Anyone mailing in an order, it has to be postmarked by Monday or too late to be counted in on this offer.
First of all I seriously doubt that the higher brass in the Illuminati is going to have me murdered now as they previously threatened in their posting I copied that they wanted me murdered by April 30 by DK or else they would arrange it themselves. We copied the legal admission that the higher brass officials in the Illuminati had ordered DK to murder me or else they would have someone else more professional to do it for them. My associates can show this Illuminati document to state and federal grand juries regardless if I am alive or else murdered by them. With it stating that the higher levels of the Illuminati had ordered me murdered by April 30, 2013, if I am suddenly dead, then all Illuminati officials above DK can be legally charged with murder as they collectively according to their own document we copied from them ordered my murder. This way from 300 to 500 higher Illuminati even the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc. can all be arrested by authority of state and federal grand juries. This cleans out the entire nest of reptile Illuminati leaders in America and Europe for starters. And people like Eric Holder go to prison for life for murder done by his legal consent. Also, Obama in the White House was listed as a medium level Illuminati official. If I die, he goes to prison for life regardless if President or not! Suddenly our reptile Illuminati leaders might judge it smarter than I remain alive than dead.
I can now collect $100 billion from Wash., D.C. and make it stick! National and world opinion will back me totally when the chips are down! And don't forget the worldwide Genocide Treaty of which the American version is called The Proxmire Act says these murder threats by the Illuminati leaders are legally worldwide defined as a "Genocide Conspiracy" to kill off the entire human race on earth. In America if tried here, the guilty can be federally imprisoned for up to life. If tried abroad, they can be executed. If anything happens to me, then 130 nations and more can all issue their own national arrest warrants and arrest all the Illuminati leaders on earth and in each nation put them on trial for their lives. If found guilty, then they can be executed by Russia, China, Japan, Union of South Africa, Brazil, France, Germany, Mexico, etc. Get the legal picture Illuminati leaders? Time to cool it and forget all the dreams of murdering me by April 30. I bet it won't happen after you boys read this. I am all that stands between you getting arrested worldwide, getting executed, and all your family fortunes confiscated by the nations putting you on trial and then executing you after finding you guilty as they will!
Now that we have settled the legal issues. Down to more ordinary business now.
I am going to collect the $100 billion or more in legal damages from Wash., D.C. between their officials, personnel, and the government paying the difference owed me after courts give me the legal judgments as I predict they will! So people, if you order one of the following items before this Easter weekend is over, I will set up $1 billion of the final settlement money and split it up as 1,000 units of $1 million each to be paid to the first 1,000 customers who buy any of the offers below. When I get the settlement money, you each get $1 million each. If not enough claimants, then the surplus money will be split equally and added to the $1 million already being paid to my Easter weekend customers. This offer does not affect my previous offer in the report on another angle on how to become a millionaire which I posted earlier this week on Nesara News.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne39 wrote:... I believe that what is known as the Rassy project kicks off on April 1 and the upper echelon have tagged it as a mission that must not fail. So, I hope DK gets with it and gets his job done.
Isn't that the one where they are planning the multiple meteor strike? I mean, after all, that junk yard he is living in would be a prime target, and with all that metal a perfect spot to home in on?? And I know R&D has really been chomping at the bit to field test their latest innovations after the last little excursion in Russia, and let's not go in to that failed field test over the east coast, I mean, after all, you can't get em all right.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

First of all I seriously doubt that the higher brass in the Illuminati is going to have me murdered now as they previously threatened in their posting I copied that they wanted me murdered by April 30 by DK or else they would arrange it themselves.

Mr Shhh isn't around any longer but the Montirez brothers are still available "for work". (*)

(* obscure film reference which will sail over Mr IQ of 200's head)
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Good news DK. I got to illuminati headquarters early today just to verify. The illuminati never quits working, not even on Easter weekend, especially when something like operation rassy is at stake. Word is that the big boys 39 levels above the president have called in some favors and all world leaders, including the international criminal court as well as all 50 governors and sheriffs throughout the US have sworn fealty to operation rassy. So no need to worry about any charges being filed or jail time. That is what comes from being part of the most powerful group to ever exist and control the world. Also, I hear that congress met secretly last night and passed a law aimed at ensuring that rassy never sees a penny of his so called 525,000 or 100 billion or whatever ludicrous sum he comes up with next. I know you weren't worried about any blowback but its still good to have the world community behind you. In fact, word I hear at headquarters is that the Queen is so enamoured of you that the April 30 deadline has been tossed out so you can work your magic and do a surprise in whatever month floats your boat.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Deep Knight wrote:
ashlynne39 wrote:In the mystery of the great missing posts, I posted to you late last night about this new post and how Rassy had written another novella about your evil deeds. It seems to have disappeared though.
My theory, Erasmus of America, hacker-terrorist, somehow got into our website using a program developed by the CCIA (Confederate Central Intelligence Agency) to keep you from posting because he's jealous of your legs. He wishes his were half as nice.

Well illuminati Intel via the CIA an FBI tells us that Erasmus of America likes to dress up in women's clothes - short skirts and high heels specifically. So I imagine that great legs like mine would come in handy for him. No wonder he is so jealous of me.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Well illuminati Intel via the CIA an FBI tells us that Erasmus of America likes to dress up in women's clothes - short skirts and high heels specifically. So I imagine that great legs like mine would come in handy for him. No wonder he is so jealous of me.
Sorry, but our 24/7/365 surveillance shows that Rassy is a transvestite less than 50% of the time, so it would be unfair of us to taunt him about this. Even though his legs are hidiously ugly due to that infection and the green hair.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Thomas Jefferson, "The Bible Is The Cornerstone Of All Liberty"

[This starts with a long section on Frank Capra, whose movies Rassy obviously likes even though he was a liberal, and his good friend “Dale Draper who had changed his name from Orville D. Barnes was Chief of the Cartographic Dept. of the Defense Dept. in World War II.” No he wasn’t, under either name, it was Lt. H. T. Straw (doesn’t he realize that people can look this stuff up?). Then we hit the good stuff.]

Not all rich are bad. Some are very decent in character. The problem is those who band together in secret wicked Satanist societies like the Illuminati which brainwashes the daylights out of their members to hate the ordinary people of America and the world. And these nutcases with their great wealth see it as their unholy mission to crush the ordinary people of America and do every evil to them their imagination can come up with. I am very glad that an admitted Illuminati operative called "deepknight" admitted that he was a member of the Illuminati and by manipulating him to make mistake after mistake, he exposed that the federal government in Wash., D.C. is secretly controlled by the Illuminati and not the American people. DK ("deepknight") committed many felonies over the internet and the U.S. Justice Dept. refused to arrest him after he issued murder threats over the internet to try and stop me from releasing my book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity" by Erasmus of America (my pen name), tried hacking tactics to destroy the book so it could not be released while he was issuing sarcastic comments nationally that I was a con artist and had no intention of ever releasing such a book or write it, only his hacking tactics failed to destroy or stop the book from national release. It is now going all over America and some have already predicted that this will be the greatest Christian classic released in American history. One business person predicted that this book might become the greatest Christian classic to be released since the time of Christ and the Apostles. One head of local veterans predicts that this will likely be rated the top Christian classic to be released in American history. One Catholic monk say this book was holy and might well be rated the top Christian classic to be released in American history. But when this DK never got arrested by the U.S. Justice Dept. after he publicly over the internet threatened my life with murder several times and then his website carried the threat from the Illuminati that he could not successfully stop me or murder me, they (the Illuminati) would send in a better professional and have me murdered by April 30, 2013. I loved seeing all this stupidity going on by the Illuminati. Now all of America can know that it is not a "conspiracy theory" but actual fact of America that the Satanist society of the Illuminati with their colossal wealth backing it from their rich banker members, etc.) actually controls in 2013 under Obama the U.S. Republic and the American people do not control the U.S. Republic in Wash., D.C. in 2013. The Illuminati cover was blown by this dumb moron DK and the dumb Illuminati leadership chewed him out for not getting me murdered or stopped yet, and we got recorded their communications in the process! American folks, you have jackass Satanists in control of the White House, federal agencies as demonstrated by the U.S. Justice Dept. under Eric Holder refusing to have DK arrested after several murder threats against me publicly recorded over the internet, he mounted a massive hacking attack against our operations trying to destroy the book being stored in electronic files on the internet and got caught in several legal traps of ours so it was identified as DK as the hacker protected from arrest by the U.S. Justice Dept. under Eric Holder who is either Illuminati controlled or else a Satanist member of the Illuminati. Dk was trying to set up a legal frame-up on me that I was a con artist according to him and took money on advance orders for the book and never had any intention of ever writing or else releasing this book "The Early Roots Of Apostolic Christianity." He was trying to destroy the book on Illuminati orders as we recorded from the website communications and then trick you the American people into thinking that I was a con artist and had no intention of ever writing or releasing such a book. Many people have already been sent copies of the book and we are working to fill all orders as fast as we can. Our operations are growing and we will now have the office capacity soon to back the "John Doe" movement like it should be nationally and without sellout to the Illuminati or other jackass lunatic movements like that trying their hardest to destroy America forever if you the common people, the "John Doe" men and women of America will let them do this to America and to all of you across America.

Americans, you are to soft to protect your legal rights. If you won't defend them, at some point you will lose them! When the Omni Law is passed, I want the old Roman legal concept carried out where one in ten is picked out and to be punished with the full weight of the law. We take one out of every ten who had been so wicked towards the American people while they were in the federal government and if found guilty of grave felonies against the American people while in the government, we will punish them accordingly. We will take heads of federal agencies, personnel, judges, and wherever necessary until the message is received loud and clear that America is once more ruled by constitutional law and the U.S. Bill of Rights. Any traitors in government will hear the message loud and clear and behave themselves in government if still working in government. … I guess I can understand why the Illuminati threatened me with murder and frantically tried to destroy my electronic files creating this book for publication by massive hacking attacks by DK their ace boy they thought could do the job but failed them. They were scared to death of a book which could restore the faith of Christians to total belief and faith in God and rally the Christians to win back control and leadership of America taken away from them by tricks and power tactics of the Illuminati, the Communist Party, and other enemies of Christianity in America. My intelligence group infiltrated the Communist Party years ago and found out how they tricked the U.S. Supreme Court to outlaw prayer and the Bible from the public schools of America …
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name. I must be doing something right! The Satanists now tell me that they hate me more than any other leader in America today! The Satanists according to their own boasts on the website forum or forums run by DK boast they control Wash., D.C., not you the American people! We will correct this treason now going on in Wash., D.C. and soon the American people will control Wash., D.C. again!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 7:24 PM
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Wednesday, April 3, 2013
DeepKnight Hacked To Get Our Passwords and Hacked Our National Website Changing One Part Of Our Website And Sabotaged One Of Our PayPal Buttons So It Would No Longer Work That Was Working Fine Until DK Hacked It. From Erasmus Of America - April 3, 2013

DeepKnight Hacked To Get Our Passwords And Hacked Our National Website Changing One Part Of Our Website And Sabotaged Our PayPal Button So It No Longer Worked For Our NIFI Certificate.

DeepKnight has gone wild committing federal felonies and thinking it all funny as the U.S. Justice Dept. is protecting him and refusing to arrest him for the growing number of felonies he is committing quite openly. He just tampered with my political document announcing the creation of the "John Doe" movement based upon the concept of Frank Capra how the American people can win America back to control of the federal government by the American people instead of by special interests and secret, very evil interests. He just gained entry to our national website at http://www.!@#$%&.com and altered one part of our front to this national website. He tampered and altered the code to the PayPal button for NIFI Certificates and we copied his changed code matching it with the original code. He put in a cancellation code so it will not work. We will restore the original code to this PayPal button, but this is 100% for certain the work of a hacker and DeepKnight has been the one we have found repeatedly hacking into our accounts. Our PayPal button worked fine Sunday and now it does not work this following Wednesday because the code was altered by a hacker so it would not work. DeepKnight had some while back boasted how he was such a great hacker. He is trying to ruin us financially by sabotage of our financial operations. This is a major federal felony after felony and the U.S. Justice Dept. is just sitting quietly by and hoping that he can't be prosecuted for this crime wave of felonies against us openly committed by him against our national drive to pass the Omni Law which forces the U.S. Government to obey the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of rights which under the Obama administration has no loyalty to obey the U.S. Constitution and U.S. Bill of Rights. Grounds for impeachment of Obama from the White House if this affair is not instantly stopped by one claiming to act in the name of Obama. If he is not working for Obama as he claimed he was, then time for the feds to arrest him and charge him for the fast growing list of federal felonies he has now committed towards us thinking that the U.S. Justice Dept. is backing him and will not allow him to be arrested for criminal acts against us.
Folks, now you can see why the Omni Law needs to be passed and now. There is no legal integrity in the U.S. Justice Dept. if they do not arrest DeepKnight and any associates now. Show this report to all the members of Congress and your state governors and state attorney generals and ask them what they are going to do about this.
He is so crazy that he will start murdering people soon if now stopped now! I have not seen such a lunatic in many years in society!

[That's right, show this report to your state governors and state attorney generals immediately! DEMAND that they arrest Deep Knight for mocking Erasmus of America!]


P.S. The Illuminati as the Satanists call themselves who control Wash, D.C. must really fear me that I will reach the American people this time. I left this report several times due to interruptions and stored up where the text was at for this report as of that moment. I didn't notice until after I had sent this off to Nesara News on April 2, 2013 that someone had played games with me and added one sentence to this report. It was on page 4 and said "We rich who are fine people." I never said that in this report. This is a typical Illuminati "Dirty Tricks" operation. Smells of Dk hacking tactics as we caught him a number of times in one of our national email accounts. The federal government stole large sums of money from me before such as $525,000 and threatened my life with murder if I tried to stop this federal theft of my money. I have a witness to this as they mistakenly thought that he was working with me and so threatened his life with federal murder at the same time as they separately stole $25,000 from him when they stole $525,000 from me. But due to the repeated thefts of my money by Wash., D.C., I am definitely not rich at this moment.

[I am OUTRAGED! What kind of garbage is this, "We rich who are fine people?" First of all, Rassy has to learn to be accountable for his own typos. But even more importantly, HE HAS TO STOP INSULTING DEEP KNIGHT! What does he mean by claiming I added this phrase to his screed? If I HAD added something it would have been much more insulting, earthy, and included references to genitalia. You know my style. Just a paragraph before Gassy Rassy was demanding I be arrested for ridiculing him? And this is his example of that ridicule? Pathetic.]

Once I collect $100 billion in actual and punitive damages from Wash., D.C., I will have a huge sum of money. But already I had committed the vast bulk of this money was going to finance the Christianization of America and the world. And also help finance worthwhile charitable acts across America and the world. I can't take it with me, so why help my fellow man on earth with this money once I receive it thanks to DK who blew the legal cover of the Illuminati which boasts it secretly controls the U.S. Republic and DK by being such a moron legally proved their claim was true that they controlled Wash., D.C. and not the American people. DK pulled my legal claims into criminal law where I can even successfully sue the federal government, its officials and personnel, for massive felonies under law against me and now they have lost their legal immunity from lawsuit and criminal prosecution. Thank you DeepKnight as you opened the door legally so I could prove my criminal charges and now many in Wash., D.C. will legally hang due to you proved over the internet and for potentially millions of Americans to witness firsthand that the U.S. Justice Dept. is criminal as all hell and has zero loyalty to upholding the criminal laws of America against criminals working in and for the federal government in Wash., D.C.
By the way, DK, as soon as time is clear maybe by end of this week, I will be contacting the SC State Attorney General to issue SC arrest warrants for you, your Illuminati associates on your websites who said they had told you to murder me, etc. and for the lawyer who owns the website or website you have operated from in committing a number of felonies over the internet in these last few months. I haven't heard where it is now legal to issue murder threats openly over the internet. Also, I plan to contact 49 other state attorney generals to arrest the whole bunch of you and those in Wash., D.C. who openly backed you in murder threats against me by refusing to arrest you and associates themselves when they had the legal authority and legal responsibility to do so. I willl show why state criminal laws apply to DK, etc. as they were also threatening the murder of potentially millions of citizens of these states by threatening me in order to suppress my father's Vatican endorsed health answer which could save the lives of millions of Americans if not suppressed by Dk, etc.They must be working for the federal government or else why did Eric Holder protect them from legal prosecution? Eric Holder, you will be very happy when you are served legal papers suing you for $100 billion in actual and punitive damages and for being a co-principal to murder threats issued over the internet by DK and his Illuminati associates who made the dumb mistake of lowering their security so we copied and recorded their murder threats over the internet against me. We recorded your moves! People, show this report all over America to wake America up that Washington, D.C. is run by cleverly hidden Satanists and Wash., D.C. is not run by the American people at this time.

Posted by John MacHaffie at 2:51 PM

1 comment:

Anonymous April 3, 2013 at 6:02 PM


[This is even more OUTRAGEOUS! He's going to show this to the South Carolina Attorney General at the end of the week. Why not right now! What is Rassy afraid of, someone thinking he's dangerously crazy and putting him away again? Oh yeah, never mind.

Then again, he did explicitly ask that it be shown all over American, and I bet the good ol' boys at the SCAG office would get a real kick out of it, or my name's not Baxter Bankster.]
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Burnaby49 »

The more these two guys squabble the more obvious it is that Erasmus and Deep Knight are caught up in a hot and heavy Bromance. Instead of getting acquainted over a few beer and chasers at DK's favorite strip bar they've chosen to publicly explore their relationship through the facilities of this website.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ashlynne39 »

Burnaby49 wrote:The more these two guys squabble the more obvious it is that Erasmus and Deep Knight are caught up in a hot and heavy Bromance. Instead of getting acquainted over a few beer and chasers at DK's favorite strip bar they've chosen to publicly explore their relationship through the facilities of this website.
Thank you. I needed a laugh.
notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeah right, thanks you two, now I'm going to have to go order (lots)more mental carbolic to get that image out of my mind. EWWWW just EWWWW!!!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

One of my sub-minions reports that they now believe they have successfully implemented the web hacking object orientated subliminal hypnosis on Erasmus. We are now safe from prosecution and more importantly, the publishing of his book. How, you ask? Well, the hypnosis under which Erasmus is now subject, has two similar elements. He has now been "programmed" that every time he goes looking for the file containing his book, he will believe he can't find it. Similarly, every time he writes a complaint to law enforcement, he can write it but can never find it to send it. This should keep him heavily occupied but save us from ever having to deal with anything significant that Erasmus writes.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
notorial dissent
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Besides, if he keeps going to the porn sites, and the hack your phone sites like he has been we really won't have to do anything, he keeps downloading so much malware from them there really is no need for our special projects unit to do anything more than snicker a lot. I do think that several of the predators will be seriously disappointed when they discover that the credit card information they downloaded from his is worthless, either being bogus to begin with, or having been previously closed by the card companies, and I really pity the one who stole his book as they are now going to have to read through it thinking it was some super secret technical thingy they could sell for a bazillion dollars, when they'd actually have to pay someone to actually take a copy of it.

You're all taking this too seriously, gassy rassy will eliminate himself and destroy his computers all by himself with out any at central having to even break a sweat. It's the watching him repeatedly shoot himself in the foot that is so much fun, and its all lives since one of the bugs he picked up was a video program that is broadcasting all his ineptitude to anyone who wants to watch.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

notorial dissent wrote:Besides, if he keeps going to the porn sites, and the hack your phone sites like he has been we really won't have to do anything, he keeps downloading so much malware from them there really is no need for our special projects unit to do anything more than snicker a lot. I do think that several of the predators will be seriously disappointed when they discover that the credit card information they downloaded from his is worthless, either being bogus to begin with, or having been previously closed by the card companies, and I really pity the one who stole his book as they are now going to have to read through it thinking it was some super secret technical thingy they could sell for a bazillion dollars, when they'd actually have to pay someone to actually take a copy of it.

You're all taking this too seriously, gassy rassy will eliminate himself and destroy his computers all by himself with out any at central having to even break a sweat. It's the watching him repeatedly shoot himself in the foot that is so much fun, and its all lives since one of the bugs he picked up was a video program that is broadcasting all his ineptitude to anyone who wants to watch.
Just what makes you think that isn't the plan?
I have not seen such a lunatic in many years in society!
no mirrors, eh?
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

When Richard Nixon's "enemies list" came out, years ago, more than a few prominent people professed to be quite put out that they were not on thr list; and I remember seeing newspaper ads which contained form requests to be sent to the White House, asking that the sender be added to the list.

Well, goldarnit, why should Deep Knight get to be the chief Illuminati object of Rassy's wrath? I say that that's unconstitutional, a violation of the UCC, a violation of the provisions of NESARA, and a violation of the Ordinances set forth on the old stone tablets unearthed in Etna Green, Indiana in 1907 (if you don't know what they are, already, you aren't supposed to know). Simple justice requires that we ALL be added to Rassy's list!
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:When Richard Nixon's "enemies list" came out, years ago,more than a few prominent people professed to be quite put out that they were not on thr list; and I remember seeing newspaper ads which contained form requests to sent sent to the White House asking that the sender be added to the list.

Well, goldarnit, why should Deep Knight get to be the chief Illuminati object of Rassy's wrath? I say that that's unconstitutional, a violation of the UCC, contrary to the provisions of NESARA, and contrary to the text of the old stone tablets unearthed in Etna Green, Indiana in 1907 (if you don't know what they are, already, you aren't supposed to know). Simple Justice requires that we ALL be added to Rassy's list!
Damn it Pottapaug1938 (if that really is your name), it's like you've been hacking into my computer and reading the next chapter of my Deep Knight adventure. While you were there you could have at least helped out a little, after all the Illuminati only pay me a dollar a word so it's hardly worth banging away at the keyboard. Just don't write the part where Rassy gets killed horribly (but unfortunately ficticiously), I'm looking forward to crafting it myself as a slam-bang crowd-pleasing finish.

As for Etna Green, I was one of the team that translated that tablet and you're right about people not knowing because of the panic it would cause. Just think of the impact people buying lead-lined underwear would have on the economy.

But back to work on the chain gang. The line Rassy is claiming I added to his screed to embarass him, it's in this paragraph (which strangely I didn't include in my copy - subliminal guilt perhaps?)
Some rich men can be decent in heart and are on the side of the American people. I think J. Paul Getty was a fine man and even thought once being called by Fortune Magazine "The richest man in the world" tried to do what was right for America and the American people. His book "How To Be Rich" was an inspired book telling much more than just economic or business principles how to become rich in America. He also laid out the groundwork for a very ethical free enterprise system in America, how to boom this economy for the American people, how we must have moral values for America and how to create a culture for America worthy of a great nation. Among his comments was that a nation was ultimately remembered in history for its culture, not its riches. The man was fine and I will not pan a rich man who is decent and good in heart. We rich who are fine people. It is just a shame we have other rotten applies who love evil, not good, and so join such as the Illuminati so they can conspire how to become tyrants over the ordinary people and bring every kind of evil upon the ordinary people who have never done them any wrong in life in America or abroad of course also.
Rotten applies? Even without the focus group testing I usually use for my writings (we use evil suburban housewives from Washington State) I can think of a lot better hacks. For example:
...The man was fine and I will not pan a rich man who is decent and good in heart. Especially if that heart is tender and juicy when grilled in Teriyaki sauce. It is just a shame we have other rotten applies ...

And that's not even trying. I'm sure with a few minutes of thought I could find some way to twist it around so it seems Rassy is complaining about the tiny size of his thingie.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The funny thing about those stone tablets is that it was my great-great-grandfather who found them on his property. He had no idea what "that funny writing" said, so he used the tablets (the reverse side, fortunately) as doorsteps for the chicken houses which kept his General Store supplied with fresh eggs. It was only after one of his grandsons (not my grandfather, fortunately) sneaked a cigarette in one of the houses and cause a fire which burned them all down that someone thought to dig up the tablets and check out that writing again.
Last edited by Pottapaug1938 on Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by The Observer »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Well, goldarnit, why should Deep Knight get to be the chief Illuminati object of Rassy's wrath?
The truth of the matter is that Erasmus doesn't really have the intestinal fortitude to go up against the heavy hitters of the Illuminati. He has found it is far easier to challenge Deep Knight, who has displayed a energy level almost equal to Rassy. I'm sure Erasmus is looking to stack the deck in terms of picking opponents that he has a reasonable chance of overcoming rather than taking a beating at the hands of the rest of us - even with one arm tied behind our backs. Sort of like a washed-up prize fighter setting up matches with guys over the hill.

Look at it this way: Despite my announcement of Operation Julius Caesar on the Ides of March, Erasmus took great pains to avoid mentioning my name in connection with that plot. He instead kept blaming Deep Knight or anonymous Illuminati and avoided bringing my name into the fray. The same happened with ashlynne and her announcements of several operations underway. And I can assure you, Pottapaug, that Erasmus will avoid any mention of you in connection with the infamous Etna Green tables and the diabolic power that you will be unleashing with them against Erasmus. The plain fact is that Erasmus is just plain chicken when faced with the unknown.

With Deep Knight, it's a different story. Erasmus knows that DK is falliable, that he has blown a couple of ops and, let's face it, is known to be easily distracted by the sound of satin underwear hitting the floor, provided his hearing aid batteries were replaced. So it's a no brainer for Erasmus to keep taking pot shots at the B team and avoid the aces soaring overhead. The day Erasmus starts trying to drag me into the picture and accuse me of federal mockery is the day I might start having some respect for him.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by Gregg »

I considered signing the order to have this guy "assume room temperature" a few times but let it go because he's just funny enough to let live.
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Re: Let's Help Out Erasmus of America

Post by notorial dissent »

Meh! Why bother? Just think of all the additional paperwork and after action reports you'd have to fill out. He'll eventually do himself in and save us, and the world, the bother. I mean, anyone who knows as little about science as this bozo, is eventually going to put the wrong two or three things together, and then it really will be bye bye rassy. I mean, he really is the prototype Darwin Awards example.
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