Shooting Down Meteor from the Hollow Earth

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Shooting Down Meteor from the Hollow Earth

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, March 25, 2013
What Caused Russian Asteroid To Disintigrate Before Impact?
By Harold Saive ChemtrailsPlanet

David Talbott of The Thunderbolts Project delivers a scholarly narration on the huge meteor that entered Earth’s atmosphere over Cherlyabinsk, Russia on 2/15/2013.
As a brief aside, certain segments of the video show the early morning Russian sky had been sprayed with long, persistent contrails that experienced observers might rather call “chemtrails”.
A flash of light more brilliant than the sun initiated a near total disintegration of the mammoth intruder from outer space. Originally estimated to be 10 tons, infrasound data from numerous stations around the planet corrected the estimate up from 10 tons to a whopping 7,000 to 10,000 tons. But despite the significant mass, the meteor was disintegrated to pieces of gravel in under 30 seconds and while still airborne. The original guess that the meteor crashed through the ice of a nearby lake was found to be false when divers investigated and found no evidence.
One haunting telescopic video clip of the meteor’s explosive destruction reveals what appears to be a piloted craft intersecting the meteor’s descent at blinding speed. Navigating to the far side, the craft appears to be responsible for the explosive demise of the meteor into smaller fragments. In the age of photoshop and image manipulation we might dismiss this clip as a hoax except for one thing; the explosion sent meteor fragments in only one direction and away from the alleged craft as one would expect if the meteor had been zapped with an energy weapon. The alleged craft materialized from what appeared to be a “cloaked” state in order to blast the asteroid. Following the blast it appears the craft re-entered and remained in a cloaked state. But before disappearing, the craft emerged from behind the explosion and appeared to “wobble” slightly as if affected by the shock wave.
NASA continues to claim the Cherlyabinsk Asteroid was unrelated to the highly anticipated asteroid 2012 DA14, which made a safe pass by Earth on the same day.
If you are incredulous that a 10,000 ton asteroid could be rendered to dust before impact with the ground, you are not alone. ... re-impact/

Posted by John MacHaffie at 6:06 PM


Anonymous March 25, 2013 at 6:43 PM
According to Zorra from Hollow Earth... Upon request from Source, he used his Pleaidian ship to transpond into the massive asteroid. Once inside there was a massive increase of energy and transponded out again before the explotion and this is why you see objects coming from behind and exiting ahead of the explotion... All this was to inform the G20 nations meeting there that the game is over... Get behind the program so to speak. Check it out.

Anonymous March 25, 2013 at 7:05 PM
Zorra, from Middle Earth, was dispatched to "terminate" the asteroid. The asteroid was allowed to enter the atmosphere. Zorra, using his spaceship, entered the asteroid's tail, turned on his force field and blew up the asteroid from the inside. The asteroid, if allowed to hit the Earth, would have caused an extinction-level event.

Anonymous March 25, 2013 at 9:32 PM
Of course it was Zorra!!

Anonymous March 25, 2013 at 10:16 PM
If it had not been for Zorra, from Middle Earth, destroying the asteroid, there would be no Planet Earth now. He received orders from Source to destroy it, which he did. There will be another smaller one shortly that he will destroy also. We owe much to our friendly Space relatives.

Anonymous March 25, 2013 at 11:12 PM
No it was not Zorra, it was the Protection Forces who patrol and this solar system. The commander of the those fleets informed his contacts that this would be happening the day before it happened.

Anonymous March 26, 2013 at 10:02 AM
Zorra or Galactics, whoever it was, thank you!
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Re: Shooting Down Meteor from the Hollow Earth

Post by ashlynne39 »

It's almost like each of these groups/individuals on this section of the board try to out-stupid the other. They each do such a good job that I can't decide which one out-morons the other.
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Re: Shooting Down Meteor from the Hollow Earth

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

A while back, NASA came out with a picture of the Earth, put together from various satellite views, which showed almost the entire planet lit up by the sun. The only part which was dark was an area around the North Pole, because the picture was taken sometime during late fall or early winter. The "Hollow Earth" idjits promptly seized on the picture as evidence that the Earth IS really hollow ("look! You can actually see the hole at the North Pole, in an Official Government Picture!").

I'm sure that, if NASA issued a second photograph, taken in the summertime, showing the North Pole completely lit up by the sun, the Hollow Head (oops-Earth) crowd would have orated, loud and long, about the ebil gummint conspiracy to hide the truth by coming out with a photo Which They Admit Is A Composite....
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Re: Shooting Down Meteor from the Hollow Earth

Post by Gregg »

What Caused Russian Asteroid To Disintigrate Before Impact?
Atmospheric pressure.
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Re: Shooting Down Meteor from the Hollow Earth

Post by The Observer »

Gregg wrote:
What Caused Russian Asteroid To Disintigrate Before Impact?
Atmospheric pressure.
Actually, once the meteor realized it was going to have occupy the same planet as the NESARAites and the Dinarians, it committed suicide.
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Re: Shooting Down Meteor from the Hollow Earth

Post by Gregg »

and that, too :haha:
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Re: Shooting Down Meteor from the Hollow Earth

Post by notorial dissent »

And here I thought it was the blow off effect of gassy rassy!!!!

We still have that meteor strike scheduled for his junk yard don't we??
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