Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by vkey08 »

Goodman says he called Sallie May on Monday, and they told him his student loan debt was cancelled as a result of these OPPT filings. He said he did not ask for documentation confirming that, but he will.
This one has me scratching my head.... I have yet to hear of any legit place claiming that they are discharging anyone's debt as a result of these filings, merely that they charged off the debt, and ruined their credit.. So interesting to find out what the thing actually said to him, I would guess it's a chargeoff not a forgiveness..
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »


In my experience observing soverigns its actually pretty understandable. The debt isn't really forgiven of course, but what generally happens is that after these people send in their legal gibberish paperwork they call the front line customer service at whatever company they owe money to. They then have conversations that sound something like the following:

Sovereign: Hi, I sent in <insert legal gibberish paperwork - UCC notice in this case> to discharge my debt with you, did you get it?
Customer Service: Sir our records are not showing anything, you still owe <balance>.
Sovereign: That cannot be correct. I sent in my legal gibberish with USPS tracking #XXXXX, which means I no longer owe you money.
Customer Service: Well sir I do see that we received correspondence from you, there may have been a mistake and your payment was lost. If your payment was included for <balance owed>, then your account balance is now $0.

In other words, the soverign hears what they want to hear. The conversation above was related to me almost verbatim two years ago with a soverign who claimed they had used A4V to discharge their debt. Notice they never are actually told anything except that "well if you sent in your payment for the amount owed, then you owe us nothing more." The front line customer service people don't understand they are dealing with insane people.

I can't tell you how many times a variation of this story has been repeated when you ask for details from them about how their debt is magically charged off. They, of course, NEVER update the internet when the company they owe money to notices they sent legal gibberish and tells them they still owe their balance.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

It's like one of those cartoons that shows what dogs hear vs. what you say.


What they said was:

Sorry Mr. Goodman, but the papers you sent us don't make any sense. We've had a couple of people read them for you, and they give up. I'm afraid that they will have no effect on your student loan debt. Sorry.

What he heard:

... Mr. Goodman ... the papers ... make sense. ... you ... have no ... student loan debt.

See, simple!
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

^ Yep, thats about what happens.

The OPPT insanity seems to be merging into some hybrid new age/soverign scam now, listening to their most recent conference call. Our beloved Trustee in Chief Heather has informed everyone that THIS WEEK an Event will happen where in we will all tap into Absolute Knowledge and Absolute Love. All questions about why those pesky courts/banks/lawyers keep asking OPPT believers for money and where everyones $5 billion in gold bullion seem to be answered with "they are lying when they tell you the UCC notices are gibberish!" And "dont worry, when we all hit Absolute Knowledge they won't be able to bill you anything!"

However there is an out for what happens when we dont hit Absolute Knowledge and enter a transcendent new age OPPT utopia this week - the OPPT is in constant contact with "energy workers" who inform them that although all banks and slavery systems (aka money you owe) have been foreclosed upon (they know this because they can feel the energy with their new age senses), that we CANNOT HIT Absolute Knowledge until enough people realize they are a "spark of the Creator in absolute truth".

I feel like I've entered a time warp into the mid-1990s with all this new age BS.

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by vkey08 »

Has anyone noticed that recently all of these Sov'run and New Age groups seem to be merging into one big group of Woo-cake? Ever since Heather burst onto the scene, (Remember she started this with Charles C Miller a few years ago and failed), but ever since she's joined forces with the Galactic Federation of Light and Ashtar Command people, she seems to have found an audience.

Literally, she is spouting the same tired and true fake news that has been pouring out of these places for years, just changing the names, and people are lapping it up. I know that times are bad, but this goes beyond just hoping and wishing for a better life. She's somehow (and she's smart in this respect, I give her credit) gotten the Sov'run Woo into the fringe-stream, and out of the whacko-stream, by combining it with the New Age, love luck and lollipops (hereafter LLP) stuff.

What gets me, is how little the LLP people misunderstand what they are getting themselves into, they are looking at it as the sign they have been waiting for, Alien disclosure, free energy, no bills, and ascending to a new form of light and love, they aren't getting that at it's core, Heather is still just preaching the same tired A4V/Redemption/Strawman garbage that doesn't work. (Even their Courtesy Notices are rehashes of the Fee Schedules Sovvies use.)

Something's missing, and I haven't been able to put my finger on it yet, but she (and neither do the other two trustees) doesn't seem smart enough to pull this off without some major background assistance pulling her strings (although if she did, the above credit I gave would be accurate)
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by AndyK »

vkey08 wrote:Has anyone noticed that recently all of these Sov'run and New Age groups seem to be merging into one big group of Woo-cake?
One can draw a (far-fetched) parallel to the liquid metal, shapeshifting Terminator T-1000.

When shattered, the blobs of liquid metal (blobs of sovereignorami) reassemble themselves into a new form.

Unfortunately, we don't have access to a large-enough steel mill to properly dispose of the refuse.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

I hope everyone has been busy living their new lives BE'ING and DO'ING as Eternal Essence Embodied! You may recall that according to the OPPT fruitcakes, er, gurus, last week we were supposed to have a huge energy event where we would all have Absolute Data and begin exchanging our Eternal Essence energy for value (therefore were all supposed to have unlimited money!).

You may have noticed none of that happened.

Well, do not despair, because this weeks OPPT conference call explained why. You see, Heather and her group of commandos have been in contact with "people" from Indonesia. This group of people apparently have all the money in the world, and their gold/silver has been what the Powers That Were (cause remember, the Powers That Be have been foreclosed upon) were using to pay for slavery systems like you having to pay for anything or working for anything. Well, these Indonesians had offered to give everyone in the world $6 million (hey its not the $5 billion in gold bullion we were originally promised, but whose counting) to start off our new age utopia.

However, Heather and her commandos wisely told the rich Indonesians NOT to give us all $6 million because that money could be taken by the Powers That Were...somehow. They weren't really clear on that, we were just told that its all in our best interest that the rich Indonesia people not give everyone $6 million and we hold out for being able to exchange our Eternal essence.

We were also told we have to stop thinking in our OLD PARADIGM of FRN's and plastic cards. This is BIGGER than that guys! Surely we'll be astral light beings exchanging eternal essence any day now. Heather wouldn't lie to us.

NOTE: They were actually reading from supposed "emails" with the Rich Indonesians...which one of you is trolling them? I do think the emails are occurring, even if its all complete non-sense.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

UH-OH: Looks like the OPPT-IN gurus have decided that we all misunderstood that "$10 billion in gold bullion" thing that was promised to every person on the planet. It seems as though they have been dealing with a lot of people who don't understand how we are 3 months into the new age and they still have not received their gold shipment. Well, it turns out that was all a misunderstanding.

You see, that $10 billion was actually really just a threat to the Powers That Were (who were the Powers That Be until Heather saved us all). It represents the "unlimited" value of your astral Eternal Essence, but for some reason they needed to assign a value to your BE'ING and DO'ING, so they gave it an "arbitrary number" of $10 billion each. Turns out we were never meant to actually get that $10 billion in gold shipments. But don't you worry, that doesn't mean you have to actually work now or pay your bills. You still don't have to do anything but run around being an astral light being of BEING and DOING. Were just in a transition stage right now waiting for Absolute Data (see previous post).

Also, because what is OPPT if not a fruitcake extravaganza, the kooks have also worked NESARA into this. The new thing now is that The Powers That Were are scared of Heather and her UCC filings and are going to try a one last ditch effort to re-start the foreclosed upon slavery systems. They are going to announce NESARA and a new financial system that goes along with it - EXCEPT THE NESARA WON'T BE THE REAL NESARA! Its a TRAP! Unlike the real NESARA which we know is 100% real because Dove told us, this will be a FAKE NESARA that only looks like unlimited prosperity funds but is really a hidden slavery system. This new fake NESARA system will be announced any day now, and as faithful OPPT in people BE'ING and DO'ING we have been given advance warning.

NOTE: I find it interesting that they have created a foil system that is equally on foot with OPPT in as being 100% make believe. I mean..why not take the news events each week and spin them as being evidence of the opposite stopping us from being astral light beings exchanging our eternal essence? It would look a lot more real.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Before I die of laughter from the lunacy on this call, I'll wrap it up with this: the gurus have told us now what Absolute Data actually is beyond being able to get whatever you want for free! Turns out that Earth has been a "8,000 year old experiment" to see if "BEINGS could be completely cut off from the Universe and enslaved" - but all that ended with the magical OPPT filings. Absolute Data is when everyone becomes aware of this all at once because now that we are no longer slaves to having to work for anything we will immediately began communing with aliens.

By the way, as to how we are going to get everything for free and never work, the gurus have disclosed that there is a "sub-atomic machine" that works like 3D printing where you are able to get whatever you want. It turns out that everyone as Eternal Essence is really just living in a holodeck like environment, and that once Absolute Data hits and everyone has these machines, we will just print our own reality! Sounds good! It turns out that all human limitation is just because we THINK were limited. We die because we think were mortal, we get sick because we think were sick, and we can't fly because we think we can't fly (they actually said this, I am not kidding).

Basically, kids, were all gonna be Gods. Because that machine where you can make anything? The gurus said you can do that yourself using your Eternal Essence DNA! I call dibs on my Mount Olympus spot.

These people are the definition of the phase "just when you thought things couldn't get anymore insane..."
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

I just really don't understand how these "Indonesians" could possibly have all the gold and money, when everyone knows!!!! that the Dragon Family(s) already have it all and are going to or have foreclosed on the FED and all the banks long before this Janie come lately, Heather, ever reared her silly head, or posted her silly nonsense, and they filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in NYC to prove it. They're really gonna be pissed at her trying to horn in on their action, not at all.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:I just really don't understand how these "Indonesians" could possibly have all the gold and money, when everyone knows!!!! that the Dragon Family(s) already have it all and are going to or have foreclosed on the FED and all the banks long before this Janie come lately, Heather, ever reared her silly head, or posted her silly nonsense, and they filed a lawsuit in Federal Court in NYC to prove it. They're really gonna be pissed at her trying to horn in on their action, not at all.
I know right - so many secret elite all-powerful groups who are just waiting to bring us all into utopia. The Dragon Family, the White Knights, the Rich Indonesians, the Chinese Grandfather (I remember that one from RuSA), St. Germain, etc.
notorial dissent
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

I keep expecting them all to declare war on each other or at least go to court about it all.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Thule »

notorial dissent wrote:I keep expecting them all to declare war on each other or at least go to court about it all.
It would be fun if they went to grown-up court. Hmm, perhaps they'll ask the de facto government to identify the group responsible for overthrowing it?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by The Observer »

Thule wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:I keep expecting them all to declare war on each other or at least go to court about it all.
It would be fun if they went to grown-up court. Hmm, perhaps they'll ask the de facto government to identify the group responsible for overthrowing it?
It would be much more fun seeing all these groups going to the common law court in Denny's.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Thule »

The Observer wrote: It would be much more fun seeing all these groups going to the common law court in Denny's.
Well. Supply them with truckloads of pies, and play the Benny Hill tune on repeat. I'd watch that!
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

I never posted the OPPT courtesy notice (I'm used to this stuff and even my eyes started bleeding), but the follow up letter shown here is just too good to pass on.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

It is the Right of Every Person living on this Planet to educate themself as to the "New Freedom" they have been given as ofthe December 25, 2012 filing of the UCC / One People Public Trust in Brussels.

In brief, this filing Foreclosed on ALL Corporations around theGlobe posing as Lawful Governments and Banks. To date therehas NOT BEEN ANY REBUTTAL. Enjoy your new freedom.

Follow up to Courtesy Notice
Posted on April 4, 2013 by D Breakingthesilence

From the OPPT Halton website: http://!@#$%&.ca/2013/04/follow-up-to-courtesy-notice.html

Follow Up to Courtesy Notice

This is the follow up letter that I have written today to my credit card company. A Courtesy Notice was sent in March, and the person does not understand ~ this is the result… D

April 4, 2013

John last name
Toronto, ON MXX XXX

Reference Number Alleged: XXXXXXXXXXXX

Dear John,

I understand your confusion over my last letter to you accompanying my Courtesy Notice of March 6, 2013 as evidenced by your phone call messages.

The legal and lawful landscape has changed in a dramatic manner, although this has not made its way through the manufactured system as yet, where all banks and government corporations have been foreclosed upon, and will soon be made visible and clear for everyone to see. Again, I write this in courtesy to you as a human being, attempting to do his job in accordance with given procedures.

We have all been conditioned to believe that when a bank loans money or offers credit to anyone, that we are using the bank’s own funds, but in actuality this is not the case at all. The signature produces the wealth which never existed previously, whether for a large amount such as a mortgage, or smaller such as a credit card purchase ~ the signature is the key that creates and produces the ‘funds’ at which time the bank monetizes it and balances their books from the ‘get-go’, and then they proceed to extract usury. This has been in operation for literally thousands of years. Those at the very top of your foreclosed corporation know this, and they also know the game is over!

In fact this has been stated publicly and here are some quotes:

“Each and every time a bank makes a loan, new bank credit is created; new deposits, brand new money.” ~ Graham F. Towers, Governor of the Bank of Canada, 1934 – 54

“Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing.” ~ Ralph Hawtry, Former Secretary of the British Treasury

“Banks create credit. It is a mistake to suppose the bank credit is created by the payment of money into banks. A loan made by a bank is a clear addition to the amount of money to the community.” ~ Fourteenth edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica


You have stated on your phone messages that “you are not sure what I am trying to accomplish” along with “this does not apply in Canada”.

I am attempting to educate you on the fraud that is being perpetrated on all people everywhere. All debt is fraud ~ personal and international! This system is broken beyond any remedy, is unsustainable and cannot continue, as noted in this investigative report below.


Further, my response to you is prove to me that that a loan was actually made, and that it is not applicable in Canada. The onus is now on you to make this determination.

For the first part, I require 4 things in order to engage any type of remedy,

1. That, you produce full documentation of prior title, ownership and rights to the money that was purportedly loaned to me,

2. That, you produce documentation of the history and origin of funds that Royal Bank of Canada purportedly had prior title, ownership and rights to, that was purportedly loaned,

3. That, you produce documentation of the actual transaction and transfer of said funds (prior title, ownership, and rights) from the loaner to the borrower (including but not limited to invoicing and/or receipts),

4. That, you include the wet-ink signature contract where I agreed, under full and complete knowledge, to enter into this alleged contract with this said corporation.

As for the second part proving to me that it is NOT applicable in Canada, here is a quote from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarrif, Trustee of The One People’s Public Trust, where it is challenged that anyone submit a rebuttal:

“We have been waiting for anyone to do a duly verified rebuttal of the DECLARATION OF FACTS, point by point, with specificity and particularity, by duly sworn declaration, with their full responsibility and liability, under penalty of perjury under governing law, or any law so long as it is identified, signed by their wet ink signature…but so far…from the hill to the inns of court to and across the globe NO ONE DOES….the terms and conditions are stated, and they are foundations in any legal system…an unrebutted DECLARATION and all its points stands as ABSOLUTE TRUTH in commerce, in law, in fact, and in public policy…so it appears we will just have to continue to wait until someone will actually rebut according to law with THEIR full responsibility and liability.” ~ Heather Ann Tucci-Jarrif, Trustee of The One People’s Public Trust

Perhaps “The Royal Bank of Canada” will be the first across the globe to attempt to rebut these filings, noted in my previous correspondence?

Now for the next part, as stated in my previous correspondence to you,

Should Respondent cease and desist in any and all damaging actions against Proponent, actions brought against Respondent’s assets shall be averted.
Should Respondent choose to interact with Proponent privately and individually beyond this date, Proponent’s terms and conditions No JBA-100XXX are offered for Respondent’s acceptance, wherein the method of acceptance is clearly defined.
It appears that you have clearly engaged the invoicing process by continuing to make calls and leave messages without a contract, therefore please find the first invoice attached.

From this point forward, you will receive an invoice for each and every call, personally or automatically generated.

I am holding you personally accountable with full responsibility and liability in this matter, just as I hold myself. DO who you BE, John.

Without Prejudice

Posted in courtesy notice, follow up, OPPT, Royal bank of Canada

Posted by John MacHaffie at 4:56 PM

DO who you BE, John, and be a DO BEE not a DON'T BEE.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LaVidaRoja »

"Doobie doobie do..." (Cue the music)
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by vkey08 »

I've ... What the....... Does D really......

I'm speechless seriously... I cannot for the life of me think that this is going to end anyway except VERY BADLY, and that Heather is probably laughing hysterically somewhere in the Moroccan desert watching all these DOBEEDOO'S (hey new word to describe them) scuttle around like little confused ants..

not to :beatinghorse: but...... this is really starting to get silly and almost like a sitcom written by really bad hack writers, I mean you can't MAKE this stuff up, or wait, maybe you can, if you're Heather Tucci....
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Contest -- name the new Reality show---
1. "The Real Scamers Behind One Peoples Public Trust"
2. "One Peoples Public Trust in Action - Real People, Real Stories"
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

My favorite part is at the end, where he invoices the bank for his having to answer their calls, and threatens to do so again in the future if they keep harassing him by asking for the money he owes. I imagine that that sort firm action would make a Royal Bank employee go the extra mile to make sure this idiot got a little payback. And I don't mean in dollars.
"Follow the Money"