Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

What I LOVE most about that follow-up letter is that IT NEVER OCCURS to this person that perhaps the credit card company is "confused" because OPPT is completely made up new age legal gibberish. I mean, the thought never even comes close to the surface. Instead, the person decides that surely if he shares his "enlightenment" with the credit card company via out of context/made up quotes, scribd documents, and other conspiracy mongering items that the company will surely see his way. Surely in the face of all that evidence they can do nothing but say "yep, sorry, we were wrong, you now owe us nothing."

Can anyone find what the CC company sent in response to the courtesy notice? I see the response to the CC company's response, but not the CC response itself.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

The OPPT cultists are also now very excited about a bill brought to the floor in the NH state legislature that buys into the long debunked "13th amendment" stuff and also seems to be steeped in other insanity like the "US is a corporation" craziness: ... stitution/

I always find it amusing when the fruitcakes use stuff like this as evidence of anything. They truly dont seem to understand that almost anyone can be elected to a state legislature, and that the lunatic fringe in various state legislatures routinely introduces insane bills because anyone can do so.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

It looks like the bill has been tabled (US meaning, not Canadian meaning -- where it means "the bill is put on the table for active consideration"). No doubt, the majority will send it back to committee for "further study", from whence it will never emerge.
LightinDarkness wrote:The OPPT cultists are also now very excited about a bill brought to the floor in the NH state legislature that buys into the long debunked "13th amendment" stuff and also seems to be steeped in other insanity like the "US is a corporation" craziness: ... stitution/

I always find it amusing when the fruitcakes use stuff like this as evidence of anything. They truly dont seem to understand that almost anyone can be elected to a state legislature, and that the lunatic fringe in various state legislatures routinely introduces insane bills because anyone can do so.
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by vkey08 »

LightinDarkness wrote:
Can anyone find what the CC company sent in response to the courtesy notice? I see the response to the CC company's response, but not the CC response itself.

One thing I've learned following the three OPPT mouthpieces is that they NEVER show the responses they get from the places they send these CN's and Invoices to. To do so would immediately show that it was a fraud and they would lose their followers.

ON a secondary note, on the "official" OPPT forum, many of the users that were 100% behind Heather et al, are now starting to question her motives and a few are even saying that it is 100% a fraud and a game..
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

There is an official OPPT forum?! Vkey, you must share the link - that could provide countless hours of entertainment! By the way, excellent work debunking this stuff on ATS - love your posts on there.

I always suspected that OPPT's "life span" for internet popularity would be as long as the true believers thought they'd be able to get out of their debts/bills/work. Once Heather et. al. began talking about BE'ing and DO'ing and how were all going to be astral light beings who will just exchange our energy and began distancing themselves from the promises of $10 billion gold for each person....the countdown clock began. 99% of these people just want out of their mortgage/bills without having to pay them - thats the entire reason why they are on board, and as time goes on they will become increasingly angry that the gold bullion has not arrived.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

I also keep on wondering when Heather et al. will explain how, when we all have a jigamakazillion ounces of gold to spend, we won't see prices go up so that it takes 3 umptimajillion ounces of gold to buy a loaf of bread, and won't see gold used for things like door stops, sash weights, sinkers for people who like to fish, and the like....
"We've been attacked by the intelligent, educated segment of the culture." -- Pastor Ray Mummert, Dover, PA, during an attempt to introduce creationism -- er, "intelligent design", into the Dover Public Schools
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:I also keep on wondering when Heather et al. will explain how, when we all have a jigamakazillion ounces of gold to spend, we won't see prices go up so that it takes 3 umptimajillion ounces of gold to buy a loaf of bread, and won't see gold used for things like door stops, sash weights, sinkers for people who like to fish, and the like....
Gold is real money. That means that people have to accept it in payment no matter what. So, if a gold double eagle bought a room, dinner, bottle of champagne and 5 prostitutes for a night in 1880, then an ounce of gold has to do the same today and tomorrow.

You see, gold is magic as well as money. Its color, its luster, its weight, its goldness. When OPPTers see it they drool. Well, some of them drool all the time, but you get my point. Even if everyone had more than they needed they would still sell their stuff for more BECAUSE IT'S GOLD. So thus, everyone could have huge estates with servants and fleets of cars and the package deal with the five working girls I detailed any time they want. Or at least I would.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

The phrase is they "drool more", that's how you can tell they are looking at gold as opposed to something random, or are just drooling. But otherwise spot on, reason, nad rationality aren't welcome on planet OPPT, anymore than they are on, or is it at, planet Dinar.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by vkey08 »

LightinDarkness wrote:There is an official OPPT forum?! Vkey, you must share the link - that could provide countless hours of entertainment! By the way, excellent work debunking this stuff on ATS - love your posts on there.
Thanks, I've had a blast watching them, it's quite entertaining.

You have to register, however, to see any of their posts... they are an amusing bunch, esp the ones starting to doubt the bandwagon..
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Alas its been an entire day and I can't seem to get approved for the OPPT in forum..kind of sad. Oh well.

In yet another example of "how crazy is this going to get before it all comes tumbling down," our esteemed Astral Master Heather is apparently fighting with the Ashtar Command people. I don't really get involved in what I call the "Alien Woo" community, but from what I can tell these are quite active posters/believers that they are in new age mind melding communion with a cloaked race of aliens that is just waiting (like NESARA/OPPT IN/all these other fantasies) for us to enter new age utopia when the aliens reveal themselves to mankind. The Ashtar believers frequently post "channeled messages" - which means the true believers are getting really high and hallucinating or just making it up as they go along, I am not sure which - and one of these most recent channeled messages didn't agree with the OPPT! So Heather "responds" to it: ... onses.html

Sample of the insanity:

QUOTE from our Ascended Heather: "Please clarify to me what IS your definition of “Ascended Master”. Do they require others to BE less than them to support their purported “Ascended Master” state? I BE transparent and DO with full responsibility and liability for all to rely upon, for all to experience, question, and dissect...the purported “Ascended Masters” have not provided me with the same opportunity and experience, and I DO desire, choose and request transparency NOW, especially when you or another claims that they are “oversee'ing” anything regarding my embodiment and what I BE."

Its like the battle dome of crackpot new agers in text form. Heather demanding for specific concrete details about the Ashtar aliens while proclaiming that they the other new age nutters are wrong because SHE (Heather) IS ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED AND IS DO'ING AND BE'ING!
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

This is concurrently both entertaining and sad. Its an excellent example of the people who are buying into the OPPT stupidity - a guy whose house is being foreclosed upon is going to go full nut bar and deluge people with courtesy notices who are involved in his foreclosure. And hes decided to document it all on youtube for us.

First things first - it seems as though his loan has been restructured not once, but twice, and he got tax payments delayed somehow, and still was never able to pay. So while I sometimes feel bad for people in foreclosure, this guy just wants to keep his house and not pay his bills. So I don't feel so bad about knowing what the inevitable result will be here.

The foreclosure company sends a guy to his house to leave a notice stating they want entry so they can assess the state of the house as part of the foreclosure process. Of course, the guy sends him a courtesy notice and excitedly tells him over the phone that according to "international law" hes got "3 chances" to reply otherwise "according to the court of international law this will become a international contract" (WHO KNEW INTERNATIONAL COURTS/LAWS DEALT WITH FORECLOSURES!) - the guy involved is not a lawyer so he actually seems to take it as a genuine legal threat. Wonder how long it will take for the foreclosure people to respond that its legal gibberish, and then what will our OPPT hero do?

Watch the insanity:
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

I BE eternal essence embodied absent limit and continue to BE of service to all embodiments of eternal essence...and I DO BE of service to you as you choose in this NOW what you BE and DO what you BE. I love you whatever choice you make. With Absolute Gratitude, Love and Peace, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, eternal essence embodied absent limit and DO'ing.
Quite frankly, lightindarkness, although I really appreciate your digging into this I think you're being a little too hard on Heather's use of language. Sure, those who don't understand the words true meaning might think it's all gibberish, but that's only because they're normal. It all makes perfect sense to me, and if you give me a few moments to rewire your brain, there's a good chance it will make sense to you.

You see, day in and day out we use the verb they call "to be" without thinking about it. Well, first of all, there is no "to" or "be," there is only "BE," and "to be" can only "BE" in that it's part of the BEING of what "BE" is known to DO. And how can their verb "be" change to "is" in their crazy third person present system? Don't even get me started about "am" and "are." Obviously put there to confuse you. But not me, because I BE and DO what I BE. I am never "am" I am always "BE."

Now that you have a basis to start with, let's go right to intermediate level. If I'm going too fast for you, tough. "BE" becomes "BE'ing" without every becoming part of the "become" stage. To become is secondary to BE'ing, you cannot become, you always are "BE." If you had to become, then you couldn't BE in the first place, which means you could not DO this because there would be no DO'ing needed. To BE is to always BE as long as you DO what you BE and don't become what you DO because you already BE and DO what you BE. There is no become! That would not BE becoming.

And now to put the same blinding light of truth on DO and DO'ing. I DO, You DO, He, she, and it DO TOO, We DO, You smell like DOO, and they DO TOO. Does that make sense? It DO. "DO'ing" is what you DO with "DO" so don't let it throw you. Especially into the DOO.

Now to put all you've learned together. I BE, You BE, He, She and It BE TOO, We BE three and You BE smoking a DOOBIE, and BY and BY Heather's BEhind start to BE lookin' FINE. Large and round and no longer firm, but with that rosy glow of having just had UCC filings pulled out of it. Which is why Heather Tucci's Tuchus BE the source of this DOO. And yours can too, two and to, which is just too-too in a tutu. But that's the next lesson.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:This is concurrently both entertaining and sad. Its an excellent example of the people who are buying into the OPPT stupidity - a guy whose house is being foreclosed upon is going to go full nut bar and deluge people with courtesy notices who are involved in his foreclosure. And hes decided to document it all on youtube for us.

First things first - it seems as though his loan has been restructured not once, but twice, and he got tax payments delayed somehow, and still was never able to pay. So while I sometimes feel bad for people in foreclosure, this guy just wants to keep his house and not pay his bills. So I don't feel so bad about knowing what the inevitable result will be here.

The foreclosure company sends a guy to his house to leave a notice stating they want entry so they can assess the state of the house as part of the foreclosure process. Of course, the guy sends him a courtesy notice and excitedly tells him over the phone that according to "international law" hes got "3 chances" to reply otherwise "according to the court of international law this will become a international contract" (WHO KNEW INTERNATIONAL COURTS/LAWS DEALT WITH FORECLOSURES!) - the guy involved is not a lawyer so he actually seems to take it as a genuine legal threat. Wonder how long it will take for the foreclosure people to respond that its legal gibberish, and then what will our OPPT hero do?

Watch the insanity:
It first I thought this would be just watching this guy hem and haw while clicking his way through computer screens. But then it becomes a surreal classic, with a visit to check on a business license (why I can never figure out, after all the government is in foreclosure like the banks, right?, so aren't all licenses void?) and time traveling as we watch the exciting sending of an e-mail before the black-screen one-sided phone conversation requesting it.

Seriously, I realize that this guy didn't mean to, but this actually is engaging, well, with a little fast forwarding. Make that a lot of fast forwarding, but there are parts that are priceless, like his glee at the end that the delivery company seemed so confused. Sad that reality is going to come crashing down on him, but that's probably the only way he's gonna learn.

Thank you.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

So it turns out one of the gurus of the OPPT (Patrick Cody Morgan) was sentenced to 27 (! that sounds like a lot, but I swear its what I heard) years in jail for mortgage fraud. Listening to the OPPT-IN show having them try to explain this away was hilarious. They claim he certainly was not thrown in jail for using OPPT courtesy notices, but for "helping people with financial documents to fight the courts and banks" (AKA file soverign citizen/OPPT like legal gibberish notices). Apparently what he was doing this while being paid as someone in the finance industry (a mortgage broker, perhaps, if I can read the context clues correctly).

Of course, our OPPT gurus report that he valiantly defended himself in court without a lawyer (that turned out smart, didn't it?) and that he was of course going to win (having Eternal Essence Embodied on his side, of course)...but alas, the evil corporate courts could not rule in his favor. Now the OPPT gurus happily report that he is spreading OPPT propaganda among the inmates in his new home. I am sure that will work out lovely when they use information he tells him to terrorize courts with more legal gibberish paperwork. I wonder if he can get more time added to his sentence for that sort of thing?

Interestingly, NO ONE could explain why he just didn't courtesy notice the court and the jail and walk out of there. After all, all courts and governments are foreclosed upon according to Astral Light Being Heather. If there is ANY truth WHATSOEVER to their paperwork, this should have been a shining success. I'm sure he just forgot to sign a line or didn't put a red thumbprint on the right worries now though, because hes got PLENTY OF time to BE and DO as ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED, unrebutted.

Odd that they are just now talking about this, the government's press release was February 25 - maybe they were trying to brush it under the rug? ... onvictions
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

Or one of their followers/suckers found out about it and they are having to explain it away now.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:Or one of their followers/suckers found out about it and they are having to explain it away now.
Yeah, thats what I thought. Interestingly, they are also now engaging in mob like tactics when the friends of the OPPT gurus get foreclosed upon. I think they are edging very close into illegal territory if they are not there already. One of the guru's personal friends was using OPPT legal gibberish to get out of his mortgage (yet again, NO EXPLANATION FOR WHY THE COURTESY NOTICES FAILED!) and was evicted last week. He got back into his former house, and of course will now be thrown out again once the police find out.

The OPPT gurus are encouraging their nutter followers to harass the "policy enforcement officers" (AKA police) by posting their names/personal info on their blogs and asking them to barrage them with courtesy notices. Of course hilariously all this is going to do is piss off the police, and rightfully so, and will only make them come down on the squatter even more quickly.

The OPPT is turning into more of a lunatic asylum than RUSA...and that is an accomplishment.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

My opinion, FWIW, these people are a whole lot less connected with reality than the FRUSA crowd, desperate, and a guess fairly gullible, and at that point, probably prone to really stupid and probably violent acts. I really do not see this ending well at all.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Also, BREAKING NEWS: Heather has proclaimed that from now on all these alien channeled messages will STOP. Aliens will only be allowed to communicate with us face-to-face with Heather and approved Astral Light Beings. Dam Pledians keep sending channeled messages that aren't in agreement with the OPPT, it seems.
notorial dissent
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by notorial dissent »

Well shame on them, the Pledians, that is, how rude of them to not be in agreement with Heather, such nerve!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:Well shame on them, the Pledians, that is, how rude of them to not be in agreement with Heather, such nerve!!
Yes, Heather seems to also be getting upset at some of the OPPT followers who keep asking her where their gold is why they have to work. Someone called into the show and wanted to know "if everything is foreclosed upon why are we still having to work in the old slavery system and using debt based currency notes - why don't you (Heather) give us some practical tools <AKA: i WANNA STOP WORKING/PAYING MY BILLS, WHERES MY GOLD?>.

Astral Light Being Heather's Response? "Why do you keep working in the old slavery system? Because you choose to." Hilarious. And all the guru's agreed. It seems like anyone who is a believer in OPPT and isn't DO'ing and BE'ing as Eternal Essence Embodied simply chooses to live in reality with bills and work.

The next caller then wanted to know how Heather pays her bill, since until all the Astral Light Beings get together they need tools to "bridge over to the other side." The guru's decided that whats going on is the old slavery system is being forced to shut down but that they can't give away free gold without reviving the old slavery system. But DONT WORRY, DO who you BE and you can exchange your ETERNAL ESSENCE any day now. You have to MANIFEST and IMAGINE that cold hard gold bullion, and it will appear so you can BE WHO YOU DO! Absolute data! Any day now.

The flock is growing agitated!