Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:Odd that they are just now talking about this, the government's press release was February 25 - maybe they were trying to brush it under the rug? ... onvictions
I'm having a hard time understanding how this scam worked from the description at the link. Was it he made fake business names that were very close to the actual property owners names, had strawmen get loans based on a confusion of the names, and then defaulted on them, pocketting the money?
Morgan, along with his co-conspirators, participated in a scheme to defraud financial institutions insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and residential mortgage lenders. Morgan would locate condominium units in the Houston area from a builder or developer. He would then set up trust accounts with names similar to the condominiums through which the title to pass. Co-defendants would recruit individuals, also known as straw buyers, with good credit to act as borrowers in applications for residential mortgage loans to purchase one or more of the properties, which would ultimately go into foreclosure because of the failure to pay the loans.
He was also ordered to pay restitution in the amount of $25,277,802, but that will be simple once he gets his gold delivery ... I wonder if they'll bring it to the prison?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:I'm having a hard time understanding how this scam worked from the description at the link. Was it he made fake business names that were very close to the actual property owners names, had strawmen get loans based on a confusion of the names, and then defaulted on them, pocketting the money?
My guess is that the trust account, were named after the condiminiums themselves and that they were misrepresented to the lenders as being used as a pass-through for escrow purposes before being titled to the borrower who had submitted a loan application. There must have been other steps taken to fool the lender into allowing the trust account to be held as the borrower to allow closing, including our conman's associates probably fraudulently signing for the borrower. At some point, the lender not receiving payment, must have contacted the person who had filed the original paperwork and found out that they never signed for the loan and that the whole deal was a sham. The con artist before that event occurred may have sold the condominium to another innocent buyer for a "real steal" price and pocketed the down payment after assuring them that the "loan" they applied through him was "funded."

But this is not really original thinking. The scam is a loose form of the Illuminati ploy where we pretended to "foreclose" on national governments and conned the legislators into setting up "federal reserve banks" to enslave the citizenry as a way to repay all those phony "federal reserve notes" we traded to them for their gold reserves. Once we secured the gold, we then left quickly before the legislators found out they had been duped. Which was usually within the month - except in the USA where the legislators still haven't figured it out.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

The Observer wrote:My guess is that the trust account, were named after the condiminiums themselves and that they were misrepresented to the lenders as being used as a pass-through for escrow purposes before being titled to the borrower who had submitted a loan application. There must have been other steps taken to fool the lender into allowing the trust account to be held as the borrower to allow closing, including our conman's associates probably fraudulently signing for the borrower. At some point, the lender not receiving payment, must have contacted the person who had filed the original paperwork and found out that they never signed for the loan and that the whole deal was a sham. The con artist before that event occurred may have sold the condominium to another innocent buyer for a "real steal" price and pocketed the down payment after assuring them that the "loan" they applied through him was "funded."

But this is not really original thinking. The scam is a loose form of the Illuminati ploy where we pretended to "foreclose" on national governments and conned the legislators into setting up "federal reserve banks" to enslave the citizenry as a way to repay all those phony "federal reserve notes" we traded to them for their gold reserves. Once we secured the gold, we then left quickly before the legislators found out they had been duped. Which was usually within the month - except in the USA where the legislators still haven't figured it out.
Rats, It sounded like a pretty good scam. Well, except for the getting caught part. Ours in much better because the people who report Illuminati business on the Internet sound like they're crazy. Gotta love it.

Patrick Cody Morgan no doubt knew he wasn't really stealing that money because according to the holy word of Heather & Co. the banks made it from thin air. Thus they didn't deserve it because they didn't work for it like brother Morgan did. Or at least that's what I think will be told to the faithful, if the subject ever comes up. Not good to deal with negativity, don't cha know.

My only other question is this. If the banks make money with a few keystrokes, like the OPPT folks say, then why do banks ever go under? I mean, they get tons of free money! Hard to figure, unless of course it's us Illuminati again!
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by vkey08 »

LightinDarkness wrote:
Interestingly, NO ONE could explain why he just didn't courtesy notice the court and the jail and walk out of there. After all, all courts and governments are foreclosed upon according to Astral Light Being Heather. If there is ANY truth WHATSOEVER to their paperwork, this should have been a shining success. I'm sure he just forgot to sign a line or didn't put a red thumbprint on the right worries now though, because hes got PLENTY OF time to BE and DO as ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED, unrebutted.
He tried to, apparently and was quickly apprehended by the evil corporate gubbment...

But it gets even stranger, this was one of the cases we used on ATS to show exactly what happens when you try to call down the spirit of the great Heather to save you, and while I have alot of info on the subject, I'm a little to tired right now (it's almost midnight) to dig it all up, so i'll paraphrase for now and dig it all out tomorrow.

The OPPT faithful are claiming that Patrick didn't get a fair trial, yadda yadda, and that he is falsely imprisoned for a crime he did not commit, yadda yadda, and are posting all of his jailhouse letters to them on their mouthpiece sites for all to read, and the interesting part is that the OPPT folks, by virtue of Patrick's words, are now sending donations to his cellmate, who is a convicted Nigerian 419 scammer. The donations to this Nigerian, are supposedly to help his uber-smart daughter go to a college of her choosing instead of some lame state school, and help his wife take care of said daughter and a few other children. (sounds legit eh?) and through this Nigerian, Patrick Cody has found God, and a new reason for "BE"ing. Also donations to help Patrick's family survive for the years without him are also being solicited.

So.. Patrick failed calling down the great Heather, they're sending him donations, because Heather cannot seem to get the gold to anyone because the Powers will just steal it AND some donations are going to a rather legitimate sounding cause of a Nigerian scammer's family.

I couldn't write this if I tried...
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

Friday, April 12, 2013
OPPT Success Stories

For those not aware, or who still haven’t figured out if the One People’s Public Trust is for real, I highly recommend you visit their new Facebook page that is reserved for sharing accounts of the positive outcomes from delivering Courtesy Notices, refusing to pay bills or recognize authority, issuing invoices to parties who want to engage them, etc.

You might just be surprised.

As for news about the banks, financial system, foreclosure, reset… and I suspect this explains WHY the OPPTrs are having success.

This is a post from OPPT Canada FB page:

“A friend of mine just shared this with me: She has a neighbor who works for State Employees Credit Union in Raleigh, NC… she asked her if she knew the banks and governments had been foreclosed on? She said, “yes”. Then, my friend asked what they were doing about it. She said, “business as usual until otherwise notified.” This is why we need to continue to DO!!!!! Individuals are being USED in the system as usual. However, I hope this gives you peace in knowing that what has happened is TRUTH!”

Posted in What's happening on the Financial front
Tagged bankrupt, banks, courtesy notices, Facebook, failure, financial institutions, foreclosure, One People's Public Trust, OPPT, success stories

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:57 PM
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Burnaby49 »

I have no idea why this has taken hold, at least to some extent, in Canada. As the first post in this thread said:

From what I can tell, it looks like another NESARA style fake prosperity fund. This time, someone claims that due to foreclosure fraud, magical money in the amount $5 billion per PERSON (minimum) is right around the corner. This new fake fund however is sort of like the Granddaddy of prosperity/sovereign woo built all into one - it looks like its taken: sovereign citizen mythology and prosperity fund mythology and combined it into one ultra-insane conspiracy dogma. I thought I'd heard the most insane stuff in this area until stumbling across this one

None of this makes sense in a Canadian context, we had neither the "foreclosure fraud" nor any of the legal framework that supports the American Sovereign mythology. Maybe they are just going along for the ride hoping to share in any benefits.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by michaelphelps »

Re: > Cyprus bail out ponzi scheme. what's the "truth" Quatlossians? Gregg? whatcha think? When I want the truth, I go to Quatloos. My Mama didn't raise no fool.There ARE at least two sides to every story.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ashlynne39 »

So I went to the Facebook page and read some of the so called courtesy notice success notice stories. One of my favorites comes from correspondence to an attorney in Australia who has told the BE-ER or DO-ER, whichever it is, that the UCC does not apply in Australia. Here is a partial response from the nut job:
The UCC is the Prime Commercial Registry on the planet. Its international, national and state portals, branches and franchises under the UCC-preserved “Agent to Principle is Principle to Agent” doctrine are all uniform.
But not to worry, this person hasn't been mean when she sends out the courtesy notices. Oh no, she has this to say:
I have also been sending my CNs and Invoices with love, letting the people know of the benefit these UCC filings have for them personally.
These people are crazy to believe in this nonsense. I guess I shouldn't be surprised but good grief these nuts come from all over the planet and are so busy BEing or DOing, whatever that means, that they can't see or refuse to see how utterly ridiculous this is. The Facebook page is entertaining but is also so pathetic that it is a bit sad.

By the way DK, there is a poster on the Facebook page named Ed Erasmus. He seems to be from Australia though so maybe a relative or kindred spirit to your rassy. I don't know that you could handle more than one Erasmus since you haven't even managed to take out the first one. I'm sure you are working on some ingenious plan that you will unfold at any minute though so all Rassys beware
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Burnaby49 »

Ashlynne39 is surprised at how people can disappear into demented fantasies and never come out? Not me! I entered the whole world of crazy delusion by following (right from the start) Dove on her NESARA fantasy mystery tour and watched in wonder as it never collapsed. Her followers only got more committed the crazier she got. It started small potatoes with Clive Hood and ended up with the reincarnation of Blessed St. Germain and fleets of Pleiadian spaceships circling the world and they avidly followed along on every incremental step. After that I have no limits to my acceptance of the gullibility of mankind.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

I know I say this a lot, but I really do mean it: just when you thought the OPPT had turned the "crazy" dial to max, they surprise you and somehow make things even more insane. I am not sure how they are going to be able to top themselves with the insanity after this week.

Looks like the OPPT now has its very own prophet. One of the OPPT gurus has a 16 year old son. Now, I don't know about you, but when I was 16 I never told my parents about my dreams. But this OPPT guru is really into new age craziness (as are most of them, since thats essentially what defines OPPT doctrine) and apparently her son telling him her dreams is normal.

So this 16 year old kid had a dream a few days ago involving a woman that vaguely looks like Astral Light Being Heather's deceased mother (the passing of her mother was tragic in and of itself - it seemed as if she declined treatment for a treatable cancer due to new age theology - but I have not posted about it out of respect for the dead). He and this women in his dream had a vague, meaningless conversation (as most dream conversations are).

The kid's mother then shows him a picture of Astral Light Being Heather's departed mother and he claims it is her. Then he starts spouting random new age gibberish about BE'ING and DO'ING. Now I'm not saying the kid's motives are malicious here, but its obvious whats going on: he knows his mom gets really happy and gives him what he wants when he starts copying her new age gibberish, so hes doing it and getting the positive reinforcement to continue. For example, his mom started showering him with conspiracy propaganda articles about aliens and lizard people (which she believes in, of course) and exchanges like this occurred:

"After he read the article he said that it rings ABSOLUTELY TRUE to his HEART..."

My my, you don't say?

Hes essentially telling her what she wants to believe in order to get the praise, and has now been elevated by the OPPT has a prophet. Astral Light Being Heather says about him:



DAVID, you BE ETERNAL ESSENCE embodied, and by your free will conscious choice and action you DID KNOW, RECEIVE, ACCEPT, and RECONFIRM the loving gift of ABSOLUTE DATA, ABSOLUTE TRUTH, and ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE within each embodiment, ETERNAL ESSENCE CONSCIOUS.


Very dramatic Heather, as always. Now this kid is enjoying his new found status as a OPPT prophet by being interviewed on their fringe radio shows and soaking up all the attention. Its hilarious that its so obvious whats going on here (part brain washing, part attention seeking teenager) yet they act like some divine event has occurred.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Deep Knight wrote: “A friend of mine just shared this with me: She has a neighbor who works for State Employees Credit Union in Raleigh, NC… she asked her if she knew the banks and governments had been foreclosed on? She said, “yes”. Then, my friend asked what they were doing about it. She said, “business as usual until otherwise notified.” This is why we need to continue to DO!!!!! Individuals are being USED in the system as usual. However, I hope this gives you peace in knowing that what has happened is TRUTH!”
The OPPT success stories are where they really show they have no idea whats going on. I actually bank with this credit union (irony), and the employees are all very well versed on the differences between a bank and a credit union (whoops, looks like OPPT forgot to foreclose on the credit unions!). So this conversation either never happened or if it did happen the employee didn't understand the question. I have noticed two categories of OPPT failures, er I mean, success stories:

(1) Spinning failures as successes: This is my favorite because its bizarre. These people are so deep in to this stuff that even when what they are reporting could in NO WAY BE CONSTRUED AS A SUCCESS, they still claim using the courtesy notice did something unusual.

Spinning failures as successes example:
"....I haven’t filed a federal income tax return for about 7 years and they have never confiscated one red cent from me.Well, I received one of those computer generated letters about a month and a half ago and promptly responded emphatically rejecting their offer to contract, as I always do, along with an OPPT Courtesy Notice. Within 2 weeks I received a reply saying that they were transferring all account records and that correspondence to an office in Ohio and I would not be hearing from that office again. I’ve been having one victory after another with them over the last 7 or 8 years and even forced them to give me back nearly $30,000 of previously withheld earnings a couple of years ago but this was a new response that I have never experienced with such a correspondence so chalk up another Victory for the freeman."

What? So the IRS, whom you've been tax dodging after apparently filing for a fraudulent refund 7 or 8 years ago, sent you a form letter and the OPPT believer sends a courtesy notice in response. IRS then sends a reply stating they were transferring management of the tax dodgers case to a separate office (isn't the one in Ohio the one that specializes dealing with tax dodgers?). How in the world in this a victory?

(2) "Success" because they refuse to read what the response letters they get actually say: Sometimes the OPPT deadbeats are trying to get out of bills that are comparatively small and apparently with debt collectors small enough that if they see a pseudo-legal gibberish document they just assume the person has legal representation (not actually understanding the document is BS) and drop the case as its not worth going after them for the amount.

Ignorant debt collectors or small debt amount success example
"Out of the blue I received a collection notice from a third or fourth party debt collector (you know the ones who buy debt from banks etc). Since the letter was not signed (are they ever?) I did some searching on the web and found the CEO and CFO for this corporation (Portfolio Recovery Assoc, LLC in Norfolk VA). I sent both entities a Courtesy Notice. Fourteen days later I received another unsigned post stating that their investigation is complete and my account has been closed. I consider this a win."

Assuming this is true, it looks like the persons debt was passed to a collector who then charged it off after receiving the legal gibberish. But this really isn't a win - its not like the debt went away, and it will still be on the credit report for 7 years. Only thing that happened was that the debt collector determined the deadbeat's debt was not enough to want to deal with them. They could have done this without ever using the courtesy notice.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:By the way DK, there is a poster on the Facebook page named Ed Erasmus. He seems to be from Australia though so maybe a relative or kindred spirit to your rassy. I don't know that you could handle more than one Erasmus since you haven't even managed to take out the first one. I'm sure you are working on some ingenious plan that you will unfold at any minute though so all Rassys beware
Erasmus is not only a (I believe) Danish family name, there was Erasmus of Rotterdam, a "Dutch Renaissance humanist, Catholic priest, social critic, teacher, and theologian," and LOTS of things and people are named after him. This was his first name, after Saint Erasmus of Formiae, also known as Saint Elmo, patron saint of sailors and abdominal pain. I believe Gassy Rassy named himself after the first either because he wants to emulate his life or he has this thing for Tickle Me Elmo.
The Acts of Saint Elmo wrote:His teeth were ... plucked out of his head with iron pincers. And after that they bound him to a pillar and carded his skin with iron cards, and then they roasted him upon a gridiron...and did smite sharp nails of iron in his fingers, and after, they put out his eyes of his head with their fingers, and after that they laid this holy bishop upon the ground naked and stretched him with strong withes bound to horses about his blessed neck, arms, and legs, so that all his veins and sinews that he had in his body burst.

I'm down with that.
Burnaby49 wrote:Ashlynne39 is surprised at how people can disappear into demented fantasies and never come out? Not me! I entered the whole world of crazy delusion by following (right from the start) Dove on her NESARA fantasy mystery tour and watched in wonder as it never collapsed. Her followers only got more committed the crazier she got. It started small potatoes with Clive Hood and ended up with the reincarnation of Blessed St. Germain and fleets of Pleiadian spaceships circling the world and they avidly followed along on every incremental step. After that I have no limits to my acceptance of the gullibility of mankind.
I first heard of Dove in early 2002 when the guy featured in Waiting for Nesara on a radio show called "The Power Hour." The host was pretty crazy and willing to believe almost any conspiracy, but even she wasn't buying into it. It was so crazy I looked it up, and one thing led to another ... So anyway, I missed the Cylde Hood and Omega thing, but have seen the same thing play out a number of times since (and just heard about Profitable Sunrise, a hauntingly similar scam that's just more high-tech and international).

For the granddaddy of 'em all look up Guy Ballard and his I AM movement/cult/scam They were going to get millions in gold too (whether by learning to materialize it out of thin air, or by having it just show up in the mail because they truly believed, is unclear). I am also very fond of the story of "The Brother Twelve," and

LightinDarkness wrote that Heather wrote:DAVID, you BE ETERNAL ESSENCE embodied, and by your free will conscious choice and action you DID KNOW, RECEIVE, ACCEPT, and RECONFIRM the loving gift of ABSOLUTE DATA, ABSOLUTE TRUTH, and ABSOLUTE KNOWLEDGE within each embodiment, ETERNAL ESSENCE CONSCIOUS.
Absolute data?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

"Absolute Data" is a made up OPPT concept that Heather & the other gurus began pushing a few weeks ago once too many people kept asking difficult questions about where their $10 billion in gold bullion was at. Turns out, DK, that everyone should stop asking about their $10 billion because Heather in foreclosing upon all slavery systems and the Illuminati has unlocked Absolute Data. Absolute Data is the release of all the secret, hereto hidden ways that we could live as hippies and DO who we BE.

Specifically, and I wish I were kidding here but she actually promised this and people in this cult believe it, Absolute Data will make us all demi-gods by being able to replicate matter like 3D printers. So you won't need that pesky $10B in gold, you can just DO who you BE and command matter to turn into a mustang...or 60 inch TV....or whatever your little light being heart desires.

Heather has not told us what happens when someone DO'es who they BE and command matter to make nukes, but I'm sure she will defeat any such evil people with the power of heart like this is captain planet.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Burnaby49 »

The early days of Clive and Omega are extensively covered here:

Dove's genius was buying in and supporting Clive and Omega until Clive ended up behind bars and then making up a whole new story to supplant it. She claimed that she knew that Omega was a scam all along but, not to worry, Omega was just a front for the real action, NESARA. Then she ran with NESARA for a touchdown, making it the fantasy we all know and love. When others just gave up after the Omega collapse Dove used it as the foundation for her narcissistic wet dream.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

The OPPT IN gurus have taken credit for the recent decrease in gold price. You see, gold price is dropping because The Powers That Were realize that gold will have no value when we DO who we BE and exchange our ETERNAL ESSENCE for infinite value. So they are selling their gold...for dollars...which....wait a minute.

The Boston Marathon bombings were, also, of course a false flag according to OPPT - the system demonstrating its anger at being foreclosed upon. Of course, no one asked why if someone has been foreclosed upon that the Powers That Be still have the resources to organize this stuff. Its sick that they relate those terrorist events to themselves...but that is the OPPT.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

We have yet more OPPT "success stories!" One caller this evening described how he went into BB&T and spoke with someone who he clearly thought was a big deal - an Assistant Vice President (he apparently doesn't know banks give out that title to nearly everyone). He handed her the legal gibberish foreclosure notice and told her that he was who he BE and that he was the value, and all that other new age stuff. The women he talked to agreed with him (not surprising - if someone went into my bank and started spouting this gibberish I'd agree with them to so as I would be afraid they'd hurt me otherwise since it sounds insane). She even agreed to attach the foreclosure notice to his account.

He thinks this is a huge deal, when in reality they probably just typed notes into his account that hes off his marbles. He think hell now be able to tap his account for untold billions since they agreed he is the VALUE and BE'EING. Just wait until he writes checks with money he doesn't have and they bounce...I bet he won't call in and report that. Yet another OPPT "success"!
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Inspired by former VP Cheney, I have to think that the OPPTers will BE in deep DO DO if they don't smarten up soon.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:The Boston Marathon bombings were, also, of course a false flag according to OPPT - the system demonstrating its anger at being foreclosed upon. Of course, no one asked why if someone has been foreclosed upon that the Powers That Be still have the resources to organize this stuff. Its sick that they relate those terrorist events to themselves...but that is the OPPT.
MacHaffie was putting up posts that called this a false flag only a couple hours after it happened. Orly Taitz and Alex Jones jumped on it too. In the flurry of these posts today came one complaining about:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Axelrod: Obama Thinks Boston Bombings Could Be Related to 'Tax Day' (That didn't take long!!)
Posted By: Susoni [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 16-Apr-2013 11:24:32

Already they are turning this around to be a disgruntled middle class, white patsies attack upon gov.. No doubt the 'cure' will be to raise taxes .. Because that is Patriotic!!!
In explaining why President Obama didn't call the Boston bombings a "terrorist attack," former adviser David Axelrod said, "I'm sure what was going through the president's mind is -- we really don't know who did this -- it was tax day":

"The word has taken on a different meaning since 9/11," Axelrod said of the phrase "terrorist attack."

"You use those words and it means something very specific in people's mind. And I'm sure what was going through the president's mind is -- we really don't know who did this -- it was tax day. Was it someone who was pro--you know, you just don't know. And so I think his attitude is, let's not put any inference into this, let's just make clear that we're going to get the people responsible."

Posted by John MacHaffie at 1:20 PM

You can't make this stuff up and have it come out as stupid.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ashlynne39 »

Does anyone know how to DO or BE?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Well, Sinatra said (or sung) "Do be doobee doo..."
Little boys who tell lies grow up to be weathermen.