If you bothered to read my earlier posts, you will see that I refer you to the huge body of appellate court decisions in this country which say that our laws do apply to everyone unless otherwise specified. Even if I had the time or inclination to post even a fraction of the available decisions, I would soon clog this forum past the point of usability. Fortunately, you can peruse past and present threads to see citations from court opinions, and excerpts from them, which contain logical evidence and will satisfy any rational reader.travis wrote: Saying that the law applies because the law says it applies is circular logic. I'm asking for logical evidence, not legal evidence. Legalese is full of hijacked terms. I don't understand your reference to homicide. Are you making an utilitarian argument, that without the concept of centralized law there would be chaos?
However, whether or not I can classify you within the scope of those last three words is dubious at best. You make self-serving statements like "legalese is full of hijacked terms"; yet you fail to provide us with ONE example which has withstood court challenges. You likewise make remarks about judges/prosecutors and lawyers, ignoring the comments on this and other threads about how lawyers have taken on the government, in cases involving income taxation, AND WON.
And then, to claim that "(p)eople that want to do away with income taxes are irrelevant since it's not their burden to prove that the law doesn't apply to them" is absurd on its face. If the current state of the law asserts that the law does indeed apply to them, the burden of proving otherwise IS INDEED on those people to prove otherwise. On top of that, if you don't believe that these tax deniers have a financial interest in maximizing their net worth by showing that they do not have to pay income taxes, I've got some green cheese, straight from the moon, to sell you.
As if I needed further proof of your ignorance, you then supply is with nonsense about the
rules of the Mafia. You have got to be the only person I've ever encountered who asserts that the Mafia operates under a claim of authority from the law. And yes -- there IS a "difference". No one has ever published a compendium of appellate court decisions by a mafia court and ever claimed that it had the force of law.
You're no different from the other drive-by trolls we see popping up here from time to time. Your posts have been almost completely fact and logic-free. If you want to change the opinions of anyone here, you'll have to do a trillion times better than that.