Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

You have to remember that these are the same yoicks who, are convinced that there is some super duper secret significance in the capitalization or non-capitalization of a word, and haven't clue one about 18th C grammar and spelling, any more than they do about 20/21st C grammar and spelling.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Cathulhu »

I'm just waiting for them to start attaching deep significance to the font used for typing the magic words. OMG, not the Roman Bold!
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

The RuSA - well, its Acting President at least, has come out against the Boston Massacre:
The Republic for the United States of America
from the Desk of the Acting President

James Timothy Turner
James Buchanan Geiger
Acting President
John Mark Rockwell
Acting Speaker of the House
Brett La Rue
Chair of the Senate

April 16. 2013

Re: Boston Marathon Bombing

Secured ID# PR364423889RUSA
For Immediate Distribution

Dear fellow Americans in Republic,

Yesterday, April 15, 2013 cowardly and un-Godly individuals lined the streets of the Boston along the Marathon route with IEDs (improvised explosive devises) in an effort to kill, maim and injure innocent People. This was an outrageous and heinous act of violence to further an unknown agenda.

From day one, we in the Republic have openly and assertively opposed violence. It is against our laws and the peace-seeking spirit of our Republic. I ask all Americans to remain peaceful and non-violent. Further, I ask you all to join me in prayer for the victims and their families of this senseless event.

Additionally, I am requesting both the House of Representatives and the Senate to pass the following Resolution or variation thereof.

"Resolved by the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Republic for the United States of America in Congress assembled: That the Republic for the United States of America condemns the attack upon innocents during the 2013 Boston Marathon and offers our condolences and deepest sympathies to the victims and to their families".

James Buchanan Geiger
Acting President
Republic for the United States of America
You'll notice that Geiger has already decided it was individuals (plural), lining the streets (plural), with explosives. Apart from that, I'll just say that this was needless - and it almost suggests that the rest of the RuSA wouldn't have condemned the bombing unless and until their Supreme Leader did, although it took him a day to do so.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by grixit »

Wow. It takes a lot of courage and conviction to speak out strongly against mass murder.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

Tonight another opportunity to hear the RuSA 'Congress':
Invitation to "We the People" in Republic

Please join the House of Representatives in the gallery for each session.

Please ensure distribution to everyone in your State Assemblies.

Tuesday Evenings
6pm Pac/7pm Mtn/8pm Cen/9pm East

Gallery Conference Number
Access Code: 448229#

On behalf of Representatives:
Acting Speaker John Rockwell - Oregon
Pro Tempore Eugene Krzyzanowski - Illinois
My very cynical expectation is that they will devote their time to knitting oratorical flags about the Boston bombing, as if this demonstrated some moral/patriotic superiority.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Gregg »

grixit wrote:Wow. It takes a lot of courage and conviction to speak out strongly against mass murder.

I am of the mind that the likely suspect in the bombing was some form of sovreign and/or tax protestor. Just a feeling I have.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Gregg wrote:
grixit wrote:Wow. It takes a lot of courage and conviction to speak out strongly against mass murder.
I am of the mind that the likely suspect in the bombing was some form of sovreign and/or tax protestor. Just a feeling I have.
I have to agree with Gregg. The bombing has traces of this sort of person, either a loner or with some lower level backup, very much like Mcveigh.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't know about the rest of it, but I will definitely go with nasty and vicious. Whoever did this went about it in such a way as to maximize the amount of harm, and the number of people hurt, and it is just by luck that it wasn't worse than it was.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Prof »

I had a discussion this morning with a retired DEA agent. His considered "guess" was that this "came" from foreign sources, given the mode of the delivery and the location, the event, etc. The event, he pointed out, has nothing to do with domestic fixations on social issues or anti-governmental sentiments, etc.

His perspective was that of a professional, so I offer it up for what it is worth.

I would not and will not offer a personal opinion as to origin, because I do not know enough or have enough experience to have such an opinion.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Chados »

And that turned out to be a pretty good guess, too. Excellent work.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

The latest from RuSA:
Republic for the United States of America

From the desk of the Acting President
April 22, 2013

Re: Public Notice - Beware

Secured ID# PN364423892RUSA

For Immediate Distribution

Dear fellow Americans in Republic,

It has come to my attention that document(s) and blogs have recently been circulating within the Republic, allegedly by members of the Republic. This is reminiscent of other such documents, rumors and frivolous accusations that have been circulated before by agents who are intent on destroying the Republic for the United States of America.

Individuals and/or task forces colluding in concert, much like the infamous Coffee Clutch, are working knowingly or unknowingly with agents against the Republic from both outside and within our membership. Sometimes it is not clear who is behind these attacks on the Republic since they do not sign their work (a sure sign of deception and cowardice). With contempt for the law and due process, they put forth many questions in an accusatory light, intending to cause confusion and discord, as those questions cannot be readily answered by the reader that lacks the intimate knowledge of the issues.

Their mode of operation has not changed. They claim to represent the People and uphold the Constitution, all the while spreading false accusations and claims. They present NO evidence and violate the rights of those they accuse, injuring their names in public forums. As many of you know these are not honorable actions and violate the principals of common law. These calculated tactics reveal that their real message is mob rule, which we recognize as democracy. They yell about their freedom of speech while trampling the rights of others. They never take their accusations and arguments into the proper jurisdiction where those who remain in honor can lawfully refute their falsities and allow the truth to prevail. Clearly de facto in origin, their strategy is to divide us and cause mistrust. They pose leading questions based on false or inaccurate information. They reveal their duplicity by quoting, out of context, parts the Constitution, de jure and common law, attempting to twist those ideals to their advantage.

Truth and facts mean nothing to them or to those whom they beguile. They clearly understand the audience that they are speaking to, so they utilize a myriad of "patriot myths and speech" to convince their victims that their conclusions are correct. They give the appearance that they know what they are talking about. Don't be fooled. They will attempt to drag you down with debate or prolonged fruitless discussions. Their goal is to wear you down. They may sound convincing, but their agenda is not righteous.

The Republic will not entertain a war of words with these ambassadors of destruction, which is what they want. They seek to get us to respond to every little jab and waste our valuable time and change our direction. President Turner warned us many times about them and he himself did not engage them in argument, but stayed on course. The Republic is following President Turner's lead and shall continue forward. Echoing what President Turner has said many times, we shall stand confidently before our Lord knowing that we have kept our word to Him and His People.

Unfortunately some have fallen prey to their treachery. My prayer is that the Lord will cause them to see the deception that has befallen them. These agents of deceit cannot and will not possess the Republic for the United States of America. Please be aware of these tactics and don't be fooled. Prayer, vigilance and a steadfast heart will overcome the schemes of the wicked. They are working to destroy our cause, so we must not let our guard down. Many of you may recall about a year and a half ago the Coffee Clutch employed these same tactics. That attempt failed then and through the grace of our Lord this attack WILL FAIL also. Please safeguard yourselves. Do not allow them to think for you or give them any recognition. Attention fuels their agenda and egos.

I, James Buchanan Geiger, as Acting President pursuant to the Secession Act of 1792, have the duty to perform according to the Oath of the President, for the time being and to faithfully execute the Laws of the Republic for the United States of America and will defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Be diligent, be warned and God bless you all.
James Buchanan Geiger
Acting President
Republic for the United States of America

Chair of the Senate - Senator Brett La Rue - Oklahoma
Speaker of the House - Representative John Rockwell - Oregon
Speaker pro Tempore of the House - Representative Eugene Krzyzanowski - Illinois
Clerk of the House - Representative Jenny Owens - Indiana
Acting Secretary of State - Jeanine Stewart
Governor Dan Owens - Indiana
Governor Mac Stewart - Oregon
Colorado Secretary of State Gregory-Alan: Johnson
Indiana Chief Justice Roger Waters
Justice Pete Moake - one supreme Court Appointee/Nominee
Senator Raymond Flory - Louisiana
Chief of Staff to Governor Glavin - Jean Hertler - Wisconsin
Governor Anthony Smith - Nebraska
Indiana State Administrator Brenda Owens
Governor James Horton - Arkansas
Wisconsin Chief Justice - Michael Henry Brum
Acting Governor Dean Charles Henning - Wisconsin
Miriam Noordam - Former Representative - Pennsylvania
Representative Francine Arnold - Wisconsin
Representative Debbie Richards - Wisconsin
Representative Paul Glavin - Wisconsin
Representative David Schmidt - Wisconsin
Representative Marnie Harris - Montana
Senator John Pawelski - Colorado
Senator Tom Zanzola - Illinois
Representative Elizabeth Waters - Indiana
Representative David Hertler - Wisconsin
Senator Candice Campbell - Iowa
Representative Shari Watson - Arkansas
Representative George "Rowdy" Templer - Iowa
Representative Clinton Ford - Illinois

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Shades of the Judean People's Front, or was it the Popular Front for the Liberation of Judea. Anyway: "Splitter!"
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

I love it, "Coffee Clutch", I mean really, "Coffee Clutch"!!!! So inventive, so original, and "they utilize a myriad of "patriot myths and speech", I wonder where they learned to do that???

I can't help wondering if it isn't some malcontent faction, in a group of malcontents, I know, just looking for a fight, or if it is someone airing their dirty linen and petty little secrets in public?

I'm even more curious about what "documents" they have been displaying that has the pretend acting president all upset about.

Whatever it is, I think the "we're going to take the high road and not respond to gossip and innuendo" line is probably more in the line of they don't have much they can say about it without making themselves look worse.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LPC »

I, James Buchanan Geiger, as Acting President pursuant to the Secession Act of 1792,
That caught my eye, because I wondered why Congress would enact a "Secession Act" when the Treaty of Paris had been signed in 1783 and the Constitution had just been ratified two years before. Who was seceding, or being prevented from seceding?

A Google search directed me to the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, which provided that, if the President and Vice President both ceased to serve, the president pro tem of the Senate would become acting President.

So "Secession Act" looks very, very, very Freudian.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh, well, you know what they say, illiterate in history, illiterate in everything else as well. Seems to be well proven by ongoing examples.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

"I, James Buchanan Geiger, as Acting President pursuant to the Secession Act of 1792,...."

That's what happens when a ten-cent mind tries to use a ten-dollar word.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

I'm betting he doesn't know the meaning of either word, and is just writing something he thinks someone else told him to write.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LPC »

I, James Buchanan Geiger, as Acting President pursuant to the Secession Act of 1792,
I'm also wondering if the people who think that they are President of the United States are kept in the same ward of the asylum with the people who think that they are Napoleon or Czar Nicholas, or are they sorted geographically? Perhaps one ward for Europe and another for the Americas.

Or perhaps by rank. One ward for Popes and Emperors, another for Kings and Princes, working down to mere Earls, Counts, Prime Ministers, and Presidents.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by webhick »

Probably nothing like that. Each ward could only have one of any given thing. I mean, you wouldn't want two Napoleons making contact.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Famspear »

webhick wrote:Probably nothing like that. Each ward could only have one of any given thing. I mean, you wouldn't want two Napoleons making contact.
Yeah, like matter and anti-matter. Big boom.

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