Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibert!

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibert!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I thought it would be interesting to have a look at reported caselaw from a couple other Commonwealth jurisdictions that address the Sovereign Citizen / Freeman-on-the-Land belief sets.

First is the conviction of Cyril John Vibert in the Jersey Magistrate’s Court Appeal on a number of traffic parking offences. He apparently refuses to buy parking tickets. This case is from the UK channel island of Jersey. Prior to identifying this case I was unaware that both Jersey and Guernsey each maintains a full and separate court apparatus – one would think they’d be willing to share - but apparently not!

The final appeal case in the series is:
which follows up on a couple of previous decisions:
The Magistrate’s Court Appeal decision includes at para. 11 Cyril’s “NOTICE OF WAIVER TO RIGHT TO RECOGNITION EVERYWHERE AS A PERSON BEFORE THE LAW”, which, though brief, indicates “the man commonly called cyril: Vibert” will be appearing only as “as beneficiary and executor of the CYRIL JOHN VIBERT trust and do not act as trustee of the CYRIL JOHN VIBERT trust”. Yep, the same old dual/split identity with caps/non-caps names motifs. It's global.

There are a number of appeal grounds, most of which are quickly dismissed. For example:
  • a criminal offence does not need a victim (para. 20);

    the judicial conflict of interest argument was rejected as a basis for bias, citing UK appellate authority (para. 26);

    that the Magistrate could not enter a plea of not guilty because Cyril refused to consent to take that step (para. 34); and

    that statute only applies if you consent to it:
39. In his oral submissions to us, the appellant asserted that a statute only applies to those who consent to it. He did not consent and therefore legislation passed by the States did not bind him. He developed this by saying that members of the States were servants of the public and that a servant cannot bind his master.

40. This submission is of course completely nonsensical in law. In Jersey, as in the United Kingdom, law comes from two sources. First there is the customary law developed over the years by the courts; and secondly there is legislation passed by the States. Both types of law are binding upon everyone without exception. Indeed, legislation is in one sense a higher form of law because the States may by legislation amend the customary law whereas the customary law may not amend legislation. A statute passed by the States is binding upon everyone, including the appellant; questions of consent simply do not arise.
The only real appeal issue of substance, and what clued me into this line of cases, was the question of whether Cyril had been treated unfairly when the trial Magistrate referred to Cyril as a “Freeman-on-the-Land”, when Cyril had not self-identified as that (paras. 41-44). This led the Jersey court to refer to the Canadian Meads v. Meads, 2012 ABQB 571 case as providing characteristics and arguments of related groups of vexatious litigants who adopt a common set of pseudolegal arguments and incorrect beliefs. Whatever Cyril called himself, he had advanced OPCA-type schemes. Ergo, the trial Magistrate was not incorrect to lump him in with other like-minded individuals.

The appeal court closes with this discretely worded warning at para. 47:
Turning to sentence, the Assistant Magistrate was entitled to take into account the appellant’s previous conduct as described in this judgment. We have no doubt that the sentence of seven days imprisonment for each count was entirely reasonable; indeed it could have been longer without risk of being overturned on appeal. We therefore also dismiss the appeal against sentence.
With a bit of poking around I found out more about Cyril and his cohorts. Cyril is surprisingly calm in this interview that appears to have been filmed prior to the final appeal decision. We have the usual admiralty law vs common-law concepts, the alleged lack of state jurisdiction, and that an offence must involve harm to be legitimate:


While Cyril seems rather restrained, that can’t be said for one of his fellow travelers, an Ian Evans. In his blog he describes himself this way:
I am a carpet fitter who came to Jersey in 1988. I have been persecuted incessantly by the police and judiciary since my arrival. reason being I am big, ugly, speak my mind and my face does not fit as I will not be controlled, by anyone. It is hard to imagine a place like this outside of Zimbabwee, but here we are, the good old Channel Islands. A haven for inbred child abuser's and corrupt thieves. So we fight against this vile regime with all our might, and we will overcome, as Jersey's leaders will eventually drown in, and choke on, their own filth. No Retreat, No Surrender!!!................................. "If a man lives, it is of certainty he will die. Therefore, it is foolish to think of death as if he were a foe to be vanquished. He will come when he will come."
The blog, entitled “The Right of Reply”, has extensive and … um? … unique? reporting on Cyril’s activities? Suffice to say, Mr. Evans really likes photoshopping foreign faces on to other bodies, human or otherwise. Really. Really a lot.

http://therightofreply.blogspot.com/201 ... straw.html [This one includes a recording of one of Cyril’s in-court appearances - we have the usual Freemanish motifs on display, such as he does “not understand” (ie. “stand under the court”), he wants to bill the court, etc.]

http://therightofreply.blogspot.com/201 ... rt-to.html

http://therightofreply.blogspot.com/201 ... s-are.html

http://therightofreply.blogspot.com/201 ... legal.html

http://therightofreply.blogspot.com/201 ... itive.html

http://therightofreply.blogspot.com/201 ... cyril.html

Ian’s blog is chock full of interesting stuff, including tales of his ‘interactions’ with authorities. Some 'interactions' involve alcohol.

Jersey politics and society seem quite unique. And here I thought the only reason to visit were the coastal fortifications. Gosh I love those observation towers.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibe

Post by notorial dissent »

The legal system in the Islands is a bit different from what goes on in the UK, particularly as they are totally separate jurisdictions from the UK. There attitudes used to be a bit parochial in comparison with the rest of the UK, but I don't suspect as much so as it used to be. Considering that the Islands inhabitants still consider themselves to be part of the Duchy of Normandy explains a certain amount of it.

One wonders where Cyril came from originally, if he didn't expect to have problems with the local authorities with his behavior, and it wouldn't go over any better in the UK than it does there. he sounds like a true joy to deal with.
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Re: Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibe

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:The legal system in the Islands is a bit different from what goes on in the UK, particularly as they are totally separate jurisdictions from the UK. There attitudes used to be a bit parochial in comparison with the rest of the UK, but I don't suspect as much so as it used to be.
The Isle of Man is the same. It has its own set of laws and rules.
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Re: Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibe

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I am a carpet fitter who came to Jersey in 1988.
Now this drew my attention. Unless he has family connections to Jersey, I don't know how he gets to stay there. Jersey has strict residency rules to keep the peasants out limit the number of immigrants. The first unofficial requirement of getting to stay in Jersey is: have you a net worth of over about $10m? His "free man on the land" doesn't square with the only way he could have got to Jersey was by family ties.
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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibe

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

notorial dissent wrote:The legal system in the Islands is a bit different from what goes on in the UK, particularly as they are totally separate jurisdictions from the UK. ... Considering that the Islands inhabitants still consider themselves to be part of the Duchy of Normandy explains a certain amount of it.
I noticed in one of Cyril's decisions that the Court appeared to be evaluating a separate set of ... I think they were court rules ... I'm not certain. I'd thought that might be some outlandish Freemanish argument but from your comment it sounds like that may have been a legitimate (though perhaps misguided) question.

If so, that's an unpleasantly nasty situation: two very different sets of law in play at the same time. We have a bit of that in Canada as the province of Quebec uses French "civil law" for non-criminal matters. Thankfully, the only Court that has to deal with both schemes in the Supreme Court of Canada, and hopefully they're up for the challenge...

(There is also an unofficial rule that 1/3 of the judges of that Court come from Quebec to provide a certain level of expertise.)

A general question for any forum member: I'm not seeing reported caselaw from the UK on Sovereign Citizens / Freemen-on-the-Land, even though I am aware from other channels that there's a lot of activity by those folk, particularly with the latter community. I've been using 'BaiLII' as my primary search engine, which is a bit like gouging out the majority of one's sensory organs.

Have these persons and their arguments been given a label by the UK courts that may be unfamiliar? Or perhaps is this phenomenon a result of lower courts rarely issuing reported judgments? Any insight into the jurisdiction's practices would be helpful and interesting.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibe

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
I am a carpet fitter who came to Jersey in 1988.
Now this drew my attention. Unless he has family connections to Jersey, I don't know how he gets to stay there. Jersey has strict residency rules to keep the peasants out limit the number of immigrants. The first unofficial requirement of getting to stay in Jersey is: have you a net worth of over about $10m? His "free man on the land" doesn't square with the only way he could have got to Jersey was by family ties.
I am very comfortable suggesting Mr. Evans probably did not meet that wealth requirement via income flowing from a secondary trade based on his webpage, graphic design, and/or photoshop skills.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]
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Re: Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibe

Post by JamesVincent »

IIRC Jersey is/ was used by the UK kinda like the US used the Caymans for bank account purposes. Their banking system and government has completely different ideas on things like savings, taxes and whatnot, to the point that a lot of money held in Jersey does not come from Jersey. Also IIRC Jersey and Guernsey were two of the places that British musicians, who were hoping to avoid UK taxes, could hide out to do their 11 months? away from the UK. Totally separate from the mainland laws.
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Re: Let's visit the Faire Isle of Jersey and meet Cyril Vibe

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

JamesVincent wrote:IIRC Jersey is/ was used by the UK kinda like the US used the Caymans for bank account purposes. Their banking system and government has completely different ideas on things like savings, taxes and whatnot, to the point that a lot of money held in Jersey does not come from Jersey. Also IIRC Jersey and Guernsey were two of the places that British musicians, who were hoping to avoid UK taxes, could hide out to do their 11 months? away from the UK. Totally separate from the mainland laws.
You are correct. There has certainly been a time in my lifetime when you could get interest on deposits paid gross in the Channel Islands while mainland UK had tax deducted by the deposit taker. Probably all the major banks have a CI "subsidiary" for whatever variations in law can be exploited.
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