Danny the DogWalker's online affidavit

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Danny the DogWalker's online affidavit

Post by Demosthenes »


I, Daniel-John Riley, being first duly sworn, declare under penalty of perjury:

1. I am over the age of eighteen, suffer no legal disabilities, have personal knowledge of the facts set forth below, and am competent to testify.

2. On June 7, 2007 around 7:45 a.m. I fixed a cup of coffee and went for a walk with Ed Brown's dog on Ed Brown's property.

3. I walked up the ¼ mile long drive way which leads out to Center of Town Rd.

4. As I reached the end of the driveway, I noticed a person about 20 yards into the woods across the street on Supreme Court Justice Breyer's land.

5. I yelled to him "what are you doing turkey hunting"? The person froze.

6. At the same time the dog came along my side and started to walk off the road into the woods when all of the sudden a guy in a full camouflage suit jumped up 3 feet in front of me and yelled "FREEZE" as he pointed a rifle at my chest.

7. I turned and started to run back down the driveway towards Ed Brown's house.

8. As I was running I heard a gunshot and heard and felt the bullet whiz by my head. I Screamed "DON'T SHOOT I AM UNARMED".

9. A few seconds later another gunshot was fired and I heard the bullet rip through the leaves around the left side of my head as I kept screaming "DON'T KILL ME, I AM UNARMED".

10. As I came to a bend in the driveway camouflage men on either side of the driveway began popping up.

11. The men pointed their rifles at me yelling "GET ON THE GROUND" as they surrounded me.

12. I dropped my coffee cup on the ground and I put my hands out in front of me in a surrendering gesture, when I heard on of them say "taser".

13. I was hit in the left shoulder with a sharp prong and was electrocuted for about 10 seconds.

14. Men piled on top of my back and yelled give me your hands. My left arm was trapped under my body so I could not give them my left hand.

15. A man came down on my head with his knee as he yelled "GIVE EM YOUR HAND" causing a scrapping bruise on my forehead.

16. I was handcuffed and dragged into the woods where all the men in camouflage laid on the ground and told me to be quiet. I noticed their patches said United States Marshall's Special Operations Unit.

17. After about 5 minutes a black SUV came and they threw me in the back of it and drove me to a garage on 12A about 4 miles away.

18. A US Marshall named James questioned me for about 45 minutes in the SUV. During the questioning Marshal James admitted to me that he knew the Browns had broken no laws. Then they decided to bring me back up to Ed Brown's house and I was told that I was going to be used to help negotiate Ed to come out.

19. On the way back to Brown's house we drove through 3 State Police road blocks where ambulances and fire trucks where waiting.

20. We got about a ½ mile from the Browns home and pulled in an empty home's parking lot where 4 armored personnel carriers (included Maine, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts) were parked and about 30 guys were suiting up with body armor.

21. About a ½ hour passed and a Marshall said change of plans we are taking you to Lebanon Police Department to book you in.

22. I was taken to the police department and stripped searched and put in a cell.

23. I was then taken to room where the Marshals questioned me for about 4 hours.

24. Two FBI agents named Mark and Phil came in and questioned me for about 2 hours. I was told that I was looking at 40 years in jail if I did not cooperate.

25. The FBI said that I was going to be released with a one way bus ticket to Albany NY (which surprised me) and was told not to talk to any press or I would face jail time.

26. Then the plans changed, they wanted me to go back to Ed Browns and tell him I was detained by two Police Officers when I encountered them at the end of the driveway as they were serving a warrant in the mail box.

27. They told me to gather intelligence and to leave in 1 hour and meet them at a state park about 8 miles south of the Brown's home.

28. I was dropped off a mile from the Browns and walked the rest of the way passing the press at the top of the driveway refusing to talk to them.

29. I got back to Ed Brown's house and told every one the truth to what happened.

30. I left and met the FBI in the state park and they let me go home but said they would be in touch with me and that I was not out of the woods yet.

31. A week later FBI agent Phil called me to see if I would go under cover as a paid informant and offered me $1000. I refused. He said they had evidence that I was giving the Browns guns and it would be in my best interest to be their informant. I still refused.

32. FBI agent Phil called me 2 more times trying to convince me to be an informant but I refused each time.

33. I returned to the Browns about 2 weeks later for a concert.

34. I returned again on July 14, 2007 for the "live free or die" concert. During the concert a Homeland Security Helicopter circled the area for about 8hrs, sometimes as low as the tree tops.

35. On Thursday July 26, 2007 I returned to my friend Ed Brown's house. Jim Hoops another friend of Ed's was staying on the property in his RV.

36. On Saturday July 28, 2007 at approximately 11:30 p.m. Jim Hoobs and I were relaxing in his RV, which is about 60 yards west, away from the house, when Jim said he heard a gunshot.

37. Jim and I went outside to see what was happening. We walked south towards the driveway when we heard a burst of about 10 gunshots come from the woods on the north side of the Brown's home.

38. I got on my hand-held radio as Jim and I ran for the RV. I called the house and said we have gun fire behind the house and Ed Brown replied that they heard it to. Just as Ed said that another burst of gun fire came from behind the north side of the house.

39. I quickly sent an e-mail message to my whole address book alerting people to the situation. I told Jim I was going to investigate.

40. Feeling an immanent threat to my life I grabbed my liberty tool and took up a strategic position on the property when another burst of about five rounds went off in the woods in front of me to the north.

41. I held my position for about 20 minutes and headed back to Jim's trailer. As I arrived at Jims trailer, Jim said "did you hear that" as he pointed to the south tree line just 20 yards from the RV. I heard branches breaking in the area Jim just pointed to.

42. I radioed the house and told them we had intruders in the south tree line along the driveway.

43. I did not feel safe in the trailer so I radioed the house and told them I was going to make a dash for the house have the door ready for me. I told Jim I will try it first and you follow if I make it.

44. I walked very fast towards the house the whole way hearing movement in the woods. I say there were at least 5 to 6 people in the tree line along the driveway.

45. I got to the front door and the motion light lit up the area I was standing in. I could hear a person behind me moving by the generator shed about 50 feet away.

46. I said "hurry up, open the door, they are right behind me", it seemed like an hour I was on the front porch, when really it was about 60 seconds. I felt an immanent threat to my life as I stood there on the porch waiting to be let in.

47. After I got into the house we radioed Jim and told him to make a dash for it. Jim arrived very quickly and reported he could hear intruders moving all around in the woods just as I just described to every body in the house.

48. I quickly put on a helmet and a protection vest and took up a position in the house. About 5 minutes later I got a call on my cell phone from Wes at WTPRN radio asking if everything was alright.

49. I explained to Wes the situation that was unfolding and he said he was going to break into broadcasting and put me live on the air.

50. I got on the air and explained to the audience what was happening as I was sweating profusely. Everyone in the house was looking out the windows looking for movement.

51. About 3 hours past with nothing happening so we decided to send out a probe to see if anyone was still out there. Jim decided he would go because he also wanted to check on his RV.

52. Jim radioed that all was quiet and that he was in his RV. At this time some people decided to go to sleep but I stayed live on the radio keeping people posted to the situation.

53. At around 4:00 am. Jim called my cell phone with urgency in his voice saying "they are all around my RV banging on it and shaking it" I told Jim to hold tight.

54. I ran and woke the whole house up and at this point Ed Brown got up in his sun deck and starting using a bullhorn to yell at the intruders. Ed also sounded an air raid siren.

55. Jim called to say they seem to have left. The whole time I was live on the radio giving updates.

56. About a ½ hour past when Jim called again and said they were back again pounding on his RV. I told Jim he should get the hell out of there and get back in the house.

57. Jim said he thinks their gone again and that he is going to make a run for the house. This was happening around 4:45 a.m. Jim made it back to the house safely. A heavy thick fog had rolled in during this time.

58. We waited for the sun to rise. At this point Jim wanted to check on his RV to see if they had damaged it. I told him to wait till it gets a little bit brighter out so he did.

59. At about 5:30 a.m. Jim headed back to his RV. Jim reported that he heard noises in the woods that seemed to be going away from the property as he arrived at his RV.

60. I was still live on the air when a caller explained that Frank Kanning of the Keene Free Press was at the top of the driveway and he was coming in on foot.

61. Elaine Brown said Danny I see people up at Jim's RV.

62. After a little while people began arriving in a steady stream to see if we were alright.

63. A girl named Lauren arrived with a gentleman. Lauren the gentleman and I searched the woods for evidence of where the intruders were. We found a batch of ferns all matted down where someone had been lying down so I filmed it.

64. I filmed Jim Hoobs testimony of the evening's events and gave some testimony of my own on film.

65. I left Sunday afternoon July 29, 2007 for my home in New York. When I got home I uploaded the video to the internet that I had shot from earlier that morning.

Dated: August 2 2007 Daniel-John Riley.

address witheld

Sworn to before me

this ____ day of August, 2007


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Post by webhick »

Danny Dogwalker wrote:I grabbed my liberty tool
That's an image I did not need while eating lunch.
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Re: Danny the DogWalker's online affidavit

Post by Weathervane »

Demosthenes wrote:
6. At the same time the dog came along my side and started to walk off the road into the woods when all of the sudden a guy in a full camouflage suit jumped up 3 feet in front of me and yelled "FREEZE" as he pointed a rifle at my chest.

7. I turned and started to run back down the driveway towards Ed Brown's house.
Exactly what the f*ck is it about the word "freeze" that you didn't understand, numbnuts?
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Re: Danny the DogWalker's online affidavit

Post by Imalawman »

dogwalker wrote:
6. At the same time the dog came along my side and started to walk off the road into the woods when all of the sudden a guy in a full camouflage suit jumped up 3 feet in front of me and yelled "FREEZE" as he pointed a rifle at my chest.

7. I turned and started to run back down the driveway towards Ed Brown's house.

8. As I was running I heard a gunshot and heard and felt the bullet whiz by my head. I Screamed "DON'T SHOOT I AM UNARMED".

9. A few seconds later another gunshot was fired and I heard the bullet rip through the leaves around the left side of my head as I kept screaming "DON'T KILL ME, I AM UNARMED".
So, a guy THREE FEET away points an automatic rifle in your face, yet you TURN and start RUNNING AWAY? That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard in my life. Wow.

dogwalker wrote: 43. I did not feel safe in the trailer so I radioed the house and told them I was going to make a dash for the house have the door ready for me. I told Jim I will try it first and you follow if I make it.

44. I walked very fast towards the house the whole way hearing movement in the woods. I say there were at least 5 to 6 people in the tree line along the driveway.
So, you're scared for your life, you're intending to make a dash for it, but instead of running like you did when someone pointed a gun in your face and told you to freeze, you simply WALK fast? Are you or are you not the most stupid person alive?

Seriously, this looks like something out of the three stooges only lower the IQ's and add about 4 people.
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Post by Joey Smith »

The affidavit has the ring of:

"She turned me into a newt! ... I got better."
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Post by BBFlatt »

Wow, the "United States Marshall's Special Operations Unit" must be lousy shots.

Funny how he waited to drop his coffee cup until after he had been fired on twice, must be really special to him, at least more so than the dog (whatever became of it).

Also note that he put his hands out in front of him in a surrender gesture, but later his left hand was trapped underneath. Reaching for his liberty tool again?
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Re: Danny the DogWalker's online affidavit

Post by buck09 »

Imalawman wrote:
dogwalker wrote:
6. At the same time the dog came along my side and started to walk off the road into the woods when all of the sudden a guy in a full camouflage suit jumped up 3 feet in front of me and yelled "FREEZE" as he pointed a rifle at my chest.

7. I turned and started to run back down the driveway towards Ed Brown's house.

8. As I was running I heard a gunshot and heard and felt the bullet whiz by my head. I Screamed "DON'T SHOOT I AM UNARMED".

9. A few seconds later another gunshot was fired and I heard the bullet rip through the leaves around the left side of my head as I kept screaming "DON'T KILL ME, I AM UNARMED".
So, a guy THREE FEET away points an automatic rifle in your face, yet you TURN and start RUNNING AWAY? That's the most stupid thing I've ever heard in my life. Wow.

dogwalker wrote: 43. I did not feel safe in the trailer so I radioed the house and told them I was going to make a dash for the house have the door ready for me. I told Jim I will try it first and you follow if I make it.

44. I walked very fast towards the house the whole way hearing movement in the woods. I say there were at least 5 to 6 people in the tree line along the driveway.
So, you're scared for your life, you're intending to make a dash for it, but instead of running like you did when someone pointed a gun in your face and told you to freeze, you simply WALK fast? Are you or are you not the most stupid person alive?

Seriously, this looks like something out of the three stooges only lower the IQ's and add about 4 people.
It's clear that yes, Danny is the most stupid person alive. It's interesting that according to him there were bullets wizzing past, but by that point he was likely less than 50 yards away. Running in a straight line. In broad daylight. With a trained marksman pointing a gun at his back. Hmmm... There must be massive budget cuts at the NWO - they didn't have any problems hitting Vicki Weaver from further away.

Oh btw, "liberty tool" is code for bong. Not his "rifle".

That would explain the paranoia and lags of time waiting to get in the house. (Most likely for twinkies)

Re: Danny the DogWalker's online affidavit

Post by Weathervane »

48. I quickly put on a helmet and a protection vest and took up a position in the house. About 5 minutes later I got a call on my cell phone from Wes at WTPRN radio asking if everything was alright.

One made of tin foil, no doubt.

63. A girl named Lauren arrived with a gentleman. Lauren the gentleman and I searched the woods for evidence of where the intruders were. We found a batch of ferns all matted down where someone had been lying down so I filmed it.
What, no shell casings, candy wrappers, fresh stools?
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Post by Dr. Caligari »

I was hit in the left shoulder with a sharp prong and was electrocuted for about 10 seconds.
...but I got better.
Dr. Caligari
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Post by Joey Smith »

I wonder if he ran afoul of Breyer's security detail?
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Post by AFTP »

During the questioning Marshal James admitted to me that he knew the Browns had broken no laws.
Sure he did. :roll:
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Post by Demosthenes »

And they wonder why people call them kooks...

Agent Observer

Post by Agent Observer »

Yea the artwork is interesting, especially the planes in the background. I hear they used B-52 and B-2 bombers at both Ruby Ridge and Waco... Riiight..
I grabbed my liberty tool
Leave it to Webhick to key in on that phrase (before me...). The first thing I thought of when I read that was the scene from Full Metal Jacket where the recruits are marching around in the barracks singing that catchy little tune "This is my rifle. This is my gun. This is for fighting. This is for fun." Clearly the Riley version would start "This is my rifle. This is my liberty tool."
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Post by The Observer »

54. I ran and woke the whole house up and at this point Ed Brown got up in his sun deck and starting using a bullhorn to yell at the intruders. Ed also sounded an air raid siren.
This is where I lost it and spewed hot tea all over my monitor.

I can only imagine what other useless but ludicrous equipment Ed has installed on his property to ward off the Illuminati.

(Note to Demo: the invoice for my monitor is being forwarded to Quatloos due to the fact that you failed to post advance warning about putting drinks down before reading.)
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Post by grixit »

Ok, where did the idea of the "affidavit of truth" come from? Why do people think that they can establish unimpeachable facts this way? And does anyone know a case where someone had their affidavit read back to them in the course of a courtroom cross examination?
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Post by The Observer »

grixit wrote:Ok, where did the idea of the "affidavit of truth" come from? Why do people think that they can establish unimpeachable facts this way? And does anyone know a case where someone had their affidavit read back to them in the course of a courtroom cross examination?
As I alluded to in another thread, this kind of thinking is approaching the levels of medieval science. On second thought, it is even worse than that. A better word would be shamanistic. Affadavits of truth, writs of mandamus, red-inked stamps for stamping "refused for cause", refusing to acknowledge zip codes, etc. are the fetishes of this weird approach to doing battle with the government over taxes.
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Re: Danny the DogWalker's online affidavit

Post by gezco »

buck09 wrote:[Oh btw, "liberty tool" is code for bong. Not his "rifle".
That expains a lot.
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Re: Danny the DogWalker's online affidavit

Post by Judge Roy Bean »


I, Daniel-John Riley, being first duly sworn, declare under penalty of perjury:

24. Two FBI agents named Mark and Phil came in and questioned me for about 2 hours. I was told that I was looking at 40 years in jail if I did not cooperate.

32. FBI agent Phil called me 2 more times trying to convince me to be an informant but I refused each time...
And why isn't he still in jail for allegedly not cooperating?

Do you think it's because the FBI isn't involved at all? Hint: They go by "Special Agent [surname]" when introduced and in those circumstances, you're unlikely to forget that name for a long, long time.

The whole thing is a really bad piece of fiction designed to rally the faithful. The Taser thing is particularly silly; his description of the sensation is proof enough that he's never experienced what that kind of weapon does.
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Post by . »

Daniel-John Riley
Shouldn't that be 'Daniel-John: Riley'?

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Post by Demosthenes »

Have you ever noticed that the big stuff only happens when Riley is at the house. It's pretty obvious he's a Fed.