Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LPC »

LaVidaRoja wrote:I'm trying to imagine the proper term for what usually passes for "mental gymnastics" that can apply to this group.
Cerebral playground slide.

Dan Evans
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by The Observer »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
The Constitution for the United States of America (de jure)
I never knew "de jure" meant "includes the bits we like and excludes those we don't".
I am willing to wager that they have "de jure" confused with "du jour."
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:The Constitution for the United States of America (de jure)
I never knew "de jure" meant "includes the bits we like and excludes those we don't".[/quote]

I am willing to wager that they have "de jure" confused with "du jour."[/quote]

I'm willing to wager that they have no clue as to what it means. All they care is that it "sounds real legal", and that someone told them (in a bar, at the gym, or at some other location where friends go to socialize) that it means something on the order of "the REAL thing, not the thing that those pointy-headed elitists, with their fancy words and big-shot college degrees, created to take away our God-given natural law rights."
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

I found a court case that mentions the RuSA. Husband & wife who were (evidently) RuSA members had defaulted on their mortgage and when the lender attempted to foreclose in a state court, they tried to move it to a federal court (where it could take twice as long to finish) on the pretext that there was diversity of citizenship between plaintiff (the lending institution) and the defendants (the husband & wife):
Slip Copy, 2012 WL 6195992 (W.D.Wis.)
2012 u.s.dist. LEXIS 176899

United States District Court,
W.D. Wisconsin.
David C. HERTLER and Jeam M. Hertler, Defendants.

No. 12–cv–811–wmc.
Dec. 12, 2012.


WILLIAM M. CONLEY, District Judge.
Plaintiff Westby Co–Op Credit Union originally filed this civil action for foreclosure on November 21, 2011, in the Circuit Court for Richland County, Wisconsin, alleging that the defendants (David C. Hertler and Jean M. Hertler) had defaulted on a real estate mortgage. On November 9, 2012, the defendants filed a notice of removal. Plaintiff has filed a motion for remand to state court. (Dkt.2.) After considering all of the pleadings, the case will be remanded to state court for reasons that follow.
. . . . .

Here, the defendants contend that removal is proper under 28 U.S.C. § 1441(b), based on diversity of citizenship, which is present when a citizen of one state alleges a violation of his or her rights established under state law by a citizen of another state. 28 U.S.C. § 1332. The defendants concede that Westby Co–Op Credit Union is a Wisconsin entity located in Richland County. The defendants, who also reside in Wisconsin, allege that diversity exists nevertheless because they are “Foreign Sovereign” citizens of “the Republic for the united [sic] States of America de jure State of Wisconsin.” This “sovereign citizen” argument has been rejected repeatedly by courts. See, e.g., United States v. Hilgeford, 7 F.3d 1340, 1342 (7th Cir.1993) (rejecting the argument that an individual is a sovereign citizen of a state who is not subject to jurisdiction of United States as “shop worn” and frivolous). Because both plaintiff and defendants are citizens of the same state, the defendants do not establish the requisite diversity of citizenship for purposes of 28 U.S.C. § 1332. Because the defendants fail to show that removal was under 28 U.S.C. § 1441(b), or any other portion of § 1441, the court will remand the case to the Circuit Court for Richland County. . . . . .
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Gregg »

Ya gotta love the stupidity of people who file to remove a case into a court they otherwise deny the legitimacy of.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

When they haven't got a clue to begin with, and haven't a hope of ever catching one, it really isn't too surprising. Inconsistency is the name of the game here.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

The RuSA seems to be permanently bogged down with infighting over who is more crazy-pseudo-patriotic than someone else, passing pointless resolutions, and making tiresome speeches (or essays) about how terribly brave and noble the author is.

What concerns me is that one or more adherents will eventually decide that Something Must Be Done and will resort to their "Second Amendment remedies".
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

From what has been posted lately, I certainly expect even more schism to break out, over which inerrant version of the Bible to use, whose interpretation of what parts of the constitution they want to pretend to uphold, and yes, who is more patriotic or pious. This has all the earmarks of multiple internal civil wars just waiting to break out, as if they haven't already, and I would suspect, they will have almost as many factions as they have people involved in this laugh fest.

When it comes right down to it, when you have the likes of multiple small time grifters like Kelby Smith, and the now ex- pretend president for life Jimmy Tim, how can anything else happen? Under normal circumstances, I would say it was just a matter of time before the predators began going after the ready and waiting flock of suckers, except that that has been the case from the get go, as witness dear old Jimmy Tim selling things from the office of president almost from the moment he hatched it. Kelby is already at work trying to fleece those he can, with his magic mortgage removal nostrums, and there is a lady in NE, i think it is who is an officer who is known for selling her magic mortgage papers, and is currently waiting well deserved jail time, so without being aware of who all the rest of the players are I can't speak specifically to them, but odds are there are a great many more of them out there.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

Tim Turner may very well be "President for Life", considering that he has not resigned and the RuSA Congress has not acted under the 25th Amendment or any other provision to have him declared out of office. In the meantime the whole organization seems to be spinning its wheels.

I don't expect much argument about "the accurate Holy Bible" within the organization, although there was already some little discussion of the phrase. Most of the Sov'run types seem to be KJV Onlyists, associating an attachment to the KJV as a primary virtue in their brand of patriotism.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LPC »

Gregg wrote:Ya gotta love the stupiditychutzpah of people who file to remove a case into a court they otherwise deny the legitimacy of.
Fixed it for you.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Personally, I think the better word is hypocrisy, because in the final analysis that is, unless you can think of a better term for someone going in to a court that they claim doesn't have any authority over them to deal with a case in a court that does.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

As a side bit of news, claiming to be a member of the RuSA did not amount to a different citizenship that would entitle the claimant to shift the mortgage foreclosure case to federal court: ... 2599169813
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

Once again:
Invitation to
"We the People" in Republic

Please ensure distribution to everyone in your State Assemblies.

Tuesday Evenings
6pm Pac/7pm Mtn/8pm Cen/9pm East

Gallery Conference Number
Access Code: 448229#

On behalf of Representatives:
Acting Speaker John Rockwell - Oregon
Pro Tempore Eugene Krzyzanowski - Illinois
notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

So they're now doing a Tue night comedy hour? Beginning to sound like they are having to pass word of this fun fest by word of mouth, which makes me wonder about their lack of internal communication and coordination. Oh, wait, I forgot who I was talking about. Never mind!!
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

I wouldn't mind if someone who bothered to call in to any of these conference phone things would tell us what was said.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

I tend to listen in to them occasionally, although I have not had much time recently. However I was able to listen in to the most recent session of "Congress." Ask and you shall receive!:

The main thing I got from the May 14 session of the Fake Congress is that the Republic continues to go out with a whimper. The call only had 25 fake representatives from 12 states. Remember before Turner got arrested, it was routine to have 300+ Fake Representatives from 40+ states on every call. Don't let the fact that they clearly have no quorum get you down though (since when have silly things like that stopped the almighty Republic) - they are still conducting fake business with 25 people.

As you know back in December there was a split between the Fake Congresses:
- Fake Congress 1: Current RuSA congress, loyal to RuSA's proud and few remaining "leaders" like the Acting Fake President Jim (still haven't held elections for that) and Acting Fake Secretary of State Jeanne. The Fake Secretary of State - the same one whose house has now been raided at least 3 times by the FBI - is the one really running the show here. She demanded the Fake State Republics submit proof of their election (most of which involve 2-10 people acting as as the electing public via meetings in late 2012) to the Fake House and Fake Senate using RuSA's infamous legal gibberish paperwork. Madam Secretary is insisting she must have proof of election before the Fake House or Fake Senate members will be allowed to participate. Most of the Fake State Republic's did not take kindly to this - how dare the Fake Republic tell the Fake States what they would need to certify the election of Fake Representatives and Senators?! STATES RIGHTS! THEY DID NOT START A FAKE REPUBLIC TO HAVE THEIR FAKE STATE REPUBLIC RIGHTS TRAMPLED UPON! Over half of the Fake States never submitted the require paperwork to certify the "elections," leading to:

- Fake Congress 2: I cant find the phone call info for this group but from listening to Fake Congress 1 it sounds like they have 15-25 people from 5-10 Fake State Republics. The big deal with Fake Congress 2 is the most active and insane members of RuSA are all in it - the ones that have been around for years and are insanely in love with the idea that they are really members of the house or senate. These people are not going to simply fade away. They will hold Fake Congress 2 indefinitely, arguing for hours over fake legislation and bills and how to get back at Fake Congress 1.

The two Fake Congresses meet on separate calls and plot against each other, and any attempt to unify the two have failed. So Fake Congress 1 has decided as of last night (vote of 21 yea 4 nea!) that it would censure the people in Fake Congress 2! Oh noes, I am sure a (powerless) censure from a Fake Congress 1 will surely bring the people in Fake Congress 2 back! Now anyone participating in Fake Congress 2 can't speak on the "floor" (conference call) of Fake Congress 1 and if they want to come back they will be "investigated" by committee to ensure they are loyal and their paperwork is up to snuff.

Finally, you will all be happy to know that the Fake Congress 1 this evening established a new committee on the "desperate need" to recruit new members into the Fake Republic. It appears the lack of membership has arisen to such a level that the Fake Congress must establish a committee about it! One illustrious Representative inquired why RuSA would need to recruit people since as the de jure government it automatically takes over when the de facto collapses (ANY DAY NOW..since 2008). Said Representative was informed that he was of course correct, but that while we wait for total collapse of the de facto the American people needed to be informed that their de jure government was in place.

As always, when you step back and think about how insane it is that these 40-50 people are all arguing over what is essentially "play government" - it really puts it into perspective. Its a whole new level of insanity.
notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

LID, your level of patience or boredom, awes and overwhelms me. I have not been able to achieve either sufficiently to allow me to sit through one of those sessions.

I suspect they may come closer to actually conducting business with just the 25 attending, although I may be getting carried away here as they have yet to show any kind of actual consensus in anything they've done.

It may well be a "play" government, but I don't think nay of them have ever learned how to play nice.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

Once again:
Republic for the United States of America
Thursdays: 6:00pm Pacific / 7:00pm Mountain / 8:00pm Central / 9:00pm Eastern
Conference Number: 712-432-0075 Code 594637# - Playback # 712-432-1085

Please join us and become part of the solution!
Please forward to your Assemblies
Bring a family member, bring a friend, tell your neighbor...
Bring all those yearning for freedom.

Host & Moderator: Kelby Smith - Producer: Jeanine Stewart
May 16, 2013

Tonight we are honored to present to you a powerful message to the Republic for the United States of America from President James Timothy Turner read by Jean Hertler* from Wisconsin. Followed by a discussion from leadership.

The Pilgrims Formula to Save America! Kirk Cameron in Monumental: the formula the Pilgrims laid out for a successful America. This is an amazing must see video. ... XHUsNC6E#!
* Just a few months ago, Jean Hertler and her husband tried to use their membership in RuSA to pretend that they were not US citizens and therefore not subject to a court's jurisdiction:
Westby Co-op Credit Union v. Hertler (WD Wis. Dec. 12, 2012) ... 2599169813
notorial dissent
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote:* Just a few months ago, Jean Hertler and her husband tried to use their membership in RuSA to pretend that they were not US citizens and therefore not subject to a court's jurisdiction:
Westby Co-op Credit Union v. Hertler (WD Wis. Dec. 12, 2012) ... 2599169813
Well, imagine that!! did them a whole lot of good too as I recall. Good ole Jimmy Tim is in the slammer for the remainder of his days, their SOS is under indictment for a number of things, wonder who will be next on the hit parade?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LPC »

LightinDarkness wrote:The two Fake Congresses meet on separate calls and plot against each other, and any attempt to unify the two have failed. So Fake Congress 1 has decided as of last night (vote of 21 yea 4 nea!) that it would censure the people in Fake Congress 2! Oh noes, I am sure a (powerless) censure from a Fake Congress 1 will surely bring the people in Fake Congress 2 back! Now anyone participating in Fake Congress 2 can't speak on the "floor" (conference call) of Fake Congress 1 and if they want to come back they will be "investigated" by committee to ensure they are loyal and their paperwork is up to snuff.
Too funny. Thanks for the update.
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
(And author of the Tax Protester FAQ:
"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.