stija on "activity" v. "income"


Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by stija »

Yes you do have a right to say that. You do NOT have a right or the power to decide which laws apply to you. If you are so certain about laws and taxes, post or PM me your actual name and employer. No possible harm could come from letting the IRS know what you think, could it? You're right and everyone here is wrong, right?
1. Yes i can choose what laws apply to me. Allow me to demonstrate...
2. Do Chinese laws apply to me?
3. Why not?
4. If i apply (consent) for residency in China and i get accepted (consent from other party) do the Chinese laws apply to me then if i go there?
5. By same token, do California laws apply to me?
6. Why not?
7. If i move to California and domicile (consent) myself there do they apply then?
8. Yes.
9. Who made all the elections?
10. Stija did.
11. Does IRC apply to Stija?
12. Yes, if Stija has taxable income.
13. Stija chooses or avoids having taxable income.
14. IRC irrelevant to Stija.
15. Stija chooses obviously.
16. You don't.
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The trouble is that you choose to have a jurisdiction's laws apply to you simply by bring yourself within its borders. My "choice" to have German law apply to me, then, is ineffectual unless I enter Germany or become a naturalized German citizen. The same applies to anyone within any one of the 50 US states.
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by wserra »

stija wrote:I have a first amendment right to say WHO AND WHAT I AM.
You certainly do. You have a First Amendment right to say you are the King of England. You have a First Amendment right to say you are Napoleon. You have a First Amendment right to say you are the Emperor of the Galaxy. You have a First Amendment right to say you are God.

None of that means you really are.
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by LPC »

stija wrote:A state citizen is a nonresident alien in re: title 26 because he is domiciled within geography of his state and without geography embraced by Title 26 or 1:8:17 and 4:3:2. I do not know how simpler to put it.
I don't know how wronger to put it.

Do you really want me to cite all of the cases in which "state citizens" have claimed to be "nonresident aliens"?

How about just this one:
“Appellant challenges the district court’ jurisdiction by contending that because he is a state citizen, the United States government lacks the constitutional authority both to subject him to federal tax laws and to prosecute him for failing to comply with those laws. Citing to Dred Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. (19 How.) 393 (1856), appellant argues that as a white, natural born, state citizen, he is not subject to the taxing power of Congress. This argument is completely without merit.”
United States v. McDonald, 919 F.2d 146, 90 TNT 246-11, No. 88-5239 (9th Cir. 11/26/1990).

Repeating crap over and over again doesn't make it any less crap.

You're warned to respond in the future with either evidence or logic or you'll be put on moderated status.
stija wrote:No human can be domiciled within two mutually exclusive territorial jurisdictions.
More nonsense. The United States and the states of the United States are NOT "mutually exclusive territorial jurisdiction." Any claim to the contrary shows ignorance of the 220+ years of history and law.
Dan Evans
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by LPC »

stija wrote:1. Yes i can choose what laws apply to me. Allow me to demonstrate...
2. Do Chinese laws apply to me?
3. Why not?
4. If i apply (consent) for residency in China and i get accepted (consent from other party) do the Chinese laws apply to me then if i go there?
5. By same token, do California laws apply to me?
6. Why not?
7. If i move to California and domicile (consent) myself there do they apply then?
8. Yes.
And, if you're in Arizona, you're also in the United States.

Here's a reality test for you:

1. Find a map labeled "United States" that is less than 98 years old.

2. Is China on the map?

3. Is Arizona on the map?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by stija »

@dan the man,

How did the US empower court in above case? Statute? Statutory co
Did defendant accept jurisdiction by general appearance and pleadings?
what does his claim have to do with mine?
Did I EVER suggest that US has no constitutional authority over me?
His claims ARE NOT MINE!!

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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by LPC »

stija wrote:How did the US empower court in above case? Statute? Statutory co
All courts are statutory.
stija wrote:Did defendant accept jurisdiction by general appearance and pleadings?
No. Didn't you read the quote? He claimed that the court had no jurisdiction over him.
stija wrote:what does his claim have to do with mine?
You both use the same words.
stija wrote:Did I EVER suggest that US has no constitutional authority over me?
stija wrote:His claims ARE NOT MINE!!
You mean his gibberish is different from your gibberish?
Dan Evans
Foreman of the Unified Citizens' Grand Jury for Pennsylvania
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by stija »

how can you claim that i am not recognizing the two constitutions and the declaration of independence as law. look at the evidence ive poted so far. i use it all the time. look at the big posts in the other thread. i recognize the two as the first and most important organic law WHICH I QUOTE all the time.

There are constitutional courts dont kid yourself. Art 3 sec 2 is one of them, should i quote it so you show me how it does not exist or it has some other less important relevance than the 14th we all recognize.

facts of case go something like this without even looking at it...

united states sues under a statue of federal law. citizen accepts juristic legal person under such title by general appearnace never even questioning if he is the resident or subject to somehow, most likely is in the case however having involved himself in generating or receiving or howver you want to put it but having income in the end.

why are you bringing even up resideny and citizneship when we have agreed 2 days ago that someone in tibet can have income and thus be liable to return it and fullfill the obligation by paying the tax? what are your motives man? whats going on here?

i am not the enemy, and you are not listening, therefore you cannot understand even what i allege, how could i expect you to start understanding??

there are statutory courts and there are constitutional courts. tax court is statutory and so is any other title 26 prosecution or recovery of overpaid taxes and available only to taxpayers and legal entities under the code. no play no pay. its a service they provide you, if you will, its even called the service and they make stupid videos and persecute soft targets.

I RECOGNIZE THEM. THEY ARE REAL. THEY RECOGNIZE ME TOO THOUGH. they dont recognize know why? because you are using the rules they made for lazy apathetic individuals who dont put the sweat and just repeat rhetoric without understanding what they are even saying and which is correct but i never alleged.

are we going to have an adult conversation or are you cnostantly going to try to prove me wrong man? why dont you guys tell me how can you twist the rules so unfairly to protect your egos? you recognize the us constitution when it is the 14th amendment but not when its 3:2 or federal question?
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

stija wrote: ...
are we going to have an adult conversation ...
Not until we have reason to believe we're dealing with an adult. The evidence thus far is that stija is incapable of communicating as an adult.
The Honorable Judge Roy Bean
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

14th Amendment, first sentence.
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by stija »

14th Amendment, first sentence.
1. Are income taxes legislated through the 14th?
2. Whichever way i approach your frivolity of argument i win.
3. You know why?
4. Because i speak the truth.
5. You have no clue what you are saying.
6. You just wanna be right.

I recognize The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution as the most sacred law or what is organic law, from which all other law flows. So does the United States government, SSA, DOD, DHS, IRS, FBI, DOJ and so many other agencies. They have to. They have been legislated through the organic law.

I recognize that i am the principal and the United States is an agent entrusted with rights and responsabilities for my protections. They recognize me too. Unless i need something from them i don't play with them because i gave them responsabilities in the US Constitution on which they legislate for their rights and actions in discharging the trust to the public they have been entrusted with.

You simply put, do NOT. Bye.
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

stija wrote:
14th Amendment, first sentence.
1. Are income taxes legislated through the 14th?
2. Whichever way i approach your frivolity of argument i win.
3. You know why?
4. Because i speak the truth.
5. You have no clue what you are saying.
6. You just wanna be right.

I recognize The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution as the most sacred law or what is organic law, from which all other law flows. So does the United States government, SSA, DOD, DHS, IRS, FBI, DOJ and so many other agencies. They have to. They have been legislated through the organic law.

I recognize that i am the principal and the United States is an agent entrusted with rights and responsabilities for my protections. They recognize me too. Unless i need something from them i don't play with them because i gave them responsabilities in the US Constitution on which they legislate for their rights and actions in discharging the trust to the public they have been entrusted with.

You simply put, do NOT. Bye.
You never cease to amaze me. To start, the Declaration of Independence IS NOT LAW, and appears NOWHERE within the Constitution or any Federal law. Then, neither I nor anyone else has ever said anything about income taxes being "legislated through the 14th [Amendment]." As for the rest of your post, to paraphrase the famous quote from the Crain case, to address your claims would imply that they have any merit. You also duck, yet again, the reality that the first sentence of the 14th Amendment makes anyone born within the United States, or naturalized within them, a citizen of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.

Go on over to Saving to Suitors. They will adore you over there.
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Re: stija on "activity" v. "income"

Post by LPC »

I think that Elvis has left the building. Time to shut this thread down as well.
Dan Evans
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"Nothing is more terrible than ignorance in action." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.