Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

I'm sure I'd seen something somewhere that said Heather was in Morocco, as in, it implied she was living there. Which may explain something: if you spend $200 a month on stuff, you will get a lot more and a lot better quality in Morocco than in the US.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Right, Heather I think pretty much lives there (after "winning" I mean, oops, losing her foreclosure case). But lots of the OPPT gurus in question (theres 4-5 of them other than heather, all big new age Eternal Essence Embodied fruitcakes) went to visit her - including some from Australia. Even if you go economy, that can't be cheap.

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ColinT »

For about the last two months I've had a series of facebook discussions(?) with my younger brother who has discovered OPPT, and seems to think that it is the answer to all fraud and corruption in the corporate and government systems.

I've referred him to the earlier stages of this thread, but that didn't appear to sway him at all.

He went so far as telling other people that I am "in denial" and that I talk like the banks, and was very excitedly looking forward to his credit card debts being wiped clean because of the bank's foreclosure (early May that was going to happen).

He's gone so far as sending invoices to his bank, which I find totally hilarious. He even thinks that he's helping others by telling them about OPPT.

Has anyone had any success in bringing friends or family members away from this setup?

PS. We are in Australia, me in Sydney, him in Brisbane.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

1. Welcome to Quatloos.
ColinT wrote:PS. We are in Australia, me in Sydney, him in Brisbane.
There has to be some internal territorial Australian joke about that but I don't know it.

3. Seriously, is this guy going to be swayed by logic? Too many "believers" have a fanatical, religious type belief mentality that preclude facts getting in the way of their wants.

4. Are others going to get hurt by this? Is, for instance, he married? Got a mortgage? His "any day now" will sooner or later be crushed by a roadtrain sized dose of reality. Will it hurt other people who don't share his beliefs?
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by thunter »

Well, Heather still seems to be assuring the faithful that everything will be revealed in May!

Two Skype message Updates on this moment of now from Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf May 21, 2013

[3:58:18 AM] Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: Cindy, and every other embodiment of eternal essence….

imagine absent limit and then DO what you imagine

the energetic signatures are absolutely transparent even when the embodiments are not.

and……..ACTION! (heart)

the final moment of the finale has begun!!! ALL IS DONE THIS MONTH….I LOVE YOU ABSOLUTELY! (heart)(inlove)(heart)(hug):*(heart)

[10:49:49 AM] Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: ALL IS DONE THIS MONTH….all that you have not seen, or perhaps sensed…is being made visible for all to see, know, dissect with their tools of resonance within…

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ColinT »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:
ColinT wrote:PS. We are in Australia, me in Sydney, him in Brisbane.
There has to be some internal territorial Australian joke about that but I don't know it.
Sorry, no joke, just a reference to living about 800-900km apart.
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Seriously, is this guy going to be swayed by logic? Too many "believers" have a fanatical, religious type belief mentality that preclude facts getting in the way of their wants.
Probably not - he claims that I'm in denial and basically brainwashed, but I think that's his own process of being in denial.
ArthurWankspittle wrote:Are others going to get hurt by this? Is, for instance, he married? Got a mortgage? His "any day now" will sooner or later be crushed by a roadtrain sized dose of reality. Will it hurt other people who don't share his beliefs?
No-one else that I know of, definitely not married. As far as I know only credit cards and no mortgage, but the reality train has to hit sooner or later. Keeps doing the "wake up to yourself" to me, there have apparently been "a few delays" in the final process, as indicated by "thunter" above.

Will see what justification he comes up with next, am interested to see what response he gets to his invoices. I'd love to be in the bank when they come in, must be large doses of frivolity.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

So sorry to hear about your family member falling for this stuff, Colin. Unfortunately, if hes sent out the courtesy notices, he is likely about to get a confidence boost that "this is real." What tends to happen is that people send these legal gibberish notices to companies and they end up in the hands of the front line customer service people. The front line customer service people - having to move quickly and service so many accounts - will at first glance think the letter has real legal consequences and that the person sending it has paid their debt. I have seen OPPT stories where its clear the front line customer service person who just cashes the the checks thinks the letter means "Hey, I legitimately paid my debt previously but you didn't credit my account - here is this really complex legal language to scare you."

The practical effect of all this is that OPPT courtesy notice senders assume victory because one of two things happen:
(1) As per above the customer service person credits the account for the balance, which never sticks as eventually someone in the company's legal department looks at the letter and realizes its gibberish. But it may stay at $0 for a month or two before coming back with late fees and everything else.
(2) The company never responds because it gets appropriately forwarded to the legal department first. Part of the OPPT mythology is that if you send someone something and they don't rebut it in exactly the way you demand they do, you "win." Of course this has no basis in reality, but its part of what they are taught by the gurus.

You face an uphill battle in getting your brother out of this if hes already fallen for it enough to send out courtesy notices. I think the best thing to do is to keep asking him why is it, if governments have been foreclosed upon and that we are all now astral light beings DO'ING each other in the new age, that the OPPT gurus keep asking for donations. Why are they doing that when they have said paper currency is negative energy and bad - and they shouldn't need it anyways. I would also point out that PROJECT 13, one of the OPPT's newest projects, has a required MONTHLY FEE to it. Why are they asking for monthly fees when Heather (chief OPPT nutcase) claims to have total control of all the world's gold and is hoarding it on an alien spaceship?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Heres an example of the sort of stuff the OPPT gurus post all the time that the true believers take as proof: ... n-arrests/

OMG! Helicopters over Jakarta this must mean the entire (fake) UN SWISSINDO group is correct and world leaders are being arrested due to the oppt!

Of course, its 100% BS: ... -Next-Week

It was the inauguration of a new army chief, which apparently in Jakarta involves substantial pomp and circumstance with military machines.

Note that the OPPT gurus are ON THE RECORD as this being evidence of their power over world leaders. Even if they delete the blog post, which is likely, the weekly "Friends in High Places" podcast spent the first 10 minutes claiming it was all true:

Note that this podcast is completely wacko and full of fruitcakes - its center ring circus is Julien Wells, who claims he is the spokesperson for several sects of aliens who will be bringing us into the new age of being astral light beings (any day now!).
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

By the way, can I get a moderator to change the thread title to keep up with the ever changing names of this scam? I propose a name change to:

Prosperity Scam: IUV, Project 13, One Peoples Public Trust, etc.

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ColinT »

Thanks for the feedback. Will try what you have suggested in due course, but I think he's too closed to any suggestions right now.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by deanpike »

LightinDarkness: I must have missed it somewhere. Where does one go to listen to the OPPT weekly fantasy radio show?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by thunter »

I think all the bloggers and radio hosts are living it up in Morocco right now. Not much happening.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by thunter »

So now they are trying to raise money for this guy to fly to Morocco to be with "The Heather." He's even trying to sell a wheelchair to get there so he can get "the cure". Cult alert.

From the I-UV facebook page:

Bethany Truex
If anyone would like to help with say $5 to help Bob get a plane ticket to Morocco. This is his PayPal account . With the absolute medi tech I am discovering here, I would like to work with him to get him to the stage of walking again. Bob desperately wants to be here, he is trying to sell one of his wheel chairs to raise the funds.He needs to raise between $1200 and $1500
To cover wheelchair excess baggage. Help Us Manifest this NOW! And SO IT IS! ♥
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

thunter wrote:I think all the bloggers and radio hosts are living it up in Morocco right now. Not much happening.
BE-ing and DO-ing being superseded by DOOBIE-ing?
thunter wrote:So now they are trying to raise money for this guy to fly to Morocco to be with "The Heather." He's even trying to sell a wheelchair to get there so he can get "the cure". Cult alert.

From the I-UV facebook page:

Bethany Truex
If anyone would like to help with say $5 to help Bob get a plane ticket to Morocco. This is his PayPal account . With the absolute medi tech I am discovering here, I would like to work with him to get him to the stage of walking again. Bob desperately wants to be here, he is trying to sell one of his wheel chairs to raise the funds.He needs to raise between $1200 and $1500
To cover wheelchair excess baggage. Help Us Manifest this NOW! And SO IT IS! ♥
You mean he can't get an advance on his billions just yet? I'm amazed.
[3:58:18 AM] Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf: Cindy, and every other embodiment of eternal essence….

imagine absent limit and then DO what you imagine
Like fly to Morocco?
Anyone else as cynical as me thinking this is a variation on the "send me the money for the air fare" scam?
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by thunter »

According to the FB page, someone sent him $1500 within minutes. So, he's headin' for Morocco, I guess. They are all supposedly there planing the "final event." Stocking up on KoolAid, I guess?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

ColinT: Do keep us updated if you can! I would love to hear how he thinks the OPPT can claim they are ordering the United Nations around (and apparently now the UN has its own military force according to them) to arrest foreign leaders...and then explain it away when it just turned out to be a military parade.
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

thunter wrote:According to the FB page, someone sent him $1500 within minutes. So, he's headin' for Morocco, I guess. They are all supposedly there planing the "final event." Stocking up on KoolAid, I guess?
If I had to guess someone probably sent him $1500 of their credit card's money or student loan money...which they will of course just courtesy notice away (not really - but thats what they think). I would be shocked if anyone in OPPT has $1500 to throw around casually - all the true believers are there because they think Heather is going to DO and BE their debts and need to work away with $10 billion in gold bars.

What I find most sad is that if this is true, hes going to get there and be all around the gurus and despite all their DO'ING and BE'ING as ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED..hes still going to be bound to a wheelchair. I hope that money couldn't have been used for real medical treatment depending on why hes wheelchair bound. But when no miracles happen Heather and the gang will tell him if he just DOES who he BEs hard enough, he can walk...he just didn't DO hard enough around them, you see?
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

deanpike wrote:LightinDarkness: I must have missed it somewhere. Where does one go to listen to the OPPT weekly fantasy radio show?
The weekly circus known as the OPPT show can be listened to for your amusement at:

The insane asylum doors open every Monday evening for 1-2 hours. :D
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Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by LightinDarkness »

Here is the report of one OPPT guru in Morocco: ... -part-two/

If this hasn't reached total new age cult scam status yet, we are on the fast track there. Just read that blog post. Its completely bonkers.

What I find interesting is that through all this Heather never shows her face, even now that the whole gang of OPPT nutjobs are in town. Its almost as if she knows its all a scam and doesn't want to be able to be identified when it all comes crashing down.

Another thought: Someone is paying for all the lodging and food here, and it certainly is NOT our oppt gurus who are all bankrupt (morally and fiscally). Looks like we now know where all those "donations" go to.

Re: Another Prosperity Fund Scam "The One Peoples Public Tru

Post by ColinT »

LightinDarkness wrote:ColinT: Do keep us updated if you can! I would love to hear how he thinks the OPPT can claim they are ordering the United Nations around (and apparently now the UN has its own military force according to them) to arrest foreign leaders...and then explain it away when it just turned out to be a military parade.
I certainly will, although he hasn't mentioned anything about the Un to me yet.

The latest was an email that he'd sent to Julia Gillard (our Prime Minister). (I'll try to re-post that tonight from home). Mind you, only a week or two ago she had already been "charged with treason", but he couldn't understand why nothing about this was mentioned in the local media.

I am absolutely stunned that he and others can so blindly follow something that has so many obvious flaws.