Bill Brockbrader a.k.a. Bill Wood

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Bill Brockbrader a.k.a. Bill Wood

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I'm not certain if this is the correct subforum for this information, but while trolling about I found a cluster of documentation that appears to relate to litigation on one of the 'whistleblowers' involved in the NESERA meme complex, a Bill Brockbrader, who apparently also used the name "Bill Wood".

I've not dug too deeply, but Bill apparently had made some rather flamboyant claims about being a SEAL, having participated in many secret missions that led to the deaths of innocents, that 9/11 was an inside job by Dick Chaney, and that the US maintains a fleet of interplanetary craft at Area 51.

He also seems to have had some legal trouble. He's a convicted child sex offender and had not registered himself with authorities. I've spotted a number of documents which are listed in what I think is chronological order:

Nov. 15, 2012 - judgment that shoots down pre-trial applications to dismiss the action: ... 0156-0.pdf
  • [Not an expert, but these look like 'conventional' arguments.]
Nov. 19, 2012 - motion by the government to exclude evidence: ... limine.pdf

Dec. 5, 2012 - Brockbrader is found guilty: ... 52012.html

Dec. 19, 2012 - incomplete transcript of an application by Brockbrader for release prior to sentencing: ... 121219.pdf
  • [This document appears to have been obtained and circulated by a community of former military personnel who identify 'fake veterans' whom they 'out' to the public. Good for them. Brockbrader admits he's a sex offender and liar. Seems he was in prison for sexual activity with a 12 year old during the time he claims to have been a SEAL and doing secret missions in the Middle East...]
Brockbrader then fires off a volley of fanciful documents, including a:
  • “Resignation of Trustee Status; Sworn Declaration of Grantor and Sole Beneficiay Status; Revocation of Power of Attorney; and Appointment of Trustee(s)”

    “Mandatory Judicial Notice of Legislative Facts Pursuant to 48 CFR 53.228 For Deposit”

    “Counterclaim for Reimbursement”

    “Writ of Praecipe”

    “Notice of Default and Opportunity to Cure”
The first of these documents, dated March 1, 2013, is embedded in this thing: ... -Eva-Moore
  • [Full fledged Sovereign Citizen nuttiness to escape criminal liability.]
I think what's next is this undated document, which seems to be Brockbrader's response to a motion to strike the previous materials: ... n-Response
  • [Super-overdrive Sovereign Citizen nuttiness - 57 pages of rant, spurious citation, and rhetoric.]
March 26, 2013 – The judge strikes out these documents are frivolous, vexatious, and warns that continuing this conduct could lead to consequences: ... 0156-1.pdf
  • [I think the gist of the decision is that Brockbrader attempted to 'A4V' the sentence, but without luck.]
March 28, 2013: Brockbrader is sentenced to 30 months in prison: ... 82013.html

I'm sure he'll appeal.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Bill Brockbrader a.k.a. Bill Wood

Post by Deep Knight »

I had run across this idiot before, courtesy of Erasmus of America if memory serves, but hadn't mined this treasure trove of stupid. The following is one of his responses to a vet. who took offense to his claims: ... on-Shipley

“Bill Brockbrader challenges Don Shipley?

“So here’s my challenge…I want to demonstrate my drownproofing for the world to see. Drownproofing – the act of having your arms tied behind your back, your leg bound at the ankles and surviving in a 9 foot deep pool for up to 20 minutes while performing various tasks. You administer the test. I pick the location and you come to that location at your expense”


******** response from Shipley*********
Dear Mr. Brockbrader,

I will admit that the thought of drowning you has crossed my mind and it is appealing, but I have already proven you were NOT a Navy SEAL and passing a silly drownproofing test hardly qualifies someone as being a SEAL.

Your statement that, “A SEAL only becomes a SEAL when another SEAL makes him a SEAL,” is inaccurate. A Man only becomes a SEAL when he satisfactorily passes the Navy “Standards, Conditions and Requirements” to become one. And as far as giving you “My Trident” goes, I’d rather eat a bowl of boogers…

The threat to blast me on “every blog and SEAL forum” should I fail to accept your challenge is troublesome and I’d appreciate you attaching a link to the YouTube video I did about you when you do blast me. Thanks, Bro…

Your message about “honor, courage, commitment” mean little coming from a scab like you. You’re no Messiah, Bill. Just a confused little man who has made some big mistakes and attempts to blame and discredit others (the Navy) for those mistakes.

Don’t try and bull???? me about saving the world; short on money and unable to gain employment from that dishonorable discharge and pesky sex offender registry, you must seek “self-employment” for income. Attempting that on the backs of Navy SEALs hasn’t worked out very well and I’d suggest some other “Fairy Tale Story” take its place. I don’t recommend Marine Recon or Army Rangers either…

I envy one thing about you, Bill, you have a “Life’s Mission” and I don’t really think I do, not one that comes to mind anyhow.

You keep flappin that ‘Suck’ of yours about SEAL Team and I’ll make you my “Life’s Mission.”

How about them apples???

Don Shipley…”
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Re: Bill Brockbrader a.k.a. Bill Wood

Post by JamesVincent »

DK- The youtube link provided went nowhere near what these two are talking about, though I did enjoy seeing the kid's cymbal break during the Star Spangled Banner. Having had it happen to me before, it's always amusing to watch it and NOT have to deal with it. You have any idea what started these two down the road to one wanting to drown the other?
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Re: Bill Brockbrader a.k.a. Bill Wood

Post by fortinbras »

Transcript of Brockbrader child molesting hearing:

It appears that not everyone is convinced that Brockbader was a Navy SEAL. Evidently some people who are into the business of unmasking bogus SEALs consider him a faker.
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Re: Bill Brockbrader a.k.a. Bill Wood

Post by Deep Knight »

JamesVincent wrote:DK- The youtube link provided went nowhere near what these two are talking about, though I did enjoy seeing the kid's cymbal break during the Star Spangled Banner. Having had it happen to me before, it's always amusing to watch it and NOT have to deal with it. You have any idea what started these two down the road to one wanting to drown the other?
I believe that Mr. Shipley has Obsessive Debunking Disorder.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Bill Brockbrader a.k.a. Bill Wood

Post by notorial dissent »

Or maybe he just doesn't like the smell of fraud in the morning.

I can think of several groups I wouldn't want to impersonate membership with, and get caught, right off the top of my head, Seals/or the type, and Sons of Silence come to mind, and of the two, I think I'd rather impersonate a SOS, as a whole lot safer.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Bill Brockbrader a.k.a. Bill Wood

Post by vkey08 »

Brockbrader was the first case that the OPPT/I/UV/DooBee crowd wanted to do flashmobs for and fillthe courts with foreclosure flyers on, they seemed to ignore the sex offenses (claimed they were trumped up charges used to demean Bill) and ignore the conviction by a jury (claimed the jury was paid off)

So he's been in the news for a while, from time to time that Kabuki place mentions him along side Leaming and Morgan as heroes of the OPPT..