'Maitreya' Isis Maryjane Blackshear / SUNKE Temple

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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'Maitreya' Isis Maryjane Blackshear / SUNKE Temple

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

So, the Canadian Federal Court has issued a judgment that I think relates to another of these Prosperity Programs:

Blackshear v. Canada, 2013 FC 590: http://canlii.ca/t/fxr9t

Here's a summary of the "action" by Blackshear:
[4] The allegations set out in the 84 page pleading are for the most part unintelligible and consequently difficult to summarize. The Plaintiff states that she is the “Divine Mother of All in/of Creation”. She also claims to be the only one authorized and qualified to fill the See of Rome. The Plaintiff is seeking damages against the Alberta Crown and the Federal Crown on behalf of “Tiamat Ki-Earths Kaneh Bosm Signatory Tribal Nations’ and “Independent Spiritual International Signatory (ISIS) Nation Estates” in an astronomical amount of over one hundred and eight quadrillion dollars. The Plaintiff claims damages based on breach of covenant, breach of trust, fiduciary duty and obligations, false imprisonment, and other injustices.

[5] The Plaintiff also requests that the Defendants immediately cede to her original and final jurisdiction under Ancient Clanmother Laws; liquidate all global assets into Equity through the Bank of International Settlements; immediately acknowledge her as The Divine Holy Mother and cede to her Matriarchal Society; inform and teach all ISIS Nations Estates about their inheritance; cease and desist all blasphemy against the Divine Mother, the Queen of Heaven, delta9Lucifer; announce in both private and public statements acknowledging her return as The Divine Holy Mother; act in compliance with All of The General Executrix Administrative Orders; and guarantee the restoration of her All Signatory Tribal Nations and each and every ISIS Nation Estate to their immortal, pristine, peaceful, blissful and abundant lives.
The action is struck out under the rule in Kisikawpimootewin v. Canada, that a lawsuit that is based on materials so incomprehensible that the defendant is “left both embarrassed and unable to defend itself” and the court faces “a proceeding so ill-defined that is unable to discern an argument, or identify any specific material facts.” Costs are awarded to the defendants.

The decision is appropriately brief, and after a bit of 'Googling' I discovered this helpful explanation of what this is all about by "Tracy", "Executive Administrative Assistant to Isis Maryjane Blackshear ~ 'Maitreya'": http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2013/ ... -with.html

Here's a few passages:
Just over three months ago Thomas Hughes (Sasquatch hybrid) included me in a conference call with "Sun Son", a.k.a. Momma Sophia, a.k.a. Maryjane Blackshear. The conversation led to me moving from B.C. to Alberta to work with and stand beside her and as well protect her in some way, if I could, from the scathing criticism she was receiving from some of the Red Nations people regarding her claim of being the Head Clanmother of all Nations ! Quite a claim indeed. I am doing so by honouring the possibilities until I know otherwise.

I sense she is one of many women who are standing up with their creative inspiration backed by their fierce instinct to protect life, all life. Maryjane shared with me her life of events that have led her to believe she is the 'expected one' beginning with her birth in 1966 on September 23 in California. At 6:30ish p.m., cloud coverage appeared while she was being born, just over her town, and just for a short time. Maryjane claims that her star family members were cloaked while witnessing the event.


Maryjane has significant scientific evidence of her m-DNA and that she is from the A negative humans born of the earth, the key to the mysterious bloodline btw...it's from the earth and through the Kaneh Bosm / Cannabis - our apparent true tree of life, because we share the same DNA- hence breatharian Genesis Sunfire, (i think his name is) living off sunlight and water...hmmm.


Maryjane lays out the Divine LITE exchange coming into play and how the new digital credit system will ensure a smooth transition. And according to Maryjane, Cannabis/Hemp/Marijuana will be key to our health and wealth in the immediate future. Heather and Poof have both mentioned Maryjane's vision, she says it's because they know of her as she has been communicating behind the scenes at the top levels for three years.


And the One Peoples Trust and UCC - Uniform Commercial Code stuff - for heavens sake...Maryjane already has, since 2009 claimed all the resources and Trusts and Collateral Accounts and has apparently already anaihilated the UCC and everything Admiralty or Merchant Law, and, she has already resurrected all the People from dead corporations to living beings via the Sunke Temple Trust.

Anyway, I'm aware that the Divine Feminine is rising in all of us and that there are and will be many contributing to the solutions. The saviour thing is about saving ourselves, I get that, and Maryjane did save herself from very near death by ceasing to be ignorant of what she was poisoning her body with in the way of food and she lost over one hundred pounds and recovered from cancer, diabetes and a few other life threatening diseases.
Here's the SUNKE Temple Trust website: http://www.sunketempletrust.com/

I'll say this much for the Maitreya, her webpage looks more professional than most in her community.

Here's a sample document which probably was the kind of thing that the poor Federal Court Prothonotary received: http://k007.kiwi6.com/hotlink/k081601h6 ... 1_2012.pdf

At this point I'm running and leaving this to the experts - this level of crazy is outside my comfort zone - give me a Freeman-on-the-Land any day!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNMoUnUiDqg at 11:25]