Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads down

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

I am finding today that codebusters dot org, the "alternative" web site for followers of Pete Hendrickson's Cracking the Code tax scam, no longer seems to work. I don't know whether this means it's gone for good. I had noticed that there had been no postings there in several days, and the posts that were found there had been few and far between.


Come to think of it, there ain't much goin' on at Pete's web site, losthorizons dot com....


Where's a fella to find good entertainment any more?

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by AndyK »

Is Pete STILL selling the book? (And, if so, why hasn't he been enjoined?)

If not, other than stroking his ego, why is he still maintaining and updating the forum?

One would think he could find more productive things to do -- like feeding his family :?:
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Feeding one's family is such a mundane exercise when you are Exalted Leader of a growing movement which will smash the ebil tax machine forever (if only your followers would stay loyal). :roll: :roll: :roll:
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Feeding one's family is such a mundane exercise when you are Exalted Leader of a growing movement which will smash the ebil tax machine forever (if only your followers would stay loyal). :roll: :roll: :roll:
And fork over lots more money for your sage advice. :snicker:
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

The codebusters dot org web site is back up! Yayyy! That's entertainment!

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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:Feeding one's family is such a mundane exercise when you are Exalted Leader of a growing movement which will smash the ebil tax machine forever (if only your followers would stay loyal). :roll: :roll: :roll:
Over at lost horizons dot com, a user called "Pianoman357" has created a new thread entitled "Pete's Personal Battles", with this post:
Is there a section, either in the forum or on the website, that discusses Pete's personal battles with IRS harassment, legal issues, jail, etc? I have not been on the forum for some time and cannot fine a page or section that addresses it. It would be nice how he is doing. Thanks. ... c44#p29273

Rather than searching at lost horizons, Pianoman357 would find much more informative and comprehensive coverage right here at Quatloos, and at:
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

Evidence of Prevaricating Pete's psychological slide, his decompensation, continues to pop up at lost horizons dot com. Here are some excerpts, with capitalization and underlining as shown in the original (but with his links not reproduced):
Dealing with Willful "Ignorance"

[by Peter Eric ("Blowhard") Hendrickson]


I don't actually expect restoration to happen on all fronts quite that fast. But I sure don't see why it shouldn't happen that fast on the "income tax" issue, since the liberating truth on that subject has been out there for ten years now, fully proven to begin with and more so every day. And I'm dead sick of that restoration being thwarted by mindless repetition of falsehoods, especially by folks who claim to be friends of liberty and truth.

In the grip of that mood, last edition I posted an "open letter" to everyone in a position of responsibility for accuracy of information about the "income tax" (or who COULD and SHOULD take on that responsibility). In that letter, I pointed out to my addressees in painstaking detail and with overwhelming supporting authority that the 16th Amendment to the US Constitution did NOT authorize an unapportioned direct tax of any description, and particularly not an unapportioned tax on "all that comes in" (or anything like it).
[snip Blowhard Pete's useless diatribe on the Pollock decision, the Sixteenth Amendment, etc., etc.]
I DID POINT OUT THAT THE "INCOME TAX" LAWS MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO VIOLATE THESE RULES: Though the mechanisms by which it does so are thoroughly hidden from casual discovery, the tax law, as written, confines itself carefully and scrupulously to gains resulting from the exercise of federal privilege, just as a federal excise tax must do. It is not by accident or oversight that the "wages" by which the application of the tax to the pay of workers is measured are custom-defined in the law to describe only payments made to federal workers, for instance, or that "trade or business" is defined only as "the performance of the functions of a public office."

I DID ALSO POINT OUT THAT THE BOTTOM LINE IS SIMPLY THIS: Get the 16th Amendment right, and the liberating truth about the "income tax" becomes crystal-clear and unmistakable, and easily taken-in, even without any digging through the details of the tax laws. Mis-understand the amendment, and seeing that truth becomes much more of a slog, making it much easier for people to be dissuaded from or discouraged by the exercise of coming to understand the tax.

So, what the hell is going on here? It is not possible for any competent person to mis-understand the truth presented above concerning the amendment. It isn't possible no matter how much past misunderstandings about the subject may have made it difficult to grasp the more detailed truth about the tax overall (or resistant to even looking at those details, and instead disposed to blindly dismiss evidence challenging their deeply-embedded misunderstandings).

Since it isn't possible to misunderstand, why have these folks not acknowledged this irrefutable truth? Worse, why have these folks PERSISTED in disseminating false assertions about the amendment?


In my letter I acknowledged the strength of the Kool-Aid clouding minds about this subject. But that dog only hunts in the absence of correcting information. In the presence of correcting information, persistent error is willful. And sadly, these "errors"-- which is to say, the continued disseminations of FALSE INFORMATION-- have persisted.

Directly but very courteously contacted about all this by several different people, two of my addressees simply blew each of them off with breezy versions of "I haven't got time to look at this stuff..."

[ . . . ]

Poor Pete. He seems to be realizing that he has become a sort of Rodney Dangerfield. And not in a good way. The joke is on Pete -- and he brought his anguish on himself.

I suspect that Pete, as a convicted felon with two prison terms behind him, has not been able to make a very good living in the eleven plus months since he got out of the slammer. At the expense of stating the obvious: If Doreen has been working and bringing home the bacon, her recent indictment, her upcoming trial, and (if she is convicted) her own possible jail time are going to make things worse for His Haughtyness.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Famspear wrote:
Dealing with Willful "Ignorance"

[by Peter Eric ("Blowhard") Hendrickson]... In the presence of correcting information, persistent error is willful.
[ . . . ]
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

Fortunately, the irony meters were all off line for dusting or winding or something, otherwise you'd have owed for another en masse replacement.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

Another ringing endorsement of the CtC scam from a long-time user, "netgazer":
I've been at this for 12 years and I've been thru 3 CDPHs, 1 USTC, and 1 USDC (before USTC took jurisdiction.) Experience teaches me that letters are ignored, appeals agents lie on the record, and judges play the word games to generate the outcomes they want. Due process is a sham and justice will not be achieved.
I'm sorry to break negative on you but I've only paid and paid and paid. The levy's have exceeded $70K with more than $50k still out there. I now rent one room and work where I can, whereas I used to run a 60 man production shop...... ... 409#p29409
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by JamesVincent »

Famspear wrote:Another ringing endorsement of the CtC scam from a long-time user, "netgazer":
I've been at this for 12 years and I've been thru 3 CDPHs, 1 USTC, and 1 USDC (before USTC took jurisdiction.) Experience teaches me that letters are ignored, appeals agents lie on the record, and judges play the word games to generate the outcomes they want. Due process is a sham and justice will not be achieved.
I'm sorry to break negative on you but I've only paid and paid and paid. The levy's have exceeded $70K with more than $50k still out there. I now rent one room and work where I can, whereas I used to run a 60 man production shop...... ... 409#p29409
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

Here's another cheery message from another bozo ("redman"):
Well folks, lest you think the thieves wont violate the law and due process, think again. After correspondence for many years, including requests for a hearing to resolve outstanding issues, the IRS advised me that a levy was pending as they alleged I had outstanding taxes and civil penalties due. This, of course, is not true as complete, accurate and timely tax forms were filed for each year in question, rebutting and correcting bad payer data as well as replies to their unsigned forms with links to the pertinent IRC that defines those "jobs" that are designated subject to the levy statute. Also, no 'Substitute Return' has been presented declaring the govt.'s interest; which is required by law.

None of this mattered; the IRS illegally extracted 15% of my SSA [Social Security Administration] benefits this month!

What can be done? What should be done? ... 406#p29406

What should be done? Nothing, redman. You brought it all on yourself. You're getting what you deserve.

And, no, a Substitute for Return is not required by law for the government to declare its interest. Read the court decisions on this very point.

Redman, your knowledge of tax law is obviously no better than your ability to stop the IRS levy of your Social Security benefits.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

netgazer wrote:I've been at this for 12 years and I've been thru 3 CDPHs, 1 USTC, and 1 USDC (before USTC took jurisdiction.) Experience teaches me that letters are ignored, appeals agents lie on the record, and judges play the word games to generate the outcomes they want. Due process is a sham and justice will not be achieved.
I'm sorry to break negative on you but I've only paid and paid and paid. The levy's have exceeded $70K with more than $50k still out there. I now rent one room and work where I can, whereas I used to run a 60 man production shop......
Well, ain't that just a ringing endorsement of Prattlin' Pete's scam!!! Something the rest of them can aspire to, oh wait, most of them are already in that boat, and either just don't know it yet, or haven't gotten around to admitting it.

Redman seems to be of the belief that plain and simple denial is the same thing as honesty, when it so obviously isn't. Any time now I hear "rebutting and correcting bad payer data" it translates as made the figures up all by myself and they don't even come close to jiving with reality.

And Pete wonders why he is losing acolytes. Most of them are already in jail, trobule, too busy fighting to hang on to their cardboard boxes to play to his ego any more.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by AndyK »

He's not losing followers.

He's convinced them (and they're still looking) for the pony (or maybe it's now a unicorn) associated with that massive pile of horse manure.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

It might as well be a unicorn, now that you mention it, they'd have the same percentage of luck either way, and it sounds better on paper. you know, like they were actually doing something with their lives instead of just twiddling them away.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Duke2Earl »

The key point though is despite the uniformity of results applied over and over, it never occurs to them that there is any possibility that they are simply wrong. To them, they are always right and the IRS and the courts who are the criminals. Insanity strikes deep. It's not their intelligence I question... it's their sanity.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by LPC »

I don't know that Hendrickson (or any other tax denier guru) has "followers" or "acolytes" in the usual sense of those words. I think of them more like ramoras (also known as suckerfishes, which in this context is appropriate in two different ways).

Ramoras attach themselves to a larger fish, even though they are capable of swimming on their own, and seem to eat the leftovers (or feces) of the larger fish. But they have no real attachment to the larger fish, and can detach and swim away whenever it is in their interests to do so.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by notorial dissent »

I can see your point in a number of directions, but with the gurus like Pete and Co. they are the ones sucking the life out of the little fish, not the other way around. Kind of a reverse ramora in that the little fish only drop off when THEY have been sucked dry and are for all intents and purposes dead.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by wserra »

Hendrickson shoots down Harvey (posting as "Nationwide") for dissing good Worriers:
Nationwide, Ransom has the "Owl" icon for the reasons listed in the Registration/Log-In Issues, and Posting Rules announcement at the top of the forum index. He is not only NOT a troll, but he is an outstanding warrior and student of the law who very much merits those wings. Cadman is also a good warrior, with his own victories posted. Stop being so abusive-- it's rude, unseemly, and in violation of the rules of this forum.
So, Harvey, you have the word of Peter the Great that Ransom and Cadman, whoever they are, are not Famspear, or Jay, or me.

Better stick to DMVP's board. Standards of proof there are even lower than on Hendrickson's.
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Re: Pete annoyed that CTC Worriers are keeping their heads d

Post by Famspear »

wserra wrote:Hendrickson shoots down Harvey (posting as "Nationwide") for dissing good Worriers:
Nationwide, Ransom has the "Owl" icon for the reasons listed in the Registration/Log-In Issues, and Posting Rules announcement at the top of the forum index. He is not only NOT a troll, but he is an outstanding warrior and student of the law who very much merits those wings. Cadman is also a good warrior, with his own victories posted. Stop being so abusive-- it's rude, unseemly, and in violation of the rules of this forum.
So, Harvey, you have the word of Peter the Great that Ransom and Cadman, whoever they are, are not Famspear, or Jay, or me.

Better stick to DMVP's board. Standards of proof there are even lower than on Hendrickson's.
For Mr. Paranoia, a/k/a Harvester-Nationwide-Libre-johnthetaxist-johnnycash-whatever, it might be that Blowhard Hendrickson's support of various posters like Ransom and Cadman that Harvey "knows" to be evil bankster-government shills only proves that Hendrickson Himself must also be Famspear and Jay and wserra and Demo and who knows who else!

That's it! Hendrickson must be part of the evil machine that is creating the voices in Harvey's head!

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