Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

To sum up the latest bulletin, blather, blather, blather, blather blather blather, blather! Getting to the point you can't keep track of the players/sock puppets without a score card, who is this "" and who is the infamous "Rex" who has been interfering, I feel like we've missed part of the melodrama here. Now they are going to blame IPhone and the AppStore for things not getting done.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

notorial dissent wrote:Now they are going to blame IPhone and the AppStore for things not getting done.
Shhhhhhhh! If they see that, they will be selling an app for OPPT to the marks.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Since I have yet to see any evidence that they have anyone who can write coherently, the likelihood of them actually having someone capable of actually writing an app is even slimmer, and of anyone actually accepting it if they could manage it even more so.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

From a look around the web, Caleb Paul Skinner is/was involved in a company that seemed to have been involved in setting companies up in Customer Relations Management (CRM) software, specifically Microsoft Dynamics. It appears, from the dates of blog entries, etc. on their website that it hasn't been updated since the middle of 2012. I'm guessing that Caleb is actually a programmer of some kind, probably Microsoft .NET stuff. I'm sure Windows and Itunes app stores are balking at approving the scam app of his, though.

"Let's see, sir, you claim to have taken down the evil corporations, like Microsoft and Apple, and you want to put your app in our stores, huh? Hmmm."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

The NSA and Galactics have Heather under surveillance in Morocco, it seems...

"I really like Caleb, he's got a real intensity and singleness of purpose about him. He knows what he likes, software, and he's good at it. Its his joy in life. I have a background in software as well, but with earlier technologies, the sort Caleb's father worked with. We had a lot of interesting conversations about software and the way the universe is constructed and how both of think that reality itself is highly programmable, at least meant to be, if it weren't for a lot of the limitations imposed on our belief systems by our society and educational institutions about what is possible. Caleb had been working quite long hours getting Project XIII ready in it first release. About a week after I got to Morocco Caleb didn't wake up one morning. This was very unusual and he emerged about 3pm from his bedroom and had the symptoms of what most people would call a stroke. He had trouble walking, his vision was not focusing, and he had trouble speaking. Heather and Vera went to work on healing Caleb full time for about 3 or 4 days and Caleb fully recovered. We are not sure what exactly happened to Caleb, whether it was physical exhaustion or an energetic attack on him for his work on Project XIII. But he's fine now.

We do know that when we first arrived on the street all the villas were empty, in just a few days the street filled completely up with observers, and we know there was surveillance of us going on. But we carried on quite openly anyway. The house across from Caleb and my place had a set of mystery visitors who seldom emerged. Before we left for Morocco Brian Kelly observed a Royal Moroccan Military vehicle drive up and pull out large metal suitcases that appeared to be quite heavy, into the house across the street. They also emerged with empty cases, as they were not struggling with the weight of the empty cases so they dropped off something very heavy. When Heather announced to D. that she was going to draw up some paperwork that would enable people to access their value through commercial banks via a type of commercial banking document that banks are familiar with, all kinds of cars drove out and men were talking excitedly in Arabic. Apparently that was the bit of information they were waiting to hear. I guess they never thought to walk over and just ask Heather? Secret squirrels can be so funny. It wasn't the only time we noticed people watching us, Heather took Lisa, Vera, Mark and I to downtown Tangier to do some shopping. While we were at a Cafe I noticed this young woman in a kind of a jump suit outfit, kind of like a athletic track suit, but better tailored. She was staring at us and I noticed so I started watching her. She quickly tried to hide behind an egg shell shaped orange and white wall mounted public telephone. I kept watching her and they her male associate walked up and she joined him and walked way. I am not sure what she was, it occured to me later she might have been a Galactic rather than a 3 letter agency. We also saw several middle age guys with dark glasses following us around that were straight out of central casting in Hollywood. There also appeared to be people waiting for us in the desert of the Sahara.

We've known for sometime we are heavily monitored by the NSA, so if we want something known by the bankers we say it on Skype quite openly. We know the connection of the NSA to bankers and the controllers of this planet. And the reaction to any annoucement Heather makes on Skype is almost immediate in the Banking system. Its simple cause and effect in action. The NSA is essentially the monitoring agency of those who control the world and Congress and the media leaves in fear of it. Heather has noticed the queueing of her Skype messages by the NSA, they often come in batches, sometimes a 100 at once. I was surprised to see it happen to my own Skype messages and it still happens after returning to the USA. There's no doubt in my mind that since Skype was purchased by Microsoft that Skype is an extension of the NSA monitoring of US citizens."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

I really wish I could live in a world where I believed I was this special. A world where no amount of common sense or logic could dissuade me from the fact that I was on a glorious mission against the evil malicious governments and corporations, and even though they were foreclosed upon and supposed to have no money, they still have tens of millions to spend on putting thousands of spies on the ground to spy on *me*.

Whats really so insane about all this is that its not even internally consistent with these these idiots. You cannot have it both ways: if all of the governments and corporations of the world are powerless because of your magical UCC filings, then they cannot be spying on you with thousands of people. It doesn't even make any sense in this context - the government is at once all powerful and all knowing yet dumb enough to not just tap your cell phone line. And also dumb enough to make their spying activities extremely obvious, of course.

This stuff redefines delusions of grandeur. No doubt Heather is scared that all of her fraudulent UCC filings might get her in trouble, and I hope they will, but she just isn't that important.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

LightinDarkness wrote:It doesn't even make any sense ...
I think you pretty well summed up the whole thing with the above statement, beyond that there really isn't much else you can say.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Just when you thought Heather had said it all... ... oming.html

"Fasten your seat belts everyone, because the ride is about to get really REALLY fun!

It's time to move forward and take the bull by the horns, put him in a head lock and give him a really funky hair cut.

.... the "Bull" being the financial system and the banks.

This is your official heads up, get your gear on, pull together the clans and organize your plan of action. Stoke up the fires in your hearts, and get caffeinated because it's full steam ahead as of this moment.

Today Heather is writing up a written representation of the transference tool for people to be able to access their personal value. This tool can then be used as a template for anyone to gain access to the their value and have the ability to exchange value for value with any other Being or Entity- Everything IS either Eternal Essence, or a representation of that. Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Yuan, Gold, Silver or any other coin, bill, or physical commodity is ONLY a REPRESENTATION of the value of ETERNAL ESSENCE. This IS all that it IS.

Simplification: YOU are the Value, YOU are the Bank, YOU are the Business.

This is the grand lie that all financial institutions, banks and governments have lied to you about since the beginning of history. THEY know that YOU are the value. Your BODY is the TRANSMITTING UTILITY OR VEHICLE of VALUE. Value is ENERGY- which only comes from each and every BEing- your body is the VEHICLE that energy moves through in every operation and DOing. The VALUE IS that ENERGY.

We will launch this Value Template on Monday. Heather, Lisa and I will pre-record an interview to fully explain all aspects of the template, the I UV INchange and how we are moving forward, and this recording will be published at the same time as the template. We are keeping the Template completely private until it's launch- nothing going over hard-lines and I will publish it directly from Heather's computer .... so the alphabet soup guys will not get any heads up in advance of what the template will look like (sucks to be them, eh?).

We are in the time of FULL TRANSPARENCY & ABSOLUTE DATA. This is the time of truth and revealing all that has been and all that IS. You have been lied to. Now all the DATA is coming out.

.... side note: to all our "Anonymous" readers, if you feel like having some real fun, Heather gives permission with her full authority, responsibility and liability for anyone to access her email address. This is the primary email account which she used for all bank, trade and finance and investigation activities and it holds ALL the emails, ALL the files, ALL the data..... Heather has been locked out of this account since the OPPT Trustees foreclosed on the BIS, Banks and all the perceived current systems. The only condition attached to this FUN is that you MUST make every piece of data, information and communication and attached files PUBLIC- in full transparency for every BEing to access.

Heather will be releasing many relevant files herself that she has stored on hard drives- in Full Transparency- in order to explain and make obvious the absolute truth of how the most recent financial system is actually a part of the Value System and when separated from the Value System it creates the allusion/illusion of only debts, limited resources, and damages.....when operating within the whole of the Value System it actually is the INforcement and accountability mechanism of abundant value absent limit.

(that was Heather typing the above paragraph.... full transparency, right? lol)

It's TIME.

The TIME for DOing is NOW NOW NOW!!!

It's TIME to move forward- every BEing."
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

thunter wrote:Just when you thought Heather had said it all...
The thing, with people like Heather, and Heather, is that they just can't shut up, and never know when to quit.

What is this, Scotland just before Flodden Field?

Wanne bet Monday never comes"
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Well the email account thing is obviously made up to give a feeling of "realism" to the OPPT true believers, but I do think they will release more sov'run style gibberish paperwork. Of course it wont work, but they know this and they've set themselves up for an explanation already: its been explained on the calls that in order for the magic of your ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED to be turned into $10 trillion dollars/gold/whatever, you have to not only fill out the paperwork with ritual like precision but you have to DO who you BE while doing it. So when it fails and someone gets thrown in jail, Heather from the safety of Morocco will tell them that they just weren't BE'ing hard enough.
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Sat Jun 29, 2013 3:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

Re: Heather's skype issues, everyone has those days where messages que up because you have a crappy connection, it's not the NSA watching and reading them first... Hell I turn off my computer for 10 minutes and it happens.. This alone, should have been one of the things that made people scratch their heads...

But it didn't.. and that's the scary part of all of this cult like stuff..

Someone very soon is going to get hurt badly by this, and then Heather will be changing her tune not to "they didn't do it right" but to "Faithful surround and protect me, they were taken over by the NSA"

You watch... i'm sure it's coming...and that scares me to death..
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Today Heather is writing up a written representation of the transference tool for people to be able to access their personal value. This tool can then be used as a template for anyone to gain access to the their value and have the ability to exchange value for value with any other Being or Entity- Everything IS either Eternal Essence, or a representation of that. Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Yuan, Gold, Silver or any other coin, bill, or physical commodity is ONLY a REPRESENTATION of the value of ETERNAL ESSENCE. This IS all that it IS.

I don't know about you, but my tool IS the most valuable thing on my person. I don't know about using it as a template, but whatever turns you on. As for my essence being eternal, let's just say it lasts long enough to get the job done, and then some!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Another example of a stunning OPPT "success" - and by success, I mean yet another example of someone who is going to lose their home and destroy their credit over these delusions: ... -contract/

I'll save you from the pain of listening to the entire 17 minute video - it is cringe worthy, when you think about the fact that this women is going to lose her home and is so ignorant about it. This is a OPPT true believer who says that - until she found the OPPT - she had always paid her mortgage on time. She stopped paying due to the OPPT delusions about all banks being foreclosed in April, and now the bank is starting legal action. This is in Canada, where shes been sending the bank (CIBC) the OPPT legal gibberish documents demanding all sorts of things that of course they don't have to provide in order to prove she owes them money for the mortgage.

I as always am surprised how nice these bank personnel are. The women shes talking with clearly suspects shes dealing with a crazy person, but is very nice about. So strike up yet another "win" for the OPPT - one of only dozens more to come before this all comes crashing down, I am sure. When they take her house and her credit is destroyed I am sure she will call in to the weekly OPPT show where she will be told she didn't fill out the legal gibberish paperwork correctly or wasn't DO'ing who she BE hard enough.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Deep Knight wrote:
Today Heather is writing up a written representation of the transference tool for people to be able to access their personal value. This tool can then be used as a template for anyone to gain access to the their value and have the ability to exchange value for value with any other Being or Entity- Everything IS either Eternal Essence, or a representation of that. Dollars, Euros, Pounds, Yuan, Gold, Silver or any other coin, bill, or physical commodity is ONLY a REPRESENTATION of the value of ETERNAL ESSENCE. This IS all that it IS.

I don't know about you, but my tool IS the most valuable thing on my person. I don't know about using it as a template, but whatever turns you on. As for my essence being eternal, let's just say it lasts long enough to get the job done, and then some!
Oh dear, this brings a whole new meaning to DO'ing who you BE. Be careful what (whom?) your DO'ing with your eternal essence, DK.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Heather could take down those mean, old bankers...if she and her sidekick could just figure out how to use their computers...

"Are you Ready? Tonight on The One People's radio show.....
Are you ready for it!?

The recording of the 1 hour and 26 minute interview that I did today with Lisa, Bob and Heather will be played tonight on the One Peoples Radio show!!! ........ regardless of the technical difficulties, lol. ... one-people

I have spent the past 7 hours trying to upload the video of the interview (that I created my self with only one small bit of help (lol)) to youtube- only to have it fail after 3 hours when my computer ran out of juice because I didn't' notice that the power cord wasn't plugged into the wall properly (don't even go there), then the remaining 4 hours attempting to send the audio file to several people via several different pieces of technology.... I am currently sitting in Heather's hallway, hardwired to her modem and we are about .......


I was about to type that we are about 95% done uploading in my final attempt to send it to BZ to get it onto You Tube, and then I glanced at the page and it's now saying:

"Sorry there was a problem with your file transfer. Please try again"


Well I was just ranting to Heather about my horrific day so far and she just smiled and winked and said "Everything happens exactly as it should for a reason"

... apparently the reason is that this video/audio is NOT to be heard before the show tonight.

Normally I'd be seriously pulling my hair out right now, but ... BUT... Lisa ALSO recorded the interview and is uploading it to the radio show right this very moment, SOOOOOoooooooo, tune into blog talk radio show tonight to hear the the WHOLE story, and the archives will be available after the show tonight- and to download. Tomorrow we will get the You Tube video up so that it can be shared everywhere.

Heather is currently working on the final pieces of the Template for I UV INchange -we both have had serious technical issues today, including her laptop refusing to boot up! It's all good though and we are pounding away to get this tipping point moment ready to go.... 90% sure we can get it done by the end of tonight..... another all nighter for us again.

The article I wrote this past Saturday "The Tidal Wave is Coming!" has gone viral across the internet, facebook, and many websites in multiple languages across the globe. Because of this, many many people have only just discovered the OPPT UCC filings, and many of them have no previous exposure to the true corruption of the system, and the theft of their value. During the interview with Heather, we went back and gave a brief synopsis of the Who, What, Where, Why, When and How of the OPPT filings, and I UV INchange and What is happening today. Heather fully explains HOW the Value system works, did work and how it will work now.

This interview is not to be missed!"
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Looks like I-UV/OPPT has stopped pretending they are anything but Sovereign Citizens. This just posted on their website... ... -strawman/
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Yup, gone to full bore, fully boring, sovrun nonsense with the OPPT stuff thrown in to add to the crazy.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

thunter wrote:Looks like I-UV/OPPT has stopped pretending they are anything but Sovereign Citizens. This just posted on their website... ... -strawman/
What's especially funny is that this piece of [CENSORED] comes from the UK, where there is only one sovereign -- currently, Elizabeth II.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Well, it seems Heather's magical banking bond has been delayed once again. According to "D's" explanation on the radio show last night, sick kids (one lost a toenail!) and a flakey laptop kept Heather from finishing the documents. But do not fear! Today she is going to an Internet Cafe to finish them up.

The plan, it seems, is for large groups of OPPTers to go into banks together, with these documents, which the bank presidents will fall all over themselves to accept.

I don't see how these folks can't see the disconnect here. It's hard to understand how someone who was an International Financial Attorney, traveled the world doing the Paradigm Report, and did all the filings that took down all the governments, banks and corporations in the world, and returned all the world's wealth to the people, can't manage to have a decent laptop and Internet connection.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh well, another day, another excuse of not being and not doing what she promised.

I'm shocked I tell you, shocked.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.