Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

I guess this "document" could turn into the same kind of "super secret" document as Tim Turner's "Declaration of Sovereign Intent," that has to be hand delivered, sealed in a mayonnaise jar, and visible only to an official OPPTer. Pretty strange stuff.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

The madness continues. The OPPT's hang with baited breath to find out how they are going to access their "value". Reading Heathers stuff really screws up your head as the woman is clearly off the rails and jumps from one nearly said thing to another. I keep tabs of someone infected by this nonsense and whenever someone asks what she is talking about he replies by saying its up to them to interpret her rantings and that she is in the "5D"!!! This person so far has: been arrested several times and brought before the court for non payment of credit card debts and traffic fines. This is going through now and he just refuses to attend court and sends them "courtesy notices". Warrants are then served and the cycle begins again. The amounts are so trivial the court seems to be very patient and gives a lot of leeway. However the big daddy of them is about to rear its ugly head as he was fined a lot of money for having his own FMOTL plates on, no licence, insurance, registration etc and has been banned from driving. All the while this is going on he actually thinks the strategy is working. He doesn't work- takes social security money yet decries how the gubment is evil etc. He just sits around waiting to access the 5 billion dollars he thinks he is entitled to. He sees himself as a champion for the cause and lives on the internet being a "beacon" of light for others to emulate posting every day every conspiratorial thing he can find including chemtrails, false flag 9/11, Obama been arrested stuff etc. There does not seem to be any critical thinking at all and he believes that the "new age" is just about to be begin. Any news item such as the demonstrations in Turkey or Egypt are evidence that the transformation is just about to occur and he is one of the light workers that will produced this change. Lets just say its in my interest to keep an eye on him as he can be violent and it could impact on our lives. None of my friends understand any of this so at least in this forum I can relate to people who understand the mentality of these lunatics.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Everyone still awaits her "Bank Template" that will give them access to the $10 billion, but she seems to have lost interest in that and they are now working on publishing a bunch of her old emails. Don't know what that's all about; but, not unusual in OPPT land.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

Am I alone in thinking there seems to be a category of criminal behavior that simply flies under the radar of the justice system? As long as it only affects gullible, desperate people with absurd views of the world it's mere entertainment.

There's an interesting corollary on the other end of the socio-economic scale - if you're wealthy enough and work for a company among the protected class, you, too, can put a scam together and not fear criminal prosecution.

Here in the middle, where most of us function, we would probably face swift and sure justice.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

I think this "Bank Template," should she ever release it, is the point where she tips into the illegal. She first called it a bond, but I think thought better of it. We shall see.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:There's an interesting corollary on the other end of the socio-economic scale - if you're wealthy enough and work for a company among the protected class, you, too, can put a scam together and not fear criminal prosecution.
Bernie Madoff, Allen Stanford, Jeff Skilling, Bernie Ebbers, Dennis Kozlowski, John Rigas, Sanjay Kumar, Walter Forbes, Joe Nacchio, Richard Scrushy, Sam Waksal, and Martin Grass would all seem to contradict your conclusion.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

Judge Roy Bean wrote:Am I alone in thinking there seems to be a category of criminal behavior that simply flies under the radar of the justice system? As long as it only affects gullible, desperate people with absurd views of the world it's mere entertainment.
I wouldn't go quite as far as JRB does in his second sentence, but definitely agree with his first.

Putting it from the law enforcement point of view, a certain amount of triage results from limited resources. A major factor in that triage is frequently the degree to which the victim is really, well, a victim. There is much more sympathy both in and out of L.E. for the little old lady who gets mugged than the victim of a ponzi who lets his greed blind him to the fact that the promised returns of 2% per day are simply not possible. Or the victim of a mortgage-elimination scam who wants a free house. Or the victim of a boiler room whose eyes light up at the thought of making a killing on the Acme Medical Supply and Storm Door Repair Co. stock pitched to him by a stranger who calls out of the blue.

Right or wrong, it's understandable.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

The Observer wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:There's an interesting corollary on the other end of the socio-economic scale - if you're wealthy enough and work for a company among the protected class, you, too, can put a scam together and not fear criminal prosecution.
Bernie Madoff, Allen Stanford, Jeff Skilling, Bernie Ebbers, Dennis Kozlowski, John Rigas, Sanjay Kumar, Walter Forbes, Joe Nacchio, Richard Scrushy, Sam Waksal, and Martin Grass would all seem to contradict your conclusion.
They got too greedy to be ignored. Plenty of others don't. And the biggest of 'em all - Madoff - had to drop a dime on himself.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

wserra wrote:They got too greedy to be ignored. Plenty of others don't. And the biggest of 'em all - Madoff - had to drop a dime on himself.
Well, confessing to your sons may not be dropping a dime, especially if one may think that same family members may not go to the authorities. Although, I expect in Madoff's case, he was probably tired of the whole scheme, most likely due to it consuming far more time and energy to cover the sham than a honest forthright business would. He was probably also thinking that he would get off lightly due to his age.

However, JRB's point didn't raise a point regarding an excessive greed factor that would make it impossible for LE to ignore. He just simply flat out said that the wealthy could get away with it. Your response touched on one factor that he did not consider and that it is the limited resources and time limits that police and investigators are given to bring a person to trial. And I think it can equally go to show that a poor person can get away with scamming people and not face arrest or trial. You only have to look at the infamous Dove of the NESARA scam as an example of the non-wealthy skating under the radar.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by AndyK »

Also, it's important to consider the LE PR factor.

If it don't make the front page, it don't get prosecuted.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Burnaby49 »

Well, confessing to your sons may not be dropping a dime, especially if one may think that same family members may not go to the authorities. Although, I expect in Madoff's case, he was probably tired of the whole scheme, most likely due to it consuming far more time and energy to cover the sham than a honest forthright business would. He was probably also thinking that he would get off lightly due to his age.

Madoff didn't turn himself in because he was tired of the scheme but because he could not get enough news funds to cover the recession-driven increase in redemption demands. His scheme would have collapsed in a few weeks no matter what he did. He told his sons so they could tell the authorities on the assumption that the sons would get off more lightly if they turned him in.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Somehow, nothing I've seen or read to date gives me any impression of any sense of self sacrifice or altruism on the part of Madoff.

I'm sure he's really really sorry he got caught, but I think that is as far as it goes.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

The Observer wrote:
Judge Roy Bean wrote:There's an interesting corollary on the other end of the socio-economic scale - if you're wealthy enough and work for a company among the protected class, you, too, can put a scam together and not fear criminal prosecution.
Bernie Madoff, Allen Stanford, Jeff Skilling, Bernie Ebbers, Dennis Kozlowski, John Rigas, Sanjay Kumar, Walter Forbes, Joe Nacchio, Richard Scrushy, Sam Waksal, and Martin Grass would all seem to contradict your conclusion.
Obviously, those didn't fit within the definition of the protected class. They weren't quite protected enough.

There are countless examples of corporate malfeasance where the perpetrators escaped prosecution simply because of the company they worked for. The Justice Department is more than happy to let certain entities run their own investigations and clean up their own messes. If something just can't be ignored, they wind up with negotiated and paltry civil penalties and do not have to admit wrongdoing.

Criminal behavior on the part of individuals does not translate into holding the employer responsible if the company that fosters the environment is among the protected class.

Example: BofA did more than rescue Countrywide; they closed the door on the prosecution of hundreds, if not thousands of criminals. Too big to fail is the equivalent of too big to prosecute.

Yes, it's cost BofA and their shareholders billions but those billions essentially bought off criminal prosecutions for the perpetrators of crimes.

Yes, Virginia, there is a protected class.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

The Bank Template hasn't been released because Heather has to get it "perfect"...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Of course they have to be perfect. It might delay things a few minutes, but you'll all get your $10 Trillion any day now.
I want to explain something to everyone about this. These documents have to be PERFECT. Do you completely understand that? There can be no fact, no data, no piece missing from these documents. If a single piece of data is missing, or a facet of the situation is over looked, then the documents will not work. Get it? I don't mean to be pissy, but I'm a little bit frustrated at the people out there screaming for the documents without actually understanding what is involved, nor the vastness of project that Heather is pulling together. I accept my responsibility in building up a "deadline" that was made public, but I DO ask that people take a moment to think.

....if this was the government putting this magnitude of a project together, it would take 15 years, 12 different committees and probably 5 trillion dollars to do.

....... we are one group of people, we have families that need us, we have no budget, no nannies, no house keepers, no drivers, no school teachers, no medics, no referees, no secretaries, no personal assistants.... We have a Heather, with the financial and legal know-how and years of experience within the legal and global financial community, and the ability to pull down the necessary data when it's available and becomes clear. We have a me, who supports Heather in any way possible, from looking after her kids, doing her dishes occasionally, and who plays straightman to help her pull out the data she needs to write these documents and do her work. We have spouses who help us with kids and housework. We have friends like Nicole who also helps us rally the kids. We have the help of the bridge crew (also known as the Ethiopian 11 team, lol), and many many others energetically, who bring us information and help out energetically where ever possible.... but the reality is that we are all supporting Heather to do this work, because she's the only one DOing it.

............ Mama D's straight talk: not to be too bitchy, but if you think you can write these documents faster, have at it.

Heather spent about 10 hours yesterday, out of the house, solidly working on the documents. I just spoke with her about 30 minutes ago and she said she's very very please with what she accomplished yesterday, and that they just need some final refining. I will add that as of 30 minutes ago, they just need some refining.... 10 minutes from now another factor might be made transparent and have to be entered into the documents. Regardless, they are in the works and will be released the very moment that they are fully and completely ready to go out. Then Heather (and I) will use them ourselves to make transparent how they work.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

And we're back to the magic documents/words/incantation thing again.

Now there's a thought to conjure with,
"Heather, with the financial and legal know-how and years of experience within the legal and global financial community", this the self same Heather who lost everything she had to foreclosure wasn't it? Lots of experience and knowledge there, my cat could do as well, and cause less trouble. The "years of experience within the legal and global financial community" is the one that really cracks me up though. My aforementioned cat has at least as much if not more in that arena than she does.

Again, with the magic documents, if they work they work, if they don't they don't, regardless of how "perfect" they are.

Can't help but wonder what the next excuse(s) will be.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Heather can't remember what she has done. All the OPPTers have sent banks a document that says they are foreclosed, and explained to the bankers that they no longer work for a bank, but have 100 percent personal liability for their actions as an individual. Now, she is producing a document that believers are going to take to these same ex-bankers now acting as individuals and demand that they once again act on behalf of the foreclosed (and non-existent) banks and give them FRN's in exchange for their "value." What's a poor ex-banker to do?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

You mean besides laughing out loud at them and have them immediately shown the door?!! With the admonition not to return.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

And remember, this is a huge and brilliant global bridge towards liberating humanity’s consciousness, therefore, the reality of this information takes awhile to fully assimilate.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

And remember, this is a huge and brilliant global bridge towards liberating humanity’s consciousness, therefore, the reality of this information takes awhile and many, many DOOBEES to fully assimilate.
Fixed it.
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