Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Good news, everyone!

As you know, among the OPPT/IUV Exchange Scam gurus is Julien Wells. Mr. Wells has been given cosmic energetic upgrades by aliens so that he can chat with us on their behalf about their plans to announce their existence to the world. And its not just any alien race that is scheduled to arrive in March - er, May - er, well then it was June (I'm sure Mr. Wells is right this time, the evil cabal must have just been interfering with his channeling). You see, there are dozens of alien races in star sized space ships flying around earth (cloaked in another dimension), but the Pleiadians are the good ones that Mr. Well's is channeling for us. But while all of Mr. Well's channeling have been 100% wrong for the past 6 months, as the aliens were scheduled to arrive via mass fly overs every other week, we are now ASSURED that our cosmic cousins will de-cloak and show themselves in August! That process starts now with an alien energy cultural exchange. Mr. Wells informed us in this channeling that in order to begin the process you can use a teddy bear or stuffed animal to begin opening up Pleiadian portals. I am not making this stuff up.

Sample the delicious new age insanity:

But don't think that our OPPT/I UV Exchange Scam believers are just going to be waiting around until August (which will then become September..then December..) for our ascension to 5D communion with our alien buddies. While we await Heather to come up with the magical paperwork to access our ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED some of the faithful have drawn up additional paperwork that you can use to harass/terrorize banks with starting TODAY! One of the more insane true believers out of Australia has come up with a template letter you can use to inform your bank CEO that you will soon be coming in to access your $10 billion and invite them to get on board since obviously they will want a cut of your ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED via fees!

See how to harass your bank CEO here via nonsensical gibberish letter here: ... our-value/

There is just so much BEing and DOing! Has everyone picked out their McMansion yet for when we get our funding? I'm thinking about buying a $30M palatial home in Florida to DO some stuff. And by DOing I mean using my $10 billion to pay for a endless party involving several dozen exotic dancers and lots of expensive wine.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I think Julien's tinfoil hat really needs re-lining, and his meds dosages upped considerably, is what I think.

I hadn't realized we had the magic interdimensional space aliens involved in this, but then again why not, it makes as much sense as any of the rest of it. They really do need to up this bunch's meds all 'round.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:I think Julien's tinfoil hat really needs re-lining, and his meds dosages upped considerably, is what I think.

I hadn't realized we had the magic interdimensional space aliens involved in this, but then again why not, it makes as much sense as any of the rest of it. They really do need to up this bunch's meds all 'round.
Yeah, I have sort of been surprised by how much free for all lunacy is involved in the IUV Exchange Scam. At first it was just prosperity funds. But then quickly Julien Wells came in and started alien channelings which the gurus treated as if he were channeling God's will itself. And then randomly other stuff will pop up, but its always the most extreme fringe of the lunatic fringe. Your average every-day lunacy is too passe and pedestrian for these people. I mean they make sites like AboveTopSecret and Godlikeproductions look sane with the stuff they talk about.

As I listened to Julien Wells I kept laughing...I mean I was beginning to think he is intentionally trolling people. He talked for 10+ minutes about how you should use stuffed animals to open energy portals with the aliens. And then talked for 10+ more minutes about how the aliens watch him on big screens in their ships reality TV style. And all the OPPT gurus just thought this was all lovely and never questioned any of it.

I mean...its almost as if hes trying to see how much insane stuff he can make up and have them buy it without question, because it keeps getting worse. At first I thought he was just your average new age "channeler" who knows its all made up but does it for the attention. Now I think hes either (1) a really good troll or (2) mentally ill.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Or both!!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:Or both!!
Yeah that is probably most likely - both nuts and a troll. At the conclusion of this weeks crazier than usual channeling session, Julien Wells told the OPPT gurus that if they would say the names of their household pets that the Pleadians would attach "ethereal cameras" to the pets "higher beings" so that they too could be part of the alien cultural exchange.

So apparently cosmic 5D aliens need your household animals to watch you on their reality TV screens, but you can get them by saying their names to their appointed channeling fruitcake.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

LightinDarkness wrote:You see, there are dozens of alien races in star sized space ships flying around earth
First of all, I think it's a little conceited of us to believe that really advanced alien beings want to visit Earth. Maybe it's like, "Earth? Ew, you stepped in Earth! Clean your shoe!"
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

I think it's a great idea for them to tell the banks ahead of time that they will soon bring in bogus promissory notes. The FBI can be alerted and the arrests can proceed with efficiency.

The natives are getting restless because Heather's flakey laptop keeps putting off her completion of the magical documents, so they are starting to create their own.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Well, this certainly clears everything up...

"A little Message from Heather

A little message from Heather on Skype today

HEATHER: I see that every inbodyment "knowing" (look up the definition and compare to the definition of "know" ;)) is jockying for position in the perceived "universal value system" (just imagine the purported "financial system" operating in the universe) ....revaluing universal currents/currencies based on their "definition" of "universe"....sound familiar? (chuckle)(heart)

So, this is a taste of what is being released.... for those perceived "knowing inbodyments"...(hug)

TRANSPARENT CO-OPERATION OF CO-ORDINATED ETERNAL VALUE SYSTEM: What is the “financial system”? A system of limits presented as a value system, contrived from a few parts of the whole Universal Value System and appearing to operate in a vacuum. What is the “Universal Value System”? A system of limits presented as a value system, contrived from a few parts of the whole Eternal Value System and appearing to operate in a vacuum. What is the “Eternal Value System”? Eternal Essence BE'ing and DO'ing. Eternal Essence BE'ing and DO'ing at all those perceived “levels”, systems, or inbodyments of perceived limit. ETERNAL ESSENCE IS ALL THAT BE AND DO...ALL THAT BE AND DO IS ETERNAL ESSENCE FACTUALIZED.

OOOOOOOooooohhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's have some fun!!!!!!!!!! :O"

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Can you guys fill me in here? Is it just me because I read Heather's stuff and no matter how hard I try I cant understand any of it in a coherent way. Is it because I don't have the code? Is her strategy to keep mouthing this bullshit to somehow keep the true believers from understanding so they keep striving to get the 5D understanding? Obviously I am not BEing and DOing properly!!!

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

More insanity and "proof" all the mumbo jumbo works.
Scot Rogers says : Reply

June 3, 2013 at 1:35 am

I used a foreclosure flyer for 2 attorneys. They both quit a case against me for an eviction from my house. The third took the case because he was granted the house by the landlord. I was getting ready to go to court, but missed a filing date and had to concede the case. There are other folks getting results too. Not a bunch of folks are getting involved, yet. Most are sitting on the sidelines. Once I get settled though, I’ll be sending out more notices. I have to do my part to bring this system down.
He missed the filing date and conceded the case yet he won??? Intellectual gymnastics to the nth degree? Scott then gets a follow up message saying well done - where can they get the flyer material so that they can use (lose with) it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

It all seems to be about "being and doing," but obviously not in a timely fashion. They don't appear to care about the outcome. Win, lose...doesn't matter. Just be and do.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

All this BEing and DOing, courtesy notices blah blah blah has just upset the magistrate enough to send my partners ex to the local jail for 25 days where he can contemplate being in the 5D and maybe send telepathic messages to the Pleaidians to spirit him out!!!!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Another weekly propaganda broadcast, and if I had to rate this weeks show from 1-10 on the "how crazy has this become" scale were at a 14. For reference, I put Tim Turner and the Republic for the United States at a 9.5 and most tax protestors at an 8 or so on the scale. :shock:

First, tonight's big revelation: Heather has revealed through means unknown (communing with aliens, I am sure) that all human beings are auctioned, traded, and sold on a galactic stock market exchange. Its unclear at this point whether or not the UCC filings were powerful enough to foreclose upon the galactic stock market, or whether we are all still being bought and sold like cattle. Its run by the Arcturiens (note this alien race is different from the good and nice Plaedians channeled by Julien Wells for the OPPT/IUV Exchange). You see, everyone, this is what Heather meant when she said she transferred all gold off world. She worked with the Plaedians to teleport all the gold so we could not be bought and sold but was intercepted by the Arcturiens.

Read the previous paragraph again. I assure you all of this was said, none of it was made up by me. And when you think about it, that really is quite amazing that people talk about this stuff as if it were real.

So other than that completely bonkers "reveal", most of tonight they were doing the same old tired sov'run/freeman on the land misquoting of laws about promissory notes from the bills of exchange act, the UCC, and other laws. It seems like there really is nothing new under the son - the magnificent magical paperwork Heather is "working" on is just going to be a repeat of the promissory note scam. The only difference is the OPPT gurus are going to prepare you with a packet of "materials" to rebut the bank when they tell you that your insane, because clearly if you quote the Bills of Exchange act out of context enough they will relent and give you your $10 billion.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

I would assume advanced races of space aliens would have much more productive things to do with their time than trade earth people junk bonds on the intergalactic stock exchange, but the Heatherites seem content to contemplate such possibilities rather than pay their mortgages.

I think most of the people who early on were excited about the takedown of the governments and banks have moved on, leaving only the New Agers to reflect in Heather's 5D light. The whole thing has devolved into a complete farce, with those left seemingly content to send out a constant stream of Courtesy notices and invoices, and celebrating when they are ignored. It's getting a little boring. Perhaps, if Heather actually releases these magic documents and folks start taking them to banks, it will get more interesting.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, if you are going for the magic all knowing all powerful, but not quite, intergalactics, then I would guess this is the next logical progression of crazy.

i don't know about the interesting part, but I'm betting it will be entertaining for those of us watching from the sidelines, maybe not so much for the poor fools who actually try it.

What fascinates me is the number of people who actually take this nonsense as dead serious.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

notorial dissent wrote:Well, if you are going for the magic all knowing all powerful, but not quite, intergalactics, then I would guess this is the next logical progression of crazy.

i don't know about the interesting part, but I'm betting it will be entertaining for those of us watching from the sidelines, maybe not so much for the poor fools who actually try it.

What fascinates me is the number of people who actually take this nonsense as dead serious.
Notorial: I mean it really is hard to argue with statements like the following:

TRANSPARENT CO-OPERATION OF CO-ORDINATED ETERNAL VALUE SYSTEM: What is the “financial system”? A system of limits presented as a value system, contrived from a few parts of the whole Universal Value System and appearing to operate in a vacuum. What is the “Universal Value System”? A system of limits presented as a value system, contrived from a few parts of the whole Eternal Value System and appearing to operate in a vacuum. What is the “Eternal Value System”? Eternal Essence BE’ing and DO’ing. Eternal Essence BE’ing and DO’ing at all those perceived “levels”, systems, or inbodyments of perceived limit. ETERNAL ESSENCE IS ALL THAT BE AND DO…ALL THAT BE AND DO IS ETERNAL ESSENCE FACTUALIZED.

Since noone can actually understand this, they just go along with it.... I mean it's simple, right? RIGHT? Hmm.. Well I know I don't get it, and I just think it's silly but someone's gotta claim they inderstand it (see what I did there hehehe)
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

vkey08 wrote:Notorial: I mean it really is hard to argue with statements like the following:
Well, certainly not without sounding equally or even more so demented.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

LightinDarkness wrote:First, tonight's big revelation: Heather has revealed through means unknown (communing with aliens, I am sure) that all human beings are auctioned, traded, and sold on a galactic stock market exchange.
Unfortunately, this is actually an accurate report by Heather. The name of the exchange is called GALEX and I have participated in transactions there from time to to time. It is a great way to make some spending money, but, like any other stock investment, you have to know what you are doing in order to avoid being taken to the cleaners. As an example, in the beginning, I bought Deep Knight, thinking that he would be an asset that would go up in value. But after finding out that he was drinking the booze up in my house at 3 times his weight in liters (not to mention the number pf penicillin shots needed to handle the consequences of his overactive libido), I quickly dumped him at the next opening of the exchange. Thereafter, I always sold short on DK, until the bottom fell out on his stock price.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

The Observer wrote:
LightinDarkness wrote:First, tonight's big revelation: Heather has revealed through means unknown (communing with aliens, I am sure) that all human beings are auctioned, traded, and sold on a galactic stock market exchange.
Unfortunately, this is actually an accurate report by Heather. The name of the exchange is called GALEX and I have participated in transactions there from time to to time. It is a great way to make some spending money, but, like any other stock investment, you have to know what you are doing in order to avoid being taken to the cleaners. As an example, in the beginning, I bought Deep Knight, thinking that he would be an asset that would go up in value. But after finding out that he was drinking the booze up in my house at 3 times his weight in liters (not to mention the number pf penicillin shots needed to handle the consequences of his overactive libido), I quickly dumped him at the next opening of the exchange. Thereafter, I always sold short on DK, until the bottom fell out on his stock price.
I tried a pump-and-dump on David Merrill.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Gregg »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
I tried a pump-and-dump on David Merrill.... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
And that's an image in my brain that will now take years of therapy to get rid of..
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