Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

It appears Kiri got her legal gibberish from Mary Elizabeth Croft's completely insane sov'run tactics book. MEC is a LONG time sov'run guru, and a quick search shows shes been covered by this forum time and again. For anyone that doesn't know, MEC's "book" (in quotes because its really just a huge PDF) represents something of a reference point for most of the craziest sov'run tactics. Going by her "book" (entitled "How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic Cash-confiscatory Agency Known to Man") is pretty much the best method to ensure you lose your court case in the quickest possible manner and give yourself the highest chance of being thrown in jail for contempt.

One of the OPPT/IUV Scam gurus, Brian Kelly, has just discovered MEC's "book" and its in utter rapture over it:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

The OPPTers are celebrating Kiri's "win" in court, although it is hard to see how this is a win:

"Kiri's Court Appearance

The following was taken from the One People 22/23 show.

At the end of this interview it is not clear whether Kiri will be required to appear in Court again or what the final status of her 15,000,000 in value is. Updates will undoubtedly occur. Here is the narrative of her experience scribed from her own words:

Kiri's name was called and she reasserted her position that she was not going to contract with anyone she did not know. The Court has not proved to Kiri who they are and where they get their authority.

Kiri stated that she rejected this offer and to contract because it was incomplete and asked the Court if there are any objections; the Court did not respond.

Kiri began executing a "NOTICE TO COURTS AND AGENTS" which was a statement written by her. This was a very powerful statement (Posted below). This was a notice she had used in the past which the Court may have been familiar with.

Kiri was told to "stand in silence."

During the execution of the notice an officer walked up to her and said "shut up!"

Kiri ignored them and continued to execute the notice to completion.

Kiri said "the notice was received and accepted."

Kiri was then "arrested" again or kidnapped from the Court house.

Kiri was accosted by 2 men and a women reporting to be police officers who never gave their real names.

As a result of reading the notice she was charged with "Breach of the Peace."

Kiri was constantly being made "offers" to contract which she repeatedly refused by stating she did not consent to what was happening to her.

The 3 Police offers attempted to hand cuff Kiri and she alluded to the fact they were not able to.
Kiri was forced into a vehicle and eventually handcuffed by "dislocating her thumb." She was incarcerated again, searched to her "bare skin" chained to a wall and was covered in bruises because of the ordeal.
Kiri was introduced to a Juris Solicitor that was going to broker some type of arrangement for her release; [more court fraud a slavery].

During the interview, Kiri kept having to make corrections to the statements her Solicitor was drafting. Obvious tampering was happening and Kiri rejected each draft eventually causing the Solicitor to leave, flustered. Kiri did not want her words to minced in any way, shape or fashion and rejected the Solicitors representation on her behalf.

Kiri was brought back in to Court and said "where do you want me, you are all dangerous and are armed, where do you want me?" She continued to state her non-consent and that she needed them to act in full disclosure.

Kiri asked the court to clarify "are you referring to my legal name or my given name." [given name is for example, Justin of the House Deschamps]

The Court was outraged and kept trying to get Kiri to accept her PERSON. [JUSTIN DESCHAMPS - the corporate fiction]

The Court room was cleared of all people except the lawful jury of her peers; her representation.

The Court was not able to secure a contract with Kiri and she was moved to sign a police bail in another room.

Kiri read and amended the paper work to accurately reflect what happened, removing references to people and roles that did not exist; scratching out witness because there was no witness.

Kiri signed 'under duress' and 'WITHOUT PREJUDICE' where ever it was required and try to leave wile they were attempting to force her into coming back for another hearing. She also wrote no contract on the documents.
The Court finally produced an envelope with the words "full disclosure" written across them and stating Kiri had what she needed.

Kiri opened the envelope to reveal a "stack of documents" and in turn, still refused their offer to contract. Kiri walked back in to Court and wrote refused their final offer in writing one last time.

Kiri decides to go home and have Tea with her family.

TSB Bank Contacts Kiri

Kiri received a letter from TSB stating "please accepted this as proof your accounts are closed with TSB."

TSB Bank enclosed a Photo Copy of the negotiable instrument (the check from a closed bank account in Kiri's name) and check for ~ 1600 New Zealand Dollars. The copy came with a cover letter saying the accounts were "unsound."

Kiri Intends to send the check back using a deposit slip to the TSB Bank, in addition to all the documents she received today from the courts with "no contract" stamped over the top of it.

Kiri says one of her inspirations was Mary Elizabeth: Croft and her Book HOW I CLOBBERED EVERY BUREAUCRATIC CASH-CONFISCATORY AGENCY KNOWN TO MAN pdf is available here:

Further Updates

Kiri had made a recording of the entire execution of Notice all the way up to her incarceration which hopefully will be online in the days ahead.

It is not clear at this time what can be done with TSB bank, however as a result of commercial remedies which Kiri can exercise she may be able to recover all of the value deposited, the 15,000,000 and damages.
More information will be made available as time goes on."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wow, what an epic failure by Kiri that is being spun desperately as a win. If you remove all the editorializing and OPPT/IUV propaganda, it looks like this was the order of events:

(1) Kiri shows up to court and when her name is called immediately starts reciting from a sov'run gibberish document. Although being told to stop as its all nonsense she kepts going until they charged her with contempt.

(2) Kiri is arrested for contempt, taken back to the police station and handcuffed to a wall and strip searched. Kiri continues with the insanity by spouting random sov'run gibberish. While in jail some type of court mediator attempts to work with her to solve this so she can go home, but Kiri is so instant on doing everything in the legal gibberish method the mediator gets frustrated and gives up.

(3) After some time passes Kiri is brought before the court again by the police, this time to sign for bail because apparently she has now added to her list of charges by acting like a total lunatic and following Heather's advice. We begin another round of Kiri doing the sov'run legal incantation dance which only further enrages court personnel.

(4) But in the end Kiri still signs to bet let out, even though of course she did so with the magical phrases all around it. And now we await the next court date.

Only in OPPT/IUV Exchange scam land can being thrown in jail, ignoring all court offers to fix this quickly, and being charged with what appears to be contempt as well as the initial charge equate to a "win."

To top it all off, the bank she pulled this with has decided they are dealing with someone who is either a scammer or insane enough to not want to deal with her accounts, so they close ALL OF THEM and send her a check for the balance! So even the original scam fails in such an epic manner that the bank now refuses business with her!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

In the interview, she says that another court appearance is scheduled, but she will not attend the hearing, because she is through messing with the court. Of course, the result of that will be the court issuing an arrest warrant and a bunch of folks with guns showing up at her house because they have now decided she is likely a dangerous lunatic.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

Which, more then likely, will end up with her being placed in the loving care of the state at it's nearest mental prison. Winning!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Message from an OPPT faithful. They are thinking of having a "flashmob" outside the jail. They hope a South Australian MP Anne Bressington (fruitloop who participated in a Croation OPPT radio broadcast with the incarcerated) will help him. Good luck. Here we have what we call the separation of powers. Ie the politic cannot tell the judiciary what to do.

"I have only just discovered now that you are been held without charge, thankfully you have Anne Bressington on board. Surrounding you and all concerned in the highest vibrational energy of love, to reach the highest expression in all who are concerned with this situation, for the highest best outcome, stay connected to the loving stream of consciousness and allow for the process to unfold for the betterment of all concerned and our freedom of choice. SEE the victory ahead on your time line, see clearly the JUSTICE being done. Holding you in highest vibration of light and projecting my loving energy to your entire situation. Calling on all soul groups and asking that they be connected to each soul group of each individual involved in this situation to unite from beyond the veil to come together as ONE in a universal outpouring of love and influence the minds to the highest best intention. I lend my support fully and my universal soul group naturally in assistance to all others, in love, light and truth ABSOLUTE, I serve"

Interpretation: Yes - justice is being done

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

For those who may have been following this drama unfolding I found this on a simple search of the internet. This attitude has found this person in jail for contempt.
Grant See
MY OPPT "COURTESY NOTICE" for the NSW POLICE FORCE PENALTY NOTICE (5 of em totaling $2681) I received on the 7th of Feb 2013...

Since August 2012 when I "surrendered" my state owned NSW licence and registration plates, I have been peacefully and lawfully traveling along fine and dandy in my private car with my private property plates GAOTFS (Grant Anthony Of The Family See) until about 9am last Thursday (7th feb 13) and as expected sooner or later I had them unlawfully removed (stolen) by two "alleged Policeman".

Long story short,

The "alleged Policeman" spotted me about 1.5 ks from my home but I continued safely and lawfully driving on my way with their flashing lights (no siren) on behind me until I got into my driveway..

I had two highway patrol vehicles in my street and driveway (19 Allens parade, Lennox Head, NSW), one guy (David Wiley) took off (stole) my private property plates while the other guy (Simon Fogarty) wrote out (in the commission of fraud); 5 "alleged NSW Police Force Penalty Notices (non-legal plates, unlicenced, unregistered, tax unpaid, uninsured)" for a total of $2681...

Yesterday (19th feb 2013) I sent off my "Courtesy Notice" to BOTH the alleged NSW Policeman, the alleged Commissioner For Police, the alleged Executive Director of NSW State Revenue, the alleged Minister for Police, and the alleged Minister for Transport will al be receiving my/their "OPPT Courtesy Notice" and I'm really lookin forward to invoicing them If they trigger the contract... (note; I did fill in the date and registration mailing details after I created this attached pdf:)

I should have my new private property plates with the letters; GAOTFS and the website detail words; written under them from the Number Plate Factory in about 3 weeks and I'll be back on the road again despite the fact that the alleged policeman said the alleged Crown would confiscate (STEAL) my private property car...

If they should attempt this fraudulent and unlawful action as "foreclosed entities" they will receive my OPPT UCC INVOICE in the post immediately..

Below is an email conversation I recently had with Scott Bartle (co-creator of the Courtesy Notice) and below that is Scotts excellent audio talk through of how to fill in your own Courtesy Notice which can be used for any alleged corporation (govt, courts, income tax, bankster loans/debts, council rates, penalty notices, WHATEVER,,,:)

----- Original Message -----

From: Scott Bartle
To: Grant:See
Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2013 5:30 PM
Subject: Re: {Spam?} Gooday Scott from Grant See in Lennox Head - OPPT

Hi Grant
Nice work - I replied to your other email... but this one has prompted some more thoughts:

Regarding the Courtesy Notice... I'd carry the terms and conditions in the car... a COPY of the same terms you sent to the Commissioner (and/or Minister - consider sending to the Commissioner).

You can ask any office the question... "Have you been Commissioned by the Police Commissioner to do the actions you are doing here and now..?"

What that does is links him to the terms and conditions supplied to the Commissioner - you've already given them to him... An additional courtesy may be to provide the alleged Police Officer with a blank copy of the Courtesy Notice for his information AND a copy of the T&C's already served to the Commissioner.

Essentially he'll get two sets of T&C's... a blank set as part of the full Courtesy Notice... and a copy (with a reference number) of those sent to the Commissioner.

You might tell him he can use the Courtesy Notice at his bank with any mortgage... help him out.

Thanks for your email as it's just prompted me to think about how to handle this. I'll share this with others in the next interview I do.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Gregg »

Let me get this straight.

This dingbat is in New South Wales, Australia?

Getting fake plates from 1776 something organization which I can only conclude is in the USA?

And she's attempting to invoke the UCC? (US State Laws?)

And getting support from an MP in South Africa?

Am I missing something here?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

HE This is not kiri. It's a guy called grant see. Oh sorry grant of the family see. Anne bressington is in south Australia
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Backo »

There are many dingbats in Australia who think they ought to be able to use whatever licence plates they choose. In Queensland, (north of New South Wales) see the following as a sample of losing cases on this point: ... 06-308.pdf ... 04-345.pdf

I am aware of a few others. They usually involve setting up your own country inside Australia. Their success rate is rather low.

As for Bressington, she is an independent on the South Australian legislative council. She appears to have got in on the coattails of Nick Xenophon, an altogether more moderate independent who has gone onto the Federal Senate. As an independent, her influence is low but she appears to have attempted to introduce some batshit crazy bills in her relatively short stay.

The link below is from a recent article in an Australian national newspaper. If the claims in that article are correct, she has lost the plot. ... 6587983885

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Bressington in the Croatian broadcast claims to have discovered the OPPT in January 2012 and the whole movement "resonates" with her. If all of the governments, corporations etc have been foreclosed on : how come she still is a member of the South Australian parliament and is still drawing a salary in the evil system?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Gregg wrote:Let me get this straight.

This dingbat is in New South Wales, Australia?

Getting fake plates from 1776 something organization which I can only conclude is in the USA?

And she's attempting to invoke the UCC? (US State Laws?)

And getting support from an MP in South Africa?

Am I missing something here?
The thing about the OPPT is that part of their mythology is the UCC is somehow international law. That is why they are all in awe of Heather's UCC legal gibberish filings because they somehow think they have "international force of law." What they don't get, of course, is that if you pay the filing fee you can file anything in the UCC registry.

As for the 1776, this is another part of the OPPT mythology. This according to Heather (the chief OPPT guru who is absolutely nuts) is when the secret prosperity fund trust was created for all people.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

reefwalker wrote:Bressington in the Croatian broadcast claims to have discovered the OPPT in January 2012 and the whole movement "resonates" with her. If all of the governments, corporations etc have been foreclosed on : how come she still is a member of the South Australian parliament and is still drawing a salary in the evil system?
Details, details!

From my experience every time someone points out that if every government/corporation is foreclosed upon why are they all operating as usual, the OPPT propaganda response is "well they KNOW they are foreclosed upon and are now just operating illegally." Of course this is a BS answer, as the supposed point of Heathers magical UCC filings was to use the almighty international force of law that is the UCC (which it isn't - but again, those are just details!) to force all governments and corporations into foreclosure. If she can't actually do that, and they are operating as usual, then Heather's insane UCC filings don't actually mean anything.

But you see, the problem is me and you are using logic when trying to ascertain the actions of insane people...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Gregg wrote:Let me get this straight.

This dingbat is in New South Wales, Australia?

Getting fake plates from 1776 something organization which I can only conclude is in the USA?

And she's attempting to invoke the UCC? (US State Laws?)

And getting support from an MP in South Africa?

Am I missing something here?
There is a Lennox Head in New South Wales, and a Google search didn't show any others, so I assume this guy is Australian. No doubt the "1776" and "UCC" refferences are because he's confused, a speculation confirmed by his beliefs.

As for Ann Bressington, a quick search shows she is an independent who ran on the "No Pokies" ticket. In America this would refer to someone being slow, or perhaps baby-talk for sexual penetration, the later being understandable when you look at her picture, but down under it's the name for poker or slot machines.

She's also an anti-drug crusader, which is ironic given the speculation here as to the source of inspiration for the OPPT/IUV. I've always said we shouldn't blame these delusions on drug abuse - sure it can lead to nightmarish hallucinations and insanity, but that's a walk in the park compared to the text of Courtesy Notices.

For an interesting article on her, see ... -thinking/
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Backo »

I don't think the anti-drug crusade is ironic in this case. One bio I read reported that her daughter died of a heroin overdose. That is tragic event, but it does not excuse a sitting member exhibiting this level of lunacy.

She is independent though and can't cause much damage. The guy she got elected with, Xenephon, is quite a popular independent politician and I'm not overly surprised that people rode his bandwagon into parliament. However, he has moved onto federal parliament and she heavily criticised him when he left the SA parliament. I doubt she will be returned next time.

I don't think she'll cause too much harm (apart from making Australians look stupid).
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Backo wrote:I don't think the anti-drug crusade is ironic in this case. One bio I read reported that her daughter died of a heroin overdose. That is tragic event, but it does not excuse a sitting member exhibiting this level of lunacy.

She is independent though and can't cause much damage. The guy she got elected with, Xenephon, is quite a popular independent politician and I'm not overly surprised that people rode his bandwagon into parliament. However, he has moved onto federal parliament and she heavily criticised him when he left the SA parliament. I doubt she will be returned next time.

I don't think she'll cause too much harm (apart from making Australians look stupid).
The irony is that many people outside of OPPT (including some who post here) assume that something like drug abuse is behind these delusions, while an anti-drug crusader says these same people resonate with her.

As for making Australians look stupid, I belive the Illuminati already took care of that with the Crocodile Dundee movies. And some peope say we're not evil!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Backo »

As for making Australians look stupid, I belive the Illuminati already took care of that with the Crocodile Dundee movies. And some peope say we're not evil!
You obviously haven't seen Young Einstein. In comparison, Crocodile Dundee is our Citizen Kane.

I will admit to fondness for Crocodile Dundee. The sequels were sewerage.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

The number plates can be ordered from The Number Plate Factory in Brisbane. If you read the quote "GAOTFS and the website detail words; written under them from the Number Plate Factory" . Hope that clears that up.

The magistrate Jeff Linden who is dealing with the contempt case in Ballina court NSW has been sent a copy of Rooke's Meads vs Meads judgement from Canada just in case he doesn't quite understand the lunacy being brought before him.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

To pinch from elsewhere in this forum - this is what we are dealing with:
there are three types of sovruns. On one side are the profiteers; on another, the attention whores who lack the ability to attract the attention they crave from legitimate achievement; and on another, those whom life's circumstances have crippled to the extent they have lost the ability to exercise common sense, whether as a result of misfortune or mental disability. The groups overlap, especially the second and third. Cutting across all of the categories are grandiosity ("I know better than the experts in the field") and narcissism
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

Hey! Attribution! Attribution!
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