Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Ok 15 mins of fame!!! :beatinghorse:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

More nonsense from Heather and friends...Some guy about something, and Heather talking smack at HSBC bank. Wonder what happened to that document that we could use to get our $10 billion? She doesn't talk about that anymore.

"Thursday, 25 July 2013

July 25th Anniversary, the UCC filings, and poking the grumpy bear with a big sharp stick

This was posted late last night (my time) by Sean in the RTS skype room
With the anniversary of the return of our value on July 25, I've been doing a retrospective, chronological re-read of the UCC docs.

Interesting shit in there.(you might want to read them...again)

For instance did you know our value was deposited in our body?

"Secured party''s value being deposited in the body of every one of the one people created by the creator"

And this tidbit I missed before, seems like everyone else did too, from the Order of Termination doc 2012086802 filed Aug 15, 2012...that the $5B damages is valued in pre-1933 value?

If the whole $10B is valued that way we see that, from this site, ... evalue.php

our $10b is actually worth as much as $2.7 Trillion in today's money?

Even a conservative valuation puts us at close to $200 billion...

Getting close enough to infinite value for you yet?

Starting to "get" that the money is irrelevant?

The more I read and understand these docs, and know that "it is law"...the more I begin to truly understand why Heather has been saying "It is done" "It's over" for so long.

This is the response from Heather: ;( (heart) This is the best anniversary present I have ever received....seriously.

..... that's a hint folks.

a LOT of stuff is about to roll out..... I have the most awesomest research team currently grabbing info and links and helping me pull together the links that show what might be one of the biggest exposures of what is actually going on in the world of finance. Along with the RV, the "New" financial system, and all the banking fraud that's been going on in the back ground, while "they" are setting up the planet to move into a brand new system of financial fraud that's bigger than anything most people could possibly imagine.

.... Hey HSBC .... wanna throw in the towel now and just quietly return home to the Eternal Value System instead of waiting till you're dragged there kicking and screaming? The research team is going through the SEC filing listings and other "regulatory bodies", and corporate annual reports..... betcha they find all kinds of interesting things hidden in there, hmmmmm? Just how many banks globally do you control now? And all those banks comprehensive annual financial reports, I'm sure they are all very enlightening. Quite a house of cards, eh? Wonder what Deutsche Bank's controllers think of that? You've pretty much run out of all those stashes of hidden federal reserve notes that you kept sending over to the US to payoff, ... I mean "pay for" the RV. Too bad that neither you nor the UST can spend any of them. But it does kinda make me wonder what you plan on doing with all those worthless pieces of paper. Can't throw them away (that would be littering), can't allow them into circulation, no country or central bank will accept them as payment for, well..... anything. Unless of course you're laundering them into other currencies? You know, like the Zimbabwe dollar? I mean, if you could convince "someone" to revalue that currency (or any one of several others) at a colossally HUGE increase, you know... just for a few hours.... just long enough for you and your buddies to "cash in", perhaps for Iraqi Dinar? Or Dong? Yes I can see that you might make a bit of money off of that, wouldn't you? Hundreds of Billions on the dollar? Of course that puts you really into a bind now, doesn't it? Because all those Dinar and Dong have no value at all until THEY revalue, right? Which would of made a marvelous manifestation of moolah .... if the original plan had actually worked. But it didn't, did it? All the energetic signatures for the St. Germaine Trust, Prosperity Packages, or any other "current funds" just aren't working are they?......

I imagine that you're a wee bit miffed right about now! That's what happens when the "energetics" aren't on your side any more.

Eternal Essence is Awesome!

Stay tuned for more fun!!!"
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

And this little bet of "intel" from Brian Kelly's blog...full conspiracy theory mode:

"I just got off the phone with D this morning and before Skype decided they didn't want us having the call by making the line so fuzzy she sounded like a Spanish speaking robot that was about to run out of batteries, what I did make out was the level of excitement in D's voice about all the developments transpiring in the fore and behind the scenes. It was the exact same when I spoke to Heather a few days ago. I know the DOV documents aren't out yet (and I wish they were just as much as everyone else) but I've learned it's for a very good reason. Timing now is EVERYTHING. We know there are those out there who will do everything within their power to prevent what's coming. Unbinding what has been bound for hundreds of years is no easy task. It requires an incredible amount of planning and precision. One mis-step and it brings about the old one step forward only to take ten steps back scenario. I KNOW for certain big things are about to go down and I appreciate it fully now when D or Heather say they can't share certain details over Skype calls. That just tells me they're being smart about what they allow to get out. You can't play a game of poker with your hand turned backwards now can ya? :) ~BK"
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Of course it's in Pre-1933 dollars as they related to gold (then $20 a Troy Ounce), anything else and $10 billion is chump change!

Reminds me of those Dinar gurus who, when they up their exchange rate after a "for sure" deadlines passes.Their readers no doubt go away satisfied and saying, "Well, I didn't get to cash in my investment, but it did go up in value."
"Follow the Money"
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

And the OPPT claims a win: $99,000 mortgage forgiven: ... 69221.html
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Like all prosperity scams, part of the way to keep the true believers hooked (and donating) is to act like "its coming" or "big things ahead"! If you go back on their blogs you'll note they do this at least once a month, its vital to keeping all the idiots hooked.

In regards to the supposed $99,000 mortgage, sounds like a classical clerical error. Some front line customer service person received very official legal looking documents (courtesy notices) and couldn't quite make out the gibberish, but it claimed the mortgage had been paid. So they probably provisionally updated the account to reflect that - it will either not go through when some at a higher level looks at it or they will find it when they do a routine audit of their accounts in the coming weeks and months. But we never hear of that.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Backo »

reefwalker wrote:The number plates can be ordered from The Number Plate Factory in Brisbane. If you read the quote "GAOTFS and the website detail words; written under them from the Number Plate Factory" . Hope that clears that up.

The magistrate Jeff Linden who is dealing with the contempt case in Ballina court NSW has been sent a copy of Rooke's Meads vs Meads judgement from Canada just in case he doesn't quite understand the lunacy being brought before him.
I think Meads is percolating through the system here. It was recently referenced in a Queensland Supreme Court decision ... 13-105.pdf (see paragraph 17 and footnote).

I believe Mowe may have already provided a summary of this Lille Koteska case in another thread.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

I think this particular mortgage forgiveness, if that is what it actually is, would more likely be that the property is located in one of the blighted parts of the city and, of no longer of any financial value, Chase has decided to wash their hands of it.

We'll have to see the actual documents, though. A lot of these folks seem to misinterpret what they receive as a result of their CN's.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

More to the point some/many/all of them make it up as they go along.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Kiri Campbell, the lady who "beat" the New Zealand courts, was arrested last night.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Didn't include the graphic of the letter, everything it said is in here. Here is the rest of the story of the "forgiven" mortagage.

Update July 26, 2013:

Below is a clearer copy of the document Shirley sent to me from Chase Bank, as well as the message from her email:

Brian, these are closer shots you should be able to see that they initiate this letter with "We are releasing the mortgage lien on the property" , they go on and start the first paragraph with "We are writing to let you know that, at the instruction of your loan investor, we are releasing the lien on the mortgage loan referenced above". In order for a lien on a mortgage loan to be released the loan has to be paid off or assumed. Although they define that I am still responsible for the debt on my mortgage, I can now explore my options to sell or refinance If I choose. There is a notation that states Please note: You have the right to occupy the property until you sell the home or the title is transferred, I do not plan to sell or transfer the title. It is my understanding that a debt and loan are two different terms, although people use them together. My goal was to be relieved of the alleged loan, and I will now use the process for the fraudulent property taxes.

As a former California Real Estate & Mortgage Broker for five years, I have never seen a case where the lien on the mortgage was released, but the client is "still responsible for the (alleged) debt on the mortgage." I'm not sure how that's even possible considering, as Shirley mentioned above, in order for a lien on a mortgage loan to be released the loan has to be paid off or assumed. I did a bit of digging online and came across a website and this is the message from their home page:

Reclaim your home while shedding the responsibilities of a vacant house after Foreclosure through our Release Mortgage Lien (RML) option. Once panic and turmoil of a possible Foreclosure takes hold, it may seem that there are no options available, but in some cases, the lender decides to release the mortgage lien. This means that your mortgage debt is waived, so you can stay in your home, move back into your home, sell the property, or donate the house to a nonprofit organization. This option is available free of cost through UpLifting Lives to stabilize our communities.
I also found this article on

How to Release a Mortgage Lien:

Lenders secure mortgages by placing liens on financed properties. The liens remains in place until the borrower pays off the loan. The lender must file a document called the "satisfaction of lien" with the local county to remove a lien. State laws vary about the time frame lenders have in which to remove liens.

Pay off the remaining balance on your mortgage. You must call your lender to get an exact payoff amount with a per diem because interest compounds daily. You cannot rely on a payoff figure you received a few days or a few weeks ago. Lenders do not remove liens until the exact amount of the outstanding loan has been paid off.
Contact your lender a few days after you make your payoff. It often takes a day or two for payments to reach the loan center even if you make an in-person payment at local branch of a major bank. Verify the mortgage has a zero balance and if necessary make arrangements to payoff any residual amount still listed as a balance. Assuming the loan shows a zero balance, ask the customer service representative how long it normally takes to remove a lien. Lenders have to send a lien satisfaction to the local county courthouse to remove the lien. This process normally takes a few weeks but the customer service representative should give you an estimate on how long the process typically takes in your area.
Contact the clerk of court records in your county and check whether the lender filed a satisfaction of lien within the timeframe suggested by the service representative. If not, ask the clerk how long it takes the county to record documents once received. Some counties take a few weeks to process paperwork. Check back with the county until the satisfaction of lien appears in the county records.

In both examples it clearly shows "the lien remains in place until the borrower pays off the loan," and "lenders do not remove liens until the exact amount of the outstanding loan has been paid off." How is it possible to have debt on a property with no lien attaching said debt to the property? A lien is the instrument that attaches/secures the "debt" to the property. The definition of lien is: a right to keep property belonging to another person until a debt is paid. It says very clearly, "until a debt is paid."

So, let's look at the definition of debt: An amount of money borrowed by one party from another. Many corporations/individuals use debt as a method for making large purchases that they could not afford under normal circumstances. A debt arrangement gives the borrowing party permission to borrow money under the condition that it is to be paid back at a later date, usually with interest.

Considering now that debt is "the amount of money borrowed," here is the definition of money: An officially-issued legal tender generally consisting of currency and coin. Money is the circulating medium of exchange as defined by a government. Money is often synonymous with cash, including negotiable instruments such as checks.

When Shirley originally secured her loan did Chase Bank extend to her any currency or coin? No, they did not. Did they write her a check backed by "money" in a bank? Again, no they did not.

"The economics of banking is counterfeiting. We have been deceived into thinking that we were lent other depositor's deposited funds. Bankers cause us to think that if we do not pay back those funds, the bank and its depositors will be out the cash (money). Remember, all you borrowed was monetized credit, which your signature created -- you yourself lent the funds." ` Mary Elizabeth Croft

Clearly, there was NEVER any money loaned to Shirley. Therefore, the alleged "debt" they claim she owes is in fact fictitious. This is precisely why, after review by Chase's legal department, they agreed to release the lien on the mortgage. Now, as far as the "alleged" debt goes, my guess is Chase knew what kind of PR nightmare they would have on their hands if they showed the entire debt obligation to be waived/retracted/forgiven. If confronted by other customers, the press, a Flash Mob of callers/protesters, they could easily claim the "debt" is still owed. Answering to why they released the lien on the mortgage is a whole other story and one they will most assuredly have to answer to once this story gets out.

In conclusion, as a follow up to my original post, I will gladly admit the word "forgiven" was not accurate. This article can now be titled "Courtesy Notice Success Story -- $99,692.21 Mortgage Lien Released by Chase". Critics will say, "well she still owes the debt," so what's the big deal? I think Shirley will agree with me that in fact, this is a HUGE victory. She now gets to stay living in her home and she no longer needs to pay the mortgage, indefinitely. On top of that, considering property taxes are voluntary (if you don't yet know this read this article) all she's left having to pay is the homeowner's insurance, which is a nominal fee compared to mortgage and tax payment.

Here is another reason why this is a big victory; what if everyone in the U.S. could lawfully and legitimately relieve themselves from the burden of a monthly mortgage payment? What would that do to the system? What would it do for all the millions of homeowners across the U.S. who are currently facing foreclosure? Behind on monthly payments? Struggling to make ends meet to get by? Do you think they would care if the bank claimed they "allegedly" still owed the debt, if it meant no monthly payment indefinitely? Or, at least until they decide to sell the home or refinance? Why on earth would they ever refinance if their payment is $0.00/mo!? This is a monumental victory and I really hope this story goes viral, as it makes for a perfect illustration of how the banks are on their heels and backed deep into a corner. I applaud Shirley and her persistence, for this is a win she will never soon forget. Watch out Chase...."The One People" are coming~! ~BK
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Had the loan been forgiven, though, she would have received a 1099 and would have to pay income tax on the amount forgiven.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

The much vaunted Project 13 has launched: ... ed5914cb86

I don't think this is going to be the money making machine Caleb had hoped for. He knows they only have an active number of 1,500-2,000 true believers. 80%+ of those are only involved because they want to know when they can stop paying their bills and buy whatever they want with their ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED. I'd wager 20% or less are into Caleb's obsession with the (false) claim that all social media sells and somehow monetizes your data. So lets say 20% of the true believers install Project 13 and use it - thats $400 a month. Not enough to pay the bills.

The only way more than that would ever bother with this thing is if Heather's much promised IUV exchange was on it, and that might spike revenues for a few months - might even make $1500 a month off it - but as soon as it was apparent no one is going to give you anything for units of your ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED since its not real money, that would drop off to.

I suspect in 6 months Caleb will have dropped off the OPPT radar and moved on to a new scam. Its kind of odd, as he is a programmer so you'd think he could find real work, but I guess the woo is just too strong in him?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ashlynne39 »

I looked at Kiri's facebook and some of her favorite musicians are Justin Bieber and Milli Vanilli. I would say that alone justifies her arrest.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

OK, I'll admit to being way outside my experience zone, but how is a "free" app supposed to bring in any money to Heather et al?

All things considered, I think I would be a little leery of something that is supposed to be a secure communications app coming from this crowd. I certainly wouldn't want it anywhere near any of my personal data.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Ah, the SovCit excuse that Kiri engineered getting arrested again "on purpose."

"D Breakingthesilence: first- Kiri KNEW she was going to get arrested again- as a matter of fact, she planned it that way. so everyone get your knickers unknotted- seriously!"

"Kiri moved to ‘Correction Facility’

published on Stillness in the Storm Blog, July 26, 2013

UPDATED 10:22pm EST - John from the The One People: Shifting Banking Discussion Group has been calling the Police Station in New Plymouth getting as much information as he can. Thank you John for your compassion and dedication.

This is the kind of ‘goodwill towards men’ we are transitioning into. We are One People and One Family. I felt a personal connection to so many over these past 6 months and this latest effort had the effect of pulling us all together in oneness.

Kiri’s Status Update

Kiri is presently being held in a “correctional facility” per Acting Sargent Dillion Robinson, whom according to John, showed a modicum of compassion for her situation. Sargent Dillion, was open to the ideas regarding the OPPT and wanted to know more during their conversation. Sargent Dillion suggested that Interpol be contacted instead of the local police. No other details related to the Court Appearance, or the status of Kiri’s charges are available at this time.

Earlier this week Kiri was charged with Breach of the Peace and Fraud and Attempting to Obtain Pecuniary Advantage, however Kiri never Consented to any of those offers to contract. Regardless the Authorities are most likely still trying to peruse this as if she is a criminal.

Updates will be issued as they are received, check back later.

Below is the original Facebook thread used to create this update:

H I all !! Greetings from Sligo City, Republic of Ireland !

Re. — Kiri Campbell —

Its 02.40 here in Ireland — I have been on the phone to Hawara and New Plymouth police stations since 11.15 last night — and just got off phone from Acting Sargent Dillon Robinson . He was the only officer I managed to talk to.

We had a long conversation – but as far as Kiri is concerned – — all I would be told was that she is still in custody — and has now been moved to a ‘ correction facility ‘ but I would not be told where or any more details. I explained that I was member of OPPT , and also Amnesty International, and if her detention continues, I will take it up with Irish CEO Colm O’Gorman.

We got on to good terms eventually , with him been half Irish , and his mother been born in Ireland ! He wanted to know about OPPT – and the foreclosure filings, which I explained to him as best I could – and informed him that Common Law was in force now, not Royal Law , and he explained that a lot of their law has a foundation in common law !

He also informed me that I should take Kiri’s case up with Interpol – and why did I ring a small Police station — I explained that I felt it would be more useful to speak to someone on tbe ground In the local area -which he agreed with ! I left him — and a very helpful dispatcher — details — reckon we got some converts !!

I am sorry I could not do more for Kiri – but other Officers were off .
God bless !♥

There is a growing effort to make contact with any and all persons and agents whom may be able to help Kiri and her situation. Mass Courtesy notices have gone out and the community is gathering masses support for her."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

notorial dissent wrote:OK, I'll admit to being way outside my experience zone, but how is a "free" app supposed to bring in any money to Heather et al?

All things considered, I think I would be a little leery of something that is supposed to be a secure communications app coming from this crowd. I certainly wouldn't want it anywhere near any of my personal data.
Its only free for the first 60 days, at which point they are charging $1 a month for it subscription based. Caleb's whole vision is that he thinks people will use this instead of all the other social media, but in truth most people like the social media they use and dont care enough that some of there data is mined for advertising purposes. Not to mention this thing is very simplistic compared to say, facebook.

The other thing about it is that Caleb claims it stores most of the data on your own computer. He says they won't store data in the cloud because thats where those (foreclosed!) three letter agencies can monitor how much you are sending messages to your friends. So if its all on your computer...if you lose your data for whatever reason, POOF, its gone.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

D Breakingthesilence wrote:Kiri KNEW she was going to get arrested again- as a matter of fact, she planned it that way. so everyone get your knickers unknotted- seriously!
Sure she did, then why did she go through all the nonsense with the curtesy notices, etc. she was done with their courts, she said so. Problem is, they for some reason didn't see it that way.

Further blah blah blah.

I think the good sargent must have it in for the local Interpol types if he sicked this bunch on to them.

So even though she never "consented to the offers to contract" she still got charged with Breach of the Peace and Fraud and Attempting to Obtain Pecuniary Advantage, and they for some reason think that the authorities AREN'T going to pursue it as a criminal case????

Well, imagine that!!!

And the comedy just continues to roll along.

LightinDarkness, thank you, that explains a lot and nothing. So they are eventually going to end up charging their suckers er clients to use this half baked farce, and just how are they going to collect this payment? I think the intended audience should be very worried, but I doubt if any of them have that much sense. I certainly wouldn't want any of this crowd having access to my personal or banking info. I'm betting security on this thing is non-existent.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Heather has loosed another of her magical documents into the world of finance: ... Y-CALL.pdf
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Even for the OPPT crowd, that has reached a whole new level of gibberish.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.