We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by Deep Knight »

Looks like a blank form, posted in Edwardian script on MacHaffie's site. If it's blank, does that mean that the first person to fill it in gets to be president, all people who fill it in do, or that he's keeping the names of our new President secret (I sure hope it's not Erasmus of America).

Saturday, May 11, 2013

We THE People
And as Interim President, 12 May 2013
Initiate the orders of We THE People

We THE People who are the Civilian Authority with superior lawfull position over the U.S. Corporation and U.S. Military acting under the Original Jurisdiction of the United States Constitution 1789, Bill of Rights 1791 with the original 13th Amendment=”which removes persons who has an entitlement from holding public office” as the United States of America, Republican form of Government, standing as the true form of Government is proud to announce the following effective IMMEDIATELY.:

As Interim President=Commander in Chief of the Republic it is the duty of this de jure office to ensure the orders issued to the United States Military , Secretary of the Treasury, Provost Marshall and its Public Servants are carried out within the proper time as required by We THE People of The United States of America.

This announcement is for We THE People of the United States of America and our Friends World Wide and
To Chief of Staff of Joint Chiefs, Field Generals, Admirals, Office of General Council for Pentagon, Secretary of the Navy, Trustees of the Constitution and Office of the Inspector General, Provost Marshal, Flag Officers and Secretary of the People's Treasury;

This announcement and order is to the Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew, the Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and the Provost Marshall,

You are hereby ordered to use any force including EXTREME PREJUDICE toward any and all public officers including any and all people in the U.S. Corporation=Internal Governmental Departments=Agencies, Individual Corporations=Organizations, and any other Entity=sentient beings WHOM are delaying=derailing= holding up=stopping any other delaying manipulation tactic on the execution of the following announcements and orders:

1. The Flag Officers assigned to The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew and Provost Marshall is ordered to commandeer all main stream television and radio broadcasting companies and start the announcements that have been prerecorded to inform the Nation:
a. The Republic being re-set, shutdown of the US Corporation (founded in 1871),
b. The shutdown of the Federal Reserve (99 Year Contract Ended),
i. All Debt caused from the US Corporation and / or Federal Reserve is not the responsibility of We THE People of the United States of America
ii. The collector of this debt shall look to and upon US Corporation and its CEO / Presidents, their staff including Legislative and Judicial holders plus the Executives of the Federal Reverse to repay ALL DEBT from their wealth which they stole from the We THE People
iii. Furthermore, the US Corporation Past and Present President, Vice President, staff, Legislative and Judicial are classified as Corporate Contractors or Actors who do not have the lawfull standing for the positions they currently occupy. Therefore, they are trespassing upon We THE People’s rights and liberties and are subject to our Constitutional Laws for Fraud, Treason, Misrepresentation, Embezzlement of our Currency, Unlawfull taxation and more. All damages shall be paid to We THE People by Seizing their assets and freezing their funds on-shore and off-shore bank account, safe deposit boxes, Precious Metals stashes, any storage, and depositing all recovered items back into the Peoples Treasury.
c. The shutdown of the Internal Revenue Service=IRS (taxation was repealed by Congress in 1939 and has been in operation fraudulently and while working for foreign agents it has fraudulently told the American people that is a department of the Treasury)
d. To Immediately begin broadcasting the educational=truth of this nation's true history

2. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew is established and operating under the Republican form of Government as the true Treasury

3. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will
a. Conduct a forensic audit of the IRS, freeze all assets, shut down all IRS operations and return all stolen funds to We THE People of The United States of America by depositing the returned funds in the Peoples United States Treasury.
b. All bankruptcies of the United States to date are terminated.
c. All debt tied to the social security numbers shall be set to zero.
i. Due to corrupt and unlawful banking practices and corrupt and unlawful government activities ALL injured parties shall be notified immediately following these actions and public announcements on all major media outlets shall commence immediately.
d. Remove=Terminate all unlawful taxation on all privately held property=land=labor.
e. Remove=Terminate all private personal income tax and private business taxation.
f. The return all government agencies CAFR=off book accounts and all court CRIS account funds to the Peoples United States Treasury.
i. CAFR=Consolidated Annual Financial Report
ii. CRIS=Court Registry Investment System
g. Restore financial privacy to all private sentient beings.
h. Introduce the United States Treasury currency (UST) backed by Gold and other Precise metals replacing the Federal Reserve Note effective IMMEDIATELY.
i. Release the 1.5 Trillion dollars of the Wanta-Regan-Mitterrand Protocols into the United States Treasury for We THE People
j. Announce the largest banks in United Sates of America are now Basel 3 Banking Regulations complaint along with several hundred mid-size banking institutions.
i. Basel 3 - A comprehensive set of reform measures designed to improve the regulation, supervision and risk management within the banking sector.
ii. Basel 3 - Largely in response to the credit crisis, banks are required to maintain proper leverage ratios and meet certain capital requirements protecting the end customer.
4. The “Fines & Penalties”, Foreign Currency Revaluation, Prosperity Packages, the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, Humanitarian funds are to be paid out simultaneously effective IMMEDIATELY.
5. The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will oversee the delivery Sunday 12 May 2013 to all recipients of the Farm Claims=Fines and Penalties=Farm Claims Class Action Law Suit Settlement=Bank Claims=Resolution Trust proceeds to the people;
a. The Farm Claims shall be moved to the Royal Bank of Canada for complete delivery=disbursement effective IMMEDIATELY.
b. The Farm Claims Lawsuit shall be unsealed and made part of the public record with=by publication, posting on the internet which is freely accessible to the public at large and=or full disclosure to all claim participants. The executive order that has kept this information hidden was done with the intent to defraud the people and has delayed the execution and delivery of the settlement.
c. These claims shall be delivered using any of the following methods of delivery or all of them together; National Guard, County Sheriffs, Bonded Couriers, Registered Mail, and the Organized and Unorganized State Militias.

There shall be NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen's.

The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew shall conduct the release of the foreign currency exchange to all tier three foreign currency holders known as the "U.S. Treasury Hold" on the participating banks Sunday 12 May 2013 and
To communicate on all main stream media channels that the global re-set has occurred every hour for the next seventy- two (72) hours.
All banks are to make the hours of operation from 07:00 AM to 24:00 PM daily for the next ninety (90) days.
All tier three foreign currency holders shall be given VIP=Group rates with NO taxation, NO fees, NO NDAs, NO hidden=misleading language, NO terms or condition or forms that create a contract causing loss of value through BANK FRAUD=MANIPULATION against the private citizen's when they exchange their currency.

The Secretary of the Peoples Treasury Mr. Jack Lew will release the Global Settlements Program, Prosperity Packages, Native American Claims, and all other programs and claims of a similar nature on 12 May 2013.

It is Ordered, sentenced, and decreed by the Political Will of the People~


Interim President
The United States of America

Reference: Contempt of the Constitution, Declaration of Independence circa 1776 and 2012, Orders #1-10

Posted by John MacHaffie at 10:05 PM

The sort of document that leaves you going "huh?"
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by notorial dissent »

It certainly looks like something that McHalfwit would post and swallow hook line and sinker.

But no indication of who issued this great missive though, how remiss of John, he is slipping yet again in his duties to properly inform the dim and bewildered.
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by Judge Roy Bean »

My "Don't Care Light" is flashing.

One can only hope this gibberish is regarded as substantive by a very tiny subset of the literate population with access to the internet. :shock:

Are there any viable estimates of how many nut-balls are out there?
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by fortinbras »

I found this document, but not in Edwardian script, on the NESARA website:

http://nesaranews.blogspot.com/2013/05/ ... eople.html

Now this more completely confuses me about NESARA, which I thought was some sort of money coming in from outer space (where, apparently, they don't have to buy T-bills in order to print Federal Reserve Notes), or heaven, or someplace, that was going to solve everyone's problems. But MacHaffie evidently sees it differently. He doesn't name "the Interim President of the United States" but I will bet it's not someone who was on the ballot last year.

Anyway, the talk about using "extreme prejudice" on any govt officials who don't go along with MacHaffie's delusion is definitely not wholesome talk. MacHaffie may finally have put NESARA on the Secret Service radar.
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

My favorite part was the remark about "Contempt of the Constitution." MacLaffie is evidently second to none in his contempt for the Constitution, since practically every one of his proposals is a blatant violation thereof....
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by Gregg »

He doesn't name "the Interim President of the United States" but I will bet it's not someone who was on the ballot last year.
Ron Paul, or Bill the Cat?

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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by rogfulton »

huh document wrote:As Interim President=Commander in Chief of the Republic it is the duty of this de jure office to ensure the orders issued to the United States Military , Secretary of the Treasury, Provost Marshall and its Public Servants are carried out within the proper time as required by We THE People of The United States of America.
Rather fluid definition of de jure - 'corporation' government when they don't like it, 'patriotic' government when they want a legal sounding document.
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by NBSP »

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask Secret Interim President to, if possible, delay execution of this order for a little while in order to give him-/herself time to take a walk and cool down. Maybe sleep on it. These are some pretty tall orders.
  • What if Jack Lew and his crack squad of Flag Officers don't want to take over all television and radio companies? Do they even have experience with invading media companies? What does Extreme Prejudice mean in this case? If the staff of a random NBC affiliate calls the cops when a team of (armed?) men storms their building and takes it over, are the Flag Officers then legally obligated to start shooting? After all, under the ORDERS OF WE THE PEOPLE, they're obligated to use force against all sentient beings attempting to delay them.
  • What if the Joint Chiefs of Staff don't want to jail the current President in favor of the secret, unnamed Interim President? Do they get to meet the new president first, or do the orders obligate them to shoot themselves if their doubts cause them to hesitate in their duties?
  • When the Super Secret President says "All Debt caused from the US Corporation and / or Federal Reserve is not the responsibility of We THE People of the United States of America," does he mean just some debts, or every single thing the evil US Corporation plans to use tax money for? If the latter, will my grandmother still get Social Security? A lot of retirees rely on it to make ends meet. There are a lot of rich people in Congress, but not nearly enough to make up for a 100% reduction in tax revenue.
  • When the USD is replaced by the precise metals-backed UST, what does this mean for the USD currently being used all over the world? There definitely aren't enough precious metals (maybe there are more "precise metals") to account for it all given a 1:1 exchange rate. Do people get to trade their reserve notes in at a steep discount or are they all immediately worthless? If the latter, I'm hungry and would like to eat food in the near future. How will I do so?
  • Are Flag Officers legally obligated to execute the bank tellers who skip from 23:59:999 PM to 00:00:000 AM for defying We The People's order to work at 24:00PM? If so, what happens after the first night, when there are no more bank tellers? Are Flag Officers obligated to pressgang random passers-by into service as bank-tellers only to execute them at the end of the night? That's pretty rough, Secret President.
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by fortinbras »

I am not clear on WHO is the Interim President of the US. Is it supposed to be MacHaffie?
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by ashlynne39 »

fortinbras wrote:I am not clear on WHO is the Interim President of the US. Is it supposed to be MacHaffie?
Heck, I'm not clear on who "We the People" are. You would think "We the People" would mean all citizens but McHaffie's "We the People" leaves out people like me who think he's flat out nuts and want no part of his revolution.
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by NBSP »

Here's a Scribd which was posted on the same day:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/140969594/Del ... the-People
and another (previous?) one that isn't blue until the last quarter or so and contains more typos:
http://www.scribd.com/doc/140970972/Ord ... the-People

Maybe this Scribd user is the interim president. The letter is headlined "We THE People And as Interim President", after all.
notorial dissent
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Re: We THE People Demand the Revolution Start!

Post by notorial dissent »

ashlynne39 wrote:"We the People" leaves out people like me who think he's flat out nuts and want no part of his revolution.
You do mean flat out delusional and delusions don't you?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.