Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

LightinDarkness wrote:Not, Turikatuku Gumada, you did not take the court. The judge adjourned, and your actions did nothing but enrage court personnel and annoy the judge.
And next time the "supporters" won't be allowed in or will have a riot squad stood behind them. At the first sign of disruption the "supporters" will get pounced on and they'll all be answering charges for contempt or attempting to pervert the course of justice. That assumes no one even swings a punch at an official.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

A smite on the internet to allow these twisted mfers to spread their poison. Try telling young children their dad is a fruitcake and twisting their minds. Where is the voice of reason? Keep posting people its the only thing that's keeping me sane.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

If you are going to follow conspiracy theory, I suggest you take up meditation. ;)

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Good call
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

The OPPT has been happily reporting some very small time media coverage for Kiri:

Its now clear why Kiri is getting huge numbers (for OPPT) to show up for her - at least 80 people - it has nothing to do with the OPPT, shes hitched her wagon onto the Maori sovereignty movement. I don't know much about the politics of her area, but while there might be some legitimate Maori political protest movement the loons following Kiri are more like the Moors in the US - fully embracing crackpot sov'run ideas. Of course, for all their harassment of the court they had 0 net effect on helping Kiri's case.

The most hilarious part about it is actually the comment on the OPPT blog:
The judge can not proceed as long as the sovereign flag it being held it court!!! He HAS NO jurisdiction. THE PEOPLE in the court can have the judge arrested as long as the sovereign flag is flown. People of New Zealand keep the flag flying!!!!!
Well this is a new slant on crazy, if I do say so myself! Turns out folks the reason why none of these sov'run remedies have ever worked is because people haven't been flying the soverign flag. You do that, the judge is arrested, the court flees, etc.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by AndyK »

thunter wrote:If you are going to follow conspiracy theory, I suggest you take up meditation medication. ;)
Fixed it for you.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

So, another OPPT luminary has deposted $3 million in a bank...this should be interesting.

"Bob Wright Deposited ~ 3 Million Units of Value Last Thursday the 25th. He called and spoke to the VP of the bank on monday the 29th at which time the VP informed him that the deposit probably would not go threw."

Won't go through? No kidding, Sherlock! ;) These guys are wacko!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter » ... r-remanded

"Alleged fraudster remanded
Last updated 05:00 31/07/2013

A Hawera woman at the centre of an online debate over allegedly banking a fraudulent $15 million cheque has been remanded without plea.

Kiri Campbell, 32, is charged with five counts of using a document to gain a pecuniary advantage.

She appeared before Judge Allan Roberts at the Hawera police station yesterday after a group of supporters temporarily shut down the court house.

Campbell's plight has gained traction over the past few days on social media and has been associated with the Maori sovereignty movement.

According to websites supporting her, Campbell deposited $15m "of her own value" into a TSB Bank account as a way of "revealing the fraud of the current banking and monetary system".

Hawera police prosecutor Steve Hickey told the Taranaki Daily News that Campbell was remanded in custody by consent until she could get legal advice before her bail hearing.

Mr Hickey said she would appear in the New Plymouth District Court at another date, but would not elaborate further.

Earlier in the day, about 40 people packed the public gallery, shutting down proceedings.

A man waving the Maori flag of the United Tribes would not stop when asked, saying: "I do not consent to what you say, sir," whenever he was approached by a court officer. Judge Roberts refused to begin until the flag was removed.

Campbell was subsequently whisked away by police and could be heard screaming as she was bundled into a police car.

Media were also asked to leave the area for their "own safety" shortly after 10am when police began to move the group on.

Outside the court, Campbell's representative, Larni Healey, said they do not recognise the authority of the court.

Campbell was also an administrator of The One People Aotearoa-New Zealand Facebook page, which is linked to a "sister site" called Mortgage Terminators."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh, goody! If Bob Wright has made a fraudulent deposit for $3 million, this is going to get hilarious. Wright is one of the OPPT gurus whose entire field trip to Morocco was paid for by OPPT true believers. At first I kind of felt bad for Bob, as hes disabled and in a wheelchair (he was supposed to be healed by the alien portals in Morocco - but we haven't gotten any updates on that - I wonder why), but over many conference calls hes talked enough about his past to show that hes gone down this road many times - before OPPT, he tried to make a bank cash a fraudulent bond drawn on his magical treasury account.

Also, I kind of have no sympathy for people who are on full social security disability, food stamps, and housing benefits who spend their time railing against how evil the government is and how its a foreclosed corporation. Which is what Bob Wright does...all while cashing the checks from said evil, foreclosed government.

Unfortunately, I don't know if we'll get quite the grand show like we did with Kiri. I have a feeling that since Bob has been at the sov'run remedy thing for so long and failing for so long that the police are aware of him. And so it'll be a "Oh shucks, there goes Bob going nuts again" type moment for them. But maybe we'll get lucky and he'll actually get taken to court for the fraud this time.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Wow, just wow. Was listening to the weekly propaganda call and they are proclaiming the $99k mortgage lien release as some kind of victory by saying that it means that the woman no longer has to pay her mortgage! These guys are so willfully incompetent of basic finance its amazing. They seem to think the only way a lien can be on a home is due to the first mortgage, and that if its released you don't have to pay the bank anything. Its like they've never even heard of secondary liens, which IS the kind of lien that was released as the letter the woman got clearly stated she owed the balance of her mortgage still.

I can't figure out if they've drunk so deeply of the kool aid they've just lost it or if they've always been this ignorance of basic finance. Its like the whole thing with these idiots proclaiming victory because Kiri's $15 million deposit showed up on a deposit slip. Well of course it does, the bank will cash anything that looks like its real on the presumption you aren't scamming them and put it as a deposit - thats why deposits have hold time so they can verify it. That they don't know this stuff is amazing, its stuff an 18 year old should know about money.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

If Bob Wright has gone this route before, then it is a pretty safe bet there is record of it, and when this one comes home to roost it won't be pretty. They used to think this wasn't worth the effort as long as they didn't lose anything, but the attitudes have dramatically shifted, as Bob may well soon find out, when the men in ill fitting suits come to call with arrest warrants.

As to the lien release, I still think we're missing some of the details on that, and just because a release has been issued, doesn't mean it can't be canceled when someone's check on their bank of personal essence comes up stamped not negotiable do not resubmit.

Their ignorance of the banking system is also why Heather et al can pull this BS off and continue to get away with it. Their audience really is clueless.

Somehow, I don't think their bank of personal essence or whatever they are calling it is a member of the Fed or whatever the clearing network in AU/NZ is, so I think getting their checks cleared is going to be a bit dicey at best.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Kiri's bail hearing is scheduled for 9 a.m. Friday (New Zealand time). Looks like there are plans to try and disrupt that hearing, also. I suspect by this time, though, Kiri is understanding the reality of her "adventure."
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I suspect by this point the court is more than aware of what to expect, and I doubt if they'll get any kind of chance to cause problems, and may in fact get to join Kiri in her enforced vacation. As to her having gotten a clue, from what has been posted from her end recently that seems highly unlikely, she has been doing this for a long time and isn't likely to change long established habits.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Bob Wright's magic Sov'run documents that he is using to try and deposit $3.5 million into his bank account. ... his-value/
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Sophia Love who also may be BZ Riger wrote, er, cut and pasted stuff to make the following petition they want you to FAX or e-mail to the Hawera Courthouse in support of Kiri Campbell:

A Notice to cease all damaging actions against and to releasethe eternal essence soul being kiri campbell
Hawera Police station: fax # (06) 278 0261ivan smith, sandy shaw , rebecca dearling craig vertongen (purported Court Security Officer) Hawera Courthouse fax # (06) 278 2081
Your participation in the incarceration and damaging of the eternal essenceembodiment kiri campbell without her consent has necessitated this notice.
The world is watching and waiting.
The Institutions formerly known as law enforcement stations and courts havebeen foreclosed.As witness:(DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)
“…That any and all CHARTERS, inclusive of The United States Federal Government, UNITEDSTATES, “STATE of …”, Inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial ormanagerial forms, any and all international equivalents, inclusive of any and all OFFICES, inclusiveof any and all OFFICERS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, EXECUTIVE ORDERS, TREATIES,CONSTITUTIONS, MEMBERSHIP, ACTS, and any and all other contracts and agreements madethereunder and thereby, are now, void, worthless, or otherwise cancelled, unrebutted; .
..”Be advised that you now act in the capacity of an individual entity, without a corporate safety net andwith full personal liability for EVERY ACTION YOU TAKE under common law protected and preservedby public policy UCC 1-103, and Universal law, the governing law laid out in the OPPT UCC filings.(Refer: WA DC UCC Ref Doc # 2012113593)Should you choose to act on behalf of a foreclosed entity, causing eternal soul being kiri campbell anydamage, you, in your individual and unlimited capacity, will be held absolutely liable. Such actions mayresult in lawful remedy being brought against you pursuant to public policy UCC 1-305, including but notlimited to UCC Commercial Bill (Lien), against your assets.
An injustice perpetrated to kiri campbell is therefore an injustice perpetrated to you and everyother eternal essence embodiment.
You are further cautioned of your compounding and accumulating liability through instructing, directing,or conspiring with colleagues in pursuing damaging actions against kiri campbell. Should colleagues soinstructed detrimentally damage kiri campbell, they will be made jointly and severally liable, through Principal Agent Doctrine, preserved by public policy UCC 1-103, and it is now your commercial and moral responsibility to inform them. Should you cease and desist in any and all damaging actions against kiri campbell, actions broughtagainst your assets shall be averted. Therefore, I the undersigned, demand the immediate release of kiri campbell and ending of all damaging actions.

Who knew New Zealand was part of the United States Federal Government?

The Bob "Dob" Wright documents are also a hoot

I, Robert Allen Wright, eternal essence inbodied April 15, 1968, duly recorded, secured, noticed, governed, bonded, insured and guaranteed, Eternal, Universal and International Record No. 2013032035 and 2012127914, under perpetuity UCC Record No. 2000043135, nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea, restated and incorporated in full by reference as if set forth in full, without prejudice, at this moment, July 22, 2013, DO duly make, issue, confirm, ratify, and verify this DECLARATION OF BEING, “DOB”, with full personal responsibility and liability, nunc pro tunc praetera preterea, and that this DOB is true and correct and I am competent to say so:

I take issue with the last "I am competent" statement, offering the beginning of the statement as evidence.

This Certificate of Value, Value is 1 unit of any and all Value, inclusive of any and all mutually identified and accepted representations, shall be deposited unit for unit in the denomination indicated on the face of this document, fully underwritten by the duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER...over THREE QUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDREDQUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) just in duly verified EQUITY DEBT against the DEBTORS. There is an additional duly verified sum certain of FIVE BILLION (5,000,000,000.00) in lawful money of the united states of America,GOLD and SILVER, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the DEBTORS...over THREEQUINTILLION, FIVE HUNDRED QUADRILLION (3,500,000,000,000,000,000.00) lawful money of the united states of America, GOLD and SILVER, in duly verified DEBT OF DAMAGES against the DEBTORS. I, Universal and International Record No. 2013032035, under perpetuity UCC Record No. 2000043135, all restated and incorporated in full by reference as if set forth in full, without prejudice. Upon deposit this instrument shall be discounted by ten percent for the benefit of the financial institution as a standard transaction fee. The cancelled instrument shall be returned to the issuer no later than 30 days after the deposit date. Copies may be maintained by the financial institution for their records.

Wait a tick, this document doesn't seem to have been finished - there's not a "nunc pro tunc" or "praeterea preterea" in the bunch!

Nunc pro tunc - "Now for then," famous in certain legal circles as being magic language which will get you a $5,000 fine if you put it on your US tax return.
Praeterea preterea - Can mean "Besides, further or hereafter" depending on usage, as used by these folks it probably means "Cheeseburger."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

So, by your definitions we have:
Praeterea pretera nunc pro tunc Tuesday?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »


The IRS's legal analysis:

The phrase “nunc pro tunc,” a Latin phrase translated as “now for then,” denotes that an act has retroactive legal effect through a court’s inherent power. Black’s Law Dictionary 1097 (8th ed. 2004). When a document is signed “nunc pro tunc” as of a specified date, it means that a thing is now done which should have been done on the specified date. 56 Am. Jur. 2d Motions, Rules, and Orders § 58, at 45 (2000).

The term “nunc pro tunc” also describes a later record entry of a previous action that is intended to have effect as of the date of the action itself. Black’s Law Dictionary 1097. The inclusion of the phrase “nunc pro tunc” on the face of the return form or in other documents submitted to the Service has no legal effect, and does not validate an invalid return, make an untimely return timely, invalidate a signature, create a claim for refund of taxes previously paid, or reduce one’s federal tax liability.

To the extent taxpayers are attempting to validate an otherwise invalid return by writing or stamping the phrase “nunc pro tunc” on the face of a return or in attached documents, this phrase has no validating effect. For a document to qualify as a valid return, it must contain sufficient data to calculate tax liability, it must purport to be a return, there must be an honest and reasonable attempt to satisfy the requirements of the tax law, and the taxpayer must execute the return under penalties of perjury. Beard v. Commissioner, 82 T.C. 766 (1984), aff’d, 793 F.2d 139 (6th Cir. 1986). The inclusion of the phrase “nunc pro tunc” on the face of the return form or in the attachments does not provide any further information sufficient to calculate tax liability, or to satisfy any other requirements of the tax law. Accordingly, it does not validate an otherwise invalid return.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Surprise (but only to Bob Wright), all his magical paperwork and his little $3.5 million deposit is denied -
I just got a call from my bank 5 minutes ago.

I spoke with Mary Cummings the Senior Vice President of First National Community Bank. She told me that the Bank refuses to honor my transaction stating that they were not obligated to. I asked her if she had a lawful REASON for not honoring the transaction.

She was reticent to discuss any reason but said that I would be getting a letter explaining why. I then told her for my own edification I would still like a response to my proof of funding, and she told me that they were not required to give that to me.

I then said Mary, can I please speak to you as a person, can’t you see that there is something terribly wrong with the way things are? All of the fraud and deception that this cartel has perpetrated from LIBOR scandal to outright theft.

I told her that the entire world was watching and that her bank had an opportunity to do the right thing to help humanity and because she was duly noticed that she in fact was operating as an individual on behalf of a foreclosed entity, and that she rather was choosing to support debt slavery system and implicating herself in treason.

She said, “Duly noted.”.

I did feel for her position as I know she is only following orders. But I did note what she said, “we are not obligated to accept your deposit.” She did not say that they couldn’t do it, they said they WILL NOT do it.

They did not challenge the validity of what I was saying.

Every FRN issued is an IOU from the Federal Reserve. How can they owe us if first they hadn’t taken it first?

I believe its time to have a serious conversation with our Banks. Those of you who get it, know what to DO….LETS DO IT.
What I love about this is you can just see the wheels of rationalization turning. Really the bank here is just trying to be nice and not call him and insane crazy person trying to cash paper documents with no value, but to be nice they are just saying they won't honor it. But you see guys, they didn't say they COULDNT do it, just that they would not do it. So obviously this means its all still real! And just because the bank doesn't rebut every crazy point you make to them, that must mean its real because they don't challenge it!

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ColinT »

LightinDarkness wrote:Surprise (but only to Bob Wright), all his magical paperwork and his little $3.5 million deposit is denied -
I told her that the entire world was watching and that her bank had an opportunity to do the right thing to help humanity and because she was duly noticed that she in fact was operating as an individual on behalf of a foreclosed entity, and that she rather was choosing to support debt slavery system and implicating herself in treason.

She said, “Duly noted.”.
After seeing what Kiri in NZ tried, I find it absolutely amazing that he even tried this. He must have thought that the guilt trip might work, although I don't include myself in the "humanity" that he is trying to help.

I wonder if this result will be cast as a "win"??

For what it's worth, as a follow-up to my earlier posts, my brother has un-friended me on facebook. From the amount of OPPT trash that he was posting, and the direction that he's heading, I can't yet work out whether it's more his loss that I can no longer assist him, or my gain that I don't get as much trash from him.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ColinT »

A few other comments from

Jan says : Reply
July 31, 2013 at 8:09 pm

We all know what it is we need to do. It is very simple. Each and everyone of us has to withdraw all their funds from the big banks accounts (the big banks being the ones who do not want to play ball). And within a month, the problem is solved. Simply stop doing business with them.

So this is how I see it: 1) we go and talk to top level of a selected number of Big Banks. 2) we advise them: we want you to do this, if you don’t we walk away. 3) If they don’t “oblige” (and they won’t) we walk. We take the money we have in deposit. In concert. A bank run. But not on all banks.

We need to find a bank or a number of them that WILL support us. Triodos Bank maybe? The Lawful Bank in the UK? Or maybe we should get our own bank!! With enough funds, we can get our bank license (you simply buy one) and you start depositing all your money there.

If you don’t have money in the bank but only “debt” to them, simply stop paying the installments and interest.

That will cripple them. Like they did in Atlas Shrugged.

We have the Power. If only we realised it….

kyle says : Reply
July 31, 2013 at 8:36 pm

nice post Jan – Bob, I like the idea of owning the bank, I have actually looked into this and it is possible. in fact there are people in US already doing this. so this might be a very plausible solution. I just searched the Triodos bank, and also another great initiative. It seems that bob has had some success in the mere fact that they said they are not obligated. Are all banks connected in the same way? would they buckle to pressure from governments if they started allowing people to do this (i would assume so) but as the saying goes, assume nothing.

Michael says : Reply
July 31, 2013 at 8:41 pm

I don’t think we are obligated to use their worthless notes either. We are free to issue our own value for value exchange units among ourselves.
If we refocus our energies on Truth and Justice and ignore their evil and corrupt ways, then their system will self-destruct.
What would you rather have, FRN’s backed by nothing at all,or eternal essence units back by the energy,skills,talents and creativity of our fellow brothers and sisters

A bit of basic commerce studies from high school would help them a lot.