Yall gots ta loin ta elltay it jive style, yo!

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Yall gots ta loin ta elltay it jive style, yo!

Post by grixit »

I just thought of a new one.

In all dealings with the so called authorities, whether verbal or written, the sovereign on the land must be careful to use a non standard accent, dialect, slang, ect. Why? Because otherwise you're using the Queen's English which means you've conceding to being a subject, not a sovereign.
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Re: Yall gots ta loin ta elltay it jive style, yo!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Not only that -- ya gotta talk like REGULAR, REAL people talk, not like those fancy-pants elitist eggheads with their fancy talk and their degrees from schools which teach un-Amurrican ideas without a lick of common sense in 'em, and make the students think that they are better than the rest of us. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: Yall gots ta loin ta elltay it jive style, yo!

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Well, that explains a lot.

I've always wondered why Freeman-on-the-Land correspondence, court materials, and other documentation were so free of correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, consistent formatting, source citation, logic, coherence, etc. etc.

It's all about not entering into an implied 'contract' with the 'state'. I don't use 'your' documentary rules, so you can't hook me with your secret offer to use 'your' document formalities contract.


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Re: Yall gots ta loin ta elltay it jive style, yo!

Post by KickahaOta »

This might also explain the sovereign citizens' fascination with naming conventions like "john-philip:sousa". Clearly, by using a conventional first and last name separated by the conventional spacing, you are giving consent to the conventional power structure, where the government is first and you are last. And then there's the tyrannical use of ALL CAPS, which gives consent to the authority of the laws emanating from the nation's capitol.

this explains so much
maybe if i drink enough
it will all make sense