Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep, we know what you are full of, we've had this discussion before, it comes in large glass bottles or for the economically minded, plastic these days, and tends to numb an otherwise stern and strong intellect to the overwheening drivel that comes from the likes of Heather and Kiri, and I will admit that it certainly helps in wading through that morass, in order to make it all the way through one of their outpourings.

I think you have pretty well sums it up, she saw something she wanted, gave them a pretty piece of paper and when they didn't immediately laugh and throw her out the door she walked out with the merchandise for all intents and purposes.

Aside from the fact that she seems to have had a history of this sort of thing, and just finds a new excuse for doing it each time, this seems to be playing out pretty much as her usual mode of play. The only difference, this time the other players complained, and she if probably going to go down for it this time, and very deservedly so.

I suspect that upon closer examination, it will be found that she has a history of actually abusing the system she is so busily complaining about as well.

I think this time it may well have gone far enough that she will be spending more than a night in jail before it is all over with.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

Another OPPT "Eternal Essence" makes a bank deposit - This time $100 million euros.

"Greg’s €100,000,000 DOV – Approval Pending

By Justin Deschamps, published on August 8, 2013

Greg has submitted a €100,000,00 DOV with his local bank. The Financing Officer of the bank is to review his DOV and get back to him this coming tuesday the August 13th 2013 (can’t help but notice the double 13′s which signify transformation).

It is possible this DOV will get rejected, yet again, however this is one more link in the chain which is undoubtedly moving us towards mass DOV acceptance in the near future.

Status Updates will be issue as they are received.

Below are 2 original posts by Greg on Facebook at approximately 8am EST:

I here by give 1hours notice to any and all, As a sovereign free individual man of lofe/god/eternal Experienced of the Eternal.
Humbly asks in the name of love safe passing through the financial institution, depositing A certificate of Value to the sum of 100,000,000.00 Euros,I have openly and transparently signed soul declaration to be the solution to the worlds problems. I am not alone Love is the Answer.
I am embodiment of god/love/eternal, As are you My soul has had a commercial value placed upon it of no less than 5Billion in gold, and my body had a value of no less than 5 billion on silver placed upon it, I accept this value for the upliftment of mankind,
I now go to access in full transparency under UCC filings universal and international records nunc pro tunc, praeterea preterea as a bonded protector of earth and our one people and as a bonded public servant of the one people to the one people I G XXXXXXX, as soul, eternal essence, son of god Inbodied.
I knowing universal truth, accept universal responsibility
Safe passing will reporpose the banking system for abundance for all A golden era.
In the name of love
So may it be/Amen
There’s only one bank in town. Should make it easy for Intelligence agencies To make the necessary calls To ensure safe passing.
Love is the way.
This in live for love by love To refuse/ignore love/soul is suicide, let there be light
Second Post by Greg approximately 12pm EST:

I went in, deposited my normal cash, then said I might need to speak with the manager or someone else, as I have a certificate of value here for 100 hundred million euros, she, said, ok, I will get some to help deal with you in a moment.
I finished my other transaction, and she then hopped of her stool, asked for the certificate, and said she would take it through to back for me, and see, so i gave to her, with My letter of intent to deposit value of course, with the certificate of Value, and off she went, into the back offices.
Its a very small Establishment, only one bank in town, she was in the back offices several minutes, and then came out and said, there’s no one to deal with it here at the moment, but tue’s the financing officer will see you if you would like to come back then, afternoon time if it suits you.
Obviously bank manger perhaps did not want touch it at this moment, but financing officer will deal with it, I asked about morning time/ just in case anything funny, but there actually is someone with an appointment then, so All genuine, so, Tues afternoon it is, appointment set.
She did not come out & say, no this is not possible, she did not laugh and say, your having a laugh, why would she, I am not, but, so, Tues appointment with financing officer. Interesting.
I also gave her the foreclosure flyer then, she looked at it.. like, wow!, and sort of hesitation saying.. to to to bring with on Tues, but I said its Ok, this is for the Manager Jim, there now, and she again said ok, and off she went into the back offices again to give him, and I left.
So, he, will be now aware of operating in a foreclosed entity, foreclosed banking establishment, and the stage is set, for tue’s,
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

LOL at them hedging "this may be rejected" - no, it will be rejected. Funny that they title the post "approval pending" too, as if the bank would actually consider it. If you look at the facebook post its clear what happened is there is no "approval pending they just didn't have anyone to deal with it until the 13th as its a small bank. The minute that bank manager gets in and sees that legal gibberish he'll reject it and we'll go through the same song and dance as we did with Kiri, Bob Wright, etc. about "whats your lawful reason for rejection?" And yet again they will bet old they are trying to cash worthless paper and that the bank doesn't work like they think, and yet again they will ignore the failure.

And yet again the OPPTers show they have not even a elementary knowledge of finance or banking. The guy is handing out foreclosure fliers telling them they are foreclosed but wants them to deposit $100 euro of his "ETERNAL ESSENCE EMBODIED" - hello, if its FORECLOSED then its not even supposed to be operating as a bank anymore!

Total Score:
Kiri - FAIL
Bob Wright - FAIL
Greg - FAIL on August 13

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Mandragora »

This thread is endlessly fascinating in a sick sort of way. In fact, I just registered in order to be able to comment. I've been following along ever since googling the OPPT after someone I care about started to go down this endless rabbit hole. It is sad to watch desperate people glom on to futile theories like this in hopes that everything will change if only they use the right form of magical junk Latin. (Did you know that "praeterea" and "preterea" are just two different forms of the same word? Like "praeternatural" and "preternatural". But Heather latched on to that nonsense tag as a supposedly powerful legal phrase together with the rest of the garbled Black's Law cruft and her deluded acolytes parrot it in even more garbled form, because if you say "mellon", the doors of Moria are forced to open. In fact, open they do; but inside are no heaps of gold, just angry goblins who want to munch on you for disturbing them with talk of how your spells and incantations mean their business is foreclosed. Kiri and Bob and Greg are all going to find out how little the world cares for their theories.)

My own little friend seems to have backed away from sovrun doctrine in favor of half-baked anarchism and the belief that when the Rothschild economy (!) collapses, her family will be all prepped and ready to live in the new moneyless barter economy like nature intended. She'll grow squash for the village in exchange for all the other things one needs. Teachers and doctors will appear to teach and heal because that's what they love to do. It never occurs to these types to wonder what happens if too many people decide to grow squash and you can't even give the stuff away, much less trade it for what you actually need that day. Meanwhile her phone has been cut off and she's just gone back to work as a stripper because her useless boyfriend can't come up with rent, but she's more worried about fluoride/GMOs/chemtrails poisoning her kids and Zionists in the banking system. All of it comes down to powerless people trying to explain the world to themselves. When the world ignores them and lets them skate by, they take it as a victory. I imagine even a bad check artist like Kiri will do little if any time in jail because it will be cheaper for New Zealand to let her off than to shoulder the burden of fostering out her six kids.

The one thing you can never do with any of these folks is reason them out of their quasi-religious delusions. How could one ever reason with someone who thinks the word "unrebutted" means that any gibberish you propose must be true if no one steps forward to show it's nonsense? They seriously believe Heather did something with those documents because no one bothered with them. It's like saying you own the moon, or the ocean floor. Must be true since nobody wants to fight about it.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

thunter wrote:Another OPPT "Eternal Essence" makes a bank deposit - This time €100 million euros.
With rejected being the final result.

They may well be seeing double, but I think it snake eyes is what they're really seeing rather than double thirteens, well, their worthless piece of paper will of course by then turn in to an even more worthless piece of paper, but that will be about it.

OPPT idjit wrote:It is possible this DOV will get rejected, .....
No possible about it, IT WILL be rejected, and only if you are very lucky the police WON'T have been called.

Apparently Greggy mistakes a look of wary care for one of awe. I am quite sure that whoever the poor officer was who looked at that took one look and said let's pass this on to someone else real quick. I would also suspect that the sum was well over what he had authority to handle be it real or otherwise, so someone else gets to take the responsibility. The end result will be the same, the more senior "official" will go whatever the local equivielnt of "nuh uh" and hand it back, always providing they don't call the local gendarme to come escort the "nice" person to more comfortable surroundings, like elsewhere real fast. If they have any sense, they will also be handing him back anything he currently has on deposit and severing any ties they have with him whatsoever as quickly as possible as this one is going to be a problem further down the road, and he can go be someone else's problem.

Somehow, I just don't think Tues is going to be a day of happy happy joy joy for Greg.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:No possible about it, IT WILL be rejected, and only if you are very lucky the police WON'T have been called.

Apparently Greggy mistakes a look of wary care for one of awe. I am quite sure that whoever the poor officer was who looked at that took one look and said let's pass this on to someone else real quick. I would also suspect that the sum was well over what he had authority to handle be it real or otherwise, so someone else gets to take the responsibility. The end result will be the same, the more senior "official" will go whatever the local equivielnt of "nuh uh" and hand it back, always providing they don't call the local gendarme to come escort the "nice" person to more comfortable surroundings, like elsewhere real fast. If they have any sense, they will also be handing him back anything he currently has on deposit and severing any ties they have with him whatsoever as quickly as possible as this one is going to be a problem further down the road, and he can go be someone else's problem.

Somehow, I just don't think Tues is going to be a day of happy happy joy joy for Greg.
Two cynical thoughts:
When he goes back Tues, there will be six undercover cops in the bank waiting for him.
My warped sense of humour says the clerk should have taken the "deposit" into the back room and pretended it never happened.
"Can I help you?"
"Yes are you going to accept my €100,000,000 deposit?"
"What deposit?"
"The one I just gave you"
"I think you are mistaken, sir, I'm sure I would have noticed a €100,000,000 deposit"
(repeat for several minutes until security throw the guy out of the bank)
The question then arises as to what happens next. Depositor has three choices: He goes to the Police, he writes another deposit or he forgets the whole thing. :snicker:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

Mandragora wrote:All of it comes down to powerless people trying to explain the world to themselves.
Cassius put it slightly differently: "'The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings." But there are a lot of stars out there, and it's a good deal easier to blame them than oneself.

Welcome to Quatloos, Mandragora. Didn't I see you in few episodes of Doctor Who?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Mandragora wrote:The one thing you can never do with any of these folks is reason them out of their quasi-religious delusions. How could one ever reason with someone who thinks the word "unrebutted" means that any gibberish you propose must be true if no one steps forward to show it's nonsense? They seriously believe Heather did something with those documents because no one bothered with them. It's like saying you own the moon, or the ocean floor. Must be true since nobody wants to fight about it.
Heather feels empowered by the powers of her unrebutted, but that's with documents going out, not coming in. Much like fecal matter. Imagine her outrage if the flow went the other way.

Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf
513 25TH AVE NW

I suggest starting by demanding a pony, or perhaps $5 billion in gold and $5 billion in silver delivered to your doorstep. Be sure to Nunc Pro Tunc and praeterea preterea it, declare it unrebuttable, an organic venue (I saw Phish play at one of those), and demand transparency. Oh yeah, and a response in 7 days.

Update: At today's bid rate, that's 13 tons of gold and 8387 tons of siver, so you might want to get your doorstep rebuilt so it doesn't collapse. I suggest cast titanium.

This is the problem with the big numbers than everyone from Dove to A&A to Leo Wanta to Heather like to toss around. They have no idea how big these really are, and at a whim will increase millions to billions to trillions. If you haven't figured it out yet, these are the source of Deep Knight's inflated claims, I simply wanted to bring it into terms normal horndogs could understand. For example, at 10 hours a day, 7 days a week (you gotta sleep, work, and eat sometime)

1,000 Supermodel Lovers a week (about 1 million lovers in 20 years) - average 14 minutes 17 seconds each
10,000 Supermodel Lovers a week - 1 minute 26 seconds each (a bit of a quickie, but still conceptually possible with some penile implants and a large stock of amphetamines)
100,000 Supermodel Lovers a week - 8.6 seconds each (Ouch!)
1,000,000 Supermodel Lovers a week - 0.86 seconds each

In the last hurried example, the line of Supermodels would have to move at an average speed of 25 miles per hour just to keep a bedroom from getting clogged up if the bed was 16 feet from the door. Jesse Owens only averaged 21.8 mph when he broke the world's record in the 100 yard dash...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

While back-tracing Heather's address (as much to see if it was current as anything), I ran across some comments where the magic language is translated. First, Paul sez:
Nunc pro tunc means past, present and furute, or for all time, and praeterea praterea means besides, further, hereafter... together, they mean you can never get out of the contract, ever, because you "knowingly, willingly, and intentionally adopt, reconfirm, and ratify" it as your own rule of law.
But Zatetic takes issue with this.
nunc pro tunc actually means now for then. So it is rectifying the past and has nothing to do with the future, other than the outcome that it achieves for you, but it does not obligate you with a future contract.

With the praeterea praterea added to nunc pro tunc to me means it is saying you accept those DOF as your own from a previous point in your life (I feel it is implied at birth), and further, there is no law forbidding someone from leaving "corporate life" for "OPPT life."
Farganne clarifies (and gets it right - they won't like that)
"Nunc pro tunc is a Latin expression in common legal use in the English language. It means now for then. In general, a court ruling "nunc pro tunc" applies retroactively to correct an earlier ruling."
Paul responds.
@Farganne in the context of the CN though, that is almost 100% forward looking, "now for then" takes on a whole new meaning. The word then can be used to say "I'm changing what happened back then" or "I'm preparing for what happens then"

Hey, do you guys wanna know what the BE'ing thing really means?

Within the contest of the CN, since it is envoking UCC code it's actually short for "Bill of Exchange."

Yup, all those people BE'ing as they are on all their blogs are stating they are nothing more than financial instruments.
What does DO'ing really mean then? Direct Order?
@Farganne I'm not sure yet...
I'm glad they cleared that up. Finally, does anyone out there know the story associated with this document? Nothing like a family squable. Also, note that the address is the same as Heather's "LLC." ... on-of.html
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:Finally, does anyone out there know the story associated with this document?
No. But I am thinking that the document in of itself is probably making it impossible for anyone to understand what is really going on, per one comment on the website:
Anonymous January 9, 2013 at 3:33 PM
Great, but can anyone explain what to do with these documents that most of us don't even understand???
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

I took a very quick look around on the web regarding Tucci and Sons. They are a construction firm involved in road paving and such. Not a fly-by-night firm either according to another web site, Bloomberg Businessweek.

The interesting thing is that, though the firm is called Tucci and Sons, the executive listing at that site shows only a Michael Tucci and a Timothy Tucci as officers. Presuming that Michael, being President, is the father and Timothy is his son, it would be fair to assume that there had been other sons (or at least one more son) involved in the business at some time.

This is all baseless speculation, but if Heather can create baseless documents, I feel it is only fair for me to be able to go out on a limb here. Is it posssible that her husband had a rift with the family over the running of the business and he got voted out? In return, did he try to get revenge by having Heather casting her "nunc pro tunc" curse and to make it really stick, throw in a "praeterea praterea" hex for good measure?

I did a really quick and lousy check for state court records to see if there was any litigation ongoing between the husband and firm but didn't see anything other than the normal litigation one would expect a major contractor would encounter in business. Someone else a little more exprienced in checking for litigation might do a better job than me.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I find it interesting, in the gibberish document, that they refer to the "alleged" STATE OF WASHINGTON and the "alleged" PIERCE COUNTY SHERIFF, and so on with a bank and a presumed legal firm, and even manage to get the San Fran Fed Reserve Bank for some reason, but neglect to allege the county, wouldn't that negate their document right then and there?

One thing I note, there appears to be a Michael A, and a Michael F Tucci, who seem to be the main focus of their mad, and it appears to really be over the treatment James got in the "TUCCI & SONS BUYOUT” agreement, and the real sum in question looks to be $694,375.00.

My suspicion is that Tucci & Sons originally consisted of Michael J(founder), followed by son Michael A(Sr), and grandsons Michael F, Timothy F, and James. Michael F is now running things and Timothy is an officer with the company. Appearances are that James got bought out, forcedly, and didn't take it well shall we say. I am going to go further out on a limb and suggest that Heather was the not Son of the group and wasn't included at all in the & Sons, and has not taken it well, and thus part of her descent in to crazy. Whether she helped her brother in his efforts or followed his path I can't tell, but as the document reads like vintage Heather, so I am going to suggest that this little effort in BSery was one of her finals hoorrahs in the legal profession, and may have helped in her decision to rescind her license and been her first efforts towards OPPT.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

If you want some comedy, listen to some of the other shows on the "5D media network" - the same one that does the weekly OPPT conference calls. All the OPPT gurus have their own little show. Bob Wright is one called "The Transitioning" along with Alien-Channeler-in-Chief Julian Wells. I listened to it for about 15 minutes before I nearly killed myself laughing and crying at the same time for the hilariousness and stupidity.

You see folks, Bob Wright explained that the problem with the world is that we think its noble to do for others. Really we should be doing for ourselves. It was explained that concepts like "sacrifice" and "shame" were inherently wrong and not good for humans. Someone brought the example of sex - you see, when young male dolphins come of age the older females take them out and "teach them the ropes" by showing them how to have sex. Why don't we do something like that as humans (this idea was brought up by a female voice who later said she was 50...), since clearly the dolphins have no shame and enjoy it?

And yet still Bob Wright is cashing the SSDI, food stamp, and section 8 check every month - somehow its wrong for others to sacrifice and do good for others, but he has no problem being the benefit of it!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

By the way, welcome Mandragora - thanks for sharing your story about someone you know who has fallen into this stuff. Its sad to read but I am glad people are posting it - it shows that OPPT isn't harmless, its destroying lives. Even gullible people don't deserve that.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Yes, Mandragora, definitely welcome. You have shown us a very good real life example of just how much damage something like this can do, and it is anything but harmless or cute. These fantasies and the people behind them are anything but harmless to anyone who becomes involved in them, and it usually spreads to their families as well.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

The Goddess Heather speaks of the Dinar RV (and other meaningless babble). The "loie" she refers to is her dead mother, who I assume she thinks has brought about the RV.

"[Saturday, August 10, 201310:45:14 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf:BE ETERNAL LOVE….BE ETERNAL PEACE….BE ETERNAL GRATITUDE

They have all ways had notice that the RV would be the last final DO’ing in the “Divine Plan”….eternal essence in body…in all bodies!!! GO GO GO!!!!!!!!!!!! DO DO DO DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!! (heart)


Quoting [5:35:25 PM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “Hi Loie!!!!!!!! (heart)(hug):*(*)(sun)”

Quoting [5:35:38 PM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: “awesome work!!!!!!!!”

[Saturday, August 10, 201310:45:30 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: I LOVE THE ABSOLUTE PLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[Saturday, August 10, 2013 10:45:56 AM] Heather Tucci-Jarraf: TO ALL INBODYMENTS OF ETERNAL ESSENCE… (bow)(heart)(hug):*"
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

And these folks appear to be threatening arrests on the authority of the OPPT and the Pope!

"ATT: Mr. Joop Dekker!

Below is the amnesty notice that has personally been sent to Mr. Joop Dekker the CEO of Standard Bank. The people want to know what Mr. Joop Dekker plans on doing now!

Universal Peace ITCCS OPPT Press


To: The Man, Joop Dekker,

Re: your correspondence, Date: Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 4:10 PM; Subject: Home Loans (Our ref

SR 35722631)

To: "" <>

Cc: "Petersen, Nikki N" <>, "Panzeri, Fabio F"


From: International Common Law Court of Justice of South Africa

UPU Address: Poste Restante

Laudium Post Office

Gauteng, ZA



OFFER OF AMNESTY; BY ORDER; Common Law Reference no: 2013/07/A1:





Page 1 of – Joop Dekker, the Man, First & Final Notice, Warning & Order 8

Please pay close attention to this matter, before you make any rash decisions.

We are now talking the Law of the Land. You have now, by your own privately liable actions

involved and threatened numerous International Common Law Express Trusts, including

mine, Giftoftruth United, The One People’s Public Trust, the International Common Law

Court of Justice, a Branch of the Zionist Christian Church, The Constitution and the

supremacy of Law, but to mention a few. Read further.

You are no longer representing a federal ‘ship’, ‘sailing’ on the land of South Africa. The

captain of your ‘ship’ is jumping ‘ship’, effective 1

The Pope is no longer protecting you as the man under penalty of perjury, please inform

yourself and read his decree further on. You are now at the mercy of the public who will be

your jurors. I am trying to protect you and your personam rights too in this matter.

However, as field advocate, who has sworn an oath to protect all One People’s Rights on

the field, I can only offer you International Amnesty until Wednesday, the 31

2013. If I was your attorney-in-fact, my advice would be that, in Truth, you only have 2 (two)

choices in your current predicament:


a) You surrender yourself to the One People’s Public Trust Programmes and join the

Common Law banking Commission to settle ALL of South Africa’s debts within 72 hours (if

they even exist. We are following the money.)

Email me for details if you did not receive the Commission invitation that set we have

sent your bank. You and I both know that it is possible at UCC. You are the obligor and

purchaser for value and the One People’s Public Trust is the Entitlement Holder to the

value of All One People in the IUV IXCHANGE. It is already rolling out in Egypt to herald

the looming peace and abundance. If you do not concede, OPPT will bypass the banks

completely and re-purpose all your staff for the needs of All People, equally. We have the

network on the ground already and you know that too.

As field advocate I am fully versant in UCC, universal uniform bills of exchange and fully

versed in law merchant. So are you.

b) All assets of standard bank belong to the People of the Land of South Africa as equal

shareholders, including your staff. Read the valid 1955 Freedom Charter. I suggest you

leave everything intact.


of September, 2013. Read further.


of august,

Page 2 of – Joop Dekker, the Man, First & Final Notice, Warning & Order 8

c) Finance the immediate re-education of your staff in order to re-purpose your bank to

OPPT for equal benefit to All South Africans, including the refugees, so that All People can

access their new value as the true Creditors of this new IUV system. Go to

d) Finance the full, comprehensive trauma counselling that your bank has inflicted on all

its customers and employees. You and your Family have the same benefits, equally. OPPT

will initiate a platform where remedies will be volunteered by anyone who chooses to do so,

freely. From this will come the most beneficial way for all concerned to remedy this matter,

fully and comprehensively.

e) Finance the full, comprehensive re-education and full rehabilitation of your staff to

how commerce works on your level which they are currently totally unaware of. You are

currently doing them harm and causing them loss. Including all yet un-mentioned costs and


f) You join the South African Commission of Positive Peaceful Economic Transition

from Corporate to Lawful governance and become a part of the remedy and not the

current threat that you are posing to your own freedom and to the peace of your


g) All of the herein mentioned to be endorsed openly by All People freely on OPPT

platforms in Truth, Integrity, Responsibility, Accountability and Transparency and under

International Common Law Jurisdiction AT ALL TIMES. NOT NEGOTIABLE. KNOW THAT





You ignore this at your own peril, in full private liability. I suggest you discuss this openly

with your Family, especially the Elders. That is what I would do in your current predicament.

After the 1

representative of ITCCS South Africa and therefore, to take the necessary action to obtain

a warrant for your arrest.

Rather a few are discomforted than the millions of South Africans.


of September, I will be forced to withdraw this olive branch in my duty as

Page 3 of – Joop Dekker, the Man, First & Final Notice, Warning & Order 8

If this is held to referendum before a jury court, you know how the court will find you.

I will not break my oath to the People, whom I have sworn to protect in my duties, in order

that the One Universal Law of “Do no harm, cause no loss” be upheld at all times.

You do not know me and you rather want to keep it that way. I am a man of my oath. To

put it bluntly, I will rather perish to this temporary world while performing my duty, than

break my final oath and bond, My Redemption of Truth, redeemed by my Creator of choice,

by Free Will in order to be the Free Eternal Being that is My Spirit and My Eternity. It is

not negotiable, ever. There are millions who feel the same, removing me will make no

difference to your situation. It has been Public knowledge for some time now.


All Banks and Heads of Departments were notified of this a few months prior. There is no

plausible deniability on your private self, as flesh and blood man from here-on-forth.

Plain Statement of Facts:

1. The fictitious, fraudulent bankruptcy laws that you are operating under have been legally

foreclosed on the 25th of December, 2012. Please go to for the documented


2. A warrant for the Queen and Pope has been issued, their authority has been revoked

and admiralty law has been dis-established.

3. On the 25th of July, 2013, International Common Law was formally re-established

On Constitutional Hill, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, ZA at 12H00.

4. Under international law, you have no current locus standi, no claim and no authority.

5. This is in breach of numerous international charters and treaties, including the One Law

of: “Do no harm, cause no loss”.

6. You are now taking the law into your own hands and engaging in barratry and criminal



You are hereby ordered to immediately cease and desist under the colour of International

Common Law. We are now talking the Law of the Land.

You are hereby noticed that any further activity will perpetuate a summons and a failure to

respond to said summons will lead to a warrant of arrest being issued.


Page 4 of – Joop Dekker, the Man, First & Final Notice, Warning & Order 8

Ben Bernanke announced his resignation from the Federal Reserve effective September 1,

2013. One of the Federal Reserve Governors has resigned effective September 1, 2013.

Janet Napolitano [Homeland Security] has resigned effective September 1, 2013.

Joop Dekker, the ‘captain’ of your ship is abandoning your ‘ship’!

He is leaving you, the Man, under full private liability to hold the flag as ‘captain’ and to be

the fall man. Are you now the ‘captain’ of this pirate ‘ship’? If the answer is yes then you will

get to meet me. This is not a threat, this is My Truth and the Truth of All People who are

current victims to your tyranny.






The Most Holy Francis issued an Apostolic Letter on July 11 and effective September

1, 2013 that effectively stripped away the immunity of all judges, attorneys, government

officials and all entities established under the Roman Curia [hint: All corporations are

established under the Roman Curia]. All of these "persons" can now be held accountable

for war crimes, crimes against humanity, [hint: Divine Spirit is humanity], for the unlawful

restrictions of the liberties of the divine spirit incarnate; for failure to settle the accounts; for

continued prosecution of claims already settled, etc."

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Mandragora »

Dear dog. What a truckload of turgid toxicity.
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
Posts: 13806
Joined: Mon Jul 04, 2005 7:17 pm

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Were I Joop Dekker I would immediately contact whatever the South African version of the banking authority is and advise them if this, and would seriously consider filing harassment and extortion charges, as that is what this actually is, against whoever sent that and anyone who showed up regarding the matter. I certainly would issue instructions that anyone showing up at any of their facilities with paperwork of that sort be immediately shown the door, and if they had accounts with the bank that they be closed immediately.

These people are dangerous and delusional.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Slavering Minister of Auto-erotic Insinuation
Posts: 3756
Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2010 9:35 am
Location: Quatloos Immigration Control

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:Were I Joop Dekker I would immediately contact whatever the South African version of the banking authority is and advise them if this, and would seriously consider filing harassment and extortion charges, as that is what this actually is, against whoever sent that and anyone who showed up regarding the matter. I certainly would issue instructions that anyone showing up at any of their facilities with paperwork of that sort be immediately shown the door, and if they had accounts with the bank that they be closed immediately.

These people are dangerous and delusional.
Better still, freeze their accounts and assets until a court appoints a responsible adult to look after them.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self