Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Mandragora »

What "accounts and assets"? People who have those to any significant extent don't join prosperity cults.

The reason why society pretty much ignores these people unless they become violent or abusive is that we recognize them for what they are: religious nuts. There is no essential difference between a person who thinks some "unrebutted" magic-Latin UCC filings have upended the world, ushered in a new order, and given us all access to unlimited "value" and another who thinks Jesus is going to feed and clothe him tomorrow and take care of all the other problems by staging a timely apocalypse. The secular version just calls it "the shit hitting the fan" (TSHTF) and looks forward to it as a backup plan for life in the same way as other poor people do the lottery. The world being the randomly incalculable and cruel place that it is, I have a lot of sympathy for all these folks, as absurd as they are. So does the system they hate, mostly. It's when they start passing bad checks and not just facially absurd ones, like Kiri, or persistently harassing people, like Bob, or posting false liens, like the hardcore sovruns, that things get ugly. Certificates declaring themselves to be banks worth ten billion bucks and deposit slips for 150 million can and should generally be ignored, and a certain amount of crankery tolerated with a shrug.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by AndyK »


Religious commentary is inappropriate on Quatloos. Irrespective of your beliefs and/or opinions, there are others who justifiably disagree with you.

Please refrain in the future.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

For newcomers: About a year ago - gee, just before the U.S. presidential election, imagine that - the board went through a nasty spell. As a result, the present policy is to avoid politics and religion, unless it's commentary on the politics or religion a scammer himself professes. In other words, Mandragora's post would be fine without the two clauses from "Jesus" to the end of that sentence (I realize that a little rewording of the rest of the sentence is required).

It seems clear to me that Mandragora meant no harm.
"A wise man proportions belief to the evidence."
- David Hume

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Mandragora »

If the sensitivities of this board are such that a philosophical consideration of similarities between crank economic beliefs and religious teachings about unverifiable deities looking after our future physical needs must be considered out of bounds, I will respect that as a matter of private board policy, but cannot do so from an intellectual standpoint. To me the commonalities are too striking to be ignored. Is it a matter of simply not mentioning any particular "god" by name? I suppose I can do that, though why Jesus should get a pass when Xenu or the Pleiadeans are fair game is something of a mystery to me. If noting the overall resemblance is too much, I'm afraid I won't be a good fit here. In that case I'll be content to lurk.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Burnaby49 »

Mandragora wrote:If the sensitivities of this board are such that a philosophical consideration of similarities between crank economic beliefs and religious teachings about unverifiable deities looking after our future physical needs must be considered out of bounds, I will respect that as a matter of private board policy, but cannot do so from an intellectual standpoint. To me the commonalities are too striking to be ignored. Is it a matter of simply not mentioning any particular "god" by name? I suppose I can do that, though why Jesus should get a pass when Xenu or the Pleiadeans are fair game is something of a mystery to me. If noting the overall resemblance is too much, I'm afraid I won't be a good fit here. In that case I'll be content to lurk.
I agree with Mandragora that the ban on all religion and politics is getting too heavy-handed although I was one of the supporters when it was imposed last year and, as a policy, still am. No specific opinion discussion on these topics is fine but a lot of what this board covers can't be adequately discussed without reference to religion. Freemen-on-the-land and sovereigns are two that come to mind. Both movements rely heavily on claimed religious beliefs to justify what they do and without discussing religion it is impossible to discuss these movements in any meaningful manner. The same applies to my main topic, Canadian tax protesters. To a large extent they justify evading tax through claimed religious beliefs that ban them from supporting government, a straight sovereign philosophy.

Mandragora's post is a case in point. Mandragora's comparison is entirely apt but might have shaved a bit to close to a personal comment on christianity. It is a fine line and one that I don't think Mandragora knowingly crossed. Perhaps Andyk, rather than just dumping on Mandragora, might have made an effort to explain this.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Cathulhu »

Speaking as one of the guilt-ridden causes of the meltdown, I honestly thought it was more about rudeness than anything else.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by AndyK »

Mandragora wrote:What "accounts and assets"? People who have those to any significant extent don't join prosperity cults.

The reason why society pretty much ignores these people unless they become violent or abusive is that we recognize them for what they are: religious zealous faith-based nuts. There is no essential difference between a person who thinks has a deep-seated belief that some "unrebutted" magic-Latin UCC filings have upended the world, ushered in a new order, and given us all access to unlimited "value" and another who thinks Jesus belongs to a recognized religion which professes their particular version of a diety is going to feed and clothe him tomorrow and take care of all the other problems by staging a timely apocalypse. The secular version just calls it "the shit hitting the fan" (TSHTF) and looks forward to it as a backup plan for life in the same way as other poor people do the lottery. The world being the randomly incalculable and cruel place that it is, I have a lot of sympathy for all these folks, as absurd as they are. So does the system they hate, mostly. It's when they start passing bad checks and not just facially absurd ones, like Kiri, or persistently harassing people, like Bob, or posting false liens, like the hardcore sovruns, that things get ugly. Certificates declaring themselves to be banks worth ten billion bucks and deposit slips for 150 million can and should generally be ignored, and a certain amount of crankery tolerated with a shrug.
I believe the edits I made get the same point across without singling out any particular religion.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

"Insofar as I may be heard by anything, which may or may not care what I say, I ask, if it matters, that you be forgiven for anything you may have done or failed to do which requires forgiveness. Conversely, if not forgiveness but something else may be required to insure any possible benefit for which you may be eligible after the destruction of your body, I ask that this, whatever it may be, be granted or withheld, as the case may be, in such a manner as to insure your receiving said benefit. I ask this in my capacity as your elected intermediary between yourself and that which may not be yourself, but which may have an interest in the matter of your receiving as much as it is possible for you to receive of this thing, and which may in some way be influenced by this ceremony. Amen."

- Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ashlynne39 »

Cathulhu wrote:Speaking as one of the guilt-ridden causes of the meltdown, I honestly thought it was more about rudeness than anything else.

I agree and mandagoras "religious nuts" comment was reminiscent of that. The line as I see it is citing to the religious or political beliefs of sovereign, tax protesters, etc is appropriate as it is a defining factor in what they believe. Adding your own special commentary about religious nuts who believe in Jesus and an eventual apocalypse is offensive and frankly there are a lot of us who believe in that and have nothing to do with sovereignty, tax protesting, or the prosperity movement so it's just really uncalled for.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Mandragora »

"Political Correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
—some guy on the net

I take the point. If saying "faith-based" and "generic deity" rather than "religious" and "Yahweh/Allah/Zeus/Xenu" will help, I'll do my best. But I rather suspect that my natural style is too punchy or punch-drunk for some here, and that all the self-editing or post-editing by others may be too much of a distraction. I guess we'll try it and see. My main interest, currently, is not so much in harping on how wrong and silly OPPT is, but in exploring how the ways in which it is wrong and silly are surprisingly congruent with the wrongness and silliness of other, cough, faith-based systems people use to explain and often deny the reality of the world to themselves. I try not to mock, not even Heather, but a sardonic tone is hard to avoid altogether.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

My observation is that the OPPT people are all waiting for a figurative second coming when lions will play with lambs and there will be no sickness, crime, poverty etc. All will have immense wealth and no one will ever have to be a cog in the present slave system again. They all lament the present state of the world and with complete naivtivity believe this will all occur smoothly because everyone will have a revolution in consciousness. In this respect it has religious overtones and the mindset shares many aspects of religious zealotry. From the limited amount of material I have read compared to others here there is not a lot of intellectual and critical discrimination of the material they put on their web sites and forums and believe that just because something sounds legally complex or it rails against the system then it must be true. People I personally know in this movement have nothing to lose in believing all this crap because they have nothing (materially). I feel they see themselves as being powerless in the present world so yearn for the time when they will gain some control of their lives through no effort other than to reap the millions that they feel are owed to them. Combined with this are all of the other individual complex psychological aspects and layers others have mentioned such as grandiosity, narcissism and zealotry. The interesting thing here is that movements such as these are able to grow and feed on themselves through the internet whereby in the past getting a lot of these ideas up in populations would have been well nigh impossible.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LaVidaRoja »

Sometimes I almost feel as though I were facing the futility of the "Children's Crusade" of the late middle ages.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Burnaby49 »

reefwalker wrote:My observation is that the OPPT people are all waiting for a figurative second coming when lions will play with lambs and there will be no sickness, crime, poverty etc. All will have immense wealth and no one will ever have to be a cog in the present slave system again. They all lament the present state of the world and with complete naivtivity believe this will all occur smoothly because everyone will have a revolution in consciousness. In this respect it has religious overtones and the mindset shares many aspects of religious zealotry. From the limited amount of material I have read compared to others here there is not a lot of intellectual and critical discrimination of the material they put on their web sites and forums and believe that just because something sounds legally complex or it rails against the system then it must be true. People I personally know in this movement have nothing to lose in believing all this crap because they have nothing (materially). I feel they see themselves as being powerless in the present world so yearn for the time when they will gain some control of their lives through no effort other than to reap the millions that they feel are owed to them. Combined with this are all of the other individual complex psychological aspects and layers others have mentioned such as grandiosity, narcissism and zealotry. The interesting thing here is that movements such as these are able to grow and feed on themselves through the internet whereby in the past getting a lot of these ideas up in populations would have been well nigh impossible.
Pretty much exactly how NESARA turned out at the end of Dove's long-term scam. It mutated from a prosaic secret prosperity fund payout to a new age awakening with spaceships landing, poverty ended, harmony and world peace, dead saints rising; a new dawn for man! Dove did it incrementally and, by the end, the skeptics had been winnowed out and all that was left were new-age true believers who were willing to accept any preposterous fantasy Dove chose to present to them.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

This the Australian version of OPPT new age quackery...........................not being religious here but --- god help us down under..........


On the 1st of April 2013, I received a court invitation (see link below) to appear at Lismore local court (northern nsw) for an alleged offence of "FAILING TO COMPLY WITH A NOTICE OF DIRECTION"... in plain english - I didn't fill in the companies "2011 Census stock-take scam" for the private US corporation pretending to be our true government (proof Australia is a private US company, see links below)...

As usual and despite their unlawful and criminal threats I didn't turn up at their "private court/summary conviction tribunal" so on the 15th May 2013 the alleged NSW State Debt Recovery Office (SDRO another private company) issued SIX (6) alleged "Enforcement Orders" to my "legal identity name" at $258.00 a-pop for a total order of $1,548.00 (it was originally a $30 dollar fine)...

Now from previous experience, if these orders are ignored and you don't "cough-up" on the due date (in my case 12th June 2013), they send you some more paper/CONtracts threatening to cancel your licence and rego, or steal your stuff (car, bank accounts), or throw you in jail (they tell-ya so on the back of their orders).

As of today Monday 12 August 2013 (12 weeks later) I havent heard a peep from SDRO - and Im not payin em anything either :)

On the 11th June 2013 I posted and emailed my "REQUEST FOR PROOF OF CLAIM" to the alleged CEO of SDRO, Tony Newbury and included the OPPT Foreclosure Flyer and Invoice with it...I also sent him another letter on the 19th June 2013 (see below) regarding the alleged $2,800 NSW Police Force Penalty Notice's (all 7 of-em, see below) I copped for driving "my private car" peacefully and lawfully "unlicenced and unregistered" on our public roads back in February 2013...

I've sent out at least 15 Courtesy Notices for 4 different matters since they first went public, however I choose not to use them now and instead I choose to NOTICE all alleged authority with a "cover letter", a Foreclosure Flyer and I invoice em (overdue) straight from the get-go :)

Below are my cover letters to Tony Newbury and all other alleged authority with much of "the technology" gathered with love and gratitude from the One People (formerly OPPT), Heather Ann Tucci-Jaraff and the TOP ground crew.. I've simply "personalised (with the Acts and so on)" my cover letters and invoices with a "little dash" of my eternal essence intent and energy :)

Hey friends,
Heres the thing, I'm not sellin ya anything here ok, and in truth of fact you will never find anyone from TOP (the One People formerly OPPT) selling or asking for anything...

"AND I DONT WANNA DO THIS FOR YA (there is a ton of info and cover letters on the IUV website)"...

I'm simply sharing "my personal journey" with you..."whether I'm right or wrong - it all belongs to the unIverse" have "free will choice and infinite power" to do whatever you choose...So long as ever NO OTHER inbodiment injured or harmed?

My observation is that words might help you understand somethin but experience allows you to "know" and one should NEVER trade their own "experience" for someone else's words about anything that is really important...I choose to be an observer spirit - sharing what I observe with absolute truth, transparency, love, empathy...and a few cold beers to top it off :)

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

For those with a bent for masochism it can all be followed here:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Mandragora wrote:If the sensitivities of this board are such that a philosophical consideration of similarities between crank economic beliefs and religious teachings about unverifiable deities looking after our future physical needs must be considered out of bounds, I will respect that as a matter of private board policy, but cannot do so from an intellectual standpoint. To me the commonalities are too striking to be ignored. Is it a matter of simply not mentioning any particular "god" by name? I suppose I can do that, though why Jesus should get a pass when Xenu or the Pleiadeans are fair game is something of a mystery to me. If noting the overall resemblance is too much, I'm afraid I won't be a good fit here. In that case I'll be content to lurk.
Anonymous August 9, 2013 at 3:00 PM
Hi, I'm in Hawaii and there are no US Banks
here. Will I have to fly to the mainland to
exchange my currency? Thank you.

The beliefs and scams dealt with on this forum have always been “omni conspiracies” that incorporated everything but the kitchen sink in their spun stories. This includes a heavy dose of politics and religion, so it’s almost impossible to stay away from. The religion aspect is especially troublesome as it ranges from conservative Christian (the Omega scam originally targeted these folks) to New Age to a variety of outer space or ascendant types. I tend to tiptoe around these, for example the quote above is a Dinaridjit response from MacHaffie’s forum, where I would normally link belief in the RV to not knowing Hawaii was part of the US even though “for the love of Christ” was hanging out there to be used. This doesn’t include the healthy dose of anti-Semitism some of the scamsters include in their writings, which I never hesitate to comment on (or act on, Yahoo is good at taking down sites for this violation of their terms of service).

The problem isn’t what’s right and what’s wrong, but on-board problems from inflamed passions. It’s ugly when it happens, and rules that can be unfair seem to be the only answer. I personally stay away from mentioning the NESARAite view of global warming because it has caused bad blood on this forum in the past. There have always been plenty of alternative targets that don’t ruffle feathers.

It’s strange that this came up on this thread as, at least at the beginning, I hadn’t seen a lot of what most people would recognize as religion in the OPPT/I-UV craziness. Sure it’s glommed on a bunch of religious and quasi-religious beliefs, my favorite being the inclusion of St. Germain’s NESARA fund, but at its heart it’s still a sovereign citizen – magic legal document cult.

I am always thankful for people who provide updates on this interesting “movement.” I hope that at least some potential victims stop by here and get cold feet.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Mandragora wrote:What "accounts and assets"? People who have those to any significant extent don't join prosperity cults.
Maybe I should have just limited myself to "accounts". They must have an account where they are crediting these billions, so, if it's not the one they cash their welfare checks in (or however its done, and, yes, I'm being presumptuous and condescending) then suspend all their accounts with that bank (like you would do with a bankruptcy) and investigate from there. I am sure most banks would turn round and close their accounts with a "we don't want your business" and would have some basis for doing so.
"There is something about true madness that goes beyond mere eccentricity." Will Self

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

Mandragora wrote: I try not to mock, not even Heather, but a sardonic tone is hard to avoid altogether.
Heather leaves herself wide open to the "mocking". It's pretty much a conclusion that she's dipping into (insert drug of choice of the week here) in order to keep her mindset such as to get her message across. There's no way that she went into the Sahara Desert and saw what she and her "bridge crew" claimed to see without some serious imbibing going on. The fact that she is also telling people that they have to read things out loud to feel the energy in the document proves further that she's either a) on really good prescription drugs, in which case i'd love to know what so I too could be as happy and carefree as her or b) she's smoking some of that really really potent Desert Opium that has been said to cause massive hallucinations and brain damage with prolonged usage.

The second fact that opens her up to mocking is the constant stream of disjointed spew that she puts out on an almost daily basis. Just look sometime at her skype messages that are posted she's off in left field and doesn't see that she's the laughing stock of the Sovvie movement. She claims victory on everything stating that since they reject her they reject themselves, it's classic misdirection, but she doesn't do it very well..

Personally I honestly believe had she remained in the states, CPS would have her children and she would be in a hospital for the insane.. but that's just my personal thought on it all..

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Mandragora »

vkey08 wrote:Personally I honestly believe had she remained in the states, CPS would have her children and she would be in a hospital for the insane.. but that's just my personal thought on it all..
Hospitals for the insane? What decade are we living in? Today's crazies either wander the streets or are found in Congress, statehouses, pulpits, and car dealerships. At least Heather is entertaining. Until she does something positively indictable, the libertarian in me would hate to see children removed or freedom lost.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

Mandragora wrote:
vkey08 wrote:Personally I honestly believe had she remained in the states, CPS would have her children and she would be in a hospital for the insane.. but that's just my personal thought on it all..
Hospitals for the insane? What decade are we living in? Today's crazies either wander the streets or are found in Congress, statehouses, pulpits, and car dealerships. At least Heather is entertaining. Until she does something positively indictable, the libertarian in me would hate to see children removed or freedom lost.

There is where you are missing it. She has done something positively indictable, she has committed bank fraud, misuse of the UCC system, hell her own admitted drug induced visions are illegal here in the states. She could be facing many years on the fraud charges alone, hence why I think she picked up and moved to Morocco.

I've been following this from the beginning, Heather has hung herself enough times over to be nailed for treason if they really wanted to push it.. Go back to the very start of the OPPT, and look at all of the claims and things they have made, calls for violence at times, how they are now the government, it's all there, she just thinks she's high mighty and immune.....