Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Mandragora »

I am profoundly glad that your view of what is treasonable is not shared by the people whose job it is to decide whether or not to take action when someone goes off the rails Heather-style. Yes, she's delusional, but the wrath over drug use, unconventional beliefs, and facially false UCC filings that would react with having CPS remove children, confinement to mental hospitals (presumably with forced "medication"), hard prison time, or death (still the penalty for treason) is so over-the-top statist that one ends up rooting for the other team. All Heather has to do is register her "organization" as the Church of Eternal Essence Embodied to be right in line with American tradition. They can still prosecute Sovereign Kiri for check fraud in New Zealand, but it looks as if the fifteen million dollar deposit will simply be ignored, as will Bob's ridiculous documents. Crushing these people with the full force of the law is one way to prove them right in their opinion of the hated system, and, thankfully, the custodians of the law seem to know it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

No, hard prison time is not over the top for what Heather is doing and continues to do, nor would prison time be unusual had she stayed in the US and the FBI could get to her. Its all a bit moot, since Heather conveniently relocates permanently out of the country (to Morocco, which the US has no extradition treaty with - thats not just by chance) as soon as she starts telling people to engage in bank fraud. This board is littered with examples of sov'runs (and thats really all Heather is promoting, soverign citizen scams with a twist) who find themselves in jail for either directly participating in or getting others to engage in fraud of just the type OPPT promotes.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Listened to this weeks OPPT/IUV Exchange propaganda call. A few new developments with the crazies:

- Bob Wright has apparently tried to commit fraud at two more banks now by "depositing his value" as has his uncle. All were rejected and where they had existing bank accounts the bank(s) all told them they would close all their accounts within 30 days. This is SOMEHOW spun by Bob as a "victory" because...and I quote here because the logic is just so insane "They <the banks> are no longer in a position of power, they all declined to give me or my uncle a legitimate legal reason why they would not accept our value. This was a win."

- Kiri was on and after going into great detail about how she assaults numerous police officers throughout her custody then broke into tears about how she had to be begged to be let go because they were abusing her. Example, they had to hold her down in a police car after she apparently tried to open the car door WHILE IT WAS MOVING with her legs. This is apparently assault on the part of the police. Kiri claims she only signed the papers to get out because she absolutely 100% knew that the New Zealand government had sent "black ops" people who were going to kill her if she did not.


Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Whether you think Heather et al. are harmless or not depends on how you are affected by the actions of those who follow their teachings. From a distance it may seem an amusing distraction to read about the followers of such an extreme point of view that you shake you head, have a snide laugh or two and continue on in your day. For those of us who are directly affected then its a different matter. We deal with the care of children and console them when crying when daddy goes to prison. We try to explain to children that our lives are actually very good, we live in a great part of the world and that they have the potential to live full productive happy lives in our society instead of being constantly told the world is full of evil bankers, governments and corporations constantly out there to enslave us all. We tell the children that education is to be valued not just in a way to make your way in the world but to be able to critically think about the information that goes before them instead of being told that the education system is simply there to produce robots for the slavery system. We live with the fear that the extremism of the sovereign thinking might one day express itself in violence against us when it all comes crumbling down. I have an uncomfortable feeling of watching a snowball rolling down a hill picking up momentum, hitting a few rocks on the way down but at the bottom is a giant brick wall that it will hit and very soon with who knows what lives will be shattered.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

LightinDarkness, Bob has apparently turned in to as much comedy as expected. Of course his rejections were victories, otherwise, they'd have been well, rejections, and that would mean his fantasy was just that. I'm proud of the banks, although had it been my call, I'd have closed the accounts right then and there, handed them a check, sent them on their way, and advised them never to set foot in the bank again or face being arrested for trespassing. It wouldn't have gotten the message across any better, but it would have avoided any further entanglement with the idiots.

Kiri doesn't surprise me in the least, she is a hypocrite of the first water to begin with. I wonder what she'll do when it really comes down to it at the coming hearing?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Reefwalker, you are quite completly and absolutely correct, there is nothing "cute" or remotely "harmless" about Heather and her band of pseudo new age sovruns.

Ultimately, all upon whom she has bestowed her blessings are going to come to harm of some kind, be it great or small. This is cold comfort to the children you have to comfort as their father or mother is sent off to jail for following in Heater's wake, and your concern about what the participants are likely to do when it all inevitably does come tumbling down is very real, and very valid.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

Did Greg go back to the bank yesterday (Tuesday)?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

notorial dissent wrote:Reefwalker, you are quite completly and absolutely correct, there is nothing "cute" or remotely "harmless" about Heather and her band of pseudo new age sovruns.

Ultimately, all upon whom she has bestowed her blessings are going to come to harm of some kind, be it great or small. This is cold comfort to the children you have to comfort as their father or mother is sent off to jail for following in Heater's wake, and your concern about what the participants are likely to do when it all inevitably does come tumbling down is very real, and very valid.
Which has been my point from the very beginning, I have had numerous people come into my office and tell me that I am not working for the Powers that Were any longer and have orders to inform me that I now work for myself, and sometimes they have come in waving citizens arrest orders for me which inevitably get them thrown behind bars of their own.

It's one thing to champion your guaranteed rights as defined by the laws of the land, over the years I've helped many a person fight injustices where their civil rights have been trampled over. Heather.. she turns it all into a sick joke.

Let's recap from the beginning shall we before you Mangdalora (or however you spell it as I'm not looking right now, I mean no offense by spelling your nick wrong) take what I say and completely wash it away in a sea of disgust..

Heather Tucci claims to work for some large multinational bank, and while she is there writes up this investigative report that makes wild statements about how banks are corporations (well no stuff sherlock......) and how the Governments are all also corporations and the UCC is given to us from the Orion System (Green Orion Slaves no less) and we have to topple the world's corporate governments by using their slave tool, the UCC to do it. Then she grabs two people noone has ever heard of, after being in league with Charlie Miller for many years, and "lets her house go into foreclosure" to test the system. She then sets up a fake trucking company to also "test the system". IN Dec of 2012 she floods the UCC registry in Washington State and Washington DC with statements of how she now holds all the world in trust for all the people of the world and since the UCC is intergalactic and international, she has thusly foreclosed upon all businesses banks and governments all in one fell swoop.

She then goes on to say that every man woman and child upon the planet will get 10 billion in gold deposited on their lawn to play with as they see fit, in reparations for being used for so long by the Orion given UCC. When people started to get itchy for their gold, she claimed it was a metaphor or something, and that the gold had rights and feelings and if you just wanted to spend it, it wouldn't come out and play with you. (sorry I have to sop for a second i'm laughing too hard, ok composure regained.) when THAT didn't work she fluttered off to Morocco, ripped her children out of school and took them too, and started talking about how we were all going to ascend into a new 5D world and that her filings had to be read aloud to have any meaning as the energetics of them is what had the power.. She got a few blogs and bloggers to follow her hook line and sinker and then, in a complete 180 tells her faithful they won't be seeing any gold, all of the Earth's gold including any that anyone had in their possession is now teleported off the planet in the hands of beneficial aliens to be held until we all enter the 5D world.

Her faithful started getting restless now so she pumps out the Courtesy Notices.. rehashed Sovvie fee schedules with a twist, and people were sending them out by the dozen, claiming victory after victory, and gaining nothing, and as more and more of them are now facing foreclosure, and financial ruin Heather rolls out Project 13 an alternative to the banking system, although it costs everyone a dollar or so to use a month, and does nothing. She now is telling people to go and deposit their value in banks which is going to cause a great number of arrests for bank fraud...

Now.. If you murder someone, and you do it because someone told you to, not only do you go to jail, ,but the person that told you to also does as an accomplice. Heather is just as guilty as anyone of these morons that follow her advice as she is actively telling them to do it.. So yes she deserves to go to jail, if not for out and out Treason as she has told her followers the US Government doesn't exist anymore and noone has to do what they say at all, but Sedition for inciting these people to go and try to arrest every government employee no matter what it is we do... all because Heather says so.. if you don't think that's Fraud, you're sadly and sorely mistaken.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

vkey08, I will go with you pretty much on everything but the treason and sedition charges, and maybe even the sedition if we stretch it a bit, but she is certainly working at all the rest. She is definitely one heck of a whack job though.

I keep wondering what happened to the old perpetrating a public fraud statutes we used to have, seems like they would apply here in particular.

I know she got slapped down on some of her UCC nonsense, and didn't take it well as I recall, but I wonder if WA has actually gone through and delisted all of the stuff she filed, as they certainly should. I really do think that there should be a tighter control on UCC filings, and that they really should be examined for sanity before they are allowed to be filed, and that there should be support documents behind them not just the filing fee, which I feel is all some of the SOS depts are really interested in.

I'm still trying to figure out how Orion had anything to do with the UCC, that one has still got me puzzled, or maybe at this point, jsut more bemused.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Whats with the unrebutted stuff they all go with. File or send ridiculous paperwork and if no one responds then its confirmed in their minds as a win or confirmation its valid. That is a reality warp or large dimensions.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Based on an incredibly tortured usage of the idea that an affidavit entered in a case is considered to be true unless it is rebutted(by competent testimony), or is just patently ridiculous, which they totally ignore. They also conveniently ignore the fact that this only applies in court cases, and that affidavits do fall all the time based on competent testimony from other sources. However these facts get in the way of their fantasy world.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

One of the more up close and personal OPPT tragic comedy's is the story of Shane Bennett. Shane found out about OPPT and went down the rabbit hole in March or so and decided to stop paying his mortgage since Canada and his bank was foreclosed upon by Heather's magical UCC filings. You know where this is going. Hes sent dozens of courtesy notices and now has been served to go to what I think is the Canadian equivalent of a foreclosure hearing (IE, show cause as to why you should still be allowed to keep your house).

Shane has dutifully recorded his insanity on youtube, and I just checked and hedelightfully posted a video where he assaulted a process server! He was playing the "name game" with her ("I am not Shane Bennett, because THE NAME is a legal fiction!" and all that) and kept trying to avoid taking the documents. At one point she throws it on his lawn and he opens her car door and removes her keys, at which point she calls the cops.

The lunacy is hysterical and sad. What does he think is going to happen, if he doesn't take the documents magically he won't owe on his mortgage? As always the stupidity amazes me, he ALREADY KNOWS the OPPT is a lie because his house is being foreclosed upon, but like most OPPTers he just keeps on with those courtesy notices because SURELY that will work.

Watch the stupidity here:

If you go to 9 minutes in the above link Shane starts spouting "strawman" BS to the police officer, who immediately asks him if he is a Freeman on the Land. I have to say I am impressed that the Canadian local governments are keeping their officers up to date on this craziness. Hilariously Shane denies being a freeman, even though he keeps throwing out the same OPPT/freeman/sov'run (really becoming increasingly interchangeable) arguments. Also note this is an older guy with kids so hes brainwashing the next generation of OPPTers in all this to. Hes constantly involving them with for example the process server, he drags them out to watch so he can show them the all powerful magicalness of the courtesy notice.
Last edited by LightinDarkness on Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

As we've seen before there is no real limit or restriction on what you can file. Whether the court recognizes it or not is an entirely different ballgame. Something they don't seem to, or want to, understand is that the only paperwork that really means anything is what comes out of the court, not what goes in. You can file, and several other of them have, a proclamation making yourself king of the world. Isn't worth the paper it's on since no court or government will ever recognize it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

ArthurWankspittle wrote:Did Greg go back to the bank yesterday (Tuesday)?
I'm sure he did..but surprise! No update by the OPPT gurus, guess they are trying to figure out how to spin that failure into a win...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

An oppt'er has decided this all means she has beat the creditor. They always claim victory before the game has ended.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

thunter wrote:An oppt'er has decided this all means she has beat the creditor. They always claim victory before the game has ended.
Claiming premature victory is a sine qua non of the CtC and Saving to Suitors crowds.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, obviously you can't really claim victory after you've really publicly lost, so of course that is when they make the claims, not further down the road when they are sitting out on the street.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

LightinDarkness wrote:... If you go to 9 minutes in the above link Shane starts spouting "strawman" BS to the police officer, who immediately asks him if he is a Freeman on the Land. I have to say I am impressed that the Canadian local governments are keeping their officers up to date on this craziness. Hilariously Shane denies being a freeman, even though he keeps throwing out the same OPPT/freeman/sov'run (really becoming increasingly interchangeable) arguments. ...
Thanks for point out this video, LightinDarkness. I suspect we will be seeing more of Mr. Bennett, both in court and elsewhere. I too was very impressed with how the RCMP officer conducted himself, and his clear understanding of the general phenomenon he had encountered.

But I am not too surprised to see he had a good idea of what was going on. British Columbia has had waves of various pseudolegal oddities, and continues to be a hotspot for this kind of belief and misconduct. The OPPT is just the most recent flavour of the day. I suspect by now most officers have had substantial briefing material on these 'customers'.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

reefwalker wrote:Whether you think Heather et al. are harmless or not depends on how you are affected by the actions of those who follow their teachings. From a distance it may seem an amusing distraction to read about the followers of such an extreme point of view that you shake you head, have a snide laugh or two and continue on in your day. For those of us who are directly affected then its a different matter. We deal with the care of children and console them when crying when daddy goes to prison. We try to explain to children that our lives are actually very good, we live in a great part of the world and that they have the potential to live full productive happy lives in our society instead of being constantly told the world is full of evil bankers, governments and corporations constantly out there to enslave us all. We tell the children that education is to be valued not just in a way to make your way in the world but to be able to critically think about the information that goes before them instead of being told that the education system is simply there to produce robots for the slavery system. We live with the fear that the extremism of the sovereign thinking might one day express itself in violence against us when it all comes crumbling down. I have an uncomfortable feeling of watching a snowball rolling down a hill picking up momentum, hitting a few rocks on the way down but at the bottom is a giant brick wall that it will hit and very soon with who knows what lives will be shattered.
Spot on. While "this is a free country and you get to think what you want," sometimes this ruins your life and you take others with you. The place I get my cars worked on was owned by a guy who bought into the sovereign citizen stuff and stopped paying his taxes. The state seized and sold his business, and even though he now realizes his error, it's too late. I understand the guy who talked him into this, his former chief mechanic, is still spreading around his legal theories.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Things have been relatively quiet on the OPPT front, but a few interesting/insane developments:

Julian Wells, the official OPPT Pledian alien channeler who told us that there would be mass fly bys/ascenions to 5D in march, then may, then june, then august, now November - is apparently getting divorced. Apparently Julian's recent alien channeler insanity was a fire stoked by the OPPT that drove the wife nuts and she can't take it anymore. He said that she just could not let him BE and DO so she is getting a divorce. Another OPPT success story - destroying marriages by stroking the ego of mentally ill people who think they can channel aliens.

The other interesting/scary development is that Bob Wright continues to have this obsession with talking about sex. He has decided that the reason why we are all enslaved is because we just aren't having enough sex and that we are oppressed because we have all been enslaved by notions like "monogamy" and "marriage." He said that if it feels good, we should do it, to free ourselves from enslavement by the global cabal - OPPT orgies anyone?