
Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Post by Deep Knight »


Crazy, I'm crazy for buying those Dinars
I'm crazy, crazy for feeling so blue
I knew you'd tell me the RV would happen
And then someday you'd leave me for somebody new
Worry, why do I let myself worry?
Wond'ring when the mortgage payment will be due?
Crazy for sending that courtesy notice
Crazy for thinking that my love could hold you
I'm crazy for trying and crazy for crying
And I'm crazy for loving you

- With apologies to Willie Nelson who wrote it, and also Patsy Cline who made it famous

If Poof can post after he's dead, I can channel him to put some song lyrics before this post. Poof was, or perhaps is, good at that. But was/is he crazy?

This all started when I read "NO IMPEACHMENT.....ARREST, TRIAL , AND PUBLIC EXECUTION...." because it looked ripe for the Orly/birther thread. But it wasn't really about birtherism, and the article it quoted wasn't what the author said it was, so it was garden variety anti-Obama, not Orly, crazy. But was it, or was it just written that way?

This question comes up every so often, who's crazy and who's a con man? Take the RV. I would bet that most of the folks here think some of the "Dinar Gurus" are pumpers working for the dealers, and some of them describe a little fantasy world of intel sources and rates for free. Of the latter there may be two types, those people with some sort of mild disorder who know they're lying but like to feel important, and those who truly believe this inside intel is really coming to them. You know, batpoop crazy. Since there's money involved, my prejudice is that most of the big-pseudonym gurus are doing it for the money, but what about...

...the OPPT/I-UV BEers and DOers? The first question I asked was if there was money involved. To be honest, at this point I'm not sure if there is, but I've already made up my mind they're on the crazy side, either for attention or because of the voices in their heads. But that's my prejudice, probably due to how annoying their calls/recordings/videos are. I could be wrong.

What about Orly - attention whore or crazy? Lord knows she can't be doing it for the money, even though she begs for it on her website.

Many of you don't know of A&A, that is to say Lord Rama and Lady Tara. The were the god-parents of NESARA, they told Dove about this proposed law A, or perhaps A, had found online as an offhand remark, and she ran with it and made it famous. Of course they were one of her best sources, Lord Rama would cruise around in his car waiting for messages to appear on the windshield. No foolin'. My impression was they were new agers who grew into their con game and found they could make a modest living off of fellow new agers who didn't call the police when things went sour. I figure they weren't crazy, just lazy, always in need of money, and they would say and make-up anything to get it. But if you listened to them, they sounded more than a little insane, especially when changing their voices to channel Mother Sehkmet. You shoulda been there.

I had the same feeling about Dove, especially after she made claims even crazy people would know weren't true. And all indications are she made tens of thousands of dollars a year at it, allowing her to live like a queen in her mother's old trailer. Anyway, could the OPPT/I-UV folks be mining the same vein of modest gold? You know, they started with the sovereign citizen thing and then moved to St. Germain and very big number secret world trusts. Promises of money, even ludicrous amounts like $10 billion in gold or silver, start to smell scammy. Or are they just riding the crazy train? I'd like to know what you think, honest.

I would especially like to hear from the posters who never experienced Dove and NESARA.

The psychology instructor had just finished a lecture on mental health and was giving an oral exam. Speaking specifically about manic depression, he asked, "How would you diagnose a patient who walks back and forth screaming at the top of his lungs one minute, then sits in a chair weeping uncontrollably the next?" A young man in a letter jacket in the rear raised his hand and answered, "Our basketball coach?"
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Re: Crazy

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:But if you listened to them, they sounded more than a little insane, especially when changing their voices to channel Mother Sehkmet.
But maybe Mother Sehkmet was the insane one.

Quatloosian kōan: how do you tell the difference between a crazy person channeling someone sane, and a sane person channeling someone crazy?
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Re: Crazy

Post by LightinDarkness »

As an observer of the OPPT/I-UV exchange scam since its inception and someone who knew about Dove/NESARA but never really monitored it as closely, here is my opinion:

The thing about the OPPT/I-UV exchange scam is that it has a notable hierarchy (which is hilarious, because Heather always tells people the OPPT abolished all hierarchical systems).

Rank 1: THE VOICE OF ETERNAL ESSENCE (Heather Tucci-Jarraf) - When Heather writes something on Skype or comes on a conference call its as if a Deity has come down to earth to speak with mere mortals. Nothing she says is questioned and indeed some of the OPPT faithful appear to be recording her every utterance as if it were verses from a religious holy book. I am certain that Heather's motivation here is purely ego driven: she loves having these hundreds (maybe thousands) of people hanging on her ever word. I didn't always think this, by the way. At first my thought was that she was setting up a system to get money from the true believers - but while she has done that, she her family or husband appears to have enough money that its not enough of a motivator in and of itself.

Rank 2: THE PROPHETS AND GURUS (Bob Wright, Brian Kelly, D, and a handful of others) - Early on Heather began to gather to herself a close circle of gurus to whom she gave "enlightenment" via her random new age ramblings. I think this was a planned move, because Heather knows that in order to keep the true believers satisfied its a lot of work, and why do that when you can get other people dumb enough to do it for you? Their power as gurus was sealed when they all begged the OPPT/I-UV Exchange faithful for the cash to go to Morocco where they "closed slavery portals" with Heather and communed with aliens. The Prophets and Gurus are the translators of Heather's words (since its all gibberish) - interpreting for the faithful the divine plan of Heather Tucci-Jarraf. I would ascribe to this group much the same motives as the OP describes to Dove - they believe, mostly, but also know they have a group of thousands here that both adore them and which they can milk for cash. Beyond the Morocco trip (where all their travel costs were funded by OPPT faithful) for example Brian Kelly sells them skype "Reiki healing sessions" which cost an astounding $25-$100 an hour. The faithful idiots are paying him for this, and its apparently enough for him to continue to pay his rent, eat quite nicely, and travel.

Rank 3: THE "VOLUNTEER STAFF" - Running a prosperity scam that flirts and dances the line around new age cult status takes many hours of work in order to keep feeding the faithful propaganda via facebook, the websites, the blogs, and the weekly conference calls. Someone has to set all that it up, and it isn't going to be the gurus or Heather. There are from what I can tell 4-5 hardcore true believers that make up this rank, and they do everything for free and "donate" the costs of the website hosting and things like that. They are the most passionate of the true believer class, but their status and devotion puts them into a rank of their own.
notorial dissent
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Re: Crazy

Post by notorial dissent »

If Poof can post from beyond the grave, I don't see any reason why you can't channel him, and he has certainly made more sense since he's been dead than when he was alive, which isn't saying a whole lot even so.

I think it is a pretty safe, sure, certain even, bet that most, if in fact not all, of the gurus are pumpers and/or dealers or directly involved with dealers. That isn't to say that at least a couple of them aren't also doing it for the egoboo they are getting from it, but I think it is pretty safe to say that money rather than altruism is the root cause there. I think most of them are just shills doing a job, but there are a couple that are doing it because it makes them important for that brief little moment in time when they are someone important delivering the super secret intel/news that no one else has, before the pigeons once again start throwing rocks because the latest dis-intel was just as bad as the last.

I am going to go out on a limb here and go with both. Everything she has done, even before she birfered was geared towards see me see me, and now with her myriad of lawsuits she can proclaim longly and loudly about all she is doing and how hard she is working and so on and so forth. Oddly enough, I don't think she is playing at any of this, I am fairly convinced that she really does believe the fantasies she has concocted. This does change the fact that she really is an incredibly incompetent lawyer, and is quite venomous and nasty as an individual. It also comes down to you are either with her and for the light and justice and all that is right, or you are an evil traitor out to destroy the country. This bespeaks of someone with some serious crazy working for her. They used to say when I was growing up centuries ago, that dentists had the highest suicide rates of all the professions. I think she found the alternate path.

I agree about the OPPT crowd as well. I think the nut in chief started her long slow slide down the reality coaster when her family relations fell apart, as I am betting she as well as her brother fell out with the rest of them over the company, and surprise money, and then moved on to complete free fall when her legal career discorporated. I don't think she is in it for the money, she's not organized or coherent enough for that. She really isn't trying to sell anything, except that everything is wonderful now, the mean nasty old gov't is all foreclosed and can't hurt you now, and you're all worth bezillions of dollars on your own personal essence. This speaks loudly to me of someone who has spent her life being told, and probably shown, that she doesn't count, doesn't matter,isn't doing anything important, etc, and is powerless to do anything about it. I think she is doing it for the see me, I really am important and powerful and people listen to me that her pretend rewriting of the world is getting her. The rest of her followers are just the average run of the mill hangers on to any story that justifies their doing what they are doing. Her propaganda arm, such as it is, is a home grown, all volunteer operation, and I suspect that their dedication will flag once they start to run out of money to cover what they are doing on her behalf.

Dove and the other two parasites were in it for the money, and if all it took was a another silly story to keep the pigeons coming up with the free living then so be it.

The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Crazy

Post by Deep Knight »

wserra wrote:But maybe Mother Sehkmet was the insane one.

Quatloosian kōan: how do you tell the difference between a crazy person channeling someone sane, and a sane person channeling someone crazy?
Your question provokes great doubt within me. I fear that analyzing its literal meaning will not lead me to the solution, that I will have to become the question to answer it. So I’ll respond with another question - What is the sound of three hands clapping?
LightinDarkness wrote:Their power as gurus was sealed when they all begged the OPPT/I-UV Exchange faithful for the cash to go to Morocco where they "closed slavery portals" with Heather and communed with aliens.
I am reminded of A&A's vacation to Hawaii on KauilaPele's dime after they convinced him they would open the portals (slavery wasn't mentioned) and establish the grid, causing the prosperity packages to be released, NESARA announced, and all non-lizards to ascend. After a couple months of mumbo jumbo, and word has it Maui wowie, they had a bit of a falling out, KauilaPele was off the A Team, and they had to find another sucker. Much better to beg the faithful at large, but A&A's was never that faithful or that large.
LightinDarkness wrote:"VOLUNTEER STAFF"
Dove started with phone messages, and these got "transcribed" by a volunteer. Suddenly she retired and another one took her place who always had some sort of crisis which needed money. I started to suspect that Dove typed them herself then read them on the phone (they had that sound), providing another layer of begging.

As for the queen bee with her minions hanging on her every word, I can see how that would get some people off. Add a modest income from the scheme and you've got a career.

notorial dissent wrote:They used to say when I was growing up centuries ago...
St. Germain, 'zat you?
notorial dissent wrote:...that dentists had the highest suicide rates of all the professions.
Their anguish at living in a country run by a non-citizen with an SSN that doesn't pass E-Verify.
Dr. Orly wrote:Record numbers of Americans and Europeans commit suicide! People, stop ending your lives, end corruption and treason in the government: throw out of White House Kenyan-Indonesian criminal with stolen and forged IDs, throw out of Congress and Judiciary corrupt Congressmen and judges. Your lives should not end, their tenure should end immediately

Posted on | June 4, 2013
Now, that's crazy!
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notorial dissent
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Re: Crazy

Post by notorial dissent »

Deep Knight wrote:Their anguish at living in a country run by a non-citizen with an SSN that doesn't pass E-Verify.
Or her anguish at millions upon millions of people not only not knowing who she is, or caring. More likely!!!!
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
Deep Knight
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Re: Crazy

Post by Deep Knight »

notorial dissent wrote: Or her anguish at millions upon millions of people not only not knowing who she is, or caring. More likely!!!!
True, 'though I suspect she's in such deep denial there's little anguish outside of when interviews she gives aren't put on TV. But does she really believe that President Obama is Kenyan born with a stolen SSN and forged pink slip for Air Force One? I say "yes," although her answer might be, "Yes, I'll become even more famous and sought after once the usurper is proven to be a non-citizen etc. etc. etc. etc."

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notorial dissent
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Re: Crazy

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, she either really believes it, along with a number of other people as well, or else she is putting on one heck of an expensive and consistent act. She has lost EVERY court case she has filed, and will continue to do so since they are all so poorly done, and wholly baseless, and she has been consistent in her venom spewing throughout this entire exchange, so I would have to say that yes, she really does believe it heart and soul. She has by this point, if nothing else, spent a considerable amount of money just on filing fees, so there must be some seriousness there somewhere, and she keeps on doing it.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Crazy

Post by Deep Knight »

****WARNING**** Spoiler Alert for "Dangerous Passage," "Gaslight," and probably movies I've never seen and don't talk about specifically!

A couple days ago I watched the movie, Dangerous Passage. Its plot involves a person manipulating events to make another appear crazy. In fact, the other person gets so overwhelmed they start to doubt their own sanity. Of course by the end of the movie, everything gets settled and there's even a new romance in the air to make it a happy ending (or as happy as film noir gets). The plot is considered a "classic" and has been used for everything from the movie Gaslight to a bunch of bad TV shows I saw in the 60's and 70's (one on the Big Valley with Barbara Stanwick, who did an "I'm not crazy!" frenzy really well).

In Orly's mind, she's Jeane Crain from this movie or Ingrid Bergman from Gaslight. Soon, Michael Rennie or Joeseph Cotton will show up and not only fall in love with her, but reveal proof that all those people at Fogbow are trying to make her look crazy when she's really the only sane one of us.

P.S. Not really a spoiler for anyone familiar with Hollywood. Of course things aren't as they appear, and the main character isn't crazy, the only spoiler would be to know the "twist" in how it was done. Ironically, Orly feels the same way.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Crazy

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, I suppose you could substitute Berg and Lincoln for Rennie and Cotton, of course the plot twist is that she really is crazy, and they are all plotting against her. I will admit that Lincoln makes a poor Cotton, but in Orlyworld, that is the best you can do.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Crazy

Post by vkey08 »

Also having been watching the OPPT/I-UV crowd from the very beginning and exposing it at ATS, which I had no end of fun doing, it became quite clear that the following was absolutely true, as ATS had one of the "faithful" responding to every post I made with shots across the bow like "So you believe that the government is actually the government and not a corporation?" and more BS like that. I finally gave in and decided to infiltrate their private forums and the OPPTBook sites to see what they were all saying, and I gotta say, there's a lot more on board than LinD thinks, there's gotta be about 10,000 people that actively think they can deposit their value into a bank now becuase Heather said so.

And that's the crux of the OPPT, beyond just being a pie in the sky scam and ego trip for Heather, she has elevated herself to god status among her followers and now, even questioning her online is akin to telling a Muslim that Mohammed was a child rapist. It just doesn't fly, now will this fizzle out, yes absolutely, but it will take time, as Heather has netly put herself out of US Jusridiction in Morocco.

Now... are these people crazy? No they are insanely smart to be able to keep getting cash out of the faithful...but anything else would just be like :beatinghorse:
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Re: Crazy

Post by Backo »

I'll raise a topic for debate.

As well as crazy or confidence scam, the sovereign/freeman/tax protestor movements could be considered a form of (generally nonviolent) civil disobedience intended to waste government resources.

The people involved, who probably fit into the category of 'marks', do not like their respective governments. Whilst they do not go about their civil disobedience in a straightforward fashion by using bogus legal arguments, if enough people took up these actions eventually governments may become unworkable.

That is probably not the primary intention of the gurus, but I do think it involves a part of their thinking. If everyone refuses to obey the law, even for specious reasons, then the government will be overthrown and replaced. Essentially, revolution. The gurus (must) know that their theories are rubbish, but in the interests of the bigger picture, they may justify their lies to themselves as being necessary for the greater good.

I acknowledge that this is a very optimistic, possibly naive, view of the gurus. Maybe not so much for the marks.

*sits back and awaits smackdown*
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Re: Crazy

Post by texino »

Crazy; doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. (With reference to OKIE-OIL-MAN and apologies to Albert Einstein)
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Re: Crazy

Post by Deep Knight »

The first time I heard of "tax protestors" was through a local independent newspaper that had a reporter who went to a seminar. Afterwards she hung out and lurked in the corners with the clean-up staff, while a core group argued about details. The opinion was offered that even if it doesn't work, it would shut down the IRS. Many of this group got giddy at the thought.

What they don't realize is that it's easy for the IRS to flag these things and shuffle them off to be taken care of later. It might make them increase the size of that department, but it certainly wouldn't shut them down. And if they thought so, that would be ... CRAZY!

On MacHaffie's site he's posted a bunch of articles about poison gas in Syria. Of course, MacHaffie and his sources know the REAL story, and that is that President Obama needs to be arrested? It was another "Obama derangement" article that inspired me to start this thread, so I'll share this short one with you. The blurb about the Suez Canal was also interesting, does MacHaffie know that a 30 second Google search will not only show you it's not closed, but that it doesn't have any locks?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013
UN envoy - Rebels did the gassing..

The following was posted to the RT news feed but is not an article anywhere yet:

"Syria UN envoy says rebels used chemical weapons

Syria’s envoy to the UN Bashar Jaafari on Wednesday accused rebel forces of
using chemical weapons to “bring about military intervention and aggression
against Syria.” Many facts “tend to prove the innocence of the Syrian
government, which has been subject to false accusations,” AFP quoted the
ambassador as saying. The West and Turkey “have enabled terrorist groups to
create a laboratory for chemical weapons on Turkish territory with materials
provided by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar… and to bring these chemical
weapons to Syria for use,” he said."

On that note, I wonder what Russia and others will do when the U.S. leads an
attack they know for certain is not legitimate. But then again, what has the
cabal done recently that was?

BREAKING: Egypt closed the Suez canal to ALL U.S. ships.
Secondary confirmation needed, but it appears to be so. It is reported that
this was done as part of a defense pact with Syria. And if I was Egypt and a
war started, I'd blow a few locks on that canal for good measure, and simply
shut it down completely if the U.S. attacks to reopen it. The locks would be
easy to repair - in a year or so. Absent repair the canal would be nothing
but a big waterfall.


Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:00 PM
texino wrote:Crazy; doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. (With reference to OKIE-OIL-MAN and apologies to Albert Einstein)
Crazy: Promising the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again and your readers expect it to really happen this time?
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Re: Crazy

Post by Deep Knight »

Erasmus of America chimes in on Syria. Now THIS is crazy!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

It is to the credit of Nesara News, BeforeItsNews, and my postings for my website that we may have just saved the world from a pending nuclear World War III by exposing the evidence that Obama looks like he arranged through C.I.A. for the chemical warfare attack in Syria and not the Syrian Government. I don't believe in a nuclear World War III triggered off as a politician's scheme who is a nutcase and super radical in the White House. ... The war propaganda from the news services before we exposed the fraud behind the planned attack against Syria was America would be in war with Syria by this weekend. Now Congress wants to investigate before action is taken and Britain has drawn back from supporting an attack on Syria now. We did that, not the main news media and maybe have just saved 300 million Americans from dying in a nuclear World War III.
Yours for God and Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for that maverick in military intelligence who along with Nesara News and BeforeItsNews may just have saved America from a nuclear World War III Obama was trying to push America into!)

Posted by John MacHaffie at 3:11 PM 0 comments
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Re: Crazy

Post by notorial dissent »

The only nutcase here is the one in NC.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.