- 1. An agency between GSA and the Foreclosure Dude that supposedly lets GSA act on behalf of Foreclosure Dude
2. A letter to Jacob J. Lew, Secretary of the Treasury, U.S. Federal government.
3. "Payoff Instructions US Treasury Settlement", addressed to The Target in the first set of documents.
The more interesting document is the letter to Jacob Lew, which instructs him to pay all of Foreclosure Dude's debts from FORECLOSURE DUDE's "birth Trust account" indexed to his social insurance number (Canada) or social security number (U.S.). The letter says:
The "Payoff Instructions" document now indicates that the Foreclosure Dude's various debtors can anticipate cheques from the U.S. Treasury that will be paid out of the FORECLOSURE DUDE "birth Trust" account, and so they should stop collection/bankruptcy activities.The birth Trust account is the customer account referenced by their SS or SIN number. The name will be in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
And we have, at least, an explanation of just how this is supposed to work:
[Style reproduced for fun.]I. Introduction to the Trust: Beneficiary Reclamation
All "book" or circulated money in our world originates from our birth Trust account. As each individual was born their future energies were captured from their birth certificate as part of a growing national Trust. This Trust is the source of all loaned money in our current society. All local, county, state and federal governments, banks, IRS, CRA and courts receive their power on the "presumption" it controls these Trust accounts for the purposes of its mission. This "presumption" has directed initiatives that are unfavourable to the true beneficiaries of the Trust account(s).
The attached documents activate the control of the subject Trust account(s) to its true beneficiaries, in the common law original jurisdiction for the purpose of paying-in-full all obligations of the Trust account(s) by the Department of the Treasury who have been duly notified and are ready to serve the true beneficiaries.
II. Trust Definition:
A simple trust (sometimes referred to as a bare trust or a mandatory trust) is a trust in which the beneficiary has a right to both income and capital and may call for both to be remitted into his own name. The beneficiary is also entitled to take actual ownership and control of the trust property. Though there are trustees they are only effectively nominees and must act according to the beneficiary's instructions.
III. Displacement and Assignment of True Beneficiary:
Per the attached affidavit, Foreclosure Dude is/are now the true beneficiary(s), of the respective FORECLOSURE DUDE Trust Accounts hereafter referred to as Trust name.
[a whole lot of instructions to pay this and that, "expunge" court records, and so on.]
Penalties for non-complience: Committing a breach of trust or one knowingly assisting such breach can be held liable for losses incurred as a result of the breach. Jurisdiction in this matter has moved to Common Law Original jurisdiction.
No statutory law, government or court has authority over the true beneficiary or director of their Trust.
GSA appreciates the positive spirit applied to successfully satisfy the full payment of this account through special means. GSA also wishes to acknowledge the full cooperation of all the public servants making this a "paid in full" win for all.
GSA Attorney-in-Fact
For Beneficiary(s)
So, there you have it. GSA is nothing more than a classic Sovereign Citizen type "redemption" money for nothing approach. GSA has ‘seized control’ of a secret bank account that belongs to the beneficiary and is instructing the U.S. Treasury pay various bills and debts from that source.
Why the U.S. Treasury would have secret bank accounts for Canadian citizens is merely one illogical aspect of this debt elimination arrangement.
Needless to say, my Organization has not received any cheques from the U.S. Treasury. I am quite certain that Jacob Lew is simply ignoring anything GSA sends him.
But GSA want its pound of flesh, and is demanding a 10% slice of those funds as its "settlement fee":
The letter to Lew also instructs that:Each CREDITOR is to submit a check payable to the beneficiary(s) Trust name for ten (10) percent of the gross payoff proceeds received from the Department of the Treasury as a settlement fee. Include full financial transaction accounting.
The Organization will be ignoring this tripe. Foreclosure Dude (and FORECLOSURE DUDE) still face foreclosure."Add a 10% settlement fee to your Treasury claim total and include a check for this 10% amount payable to the customer in their Trust name, i.e. in "ALL CAPS" and mail c/o GSA.
SMS Möwe