Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

I'm a bit in the dark on some stuff. Does anyone know what on earth this person is talking about? I re read it a couple of times and am non the wiser. ... -butt.html
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

reefwalker wrote:I'm a bit in the dark on some stuff. Does anyone know what on earth this person is talking about? I re read it a couple of times and am non the wiser. ... -butt.html
As a long time observer of conspiracy theorists and prosperity scams, I think I can translate. I say "I think" because remember we are dealing with people who embrace mythologies and fictional events as if they are real and we try to interpret their behavior as if they were thinking using logic and reason like "normal" people. But I've found you really can't ascribe anything like normal logic or reason to the things these people believe in, so in describing it it becomes difficult to try to put together the pieces in a way that makes sense to those of us in reality.

In the conspiracy world, there are different dogmas and worldviews that establish what seems (to conspiracy believers) to be "what is really going on" - the major points of conflict between different true believers of conspiracies is which of these dogmas is real (the others are always a machination of some malevolent all-powerful group bent on disinformation, you see). The OPPT worldview has a very wide encompassing mythology that has grown by leaps and bounds since its humble beginnings as another prosperity scam.

For the OPPT gurus, there are several major events (that aren't real) which are influencing the world and them on a day to day basis:

(1) Mythology #1 - "The RV": The RV refers to the revaluation of several currencies, usually the Iraqi dinar but also the Vietnamese dong. The belief in the RV is based on assorted mythologies about shadowy all-powerful bank groups who will use it to be rich, and since the early 2000's a vast swath of conspiracy believers have bought into this and wasted tens of thousands of dollars into buying worthless dinar and other currencies on the idea that they will revalue on a 1 to 1 or higher basis, making them all billionaires. This will never happen for a variety of reasons - there is no dispute about that in reality - but in order to hold on to hope various RV gurus have over the years told the true believers that the RV was coming "tomorrow." When "Tomorrow" comes, some evil cabal stops it - its like a story in and of itself. The author of removing the shackles, D, was formerly a big RV "intel" person so she brought the RV into the OPPT mythology. RV "intel" is actually just a whole bunch of conspiracy theorists who stupidly bought masses of dinar telling each other the RV will be every other day and then coming up with stories about why it didn't happen. So most of this post is yet another fake story about why the mythological RV didn't happen this time.

(2) Mythology #2 - "The New Financial System": Like most prosperity fund myths (NESARA, St. Germain Fund, etc.) the OPPT created a mythology that they would herald a "new financial system." But of course Heather and, I suspect - most of the gurus - know this will never really happen since this is all made up. In order to keep the true believers hanging on, they have created this epic fake conflict between OPPT new age believers and "the dark cabal" trying to stop them from bringing in this new financial system where we all have all the money we want and live in paradise. In the OPPT mythology, the formally good "RV" has been turned into a conspiracy in itself, an event which the Dark Cabal has planned to lull the conspiracy theoirsts and other enlightened people like the OPPTers into thinking their jackpot had come in when it occurs. In reality in this mythology the good "RV" is really just a ruse and is actually a global enslavement tool. But don't worry, because the work of the OPPT gurus is keeping them from doing this "bad" RV.

(3) Mythology #3 - Use of real news as proof of the mythology: Finance is complicated, but that works in favor of the OPPT gurus because what they do is use random news story about real finance and claim this is proof of the mythology. For example, Basel III is quite real - but its just a bank capital regulation (and is a voluntary one at that) - but they like to use Basel III as part of their mythology by saying it will usher in the "bad" RV (see Mythology #2). They do this with other things too. For example, the Pope recently issued a order that would no longer shield Vatican officials from being complicit in abuse scandals - they took this order and claimed that because (in their mythology) the Vatican controls all the world that this somehow was proof that the OPPT was real.

Basically, its a entire fictional worldview that they make up, partially relying on real news events but purposely spinning them in fictional ways to reinforce the mythology. In their chat rooms and message boards, the OPPT true believers get together and basically are role playing in a fictional world led by the OPPT gurus. Except they all think its real. Why spend so much time in a mythology? Because really, its more fun. Who doesn't want to think they are at the epicenter of a global conflict between THE HIGHEST GOOD (thats what the OPPT gurus call true believers) and THE DARK CABAL?'

So you see, the point of the post you linked is a reassurance to the OPPT true believers - who were getting anxious because every "deposit of value" (Kiri, Bob Wright, etc.) failed completely. They have essentially been told not to worry, the denials were based on The Dark Cabal trying to push through the RV (Myth #1) to stop the new financial system (Myth #2) but it won't work for long because the old financial system is based on assets that aren't there (because Heather teleported all gold off the planet, remember) and look you can see this is true because of these random news articles (Myth #3).

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Thank you for that enlightening explanation. Makes more sense (sic) than before.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

reefwalker wrote:Thank you for that enlightening explanation. Makes more sense (sic) than before.
Happy to help. :D

Another layer to the insanity is that we will all ascend any day now. This is the new age influence on the OPPT. Basically these guys get themselves hyped up over all these fictional events and set dates when huge things will happen. January 1, 2000, December 21, 2012 were the big ones but they set a date every few months of when something huge will happen. The current date is September 1, 2013 - when nothing happens they will make up some fictional event where The Dark Cabal is involved. And any news that does happen on September 1 will be proof that "something" happened. What happens when we ascend? The Dark Cabal collapses, banks collapses, and we all live as light beings with billions of dollars (not clear why we need billions of dollars as light beings, but no one said this stuff made sense).

Since watching the OPPT in December I can think of these guys telling us world-wide financial collapse and the ushering in of the New Financial System would occur on: December 21, 2012, January 1, 2013, May 1, 2013, June 15, 2013, and now September 1, 2013.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

LightinDarkness, very good, I would say that is about as sane and coherent a summation of this particular corner of crazy as you could get.

A couple of things on #1, I believe that it started out soley as an RV of the dinar, and was based on a severe twisting of someone's statement in the early days of the Iraq adventure that they would eventually have to RV their currency due to the intense inflation that the war and the previous gov'ts abuses had caused, as at the time, and still is for that matter, it was nearly worthless. Nothing has changed in all that time, the dinar continues its slow inexorable slide into nothingness, and the "real" RV is still a long ways off in the nebulous future, they have other more pressing things to worry about. Somewhere along the way, one of the con artists discovered that the Vietnamese dong was in similar straights, and added it to the "RV" mythology, similar claims similar likelihood of happening. Then, like all good gossip, it got compounded with a worldwide RV of all the major currencies that will be tied in to the Dinar RV, like all gossip, it just continues to grow in the telling. I am still surprised that somehow they didn't manage to latch on to the Zimbabwean dollar, but maybe that one was too much even for the dinaridjit to swallow.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by rogfulton »

notorial dissent wrote:I am still surprised that somehow they didn't manage to latch on to the Zimbabwean dollar, but maybe that one was too much even for the dinaridjit to swallow.
Now you've done it. Your statement was just the push the dinaridjits needed to add it.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

Well, I've tried to start rumors that the pre-World War II German Reichsmark, the Hungarian pengö and Chinese Yuan are about to RV; but I haven't succeeded... yet.

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Too esoteric. I haven't seen anyone take a stab at Russian and Chinese Imperial bonds recently, that's always a perennial favorite.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ashlynne39 »

reefwalker wrote:I'm a bit in the dark on some stuff. Does anyone know what on earth this person is talking about? I re read it a couple of times and am non the wiser. ... -butt.html
I took the first part of that limk to mean that the RV didn't happen because of OPPT. The banking systems are gone under OPPT and so the RV can't happen as it would just be perpetrating the old fraud and the people putting the RV through would be personally liable.

I thinks its very clever to use the lack of RV to prove OPPT; however, Heather should watch out for hoards of angry dinar holders coming to get her if they can scrape up the airfare to Morocco now that they've put their life savings in the dinar, a currency Heather ensured to remainvaluless through the OPPT.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

I think Heather and crew had best leave the dinarians alone. If there were ever two groups who were more mutually antagonistic to each other I'm not sure what they would be. The OPPT crowd is based on the doing away with of the current financial systems and replacing them with their being and doing doo dah, the dinarians are locked in to the current system surviving and converting their worthless paper in to untold riches, and you can't do that if the banking/currency system is foreclosed, so not a lot of common ground there.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

I, for one, think the OPPT/I-UV and Dinar folks should mix it up. As my friend Clemenza says, it's time to go to the matresses, "That's all right. These things gotta happen every five years or so, ten years. Helps to get rid of the bad blood." I suggest annoymous posts.

BTW. The name of the posting wasn't "Butterflys and Butt" but "Butterflys and Butt Kicking." The first brings up images of ladies with dainty tatoos on their posterior, the second colorful winged thugs with steel-toed boots. Ouch! No wonder Heather & Co. are unrebuttable.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

I love it when the OPPT'ers debate the details of their imaginary systems:

Response from Alexander:

Hi, Brian –
I hope you see this short message from me. It’s important. Please feel free to forward it to RTS, and/or Heather, and/or Bob, and/or any of the other radiant souls you work and play with in the public realm.

I LOVED the latest from RTS (is that ‘D’ btw???)! But her rant made two fundamental errors of relative fact/perception. First, it is not from DO-ing that VALUE is derived, but from BE-ing. In other words, we as Fractal Aspects of Divinity have UNALIENABLE INTRINSIC VALUE based solely on our BEING. Ie., we need NOT ‘do’ anything to BE ‘of value’, you see. This is why a crippled, mentally handicapped baby has just as much ‘VALUE’ as a pensioner on his deathbed and an Olympic athlete in his prime. If ‘doing’ is valued instead of or even in addition to BE-ing, then we automatically move back into a corrupted, material-oriented system subject to the same horrendous manipulation and stripping of value from people that we are just now moving out of! No thanks. D, you’re an amazing soul, but please do not ‘go there’ with this linking of value – any value – to our ‘performance’ or ‘work’ in this illusory material world. Not now especially, when it’s all about to be transformed, set right again after our little ‘exploration’ into separation, etc.

Second, the ‘wannabe Galactics’ are just that: imposters, wannabes, phonies! D has obv confused them with the real ones. Possibly fatal mistake – not physically fatal, but emotionally and conceptually. Those messages from the ‘galactics’ that talk in terms of hierarchies and such, that say that they will save us and fix the system and release the funds, etc. (like those who speak via Sheldon Nidle) I agree are totally full of shxt, totally false, YES! The actual Galactics and Celestials NEVER talk in those terms, actually the opposite. They tell us that WE need to BE the change, that WE need to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHANGING THIS WORLD OF OURS, that they cannot physically interfere with our sovereignty and our free-will choices in OUR world, only guide and inspire US to do the real work, as their ‘ground crew’. They tell us, more fervently than ever these days, how WE ARE ARE ARE THEM IN INCARNATION.

See how that works? We ARE them, Brian. So logically ‘they’ cannot ‘save’ us, nor be our ‘rulers’ or even ‘leaders’ – ‘cause we’re already friggin’ HERE and BE-ing ‘that’!

I urge you to read two articles posted by a person named Azar on Not only does the first one explain EXACTLY the same thing that D mentions as ‘the end of the experiment/project’ – and I mean exactly that same information (with lots of other stuff, but the primary message is the same, the end of the ‘experiment’) – but the second one explains (as best as possible) how us ‘wretched humans’ are actually ‘made up of’, on the soul level, more than one ‘fragment’ of our OWN HIGHER SELVES. It’s pretty wild – but seems to make sense, fit in with the observed facts and feelings of our existence. Check it out!

I hope this helps. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I have connections to the ‘real deal’, and am happy to talk with any of the former OPPT group about any of this. In the meantime, give the real AAs and AMs a break, know that they are not trying to keep the old crap going, no way, nor introduce any ‘new’ corrupt system with nicer window dressing. No, that shall NOT be allowed, as D makes clear. She’s def right about that part!

P.S. – Just posted this as a message in the RTS forum, so it will probably get to her via that route. But please forward anyway if you feel it’s appropriate. Thanks.

Response from D to Alexander:

Alexander- thank you soooo much for this! I should of been clearer of teh definition of "DO'ing" - Here's the way it is for me: We all BE. I BE, You BE. We DO what we BE!.... But "DO" doesn't just mean action- as in physical movement/motion- "DO" is all aspects of who we BE!! it's how we think, what we say, the emotions we have, the LIFE we LIVE. WE all DO even in our sleep!!! YES! ALL of our value is the same- from the 80 year old woman to the handicapped newborn!!! DO'ing doesn't mean hitting nails with Hammers. it' doesn't mean putting paint on walls, or tires on cars..... you can DO (and you do DO) in your sleep!! all the energetic work that all of us are DOing right now is .... DO'ing!!

[10:34:19 PM] D Breakingthesilence: second question/statement
"Second, the ‘wannabe Galactics’ are just that: imposters, wannabes, phonies! D has obv confused them with the real ones. Possibly fatal mistake – not physically fatal, but emotionally and conceptually. Those messages from the ‘galactics’ that talk in terms of hierarchies and such, that say that they will save us and fix the system and release the funds, etc. (like those who speak via Sheldon Nidle) I agree are totally full of shxt, totally false, YES! The actual Galactics and Celestials NEVER talk in those terms, actually the opposite. They tell us that WE need to BE the change, that WE need to take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR CHANGING THIS WORLD OF OURS, that they cannot physically interfere with our sovereignty and our free-will choices in OUR world, only guide and inspire US to do the real work, as their ‘ground crew’. They tell us, more fervently than ever these days, how WE ARE ARE ARE THEM IN INCARNATION. "

Actually, there are both kinds of perceived Galactics. As I said in the article:
"There are groups of Galactics who are still trying to push the "new" system through with the American Military and various government groups, but there are a HUGE amount more of them who are standing by and ready to take down the old Universal System."

Yes, the ones that Sheldon is working with are still working under the guise of teh divine plan, and are still trying to push (sorta, but not very hard any more) the new financial system- because THEY have been convinced by these so called "ascended Masters" that they have to. BUT.... as I said, there are many many more who are standing by and ready to take down this old universal system of fraud RIGHT NOW!

Alexander: " but the second one explains (as best as possible) how us ‘wretched humans’ are actually ‘made up of’, on the soul level, more than one ‘fragment’ of our OWN HIGHER SELVES. "
my friend, we are ALL ETERNAL ESSENCE. We are all one :D

[10:34:58 PM] D Breakingthesilence: oh here is the link to brian's blog that i'm responding too: ... .html#more

[2:42:20 PM] D Breakingthesilence: hey darlin- I tried to post my comment on your blog twice and I cant' get my internet to stay up long enough for it to stick, lol!! can you please post it for me?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

...we as Fractal Aspects of Divinity have UNALIENABLE INTRINSIC VALUE based solely on our BEING...
Alexander seems to be getting a little too close to the truth for comfort. Luckily, his BEing is stuck up his BEhind so we won't have to send in the "cleaning crew" quite yet.
We all BE. I BE, You BE. We DO what we BE!.... But "DO" doesn't just mean action..... you can DO (and you do DO) in your sleep!!
I have the feeling all of these folks DO in their sleep.
"Follow the Money"

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Now they are claiming 20 million followers - lets just dream up a number that sounds good

Well Grant WE, THE PEOPLE are in the news again!! Here is news of the current "uprising" in Canada, (this is the same in many nations around the world right now, last count around 20 million people using OPPT ~ not bad in 7 months), clogging it's courts & frustrating judges :) It just goes to show that 'en masse' numbers perpetrating 'an idea which has come to fruition' WILL shut down the corrupt system. Whatever the ourcomes more people need to join in & "force" the current system to collapse ~ ... 4xRQzZ4ldw

Judge's MAD over One People's Public Trust

OPPT LINK:[url ... sy-notice/ OPPT FaceBook Success Page:][/url]

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Another thing I wrote on a Youtube video proclaiming that courtesy notices work
DJKeebler808 6 hours ago
Head over to the I-UV website. Go to the OPPT Absolute link and it will give you several more links. Start with the CN (Courtesy Notice) guidelines and watch the 2.5 hour video on how to use the CN. I had been paying a law firm monthly for the last 3 years on a credit card collection and just two months ago, they sent me a discharge letter. The documents work but you have to fully understand them and put your full faith and energy into them to work. It's more about just sending a letter.

Me: DJK You've played a crappy credit card debt for such a long time they are sick of dealing with you and have written it off. Bit different if its a house mortgage of a couple of hundred grand. Try that one out and see how you go. Also you are a dishonest immoral person who used false pretences to gain money. If you didn't believe in credit cards you shouldn't have applied for one. You are abrogating your responsibilities and trying to weasel out using the OPPT as an excuse.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Good news all, the I UV/OPPT Scam Official New Age Alien Channeler has provided us with another update. We learned the reason why we haven't gotten a update on what the aliens are up to the last few weeks is because Julian Wells is getting divorced, as his wife has had enough of his new age "Look at me I can channel aliens!" insanity. Apparently Julian has only fairly recently gone down the insane rabbit hole, before then if he believed this stuff it wasn't enough to effect his marriage. Be not afraid though, Julian knows that his divorce was simply a plot by the evil aliens to get him to stop being a light worker, it couldn't possibly be that hes fallen for new age insanity and is driving his family to desperation with his ramblings.

It seems as though the evil aliens (there are two factions you know - the good and bad ones) have been using psychic attacks on poor Julian and messing with his powers, but don't worry he was able to use them enough to give us updates. You will all be saddened to know that while the I-UV/OPPT scam was about to cause the RV and unveiling of the Former Powers That Be, the bad aliens did a "timeline incursion" and delayed it.

Since Julien began providing Official Alien Updates in January, we were promised that aliens would make themselves known via mass flybys/the RV would occur/we would all ascend in March, then April, then May, then July, and then August. Well you know those dastardly evil aliens have pushed back our 5D ascension AGAIN! This time to October! These must be the same aliens behind the delays of the NESARA prosperity packages, which as you all know they have been delaying for decades.

Thats all for now on the I UV Exchange crazy train!
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Well look at this, our Julian Wells has finally let his end game be known: hes milking the OPPT/IUV Exchange true believers for personal sessions much like Brian Kelly charges for "reiki healing" sessions:

For the low, low price of $50 an hour, you too can communicate with Julian who will talk to the aliens and other divine beings about your life problems!

People are actually buying this, I clicked the "reserve time" button and a lot of time slots are not available, which means the true believers are yet again spending money to prop up the lives of the OPPT gurus.

If there is a hell, the lowest circle of it is reserved for people like Julien. I know you have to get heavily deluded true believers to pay for this kind of stuff and its their fault for being that stupid, but you shouldn't abuse people - even delusional OPPT true believers. Most of them, after all, are on their last dollar praying for the OPPT prosperity packages to arrive and its being spent on Julien well's channeling sessions.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Burnaby49 »

People are actually buying this, I clicked the "reserve time" button and a lot of time slots are not available, which means the true believers are yet again spending money to prop up the lives of the OPPT gurus.

Reserved time slots don't necessarily mean that he has any real customers. He might have filled them himself to drum up business by make it appear that he is offering a popular service.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Burnaby49 wrote:People are actually buying this, I clicked the "reserve time" button and a lot of time slots are not available, which means the true believers are yet again spending money to prop up the lives of the OPPT gurus.

Reserved time slots don't necessarily mean that he has any real customers. He might have filled them himself to drum up business by make it appear that he is offering a popular service.
True, but at least some people have bought it or hes been busying makes profiles and faking the reviews:

I have no problem believing the OPPTers would buy this stuff. These are the same deluded mass of people who sent 5 of the gurus to Morocco at thousands of dollars each.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Julian's channeling hours (doesn't give a time zone)

Monday 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Tuesday 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Wednesday 9:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Thursday 10:00 PM - 12:00 AM
Friday Day off
Saturday Day off
Sunday Day off

I've heard of "bankers hours" and no offense to Wells Fargo, but I like channeler hours better!
"Follow the Money"