NESARA Loves Orly!

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

A letter to Orly from Ken, a Canadian. Who knew things were getting so bad up in the Great White North? How come the Canadians who post here haven't kept us up to date?

Good morning Mrs Taitz:

I read yesterday about your interview with Joy Malvon of the No News station. I never watch them, but did last night, because of your interview. I was dumfounded that they interviewed you, and said to myself, there is no way they will air that information. And true to form they did not. They just wanted the information you have for some reason.

Canadians are about 20 years ahead of the U.S. in corruption, propaganda,and outright lies, in the media, and Government. We had our Barry Soereto, in the decades of the 60s 70s. and early 80s. Now they are mounting an all out effort to put the son of most evil leader Canada has ever had in power. They are constantly spewing propaganda to abolish the senate,so that when this twit of a son gets in power he will have unfettered power. The senate was filled with Liberal cronies, but has of late been leveled out somewhat. Did anyone notice that the two senators who were used to bring about the “present coruption crises” in the senate were both reporters. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A CONSERVATIVE REPORTER IN CANADA. To bad our nieve Prime Minister doesn’t understand that. Not everyone who says he is a conservative IS.

Our present Prime Minister I’m convinced went into office with the best of intentions, but aproximatly two weeks afterwards went to a meeting in Mexico with Vincent the Fox and George Bush. After which he has been pretty much doing what he is told, in my opinion.

We have been through what you all are going through now. They are using all the same tactics and talking points,as they did here 30 years ago. Once they subdue the U.S. there is nothing standing in their way. Hang on, its going to be a rough ride.

Thank you for all you are doing. It helps people who are thinking to see the level of ROT in our society.

I assume by "son of most evil leader Canada has ever had" the writer means Justin Trudeau, recently made head of the Liberal Party. Ben Mulroney being the weekend co-host of Good Morning America doesn't seem to rise to the same level of evil.

But wait, weren't the REAL fathers of Margaret Trudeau's sons members of the Rolling Stones or Frank Marshall Davis?

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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

Mustn't forget the Italians to run the trains and provide the bureaucracy.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Burnaby49 »

Pottapaug1938 wrote:
fortinbras wrote:
Burnaby49 wrote:Canada is in big big trouble! ..... We're screwed.
Canada is already in big trouble. Look at its wonderful potential: British politics, French culture, and American efficiency.

Instead it ended up with: British efficiency, French politics, and American culture!
That reminds me of the old (probably late-40s vintage) joke about the difference between Heaven and Hell. In Heaven, the British provide the police, the French provide the cuisine and the Germans provide the government. In Hell, the British provide the cuisine, the French provide the government and the Germans provide the police.
I assumed that was where Fortinbas got it.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

An answer to Obama operative: why do we continue pushing for adjudication on the merits of Obama’s use of forged IDs and a stolen SSN
Posted on | August 22, 2013 | 7 Comments

You can see a comment below that was received on my blog. The comment is no doubt written by an Obama operative. She (or maybe he under assumed name) writes: why do you care about someone who was elected in 2008, why don’t you care who will be elected in 2016.

This operative tries to present this as a fete a compli, finished and done with.

No, this is the most important issue in this nation today and ever. We have an on-going usurpation of the U.S. Presidency by a citizen of Indonesia, possibly still citizen of Kenya, who is using a stolen Social Security number, which failed E-Verify, and flagrantly fabricated Selective Service certificate and fabricated birth certificate. We see this nation being downgraded to the level of banana republic by corrupt high ranking officials, congressmen and judges, who have all the evidence in front of them and who are criminally complicit in the RICO, in this criminal enterprise.

This criminality destroys the country.. it will destroy it for three and a half more years. If we do not stop this criminal enterprise now, we will never stop it, the country will continue sliding towards abyss of lawlessness. Please, write to every congressman, demand to hear this on the merits or resign. 55,000 American citizens signed my petition for Congress to hear the issue of Obama’s use of fabricated IDs, and they are doing nothing. Write to every judge, who has Obama forgerrygate case in front of him and ask him to expedite and rule on the merits or resign from the bench. Please, look for new candidates for congress, who will sign a pledge to hear the issue of Obama’s fabricated IDs on the merits. Let’s bring honest people in the U.S. Congress, lets throw out of office all of the corrupt politicians who are criminally complicit in the cover up.
Slattern Lee Maitron
Submitted on 2013/08/21 at 6:42 am
Why don’t we focus on who we DO WANT in the White House in 2016 than who didn’t want in 2008?

Fete a compli? Perhaps Orly means “Fait Accompli,” which means “accomplished fact” in French and has been known to be used in legal pleadings - but that would mean she’s wrong, and what’s the probability of that? No doubt she really meant “sa fête compliqué” or “her complicated party.” Anyway, some of the 7 comments were:

1. 2discern
August 22nd, 2013 @ 3:16 pm
The sociopath in office has acted in accordance with his handlers. Fulfilling his ultimate stimulation as top dog (and a dog he is) even though under the control of globalists, barry soetero as liar, ID thief, forger, fraud, and deceiver will have an unusual… and the plant people will be unidentified. They (the puppet masters) may choose to conceal the proof of usurping by historic means.

That is why the agencies are ready with loads of unnecessary ammunition stockpiles. The racists card will be played in the pending plot and “they” will ploy every aspect of what is to come. God help America. The stage is nearing it’s last act. Connect historic dots and you will see the future.

1. Veritas
August 22nd, 2013 @ 3:23 pm
Definitely an OBOT and definitely a pseudonym.

Look at the name SLATTERN LEE (Slatternly) Maitron (Matron)
DEFINITION: (Merriam Webster)
Definition of SLATTERNLY
1: untidy and dirty through habitual neglect; also : careless, disorderly
2: of, relating to, or characteristic of a s**t or prostitute
— slat•tern•li•ness noun

1. SticksNstones
August 22nd, 2013 @ 8:25 pm
There is being a big effort to direct the discussion towards Ted Cruz..which if you recall came very shortly after a few reports in the media of Obama’s birth cert issue…
plus there has been a bit of chatter from the Obots on Cruz also
They want to deflect the subject from Obama to Cruz…

1. Dodger Fan
August 22nd, 2013 @ 8:31 pm
@ 2discern: You’re right on the dog…! But let me add to that: “check out the most recent copy of The Examiner (or Globe!) and the front cover discusses how Michele blows up at Obama for (supposedly) talking to (2) women on the phone!”

He’s a hound with no scrupples and even Putin doesn’t trust him!!

First of all, Veritas shouldn’t be surprised people use pseudonyms online, even though he doesn’t. And exactly why he “knows” it’s an “OBOT” from the name perhaps referring to a disorderly slut is beyond me (most of the disorderly sluts I know, and that’s a lot, are Libertarians). As for Dodger Fan (who might also be an OBOT, Dodger – someone who evades, Fan – to blow air), neither the Examiner or Globe has the front cover article he describes (but with these folks that seems to be pretty normal). Finally, looking this up, I found the following joke on Fogbow from SueDB, who lives at “FEMA Camp 13 Okanagan, WA 98840” and whose occupation is “Drone Maintenance Officer - FAA Licensed and Certified "We Fix Drones©" Call (206) 622-0460 to schedule routine maintenance or repair.” By the way, “Chalera” is her nickname for Orly, I’m not sure why (maybe Orly misspelled “Cholera” like this once, and since it’s a disease that kills people through intense diarrhea and vomiting…).

The Chalera was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and she turned To her and said, "Do you vant to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger."

The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to Orly "What would you want to talk about?"

"Oh, I don't know," screeched Orly. "How about President Obama's eligibility to be President" as TWLITU smiled smugly.

"Okay," she said. "It could be an interesting topic but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, but a horse produces clumps. Why do you suppose that is?"

Orly, visibly surprised by the little girl's intelligence, Thinks about it and says, "Hmmm, I have no idea." To which The little girl replies, "Do you really feel qualified to discuss the President's eligibility, when you don't know shit?"

And then she went back to reading her book.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

A slatternly matron isn't the only one in Orly's sights for unacceptable comments.

Can someone tell me, who these people are? I am getting some vile e-mails, who were traced to this address. It may be an error, but I would appreciate getting some pictures of these two people, and some info as to who they are

Posted on | August 24, 2013 | 1 Comment

1736 Olive Chapel Rd
Apex, NC 27502

Denise F Miller »
Roger E Turrell »
1736 Olive Chapel Rd
Apex, NC

Vile comments are meant as a distraction. Stay focused. Brush it off.

The single comment was wise, but Orly isn't listening.

it is probably nothing, but just to be on the safe side I would like to know, what did these two people do in the past, where did they study and where did they work? if you have info, please forward to thank you

Posted on | August 24, 2013

Roger E Turrell Apex, NC | 72 years old

Previous Locations Apex, NC | Litchfield, CT | Holly Springs, NC | Raleigh, NC | Goshen, CT | East Sandwich, MA
Aliases Roger Miller
Relatives Suzanne S Turrell | Laura S Morin | Jeremy Carrett Miller | Carey C Miller | E Miller | James R Miller | Leonora C Miller | Suzanne Turrell | Eunice Turrell | Suzanne S Turrell | Roger Miller | M Suzanne S Switzer | Suzanne Turrell | Denise F Miller


Denise F Miller 68 Apex, NC
Raleigh, NC
Holly Springs, NC
Jeremy Carrett Miller

Roger E Turrell 72 Apex, NC
Litchfield, CT
Raleigh, NC
Holly Springs, NC

The person who is really Deep Knight has an uncommon name, and a 7-day free trial at peoplesmart is only $0.95 (be sure to cancel before it's over), so I searched for myself based on my first and last name and state. I was in two entries with the middle name right, one with only one city where I live now, one with 4 cities, 2 of which I've lived in. In the second I found to my surprise I died in 2004. It also included my nephew's old address (when he went to school here), and him with his last name wrong as a relative (mine was there instead - sister's boy). How they got that one is beyond me (from his "mother's maiden name?"). This entry was probably a repository for misc. information with my named somehow tagged on it (and presumably someone else who died 9 years ago and lived in a nearby city once). The also gave an alias, "Pablo Capp," which I may start using online. Anyway, this is an example of the "databases" Orly and her ilk are using for research.

does Roger Turell go by Torrell as well? Is he connected to George Switzer? where did they work in CT?

Posted on | August 25, 2013 | No Comments ... Y-THE.HTML


They were linked because this a person has the same or similar name of a person listed as a relative, but to Orly that's proof positive!

But, she soon finds another fire engine to chase.

an individual with this IP had access to my confidential file with the Department of Homeland Security. I need to find out who this person is?

Posted on | August 25, 2013 | No Comments

Author : Jackson (IP: ,
E-mail :
Whois :

I need to ID this person as he or she (going by male pseudonym) has acces to my confidential file with the Department of Homeland Security. Either this person works for DHS or connected to someone at DHS

And what's this all about? A person with this e-mail address sent an insulting message which included "You don’t belong here you came here on a (redacted type of a visa) visa You’re nothing but low-life trash without any hopes of ever being anything else." Let me guess, it was a CR1 visa. With a memory of Orly's biography and 1 minute on the immigration wiki site, I found it. And I'm not a hired by DHS, honest!
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

And Squirrely is convinced that those self same databases are inerrant and infallibly correct. Why some of her best ebidence came from those self same databases.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

According to a poster at Fogbow, the information that Orly has is from their IP address. What this gives you is:
You can't always get what want.

Your IP-address search will give you general details only about what is on the end of that IP address. Here's what you'll find out:

The ISP and organization's name
The IP's host name
The country it's in
The region/state
The city (a best guess)
The latitude and longitude of the location (a best guess)
The area code for that region
Any known services running on that IP

What you won't get.

You won't get anything like a person's name or street address. That's where privacy issues come in, which are there to protect Internet users like you.
So what she did was take the latitude and longitude that was actually the center of the geographical region the vile e-mail's IP address was probably in, and either find the address their or nearest there and finger its inhabitants. And basically ask for them to be harassed. Nice lady.

My IP address put me 42 miles by Google map away from where I live, but some people on Fogbow were even farther, one over 100 miles.

And finally, a "Duck Dynasty" post from Orly I missed, but which as tongues wagging.

Indonesian -Kenyan usurper Obama accelerates the invasion and dismantling of the US sovereignty. Congress and Judiciary do nothing. Are they impotent, incapable of taking any action or are they in on it, are they paid to be a part of this criminal enterprise destroying this nation? I need people to help me place ads during the “Duck Dynasty” show to advertise “Americans to remember veterans and 9/11 victims and end corruption in the government rally for 9/11 in front of the National monument and joining 2 million bikers”. Please, e-mail me at and let me know if you can join the rally at 9/11, if you can pay for the ads and assist in organizing

Posted on | August 24, 2013
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly quadruples down with the stupid.

I need your help

Posted on | August 25, 2013 | No Comments

I need pictures of these two people:

1736 Olive Chapel Rd
Apex, NC 27502
Denise F Miller »
Roger E Turrell »
1736 Olive Chapel Rd
Apex, NC

I need to know if they were in any way connected to William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Ann Dunham. I need to know if they were involved in SDS (students for Democratic society) or Weathermen underground. Did they have different names before or did they always go by the same names. If they used different names, pictures would help a lot.

Also, I need to know whether any of the older members of “fogbow” were members of the SDS or weather underground, specifically William Bryan, who used to be an attorney in CA, resigned amidst investigation and now also resides in North Carolina and owns a floor shop. I believe his shop is called “flower city”. He goes by name “Foggy”, you can see his video with him wearing a red communist hat with a hammer and sickle crossed (like on a Soviet flag). I posted this video before. I need information about “Sterngard Friegen”(I don’t know what this weird pseudonym mean), but I know that his real name is Scott Tepper, as in Obama’s personal attorney in my case in MS, Scott J. Tepper. He is the attorney, who worked as an investigator for the Ca bar and tried to attack my law license. Did he belong to any of the flower children organizations like SDS. I know he defended cases about the right to burn the US flag, but I need more information. I need info on names of attorneys who represented former SDS and weathermen members

I need specific information: specifically how their “fogbow” convention in Phoenix AZ, in May of 2010 was paid for.

I feel sorry for these people and have just finished writing them a letter letting them know what's going on. I suggested a call to their lawyer, if they have one, or if not to the local police.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

I had thought I had been keeping a pretty close eye on the craziness that is her Squirrelyness, but somehow I completely missed this latest episode.

As near as I can determine, she has now convinced herself that some mysterious malevolent someone from the NSA has "accessed" her file and has been releasing personal information about her, specifically her original visa status as I understand it. She has also been screaming about someone releasing her private financial information as well.

Since she has previously broadcast her ssn and some, or most, of her bank acct information, these are, or at least were, readily available and findable to anyone who cared. As to her visa information, I wouldn't be at all surprised if she hadn't also posted that at some point and someone either remembered or found that post.

The one thing I am dead certain of is that the people she is currently blaming for all of this had absolutely NOTHING to do with it, but she is off on a rant and has convinced herself, and probably her minions that these are the guilty parties.

I, equally, have no doubt that these innocent people WILL be harassed by the pretend lawyer and her minions, and that they could and should take legal action against her, adn I am equally certain they will have no idea at all what it is all about when the phone calls start.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Deep Knight »

Orly's got someone new.

Does anyone know, who these people are?

Posted on | August 26, 2013 | No Comments

Susan T Won »
Lianne Won »
319 Morrison Ave
Raleigh, NC

Hmmm... This address is only 18.2 miles by road (and 26 minutes in current traffic) away from 1736 Olive Chapel Rd, in Apex, the address of the two other poor people Orly released her minions on because of a lack of understanding of how things work. Could it be she got another location from an IP address that was "better" than the last? The first one was accurate, but the one 18 miles away was more accurate?
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Orly appears to be getting herself into serious trouble by inviting her followers to vex people who may be entirely innocent of wrongdoing. This sort of lynch-mob behavior is completely unprofessional as regards a member of the bar.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by wserra »

Clearly not relatives of Orly, who never Won anything.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

fortinbras wrote:Orly appears to be getting herself into serious trouble by inviting her followers to vex people who may be entirely innocent of wrongdoing. This sort of lynch-mob behavior is completely unprofessional as regards a member of the bar.
I am genuinely concerned that, given the stupidity of the average birther, sooner or later, one of these idiots will end up on an innocent party's front lawn in somewhere like Texas or Florida and end up in hospital or a morgue.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

I am worried that it won't be the idiot who ends up in the morgue.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

fortinbras wrote:I am worried that it won't be the idiot who ends up in the morgue.
A not invalid concern in my opinion. Many/most of Squirrely's followers are not too tightly wrapped at the best, and from what I have seen from excerpts from her blog, many have some serious anger and impluse control issues as well, which could not go well under the right circumstances.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

The most conspicuous example of a lawyer being disbarred (if not worse) for inciting and participating in a lynching is Ex parte Wall (1883) 107 US (17 Otto) 265, 2 S.Ct 569, 27 L.Ed 552. ... 5390923985
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote: In the second I found to my surprise I died in 2004.
We were hoping to keep this news from you until we had gotten you relieved of your less serious problems, such as your obsessive priapism. But perhaps the shock of realizing that you are dead may be the cure after all. If so, we will put in a call to the suits in HQ to reanimate you. In the meantime, you can let us know your preference as to coming back as Ayn Rand or Slim Whitman.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by notorial dissent »

DK's problem, one at least among so many, is that he is hopelessly behind in reading his after action memo's, or his memos in general for that matter. As if he were not, he would have gotten the original memo, death/termination/altered state 106/b-7, as it is he has yet to get that deep in his pile. Plus if he had kept up he would have discovered the memo voiding the previous memo, admittedly quite some time later, you know how bureaucracies work, cancellation/reanimation/error 804-112-h-106/b-7, there are further clarifying memos along the way, but as he hasn't gotten tot the originals they won't mean anything to him either.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by fortinbras »

Birtherism is now combined (and not for the first time) with seditious hallucinations: ... tary-coup/
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Re: NESARA Loves Orly!

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

fortinbras wrote:Birtherism is now combined (and not for the first time) with seditious hallucinations: ... tary-coup/
The references to generals remind me of the NESARA rants which claimed that, when the Supreme Court heard the NESARA cases, generals and admirals filled the courtroom, and convinced the Court of the righteousness of the NESARA proponents (yeah -- in a city crawling with reporters, the presence of so many flag officers in the Supreme Court building went unnoticed)....
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