Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravaganza

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by grixit »

I've already called it the Food Fight Between the States.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

I think you pretty well called it, now that the conman in chief is in the slammer, all the little grifters will start in, and since it seems that is what most of them are, it should get messy.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Famspear »

fortinbras wrote:I am sorely tempted to run, but I cannot decide which is worse: losing the election or winning the election.
grixit wrote:I've already called it the Food Fight Between the States.

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

fortinbras wrote:I am sorely tempted to run, but I cannot decide which is worse: losing the election or winning the election.
Show us your birth certificate first, please.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by The Observer »

fortinbras wrote:I am sorely tempted to run, but I cannot decide which is worse: losing the election or winning the election.
Face it, you are already in trouble if you just get the nomination.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by GlimDropper »

It is now official:
The Republic for the United States of America

Joint Release and Public Notice

From the Offices of:

Acting President and

Acting Secretary of State

For Immediate Release

September 2, 2013


The Executives of the free-States in Union with the Republic for the United States of America,

We the People of the Republic for the United States of America and

All People of the World

Secured ID# PN364423994RUSA

Re: Public Notice - Pursuant to 2nd Congress, Session I, Chapter 8, Section 9 & 10, Electors shall be appointed or chosen in the several states of the Republic for the United States of America within 34 days preceding December 4th, 2013.

It is time for the American People to provide a constitutional and lawful framework so America can return to the land of liberty and justice for all. Part of the restoration process is to follow the Constitution and Presidential Succession Act of 1792 as written. Therefore, in the interest of preserving the Republic, I, James Buchanan Geiger, Acting President filed with the District Court of the Alabama Free State in December of 2012 a Motion for Preliminary Injunction staying enforcement of the Special Election Act of 2012 and reverting to the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, until further actions of Congress for the following reasons:

the Special Election Act of 2012 was passed under duress and misinformation;
discontent, fear and disinformation caused the electorate to be ineffectual in finding minimum of two viable candidates for the office of President and Vice President and;
the States failed to appoint electors Pursuant to Acts 1792 and 1845 or fill vacancies by the first Wednesday in December 2012 as prescribed by law.

On, December 4, 2012 the District Court of the Alabama Free State Judge granted and ordered the motion in the matter staying enforcement of Special Election Act 2012 until further actions Congress.

Having reverted to the Presidential Succession Act of 1792, and pending further review by Congress, it is imperative the States immediately schedule Presidential elections for this fall.

Pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of America circa 1791, the Act of 1792, and the Act of 1845, because there is neither a President not Vice President able to discharge the powers and duties of the said offices, a special election for President and Vice President is required.

Electors shall be appointed in the several states, one for each Senator and Representative seat allowed in the National Congress. Nominally three Electors per state should be appointed by election, legislative action, or executive action pursuant to both state and national constitutions.

Pursuant to the Acts of 1792 and 1845, electors shall be appointed on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November 2013 (November 5, 2013) and vacancies may be filled by law up until the first Wednesday in December 2013.

A certified List of Electors will be delivered to the Electors by the Executive of the State according to the Act of 1792 prior to voting.

On December 4, 2013 the Electors will lawfully cast two votes for candidates able to carry out the duties of President and Vice President and sign three lists of their votes with the attached certified List of Electors pursuant to the Constitution with Bill of Rights circa 1791 and the Act of 1792. The lists shall be forthwith delivered to the National Senate and others as per the Act of 1792.

Nominations for the Office of President/Vice President should be sent to the Office of the Secretary of State. Candidates that accept the nomination shall send written notification of their acceptance along with a bio including any information that they want to have considered in support of their nomination to the Office of the Secretary of State which shall be received no later than November 6, 2013 to be included on the ballot. Acknowledged email is an acceptable method of delivery. If mailed, postmark must be by November 2, 2013.

Congress will convene and the Senate will count the votes and the two candidates that receive the most votes will be announced as the President and Vice President respectively according to the Constitution of the United States of America circa 1791 and the Act of 1792.

The elected President and Vice President will fill out the terms of office begun by the original re-inhabitation of the Republic in 2010. Again, these actions are required Pursuant to the Constitution of the United States of American circa 1791, the Act of 1792, and the Act of 1845.

God bless the Republic.

James Buchanan Geiger

Acting President

Jeanine Cherie Stewart

Acting Secretary of State

Republic for the United States of America
OK, so a state judge overturned an act of their congress? Didn't they ever find anyone to replace Nathan Peachy as chief justice of the one supreme court?

I'm trying to see how the Special Election Act of 2012 would be so divisive. I mean it's basically the same plan they're using now, find a small handful of yahoos and have them pick their next imaginary leader. I don't see anything so significant that they had to interrupt some dude in Alabama's grandslam breakfast. I must have missed a few episodes of the extravaganza last fall.

On Edit: I am starting to recall the post presidential arrest period where Nathan Peachy made a bee line for an exit like the last sovereign out of Deny's door was getting stuck with the check. This ushered in the "green state" era when almost no one knew how many states had legitimately seated governments and much wailing and gnashing of teeth over what the definition of an imaginary quorum really was. It was in those dark days when the Special Election Act was passed by both houses of congress despite an acrimonious argument over whether or not they were really in session (parliamentary procedures seem to be a very complicated affair in fantasy republics).

While refreshing my memory of that period in the history of the republic, I happened upon a link I hadn't seen before. For an if you blinked at the wrong time you'd miss it moment Randi Shannon was a shining star on the rise. She at one time was a candidate for the state of Iowa Senate (the real one) but dropped out of the race to join Tim's republic. [Hoping to steer clear of politics] I've never been much of a Mike Huckabee fan but he interviewed Randi on his radio show after she left the defacto and give the man credit, he knew what she was saying and pointed out the most glaring error. [Link] Why they would archive this conversation on the republic website is a sorta interesting question.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

I noticed that they make no mention whatever of the 25th Amendment, which I thought would be relevant. They say this election will only fill the slots for the remainder of the current term, which I think means until the end of 2014.

I have no idea what the Special Election Act of 2012 said, nor have I heard of an Act of Congress being invalidated because of accusations by the Executive that it was passed by duress and misinformation.

Since they revert to the law of 1792, and don't mention the 25th Amendment, I am not clear on when their timeline of 'valid' federal law stops. I can imagine all sorts of interesting situations by reverting to an old status quo. (The McLaren version of The Republic of Texas made its own ad hoc amendments to the Texas Constitution of 1838, by graciously allowing women to vote and freeing the slaves - but they did not comply with the constitution's own prescription for amendments.)
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

So the pretend acting president and pretend acting secretary are announcing a new pretend election. Such a joyous and histoerical occasion.

Do they just make this up as they go along??[/rhetorical off]

I thought they had replaced Nathan with someone a bit more pliable, but apparently he has seen fit to desert the sinking ship as well???? Not that the replacement was any jewel either, let me point out.

What I'm trying to figure out is how they could have a special election act to begin with when there is absolutely no constitutional mechanism for one.

I'm just waiting to see what kind of food fight the "election" turns in to, and you just know it is going to happen.

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LightinDarkness »

For context, the "Special Election Act of 2012" was fake legislation passed by the fake Congress after Turner was arrested to hold new elections last year. Total panic/chaos erupted as people started being visited by the FBI after Turners arrest, which led to "elections" in November 2012 where only about 10 states agreed to abide by the RuSA national rules for elections and about 10 others did their own thing. Ms. Stewart, the Fake Acting Secretary of State (since the last one resigned after Turner's arrest), who is responsible for the creation of most of the fake election guidelines/requirements, flipped out and declared any fake state delegation not certifying their elections using her official forms would not be seated in the Fake Congress. This led to the great Congress split and thats why were down to about 15 states total in the officially sanctioned RuSA congress, the other Congress where the rest of fake states (10+) went off to apparently also got tired of playing government and just stopped meeting.

The Acting Fake President (the one that stepped up after Turners arrest), noting that due to all the chaos and drama there werent enough votes for anyone to be fake President and fake Vice President, went to his friends in Alabama where a RuSA Fake District Court declared the Special Election Act of 2012 as being null and void over dinner at Denny's. So what were really doing here is having the national level RuSA leaders who want to hang on their positions declaring last year's elections null and having a "do over" where they will more closely control the outcome of the remaining 150 or so RuSA voters to ensure they get the desired result.

And yes, its hilarious that for a group so insistent that they are the "real" government that they have no clue how things work - like holding a sov'run kangaroo court with the Fake Acting President's buddies at Denny's to overrule an act of the Fake Congress.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by AndyK »

This topic has been moderated.

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Jeffrey »

How do they plan on holding elections?

Any good youtube links to followers reacting to the sentencing?
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

The RuSA recently repudiated its own 2012 "Special Election Act", the acting Prez got an RuSA court in Louisiana to invalidate it on grounds that it had been passed due to "misinformation and duress" (and I have never heard of a real legislative act in the US being invalidated by a court for that!) and adopted ad hoc rules for its election ... which is only for the remainder of the current term anyway, amounting to a year or so. Considering that the RuSA was recently fractured by competing red and green Congresses or some such, I no longer feel so bad about my difficulty in grasping the details of medieval French history.

Anyway, a very recent email from RuSA asks us all to kick in money for Paul Earnest Sellors who had "legal troubles" for "his work for the RuSA". In fact, Sellors is already toast. He was convicted on Sept 5th for using a forged seal of the US District Court for the District of Minnesota. His excuse in court - he went pro se! - is that he was permitted to do so because he was appointed a judge by the RuSA (Tim Turner's recent conviction didn't help him one bit!) .... but he used his forged seal to churn out what appeared to court orders from the Real district court and sent these to other Real federal courts to have trials postponed and even to release a prisoner. He also claimed immunity on the grounds that he was not a US citizen but rather a citizen "of the Foreign State of God." The jury in Denver was not amused. His sentencing date is Nov. 6th. Sellors is age 70. His co-defendant, Ronald Roy Hoodenpyle, age 71, pled guilty back in August and got sentenced to a mere 2 months in prison -- but consecutive to other sentences he has recently accumulated -- followed by 3 years of parole.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Actually, in comparison, medieval French history is a snap compared to FRUSA crunchy goodness, the closest I could come up with as an equivalent would be either the Medici or maybe Borgia papacies, now there was convoluted, and the politics are very similar, except they did it with knives and poison.

I take it at this point, that "legal troubles" is FRUSA euphemism for screwed up big time with the Feds? Yeah, I'd say he bit it big time, they don't take that sort of thing lightly they don't. Maybe he'll get an adjoining cell with Jimmy Tim. The dumb must be contagious, first Hoody, and then this yutz. Just keeps getting more and more entertaining.

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by grixit »

Well, sticking to french history, there was that time when there were two popes, who endorsed opposite sides of a war. The pope who was the french king's guest, naturally favored the side that France was on. Of course both popes were eating much better than either RuSA presidents, Denny's not having been invented yet.

Then the was the part about the english king making war on the french king, in between having to come and officially do homage for the fact that he was legally his enemy's vassal. And the unusual way the french authorities thanked Joan of Arc for saving the realm by turning her over to an enemy tribunal. And that with the Kindom of France were two powerful autonomous forces, both called Burgundy. And that there were actually two instances of a hundred years war, but only one got the title.

Nope, still less convoluted than Les Chroniques Souverains.

Oh, and you could usually remember what the king's name was.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by notorial dissent »

Or at least make a good guess.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Cathulhu »

or sing a verse of Louie, Louie...

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by fortinbras »

The RuSA has issued a booklet of instructions for its upcoming election, to take place on Wednesday, Dec. 4th (which happens to be the last full day of Hanukkah) ..... ... ersion.pdf

This displays the quote from their "Utah Document" (the only part published so far, and the same quote now featured every week in their mass emailings) about their official approval of an "accurate Bible" (otherwise unidentified). Also includes their statement about adhering to the original (1787) Constitution plus the Bill of Rights (1791) [as if this were not itself a part of the Constitution!] -- but adds the word 'only' in square brackets and red ink, which I guess means that they reject all those other amendments like the one about freeing the slaves and the one about letting women vote.

I have made another effort to read up on the life of the Duc du Orleans.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by LPC »

fortinbras wrote:Also includes their statement about adhering to the original (1787) Constitution plus the Bill of Rights (1791) [as if this were not itself a part of the Constitution!] -- but adds the word 'only' in square brackets and red ink, which I guess means that they reject all those other amendments like the one about freeing the slaves and the one about letting women vote.
They also seem to be ignoring the 12th Amendment, which changed the way electors voted for President and Vice President, in order to (among other things) avoid the result in which the President and Vice President are from different parties (which is what happened in 1796).

In this election, the President and Vice President could be from different planets, but that is a problem with the candidates and has nothing to do with the mechanics of the voting.
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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Famspear »

LPC wrote:....In this election, the President and Vice President could be from different planets....
Based on everything I've seen, I suspect that all the candidates -- and indeed all the voters in that group of nuts -- are from different planets -- or at least, from some planet other than Earth.....

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Re: Republic for the united States (RuSA) Fruitcake Extravag

Post by Arthur Rubin »

LPC wrote:They also seem to be ignoring the 12th Amendment, which changed the way electors voted for President and Vice President, in order to (among other things) avoid the result in which the President and Vice President are from different parties (which is what happened in 1796).
It seemed to work well in California before Proposition 14. In any case, it kept the Governor from going on junkets (as the Lieutenant Governor takes power when the Governor leaves the state.)
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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