Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Stranger things have happened, but I doubt it. However, in as much as the 1st and 2nd of Sept have now come and gone, and nothing has magically manifested itself, I wouldn't bet on the OPPT'ers being in a particularly good humor about once again being denied their toys.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

reefwalker wrote:Things are unusually quiet on the western front. My main source on FB is unusually quiet. There's been a few conspiracy things regarding Syria etc but no OPPT news, courtesy notices nothing zilch. Could it be that the idiots have woken up and realised that lunatics were in fact in charge of the asylum?
It's more likely that they are desperately trying to come up with yet another excuse as to why their predictions haven't come true. However, I fully expect that they will come up with SOMEONE/THING -- like an evil Antarean spaceship arriving and using 6th-dimension mind melding to bring the RV/prosperity programs/NESARA/OPPT payouts to a screeching halt.

(You know -- it's sad when an attempt at parody can never produce a result which is funnier than that which the target produces.)
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LaVidaRoja »

The reason is simple and obvious. The US contemplation of retaliation against Syria has caused the UN to block any release of major world-wide prosperity. (I said the REASON was simple -- NOT the convoluted explanation of WHY this is the reason)
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

The OPPT faithful have come up with an explanation. I'll just quote it for your amusement:
the truth of the matter is that ALL corporations world wide, (including all corporate governments) do fall under "cannon law", it is their only mandate of existence, however the fact that the popes in days long past gave them the power to create mega corporations un-hindered, to rape and kill anyone on the planet for profit, (including the landscape) without fear of prosecution for their crimes, so long as they played by the popes rules (corporate statutes and codes), so now the new pope says that they can be prosecuted under the change in cannon law because of this letter,

does anyone really think that the bullies that run this corporate world by force of guns, bombs, fear, and creating shortages of life's essential commodities, all for profit, are suddenly going to have a change of heart, or be afraid of being arrested and tried for anything? I dont think so, papal law created this situation, by giving the bully's more power to create themselves "more power than the Vatican itself", which is itself now regarded with contempt and as a joke in corporate board rooms, the fact is the popes of the past created the plow which the corporations have used to bury the very church powers that they were created by, in short, Zeus's son grew up to be more powerful than Zeus himself.
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Well of course. It was so simple why didn't we all see it????
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ColinT »

LightinDarkness wrote:The OPPT faithful have come up with an explanation. I'll just quote it for your amusement:
the truth of the matter is that ALL corporations world wide, (including all corporate governments) do fall under "cannon law", it is their only mandate of existence, however the fact that the popes in days long past gave them the power to create mega corporations un-hindered, to rape and kill anyone on the planet for profit, (including the landscape) without fear of prosecution for their crimes, so long as they played by the popes rules (corporate statutes and codes), so now the new pope says that they can be prosecuted under the change in cannon law because of this letter,

does anyone really think that the bullies that run this corporate world by force of guns, bombs, fear, and creating shortages of life's essential commodities, all for profit, are suddenly going to have a change of heart, or be afraid of being arrested and tried for anything? I dont think so, papal law created this situation, by giving the bully's more power to create themselves "more power than the Vatican itself", which is itself now regarded with contempt and as a joke in corporate board rooms, the fact is the popes of the past created the plow which the corporations have used to bury the very church powers that they were created by, in short, Zeus's son grew up to be more powerful than Zeus himself.
By this logic, and by the realisation of those huge powers, doesn't this mean that the RV etc. etc. will never happen?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

I've read the OPPT follower's pabulum long enough to know that they are not vested in actual outcomes, only the high that comes from contemplating that the outcome MIGHT happen. "Everything happens as it should," is their constant observation. If they can trash talk the PTB for a few months, or weeks, or days while anticipating an event that never comes, that seems to be good enough for them.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Pottapaug1938 »

thunter wrote:I've read the OPPT follower's pabulum long enough to know that they are not vested in actual outcomes, only the high that comes from contemplating that the outcome MIGHT happen. "Everything happens as it should," is their constant observation. If they can trash talk the PTB for a few months, or weeks, or days while anticipating an event that never comes, that seems to be good enough for them.
Not to mention the likelihood that more than a few of the more rabid fanatics (at least in public) are profiting quite nicely from things like selling Iraqi dinars and Vietnamese dongs to credulous people who are convinced that both currencies will RV ANY DAY NOW and make them wealthy.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:According to the OPPT gurus September 1st would be the beginning of the new financial system/our ascendance to 5D/whatever else. They have been pushing this since the Pope removed immunity from the Vatican's internal justice system due to the Vatican's sexual abuse problems - a decree that goes into effect September 1. Although this action has nothing to do with the rest of the world or anyone outside of the Vatican's internal justice system, this is a HUGE deal in OPPT land. Somehow, someway, this decree has been warped into a global order that will enforce the arrests of the Dark Cabal, all judges, Congress, etc. How? Well remember its dangerous to try to find logic when it comes to insane people and their mythology, but it seems to be because they also have decided that the Vatican secretly rules the world (along with the other members of the Dark Cabal) and so its orders now have magical international force of law and that the decree will magically expose all the evil banks, corporations, etc.
Perhaps they're looking at the original meaning of the word "catholic" which is "universal" or "all encompassing" (from Latin from Greek). However, I think it more likely that they are simply awed by the place the Catholic Church's symbolism holds in monster/vampire movies and heavy metal videos.

Not that this is about religion, because even though it IS about religion it's not about the religious part of religion. My point here is that with the exception of a few Hammer films from the UK, the church that had to deal with Dracula was a Catholic one. I figure it's because of the tough nuns. Anyway, this no doubt impressed Heather & CO. and once you add the church's until-recently use of Latin, the magic legal language, it was a done deal.

LightinDarkness wrote:When nothing happens come September 1, the excuse will be of course that the arrests occurred but it was ins secret, or that the Dark Cabal stopped the decree.
Damn it, we've got to work on our security - I mean if the blabbed this secret information to LightinDarkness, they would probably tell ANYONE!
LightinDarkness wrote:So its September 1 or 2 'round the world and - would you believe it? I am not able to use "ABSOLUTE TECHNOLOGY" to manifest myself gold bars using my "ETERNAL ESSENCE" as we were promised we would be able to with our 5D ascension. Maybe I am not doing it right. Anyone else having ascendance problems?

Also, watching the news...I seem to have missed the world wide arrests? The alien flybys also do not appear to be making the news.

Surely there must be some misunderstanding.
OK, I'm only going to go over this once more, then you're on you own.

1. Take you eternal essense and spread it out on a tabletop or other open area. Orient it so that the upper righthand corner is to your lower left.
2. Fold the nearest corner to the right, so that it is no longer the nearest corner and on your left. Neatly crease the fold, pressing on it firmly but not so hard that you open the seam on the backing.
3. Now, holding the upper left corner with your lower right foot, press down and around while lifting up, until daylight can be seen through the openings in the base. Immediately flip it around so the label is on top, and gather the remaining corners together.
4. Tie the two loose ends together until they are no longer loose, then undo the inner knots until their is enough play that the inside can be pulled out and assembly reversed.
5. Heat beeswax in a double boiler until it's just melted, and use it to seal the edges and any openings big enough to require closure. If they are smaller than this, then they are too big. Adjust accordingly.
6. Pull up the center string, tie it to a sturdy hook on the ceiling, and allow to dry for 2 hours or until no longer dripping.
7. Decorate with glitter and rhinestones until dynamically balanced. Do not removed the tag until this is complete!

reefwalker wrote:Things are unusually quiet on the western front. My main source on FB is unusually quiet. There's been a few conspiracy things regarding Syria etc but no OPPT news, courtesy notices nothing zilch. Could it be that the idiots have woken up and realised that lunatics were in fact in charge of the asylum?
Naw, they were just taking a well-deserved day off. Give 'em a day and I'm sure they'll come up with something.
LightinDarkness wrote:The OPPT faithful have come up with an explanation.
See, what did I tell you?
"Follow the Money"

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by vkey08 »

Honestly I kinda stopped paying attention to the OPPT faithful when I noticed the dissent in the ranks after the failed Project 13 crapolafest.

Yes it is a nice distraction from reality and it's fun to watch them run around in circles but Heather just keeps getting more and more off the wall and into some major drug induced guru-loopa, which unfortunately translates into for me at least:

Sov'run who has lost all touch with reality, more than most of them, and cannot make predictions without her copious amounts of Opium.... ie: Major fraud that will somehow just fade away once her faithful realize they have been totally played.

It's actually kind of sad, she lost her home and her business over all of this nonsense just to try and prove that which she never really proved...
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

This was too long for me to read, but some might be into abusing themselves and read it. These OPPTers must spend hours every night trash talking the PTB and working themselves into a frenzy.

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

The natives are indeed getting restless ... ment-39164Sheila says : Reply

September 8, 2013 at 12:33 am

My only question is

My understanding of foreclosure is when the bank takes back the physical property that they allegedly loaned you some money or value and then rip you off again for any equity you have accumulated over the years SO YOU GET RIPPED OFF TWICE BY THESE BANKS THAT HEATHERS SAID SHE FORECLOSED ON. .? WHERE DID THE VALUE GO THAT HEATHER TOOK BACK FOR SAFE KEEPING ? WHERE IS OUR IPAGE WITH $ 5 billion of units or credits or dollars or script or mula?? Please someone help me as to where Heather has gone with our value? Thank you for yourself with this gaping hole of BE and DO and what transparency has the OPPT given us? Much love
Ken Smith says : Reply

September 8, 2013 at 7:30 pm

Well done Sheila for asking the HARD questions that others here don’t want to face up to. IM Power – here you are advising someone where to find documents to access value when we KNOW that this did not work for Bob, Kiri OR ANYONE ELSE. Dream walker the dates thing – how many dates were things promised and nothing happened! You can only postpone for so long before you must smell a rat. We’ve all been had.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

The light may well have dawned, albeit dimly, but the burning question, is will anyone notice or care, when it is going contrary to what they want to believe?
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ashlynne39 »

Who are Madame Wu, General Wong and the old man? Anyone?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

Thought they were associated with the White Dragon Society.

We really need to start a organizational chart of all these conspiracies.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

ashlynne39 wrote:Who are Madame Wu, General Wong and the old man? Anyone?
Two possible answers, the first being that they are characters in Ben Fulford's illusions of different Dragon families and secret societies. These are usually identified as Madame Wu Yi and General Wong Siu Long, the first being one of four Vice Premiers of the State Council of the People's Republic of China until March 2008, and the second a fictitious character (whose name is close to Wang Xiao Long, a fictitious martial arts master). As for the "old man" perhaps they're referring to how I feel on Monday mornings.

The second answer is that they are members of the Si-Fan, a well-known secret society even more secret than the Fan-Tan, a little-know triad made up of card players, not to be confused with the Sally Rand Fan Dancers who were much more deadly. Madam Wu is known for her own martial art, Wu Fu, which relies on the strength of her private parts (which can bench press over 100 lbs), and General Wong from his currency trading (he was the first Wong to "Go Long" on the Dong). The "old man" is Fu Manchu himself, leader of the Si-Fan, the writer was confused because he thought Fu looked like Christopher Lee.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by texino »

Is it time to put this one to bed?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

The OPPT tends to piece together mythological conspiracy figures in a patchwork type fashion, drawing from the delusions and fantasies of a variety of conspiracy nuts to populate the world with their villains and heroes. I think the above is correct considering Madam Wu and General Wong (they ascribe fantastical world powers to General Wong though, in addition to him being a real figure - just not the figure they imagine him to be). The "Old Man" is another mythological conspiracy figure that is supposedly hundreds/thousands (different versions of the myth) years old who controls vast sums of wealth and works behind the scenes to secretly thwart the Dark Cabal via releasing prosperity funds (hes just stopped by some new plot every day, it seems). How he got to be so old and not die, of course, is that he figured out the hidden secrets to long life that the Dark Cabal suppresses from us all and will of course release such information upon the defeat of the Dark Cabal.

I would not "put this one to bed" yet - the OPPT is somehow, some way, gaining new life. The True Believers have put together a skype room with hundreds of people in it who are working on ways to harass banks via "accessing their value" using the failed Bob Wright paperwork. Even though Bob Wright failed in hysterical fashion, they are CONVINCED that if they do the right paperwork ritual dance and all hit the banks at once that someone will give them their billions. I foresee arrests in the future.

Also, we are just now hitting the point that many OPPTers are beginning to lose their houses or cars because they stopped paying their mortgages or car notes in January or February. Once the courts laugh the UCC paperwork out of the courtroom, there is going to be some angry people.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

THIS WEEKS PROPAGANDA CALL UPDATE! Lots of insanity this week:

- There is a group of about 20 true believers, maybe up to 30, that have decided to go to Wells Fargo banks on Friday and "access their value."

- Today (Monday) they all spent time calling Wells Fargo private banking representatives and lying to them telling them that they wanted to open up accounts for millions (not telling them the millions comes through the fraudulent paperwork). Since the bankers seemed receptive (because they haven't seen the insane paperwork yet), this was declared a success.

- One of the OPPT gurus advised everyone that before walking into the banks on Friday the OPPTers should spend time meditating on the money they were about to get and thanking the money for playing with them. All agreed this was wise. I am not kidding.

- Bob Wright continues to harass the legal department of the bank who told him to stop sending them gibberish documents and that they would not let him "access his value" for millions of dollars.

- The gurus are gearing up for what happens when no one is successful Friday: they have already stated their is a "rumor" that because of the "education" bank staff are getting from OPPTers that the Dark Cabal has ordered all banks not to accept the documents even though (in OPPT mythology land) they are valid.

- Heather is still dragging along the true believers by telling them she is waiting for an Event to release her magical documents that will FOR SURE enable everyone to get their $5 billion in gold bullion (really, this time, really). We have been waiting on this since July, but the gurus have declared the documents are done Heather is waiting on a secret timeline to release them.

- The OPPT gurus, after fleecing the flock to pay for their travel expenses to Morocco only a few months ago where they opened alien portals in the desert with Heather, have decided to shake down the true believers yet again. They have all decided to go on a "tour" of the US, and the OPPTers are the ones who will be paying for: an RV, plane costs for the Europe gurus to the US, food, etc. See - ... -tour-usa/. I think I have figured out how they get money by the way, they (the true believers) recruit people into the OPPT that still have good credit and then they max out their CCs/home equity loans and send that to the gurus (since most of the original OPPTers have now trashed their credit by not paying their bills).

- It enrages me how the OPPT gurus continue to egg on people who are clearly mentally ill. They had a call this week from a homeless woman who talked about how she spent 3 months communing with aliens wandering through the woods and how she often teleports to alien spaceships. She says she has a hard time getting any help because when she tells her friends and family about this stuff they think shes nuts (I wonder why). The OPPT gurus encouraged her delusions and told her not to worry, she'll be able to access he value for millions any day now. If there is a hell, its reserved for the gurus. Saddest quote from that woman: "You know I still have my cell phone, I used to have a lot of friends before I awakened. Now my phone never rings."
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

LightinDarkness wrote:The "Old Man" is another mythological conspiracy figure that is supposedly hundreds/thousands (different versions of the myth) years old who controls vast sums of wealth and works behind the scenes to secretly thwart the Dark Cabal via releasing prosperity funds (hes just stopped by some new plot every day, it seems). How he got to be so old and not die, of course, is that he figured out the hidden secrets to long life that the Dark Cabal suppresses from us all and will of course release such information upon the defeat of the Dark Cabal.
Dr. Fu Manchu is a fictional character in a series of novels by Sax Rohmer. The head of the criminal organization, the Si Fan, he is a criminal genius and extremely old, extending his life through the use of his elixir vitae.
LightinDarkness wrote:- The gurus are gearing up for what happens when no one is successful Friday: they have already stated their is a "rumor" that because of the "education" bank staff are getting from OPPTers that the Dark Cabal has ordered all banks not to accept the documents even though (in OPPT mythology land) they are valid.
I spent all of yesterday wiping the memories of a couple millions of low- and mid-level bank employees (yeah, it seems like a lot, but they have this new Swiffer thingie that makes it really fast and easy). Darn OPPTers, it used to be that when ordinary people wanted money they thought they had to earn it, playing right into our hands!
LightinDarkness wrote:They have all decided to go on a "tour" of the US, and the OPPTers are the ones who will be paying for: an RV, plane costs for the Europe gurus to the US, food, etc.
Come on, if you wanted to go on a vacation would you buy and RV and drive around the US? Get real! To me this is a sign they're ready to roll up their sleeves and take on those WF bankers!

"Follow the Money"