Susan Lynne Schwenger

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by JamesVincent »

I've run across this woman on Facebook time and time again. In the few years I've known her I have seen everything from NESARA to lizards to truther to aliens to Presidents being arrested to Rothschild and Koch to Indian movements to, well, you get the point. I have seen weeks long discussions on the Lizards calender, magic days and time of change. She was also the one I had mentioned before about using HAARP to spawn the tornado cycle we had last year. I thought we should start a thread about her, not sure if NESARA is the right spot but I have seen her down this road before. Will start updating and linking some of her work later.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by JamesVincent »

And, just to make the whole thing grander, she is involved in MLMs. ... _susan.htm
CEO/CVO, Design/Formulate private label organic health products, Hermetic Healer, Reiki Master, Seichim Reiki Master, distribute several lines of health care related products thru networking, Professional Purchasing/Materials Management. ... r/9/55/a93
CEO/CVO, Founder
eXKavier, SPiRiTS helping SPiRiTS (1975)

September 1975 – Present (38 years 1 month) ... e=activity
Susan Lynne Schwenger

Dokis First Nation, Ontario
Kin 3: Blue Electric Night
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by notorial dissent »

Well, it's nice to know she has a fertile and highly overactive, if extremely unoriginal imagination. I doubt if things ever get truly boring in her little pocket of irreality. By the same token, I would place anything she says or does in the highly suspect category.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

so, i do a search on google off aol ... 2151115258

and,i find 5 things for this person
on nescara & schwenger

3 of them land on this website

and, 2 of them land on websites
where someone quoted something she has said:

pat says:
October 29, 2012 at 5:38 pm
reminds me of a good quote, i once read:
“in the end, the inner circles will turn on the innermost circle” ~ susan lynne schwenger ... r-lawsuit/

and, the 2nd one
lands on a site where she is quoted again: ... -schwenger

this doesn't look like it belongs in a debunking of nesara section ?

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

sounds like there is a lot of truth in this quoted statement:

“in the end, the inner circles will turn on the innermost circle” ~ susan lynne schwenger

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

another quote

"The truth is a hard swallow" ~ Susan Lynne Schwenger

-now, that is funny !!!

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

looks like they joined this website... ... e=activity

and, made one post - related to their birthday

that doesn't sound like a hard nosed 'nesara' person to me
notorial dissent
A Balthazar of Quatloosian Truth
Posts: 13806
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by notorial dissent »

No one ever made such a comment, the comment was that she seemed to flirt with all the flavors of crazy, which she seems to have.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

lizards and schwenger - doesn't pull up much

except i did find a Susan Hedke Seymour,
a notable published author quoted her work
related to 2013 dates

Susan Hedke Seymour said:
"It was largely because the End Date should be on a 13 Ahau that Carl Johan Callemann popularized an End of Creation on 28th October 2011, being another 13 Ahau date close to 2012. An arguement ensued between Jenkins and Calleman.
However according to the research of a few scholars, lesser heard,
such as Susan Lynne Schwenger,
( who being very much involved in native traditions seems to have calculated the Moon cycles and has been saying since 2010 that December 2013 is the correct End Date)."

Susan Hedke Seymour, goes on to say....
"I also equally supposed that 2013 was a more likely year
and December 2013 a more likely month in my book
So, the End Date could be in December 2013,
when a 13 AHAU date falls also in a December!
It does not do that every year.

In fact there are only two 13 Ahaus in 2013, one on March 31 2013,
which may be significant but also amazingly the other one
is on 16 December 2013 when the Sun will be very close to the Centre of the Galaxy.

This is particularly interesting for me because the December Solstice date
in 2012 did not fit to my findings based on the Indian Ocean Tsunami.

For I began my studies after noting that the Full Moon on 26 December 2004
was opposite the Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre,
and that such oppositions involving Sun, Moon and Galactic Centre
had caused a number of the worst disasters in history.

In fact based upon this I forecast a large earthquake on 21 December 2010
when the Full Moon (eclipsed) would be opposite the Sun.

The evening before as the opposition began a large earthquake
with some fatalities struck Iran and on the 21st the M 7.4 earthquake
shook the Bonnin Isles by Japan.
Afterwards the live seismic server showed the whole earth shaking strongly,
and scientists noted the earth's core seemed to have shifted.

The December 16 2013 is not only the 13 Ahau date
when some say the last creation also ended and this creation must also end,
it gives us exactly the same galactic conditions:
the Full Moon is in opposition to the Galactic Centre and Sun on the 16th December.

So here are two reasons in conjunctions to suggest this might be correct.

The opposition of the Moon continues on the 17th.
and on the 18th a powerful aspect to Pluto, ( a "bow and arrow" )
while Pluto is still conjunct the Galactic Centre, exists.
This period brings the Sun also into EXACT conjunction with
the Centre of our Milky Way Galaxy on the 18th,
and the conjunction is also very close on the 16th,
which the 26th December 2004 date and the 21st December 2012 date both were not.

Certainly as we are patriarchal solar based beings,
living according to a solar and not lunar calendar,
the idea of the age ending exactly on the Winter Solstice was attractive,
but the ancient Maya priests seem to have based their calculation
on lunar and galactic considerations too.
As the Maya are supposed to have based their forecast on
the Sun conjuncting the Galactic Centre area,
this also bears weight, for the conjunction with the Centre,
or the black hole at Sag. A is closer on the 16th December,
exact on the 18th, and already passed on the 21st,
where one can only talk of a conjunction with the centre of the Galactic Plane
which is a few degrees further on.

Certainly, judging by the powerful aspects that will occur in 2013,
especially from June and continuing then for the next months,
peaking in July and August, but also stronger in December 2013,
(when a Bow and T square both point at this area) than they were in 2012.

So I would not be too hasty to say the Mayan Prophecy was wrong,
for in 2013 great waves may still come! "
Susan Hedke Seymour - Author
Last edited by The_eXchanger on Sun Sep 15, 2013 6:18 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

"presidents arrested" schwenger - doesn't pull up anything
except - someone else, quoting her quotation

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Rothschild & Schwenger

brings up another quote
"in an information age, the truth, it is told" ~ susan lynne schwenger

and, others with the 'schwenger' family name

but, nothing like what the original poster is taking about

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

"koch" and "schwenger"
- brings up nothing except a polo playing dr. schwenger, who isn't her

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

interesting discovery:

The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder which connects

- = 3 Kayab 4 Ahau of March 1st, 23,615 BC (Gregorian proleptic)
- = 18 Ceh 4 Ahau of July 12th, 18,490 BC (Gregorian proleptic)
- = 13 Mol 4 Ahau of November 20th, 13,365 BC (Gregorian proleptic)
- = 8 Zotz 4 Ahau of April 1st, 8239 BC (Gregorian proleptic) = 8 Cumku 4 Ahau of August 11th, 3114 BC (Gregorian proleptic),0. = 3 Kankin 4 Ahau of December 21st, 2012 (Gregorian)

Since, December 22nd, 2012 is NOT a full moon,
it can NOT be a major restart date of a grand cycle or a great cycle.

Then (+360 days) = 18 Mac 13 Ahau of December 16th, 2013 (Gregorian)
is the evening of the day before a full moon, and, an AHUA aka End Date.

Then (+ 1 day) is December 17th, 2013 aka 17 DEC 2013 (Gregorian)
It is the day of a full moon - IMIX - Crocodile - Alligator Date aka Start Date

9,360,360=(5 cycles x 13 cycles of 144,000 days = 9,360,000) + (6 seasons x 60 days=360)

The End of The Macha & Pacha Grand Cycle of 16 DEC 2013 at sunset,

which signals the end of this current grand cycle,

along with The Start of The Pacha iNTi Grand Cycle of 17 DEC 2013 at sunrise.

Susan was the first person to identify The Grand Cycle change in 1984,

as The Last Full Moon in 2013 - The 17th December 2013 in her 26th year, at age 25.

The Aborginal, Aztec, Druid, Egyptian, First Nations of Canada, Mayan, Maori, Metis, Pict
& Native American Tribes had cycles of: 1,2,5,6,13,18,20,52,60,180,260,360,
360+5, 365, 400, 23,400, 26,000, 26,001, 52,000, 52,002, 144,000, 180,000,
1,872,000 & 9,360,000 cycles, and, after 1582,
after The Start of The Gregorian Calendar they had cycles of 360 +5=365 &
360 + 1 + 5=366.

The Ancient Year (360) aka The Six (6) Season Calendar aka The Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar
have cycles that begin on the last full moon of December each, and every year.

She was also the first to align The Metonic Calendar,
The Ancient Egyptian Calendars & The Chinese 60-year Calendar Cycles.

The Bermanseder Bible Codes & The Bermanseder Pyramid Formula
(which closes the 12 pointed star) through ancient measures
can also be aligned to these calendars: ... geindex=64

has been cracked by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger
-- which mathematically proves we live in a 12 level universe ... A397C1A988

~ LOOKS like someone is :beatinghorse:
because the mathematics, sciences, etc.,
on this appear to be in good order, and, appear to be right

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

it appears to me,
that some of the people who might 'flirt' with 'crazy'
have quoted her on other websites
~ she doesn't appear to be associated with nescara
which should likely be renamed 'net-scary' :haha:

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
-The alignment of all the tribal calendars showing:
The End of The Macha & Pacha Grand Cycle of 16th December 2013 at sunset, and,
The Start of The Pacha iNTi Grand Cycle of 17th December 2013 at sunrise.

Susan was the first person to identify The Grand Cycle change in 1984,
as The Last Full Moon in 2013- 17 DEC 2013.

The Aztec, Mayan, Maori, Aboriginal, First Nations, Metis & Native American Tribes had cycles of 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 13, 18, 20, 52, 60, 180, 260, 360, 360+5, 360+1+5, 23,400, 26,000, 26,001, 52,000, 52,002, 144,000, 180,000, 1,872,000 & 9,360,000.

The Six (6) Season Calendar aka The Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar aka The Ancient Year begins on The Last Full Moon of December, each and every year.

She was also the first to align The Celtic Calendar, The Metonic Calendar, The Ancient Egyptian Calendar, The Chinese 60-year Calendar Cycle, etc.,

The Bermanseder Bible Codes
& The Bermanseder Pyramid Formula
(which closes the 12 pointed star) can also be aligned to these calendars: ... 5795198653

THE MAIN CODE of THE DRESDEN CODEX THROUGH THE MAYAN SUPER NUMBER 1366560 has been cracked by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger

-- which mathematically proves we live in a 12 level universe ... A397C1A988

:naughty: Maybe the answers have been found ???

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Discovery of Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger
shows all tribal calendars end 16 Dec 2013 - The 65th AHUA,
and, restart on The Full Moon of 17 Dec 2013

Hi Susan, I have a question. The mayan long count calender
begins on 13 august 3114BC or 3113 BC?
I have seen both years around,
maybe the 3114 one forgot the year 0?
Sylvain Faubert

Let us go back 9,360,360 days
which equals ( 5 cycles X 13 cycles of 144,000 days )
+ (6 seasons x 60 days) = 9,360,000 + 360 days = 9,360,360 days

The 9,360,360th day, counting backwards is: March 1st, 23,615 BC

The 9,360,360th day, counting forwards is: December 16th, 2013 AD

The 65 Baktun count as 65x144,000=9,360,000 Kin or days.

in 65 baktun counts (there are 5 cycles x 13 cycles)

So March 1st, 23,615 BC + 9,360,000 days will give you 5x13=65 baktuns

as Maya date as December 21st, 2012 aka 21 DEC 2012

Remember Gregorian Time wasn't implemented until approx 1572.

The 5 major cycles are as follows:

- = 3 Kayab 4 Ahau of March 1st, 23,615 BC (Gregorian proleptic)

- = 18 Ceh 4 Ahau of July 12th, 18,490 BC (Gregorian proleptic)

- = 13 Mol 4 Ahau of November 20th, 13,365 BC (Gregorian proleptic)

- = 8 Zotz 4 Ahau of April 1st, 8239 BC (Gregorian proleptic) 0 = 8 Cumku 4 Ahau of August 11th, 3114 BC (Gregorian proleptic),0. = 3 Kankin 4 Ahau of December 21st, 2012 (Gregorian)

Since, December 22nd, 2012 is NOT a full moon,

it can NOT be a major restart date of a grand cycle or a great cycle.

Then (+360 days) = 18 Mac 13 Ahau of December 16th, 2013 (Gregorian)

it is the evening of the day before a full moon, and, an AHUA date.

Then (+ 1 days) is December 17th, 2013 aka 17 DEC 2013 (Gregorian)

It is the day of a full moon - IMIX - Crocodile - Alligator Date

The Ancient Year begins on the 2nd full moon of December,
in 2012, that was December 28th, 2012 (+360 Days)
is 16 December 2013 aka 16 DEC 2013

In 2013, that will be December 17th, 2013 aka 17 DEC 2013

- From December 28th, 2012 aka 28 DEC 2012 (+360)
is December 16th, 2013 aka 16 DEC 2013

-This date is the restart of The Great Cycle or The Grand Cycle
discovered by Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger

1 Tun comprises 360 Days aka Kin as The Platonic Cycle

- or The Degree year as 20 Uinal for 1 Uinal being 18 Kin f
or 20x18 Kin = 360 Kin as 1 Tun.

(5 cycles x 13 cycles = 65 cycles x 144,000 days= 9,360,000 )
+ (6 seasons x 60 days=360) = 9,360,360

The 16th December 2013 is an ahua end date
& The 17th December 2013 is an imix (crocodile-alligator) start date

The Full Moon occurs on imix - crocodile - alligator date of 17 December 2013
- which is the start of The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi

in addition, to our dates
- we also have The New & The Full Moon showing up in the cycle at the right time,
this is why, NO one has been able to challenge or debunk our mathematics, sciences, etc.,

NOW, lets look at the last 1300 days

1300 days has 5 cycles of 260, thus 5 x 260 = 1300

in 1300 days, an AHUA aka The End Date of a Cycle happens every 20 days

thus, 20 x 65 = 1300

The Full Moon of 27 may 2010 to 16 dec 2013
is the last 1300 days

there are 1300 days which fit into 5 cycles of 260 days

5 cycles x 260 days = 1300 days aka kin

if you look at 1300, it has 20 days, in 65 cycles
or 65 AHUA dates

Dr. calleman had the 26th AHUA of 65 AHUA dates or 28 oct 2011

John Major Jenkins had the 47th AHUA of 65 AHUA dates or 21 dec 2012

Terrance McKenna had the 47th AHUA of 65 AHUA dates or 21 dec 2012

Arguelles had the 13 Moon Cycle,
however, he could NOT, NOR did NOT pin it to a specific set of end or start dates,
his formula of (91 x 4) + 1 day out of time, was NOT correct,
since there is NO such thing, as a day-out-of-time
and, (91x4=364 days) + 1 day = 365 days
- but, his formula does NOT work for the leap year,
that occurs once every four years, and has 366 days.

The 22nd December 2012 is imix/crocodile /alligator start date
- but; it wasn't a full moon)

17 dec 2013 is a full moon

9,360,360/360 = 26,001 ancient years

9,360,000/360 = 26,000 ancient years

(5x13x144,000 =9,360,000) + (6 cycles x 60 = 360)
= 9,360,000 + 360 = 9,360,360 Days

The grand cycle change was discovered back in 1984 -
as; Susan Lynne Schwenger worked with the ancient 260 day calendars
along with the ancient 360 day calendars
of The First Nation, Metis, Native American, Maori, and, Aborginal Tribes
along with having knowledge of the old ancient years of
The Celtic, Chinese, Druid, Egyptian, Pagan, Neo-Pagan, Pict, and Wiccan Calendars
that are known as: The Ancient Year (360 days)
aka The Thirteen (13) Moon Calendar,
& that the grand cycle and the great cycle would change in her 55th year,
at age 54 in 2013.
and, The Start of The 13th Grand Cycle aka The 13th Great Cycle
which would be known as: The Grand Cycle of Pacha iNTi .

Question: so, how many cycles are in the thirteen moon cycle ?

Answer: This is another place, where most people made their errors,
there are only 12 cycles in 13 moon cycles
If you drove from Point 1, to 2, and, 2 to 3....up to Point 12 to 13,
there would be 12 legs to your journey, NOT 13.

Question: What about year 0

Answer: There was NO year 0 - between 1 BC & 1 AD

Question:i know you calculated the ones in the future,
why are they 9,360,000 days ?

Answer: The error in the calculations of the ancient calendars was simply out,
by the length of one ancient year of 360 days ...
all future cycles will be 9,360,000 days or 5 cycles x 13 x 144,000 days=9,360,000
and, 9,360,000 days will contain 26,000 ancient years of 360 days

Question: so, it would seem that since most of us think in gregorian years,
in your opinion, is this what caused a lot of calculation problems ?

Answer: Yes, The Gregorian Calendar was not implemented until approx 1572 AD
- and, that is why most people could NOT figure it out
- they were NOT familiar with all of the other calendars,
nor sidereal time or tropical time
- knowing the cosmic or the star time, is very important

Question: What other calendars did you calibrate in your study of calendars?

The Maya aka The Mayan Tzolk'in aka Tzolkin Calendar of 260 Days
The Aztec Tonalpohualli Calendar of 260 Days
The First Nations of Canada aka The Turtle Island Calendar of 260 Days
(too many tribes to mention, since, all of them use this ancient calendar)
The Metis of Canada aka The Turtle Island Calendar of 260 Days
The Native American of USA aka The Turtle Island Calendar of 260 Days
(too many tribes to mention, since, all of them use this ancient calendar)
The Cherokee Calendar of 260 Days
The Maori of New Zealand Calendar of 260 Days
The Aboriginal of Australia Calendar of 260 Days
All 260 Day calendars have cycles of 13 cycles x 20 days = 260 Days
260 Days is The Gestation Period of a baby in its mothers womb
The Six (6) Season Calendar of 360 days = 6 Cycles-Seasons x 60 days)
All 360 Day calendars have cycles of 18 cycles x 20 = 360 days
9,360,000 Days/180 Cycle = (52,000 Cycles/2=26,000 Ancient Years)
9,360,360 Days/180 Cycle = (52,002 Cycles/2=26,001 Ancient Years
The Thirteen (13) Moon Calender
- starts its Winter Cycle on The Day of The Second (2nd) Full Moon of December
The Ancient Year Calendar ( 360 days = 6 Cycles-Seasons x 60 days)
with The Main Cycles of: 1, 2, 5, 6, 13, 18, 20, 52, 60, 180, 260, 360,
360+5, 360+1+5, 400, 23,400, 26,000, 26,001, 52,000, 52,002, 144,000,
180,000, 1,872,000, 9,360,000 or 9,360,000+360=9,360,360.

The Mayan Mucmuchumil (52 Days), aligned to 9,360,000/52=180,000 Days
Maya aka Mayan Tzolkin aka Tzolk"in aka Cholq'ij = 260 days
Maya aka Mayan Momtun =180 days x 2 Cycles = 360 days
9,360,360 Days/180 Cycle = 52,002 cycles/2=26,001 Ancient Years
9,360,000 Days/180 Cycle = 52,000 cycles/2=26,000 Ancient Years
The Mayan TUN = 360 days
9,360,360 Days/360 Cycle = 26,001 Ancient Years
9,360,000 Days/360 Cycle = 26,000 Ancient Years
The Mayan IK TUN MOON - Day Difference between New Moon & Full Moon Cycles
The Mayan Mucmuchumil (52 Days), aligned to 9,360,000/52 day cycles=180,000
The Mayan Kit Jeb (400 Days), aligned to 9,360,000/400 day =23,400 days
which came from previous calendars of The Aztec, Meso-American & Olmec Tribes,
which also dovetails into the ancient calendar works of:
The First Nation Tribes of Turtle Island, now known as Canada,
mainly, The Cree, Ojibwa-Ojibway-Ojibwe, Algonquin, Mi'Kmaq aka MicMac,
Chippewa aka Chipewyna, Chippewa Ojibway, Woodland Cree, Nipissing,
Odawa of Ottawa, Potawatomi, Saulteaux, Missississagua, Tingit, Tahitan, Tagish,
Kaska, Han, Innu of Labrador, Maliseet, Passamaquoddy, Haudenosaunee aka Iroquois, Cayuga, Mohawk, Onedia, Onondaga, Seneca, Tuscaronia,
Wyandot aka Huron, Tli Cho, Slavey, Haida, Sahtu, Yellowknifes, Dunneza,
Gwich'in, Dene, Nakoda, Yakama, Blackfoot~Kainai aka Blood, North Peigan & Siksika, Coast Salsih, etc.etc.etc.,
(there are just too many different tribes to mention all of them).
The Metis aka The Metis Tribe of Canada,
and, The Native American Tribes of The United States of Turtle Island
(known today as The USA or, The United States of America
mainly, The Catawba, Cherokee, Chippewa-Ojibway, Ojibwa-Ojibway-Ojibwe,
Dakota, Lakota, Nakota Tribes etc.etc.etc.,
(there are just too many tribes to mention all of them).
The Calendars of The Maori of New Zealand,
and, The Calendars of The Aboriginal of Australia.

Tony Bermanseder & Susan Lynne Schwenger were also the first to align
The Metonic Calendar of 235 Months or 19 years to 17 December 2013.

~ Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder ... 5795198653

This seems to make a lot of sense to me
~ anyone else got any opinions on this stuff ?

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

looks like that last 1300 day cycle has 65 cycles of 20 days
an, an ahua date happens once every 20 days, so 20 x 65 = 1300

28th of october 2011 is the calleman date - 26th ahua (26x20)
21st december 2012 is jenkins date - 47th ahua (47 x20)
16th december 2013 is
schwenger-bermanseder's date - 65th ahua (65x20=1300)

20 x 65 = 1300

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

adding this info, edited into post above

i did find a notable published author quoted her work
related to 2013 dates

they said:
"It was largely because the End Date should be on a 13 Ahau that Carl Johan Callemann popularized an End of Creation on 28th October 2011, being another 13 Ahau date close to 2012. An arguement ensued between Jenkins and Calleman.

However according to the research of a few scholars, lesser heard,
such as Susan Lynne Schwenger,
( who being very much involved in native traditions seems to have calculated the Moon cycles and has been saying since 2010 that December 2013 is the correct End Date).
I also equally supposed that 2013 was a more likely year and December 2013 a more likely month in my book So, the End Date could be in December 2013, when a 13 AHAU date falls also in a December! It does not do that every year.

In fact there are only two 13 Ahaus in 2013, one on March 31 2013, which may be significant but also amazingly the other one is on 16 December 2013 when the Sun will be very close to the Centre of the Galaxy.

This is particularly interesting for me because the December Solstice date in 2012 did not fit to my findings based on the Indian Ocean Tsunami.

For I began my studies after noting that the Full Moon on 26 December 2004 was opposite the Sun conjunct the Galactic Centre, and that such oppositions involving Sun, Moon and Galactic Centre had caused a number of the worst disasters in history.

In fact based upon this I forecast a large earthquake on 21 December 2010 when the Full Moon (eclipsed) would be opposite the Sun.

The evening before as the opposition began a large earthquake with some fatalities struck Iran and on the 21st the M 7.4 earthquake shook the Bonnin Isles by Japan. Afterwards the live seismic server showed the whole earth shaking strongly, and scientists noted the earth's core seemed to have shifted.

The December 16 2013 is not only the 13 Ahau date when some say the last creation also ended and this creation must also end, it gives us exactly the same galactic conditions: the Full Moon is in opposition to the Galactic Centre and Sun on the 16th December.

So here are two reasons in conjunctions to suggest this might be correct.

The opposition of the Moon continues on the 17th. and on the 18th a powerful aspect to Pluto, ( a "bow and arrow" ) while Pluto is still conjunct the Galactic Centre, exists. This period brings the Sun also into EXACT conjunction with the Centre of our Milky Way Galaxy on the 18th, and the conjunction is also very close on the 16th, which the 26th December 2004 date and the 21st December 2012 date both were not.

Certainly as we are patriarchal solar based beings, living according to a solar and not lunar calendar, the idea of the age ending exactly on the Winter Solstice was attractive, but the ancient Maya priests seem to have based their calculation on lunar and galactic considerations too. As the Maya are supposed to have based their forecast on the Sun conjuncting the Galactic Centre area, this also bears weight, for the conjunction with the Centre, or the black hole at Sag. A is closer on the 16th December, exact on the 18th, and already passed on the 21st, where one can only talk of a conjunction with the centre of the Galactic Plane which is a few degrees further on.

Certainly, judging by the powerful aspects that will occur in 2013, especially from June and continuing then for the next months, peaking in July and August, but also stronger in December 2013, (when a Bow and T square both point at this area) than they were in 2012.

So I would not be too hasty to say the Mayan Prophecy was wrong,
for in 2013 great waves may still come! "
Susan Hedke Seymour - Author

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

She writes 'good' poetry


In times, long ago
In lands that lie, so far away
i sat, and, I watched
As you often sailed away

Those times together
And those we have been apart
I keep the magic of you
Buried safe in my heart

From this life to that life
I have searched far, and wide
Missing you, coming up empty
Without you by my side

Those times, we spent together
Make up for those spent apart
I can always uncover the magic
Its buried deep in my heart

The memories of time spent together
Creates a sunny hue
I know, you will find me
My bright light, it will shine through

Alone in this moment
You are still close to my heart
Finding my way back to you
Will be as if we never did part

Will i ever find you through
This life of strange swirls
So,we will reconnect with each other
Like a fine string of matched pearls

My heart it still fondly remembers
What my mind could never erase
Memories of time spent together
Nothing else can replace


Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

notorial dissent wrote:No one ever made such a comment,
the comment was that she seemed to flirt with all the flavors of crazy,
which she seems to have.
actually, it seems like some of these so-called readers
of the so-called 'flavours of crazy' have quoted some of her quotations,
however, there are no connections to inner or outer circles of anything called nescara

"mlm" and "fruad" and "schwenger" brings up nothing

- she joined MT website in 1986 over 27 years ago
claiming to formulate products & stated "networking"
NOT mentioning any specific mlm ?

- she does claim she is taking 38+ years of work,
and, putting it into a book called "The Final Synthesis"
she has a doctorate - ABD in Metaphysics from Univ. of Phoenix
which isn't a diploma mill but a real university
so, very likely her book is also going to be a large part of her doctoral dissertation

-i've got to wonder about the validity of the original poster & his claims
as he posts absolutely NO examples, nor any conclusive proof
of his so-called 'statement' of 'the facts' related to this person

~he has NOT provided any solid research
that he can back up, related to his claims
all he has done, is just post some 'bad' air
~which could be likened to:
beating a dead horse :beatinghorse: