We THE People Announcement

Open discussion forum about NESARA, Dove of Oneness, Patrick Bellringer, Truth Warrior and all the others spinning the NESARA tale. Includes the latest rumors about the Galacticans comings to Earth and Jennifer's blood ozonation machine.

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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by Deep Knight »

AndyK wrote:Is it only my head exploding or has anyone else considered the contradiction between:

The announced plans for Them The People's to conduct a presidential election


The United States Constitution (specifically -- the sections dealing with the election and installation of the President)

Even if they ignore all of the amendments subsequent to the 'original -- alleged' 13th, there are a number of issues (voting, Electoral College, etc) which they seem to have side stepped.
Simple, they're operating UNDER the constitution, not according to it. Perhaps even physically under it. Got a tall stand or somethin'.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by Deep Knight »

Thursday, August 29, 2013
by HOLLOW EARTH NETWORK | Spirituality Podcasts


== YOU DID IT !!! ==

== BE PEACE ==
== BE JOY ==
== BE LOVE ==
== BE LIGHT ==

!!! YOU ARE IT !!!

== ALLOW IT ==
== EDUCE IT ==



Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:15 PM

No, they're not it, but they did step in it, and like it!
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by fortinbras »

If all reptilians were gone from Earth on August 24th, howcome I saw a lizard in my garden today?

[Moderator: The Observer: Post was edited to removed a gratuitous political remark about a political figure. As a reminder, again, there is a rule about political and religious commentary not being allowed on Quatloos.]
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by NBSP »

Deep Knight wrote: Finally, some information as to this interim president, Rxxxxx Axxx Hxxxxxx. A rather unusual name, I wonder what his/her friends call him/her.
This cloak-and-dagger stuff doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.
Slavoj Zizek wrote:Even if we have no data about their prisons and so on, isn’t it in a perverse way almost fascinating to have a regime which in the first two years (’75 to ’77) behaved towards itself, treated itself, as illegal? You know the regime was nameless. It was called “Angka,” organization—not Communist Party of Cambodia—an organization. Leaders were nameless.
I'm keeping an open mind about Secret President, but I'm starting to worry that his/her priorities might not be consistent with the kind of transparent, non-abusive government I'd be willing to support. Sure, the current evil corporate gangster government isn't the best, but it's not really the worst either. Maybe we should rethink this violent revolution.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by fortinbras »

People are free to ask themselves which politician did I categorize as a reptile. Which one (is there only one?) who is outstandingly slimy, scaley, cold blooded, and utterly without human characteristics?
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by ashlynne39 »

fortinbras wrote:People are free to ask themselves which politician did I categorize as a reptile. Which one (is there only one?) who is outstandingly slimy, scaley, cold blooded, and utterly without human characteristics?
Doesn't that describe all politicians
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by Deep Knight »

Monday, September 9, 2013
2nd Notice - September 9th, 2013
The Joint House Session
25 August 2013

Standing in the grace of God,
We in Congress assembled bring to the people of the United States of America the law of Contempt of the Constitution to ensure those elected to high office are held responsible and accountable for maintaining the Security, Integrity and Economic viability of the United States of America.

Having undertaken for the re-set of the Constitutional Republic and the Advancement of Christian Principal based government in the United States of America do by these presences solemnly and mutually in the presence of God combine ourselves together for the better Ordering and Preservation by the Authority and Power Reserved to We THE People Enact, Constitute, and frame the Contempt of Constitution to bring just and equal Laws, Ordinances, Acts, Constitutions and Covenants with offices and officers of high integrity to these United States of America.

IN WITNESS whereof, we in Congress Assembled submit for Enactment by the autograph of the Interim President R---------A----------H--------r with the enabling directive of immediate implementation upon autographing.

Respectively Submitted,
- - - - - -/S/- - - - - -
P----- V--------------t, Speaker of the House
August 29, 2013


In accord with the Political Will of We THE People, as Interim President of the De Jure United States of America, the Contempt of Constitution is enacted and implemented as law this 30th day of August 2013~

It is Ordered, sentenced and decreed~

Date:30th of August 2013
Autograph: - - - - - -/S/- - - - - -

Appellation: R----------A---------H----------r

Interim President
The United State of America

Posted by John MacHaffie at 8:06 PM


Anonymous September 9, 2013 at 8:22 PM
contempt of Constitution has been commited and it has been decreed.. So, What is going to be done about it ? And When ? and by whom ?

Anonymous September 9, 2013 at 10:12 PM
Dittos a 1000 times. It is now self evident that the District of Criminals is about 98% turncoat traitors. Self serving spineless cowards.
Most of us know who the real traitors, so as you said, Who is going to arrest them to stand trial? The man who was bold enough to threaten toad head McCaine stated if he had the power. WE DO HAVE THE POWER and all the people at that meeting who agreed, at least 24, should have taken McCaine into custody and immediately taken him to a magistrate to face charges.

Justicar September 9, 2013 at 9:20 PM
Less talk Make It So!

Robert A. Hender has the final "r" so he's still in the running for president, although Robert Heinlein was eliminated in this round. Good thing, with him being dead and all I'm not sure he qualifies - someone ask Orly Taitz. But who is this P----- V--------------t, Speaker of THE House? Peter Van Mastricht, the 17th century Dutch theologian? Since the Speaker doesn't have to be a natural born citizen, I believe they can be, and on many occasions have been, a few centuries dead. But not a Reptilian like you-know-who.

Note: I keep having this image of someone trying to read this aloud on one of those crappy YouTube videos with a static image, repetitive slide show, or talking head. When they come to the names like R----------A---------H----------r they pronounce them something like "Raaa-Aaaah-Haaa-eeerrrr" in a drawn-out wheezy tone. Not a pretty picture.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by fortinbras »

Are we taking this seriously?!
MacHaffie has clearly gone over the brink, from imagining an anonymous Interim President, to adding an anonymous Speaker of the House and an invisible Congress.

Anybody notice that this started right after a few states legalized recreational killer weed?!
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by notorial dissent »

I don't know who's the bigger blowhole, McHalfwit or this current pretend president? Actually, I think the contest is a tie.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by fortinbras »

Actually, I think they're one and the same.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by Deep Knight »

9/11 A Day of Thanksgiving to GOD!
From GOD for 9/11!

GOD is giving this day 9/11/13 to be a day of Celebration for all the people all over the Globe all Nations and all Beliefs for there is:ONLY one GOD!
This day 9/11 was a day of suffering and pain and GOD is transforming this day 9/11 into a day of Love!
9/11 A Day of Thanksgiving to GOD! This day will go in the history of mankind as the day of thanksgiving before GOD.
People all over the world, are called to pray and fast and give thanks to GOD our Father in Heaven for his love and redemption for all the nations of the earth.
Glory, Glory, Glory to GOD! for HIS love and mercy for All mankind.

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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by fortinbras »

I sent an email to John MacHaffie, asking who is this mysterious interim president and who is this anonymous speaker of the house, and where is this congress.

MacHaffie sent two responses. The first was an email address to a Bob Hoyer at an outfit called Bluewaterhouses, a Michigan real estate brokerage that seems to be keen on people who want to flip real estate in Michigan. The webpage has a photo of this First Family:
The blog links don't work and there is nothing political or presidential on that website.

However, further googling pried this up:
http://bigvalleydiscountstore.blogspot. ... ed-by.html
also found this (see "Bonnie in Michigan" near the bottom) posted in 2010 in a RuSA type website:
http://andyflorida.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... t-page-28/.
Back in 2010, MacHaffie was running (or claiming to run) the NESARA blog and to be a major player in the Restore America scheme:
http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/ar ... ead=170283.

In the second response, MacHaffie said he was referring my question "to the republic".
Last edited by fortinbras on Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by The Observer »

Deep Knight wrote:When they come to the names like R----------A---------H----------r they pronounce them something like "Raaa-Aaaah-Haaa-eeerrrr" in a drawn-out wheezy tone. Not a pretty picture.
OMG! Your phonetic description triggered the answer in my mind. It is obviously the combined representation of the Egyptian god Ra-Atum-Horakhty, coming back to Earth-Shan to set things right by assuming the interim office of the President. If he can't bring about a NESARA/RV/OPPT moment, no one can!
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by Cathulhu »

The Observer wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:When they come to the names like R----------A---------H----------r they pronounce them something like "Raaa-Aaaah-Haaa-eeerrrr" in a drawn-out wheezy tone. Not a pretty picture.
OMG! Your phonetic description triggered the answer in my mind. It is obviously the combined representation of the Egyptian god Ra-Atum-Horakhty, coming back to Earth-Shan to set things right by assuming the interim office of the President. If he can't bring about a NESARA/RV/OPPT moment, no one can!
Observer, whatever you're smoking, have ten pounds of it sent to my house at once!
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by Deep Knight »

fortinbras wrote:also found this (see "Bonnie in Michigan" near the bottom) posted in 2010 in a RuSA type website:
http://andyflorida.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... t-page-28/
In Bonnie's post referenced above, she includes a section from her husband, Robert "Bob" Hoyer, a prayer from which I include here, specific religious references redacted. It's a good summary of what our new president thinks:

If I could say a pray at this time, it would be:

******, please send ******** with their angles to lead and clear the pathway immediately for De jure President Turner & our Military to make the announcements for returning to a Republic Nation following the Constitution, using Common Law, Metal backed Dollars, the release of funds to the farm claims, the Trustees of the different prosperity programs, and to the people for the rebuilding of our nation and its infrastructure while all wars & false wars are stopped so peace reigns on Earth.

****, we bind the enemys efforts to delay, their tongues from speaking falseness and preventing them from manifesting in any form against our plans. We also pray a hedge of protection around De jure Government, our Military and all those who are supporting the De jure government and the intercessors. ****, we call forth the announcements now ***** to set your people free both from De facto law and finances. *******

Too bad he didn't include NESARA, the Dinar RV, and courtesy notices.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by LaVidaRoja »

How did he close his prayer? "Accepted for value" or AMEN!
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by fortinbras »

It's those "angles" that impress me.

I do not know if the Bonniejo further down the page is the same Bonnie who is Bob's wife, but Bonniejo's husband also invoked "warrior angles" so you can see that these people are all familiar with the religious lingo.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by The Observer »

Cathulhu wrote:Observer, whatever you're smoking, have ten pounds of it sent to my house at once!
Please, whatever I am smoking pales in comparison to what the people in NESARA/RV/OPPT/WTP are smoking. One ounce of that stuff would get you declared brain dead.
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by Deep Knight »

LaVidaRoja wrote:How did he close his prayer? "Accepted for value" or AMEN!
Nope, it was some religious code-speech for "nunc pro tunc, praeterea, preterea, unrebutted, under UCC governing law."
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Re: We THE People Announcement

Post by JamesVincent »

The Observer wrote:
Cathulhu wrote:Observer, whatever you're smoking, have ten pounds of it sent to my house at once!
Please, whatever I am smoking pales in comparison to what the people in NESARA/RV/OPPT/WTP are smoking. One ounce of that stuff would get you declared brain dead.
Pfft, whatever they're smoking pales in comparison to the King of the good stuff.

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