Susan Lynne Schwenger

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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by Cathulhu »

In fact there are only two 13 Ahaus in 2013, one on March 31 2013, which may be significant but also amazingly the other one is on 16 December 2013 when the Sun will be very close to the Centre of the Galaxy.

Okay, when you say the science has some validity, you're getting infected with the crazy. We are on the galactic rim, and this is bull of the ripest sort. Turn your brain back on. You're off by 50,000 lightyears.

As to the poetry: I offer a simple haiku

The banana slug
leaves a trail of shiny slime.
I write poetry.

note:edited because I could not get the quotes to come right.
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notorial dissent
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by notorial dissent »

Suzie, welcome to Quatloos.

That being said, you have posted and wasted a great deal of bandwidth with utter and complete nonsense. No one here cares, or is impressed.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by AndyK »

Cathulhu wrote:
In fact there are only two 13 Ahaus in 2013, one on March 31 2013, which may be significant but also amazingly the other one is on 16 December 2013 when the Sun will be very close to the Centre of the Galaxy.

Okay, when you say the science has some validity, you're getting infected with the crazy. We are on the galactic rim, and this is bull of the ripest sort. Turn your brain back on. You're off by 50,000 lightyears.

As to the poetry: I offer a simple haiku

The banana slug
leaves a trail of shiny slime.
I write poetry.

note:edited because I could not get the quotes to come right.
Although I in NO way live anywhere near Woo-woo Land, I'd like to suggest that the quoted "close to the centre of the galaxy" comment was an inadvertant typo on her part. Every other similar reference discusses "conjunction with the centre of the galaxy."

In other words, two or more objects are on a straight line which extends through the core of the galaxy.

Now back to science. Did she do a thorough 3-dimensional model of our solar system, planets, moons and the galaxy to determine that an actual conjunction will/did occur? Or, as is much more likely, did she rely on a 2-dimensional (planar) rendering of the objects to draw the connecting line?

Next, the galaxy is kind of huge. Cathulhu mentioned 50,000 light years [Which, by the way are a measure of distance, NOT of time which most people misuse as in "Light years in the future] which is a reasonable number to work with.

I sincerely doubt that Schwenger has a sharp enough pencil to eliminate any error in plotting a line which extends that long. If her line were off by much more than a micron at either end, the other end would be off by millions of miles.

Also, planets, moons, etc are not point objects. Whatever line is drawn must be based on the exact geometric center of the relevant objects AND on their exact positions. Positions are a bummer because even our best astronomical instruments can't place the center of any object with the precision to properly declare a conjunction.

Finally, predictions are wonderful. I hereby predict that there will be at least one earthquake today. [And it doesn't matter what day anyone reads this.] I also predict that there will be at least one severe tornado in the central United States in the early summer of 2014.

Similar predictions are just as bogus.

Sorry Susan.
Taxes are the price we pay for a free society and to cover the responsibilities of the evaders

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Susan Heyde Seymour
who you are quoting - isn't Susan Lynne Schwenger
the article you are tearing apart, isn't the work of Susan Lynne Schwenger
but, is the work of Susan Seymour Hedke.

The Bermanseder - Schwenger formula is "clearly" based on ancient year
& goes back through the set of dates
that all scholars have agreed are accurate ones.

- the article, you are tearing apart,
is NOT written by Susan Lynne SCHWENGER,
but, by another person with the same name first name 'susan',
but, their name is Susan Seymour Hedke

Susan Seymour Hedke who is a published author,
and, a blonde who lives in Switzerland

- The mathematics for: The Tony Bermanseder - Susan Lynne Schwenger Work
is accurate and correct
- and, it aligns perfectly with the cycles of The New Moon & The Full Moon
which shows up, at exact & precise time spans mentioned,
which can easily be confirmed by an ephemeris.

9,360,360=(5 cycles x 13 cycles of 144,000 days = 9,360,000) + (6 seasons x 60 days=360)


The Discovery of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder
appears to connect The Long Count, The Mayan Tlzok'in (260 Day Calendar)
to The Civil Calendars - The Gregorian Proleptic (pre 1582AD),
and, The Gregorian Calendar (after 1582 ad)
and, is absolutely correct information

- = 3 Kayab 4 Ahau of March 1st, 23,615 BC (Gregorian proleptic)
- = 18 Ceh 4 Ahau of July 12th, 18,490 BC (Gregorian proleptic)
- = 13 Mol 4 Ahau of November 20th, 13,365 BC (Gregorian proleptic)
- = 8 Zotz 4 Ahau of April 1st, 8239 BC (Gregorian proleptic) = 8 Cumku 4 Ahau of August 11th, 3114 BC (Gregorian proleptic),0. = 3 Kankin 4 Ahau of December 21st, 2012 (Gregorian)

Since, December 22nd, 2012 is NOT a full moon,
it can NOT be a major restart date of a grand cycle or a great cycle.

(That is true, the ancients or tribal people worldwide
utilized the "Full Moon" for 'major' cycle restarts !!!)

Then (+360 days) = 18 Mac 13 Ahau of December 16th, 2013 (Gregorian)
is the evening of the day before a full moon, and, an AHUA aka End Date.

(The length of an ancient year is 360 days - 6 seasons x 60 days = 360)

Then (+ 1 day) is December 17th, 2013 aka 17 DEC 2013 (Gregorian)
It is the day of a full moon - IMIX - Crocodile - Alligator Date aka Start Date

9,360,360=(5 cycles x 13 cycles of 144,000 days = 9,360,000) + (6 seasons x 60 days=360)

The End of The Macha & Pacha Grand Cycle of 16 DEC 2013 at sunset,

which signals the end of this current grand cycle is correct

- The date August 11th, 3114 BC (Gregorian proleptic) is a FULL MOON
and, is also ONE of the assortment of dates, many scholars believe to be
an accurate one

Make sure, you are comparing apples to apples, and, oranges to oranges
~ because you are NOT, these two susan's are different people

The article you are quoting,
was NOT written by Schwenger,
it was written by Susan Seymour Hedke !!!

- so, it was written by another person,
who ironically has the same first name "susan"
and, simply mentions the findings of Susan Lynne Schwenger in her article
(that is posted above)
in a way, that is trying to say,
she knew that it was 2013
in the book Susan Seymour Hedke published pre: 2010
she did NOT state the change of the grand cycle
as, the end date of 16th December 2013,
nor, the start date of 17th December, 2013,
and, didn't have any mathematics, science, or new/full moon cycles
to base her findings on.

- since Susan Seymour Hedke posts a lot on facebook,
perhaps, the original poster was the two susan's confused with one another ?
- this person posts almost daily information on earthquakes, etc.,
Last edited by The_eXchanger on Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

This person ... &ref=br_tf
susan seymour hedke
does talk about earthquakes
and, does talk about NWO
and, does talk about chemtrails etc.,
Last edited by The_eXchanger on Sat Sep 14, 2013 9:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Susan Hedke Seymour says:
"However according to the research of a few scholars, lesser heard,
such as Susan Lynne Schwenger, ( who being very much involved in native traditions seems to have calculated the Moon cycles and has been saying since 2010 that December 2013 is the correct End Date)."
(at which point she reverts back to her own information,
NOT the information from Schwenger)

this from Susan Seymour Hedke's website which is:

so; the information you are challenging isn't
the work of Susan Lynne Schwenger & Tony Bermanseder,
but, the work of Susan Seymour Hedke

Schwenger/Bermanseder work is on

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

The more technical mathematics, etc.,
are on ... ageindex=6
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by BBFlatt »

If she joined any website in 1986 she was very prescient, as the web did not come into being until late 1990.
When the last law was down and the devil turned 'round on you where would you hide, the laws all being flat? ...Yes, I'd give the devil the benefit of the law, for my own safety's sake. -- Robert Bolt; A Man for all Seasons

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

The Mayan master timeline spans five great cycles of longcounts;
each longcount being comprised of 13 baktuns,
each baktun encompassing 144,000 kin or days,and as 20 katuns of 7,200 kin each.

It is the 65th and final baktun, which defines the 'birth of the starhuman' archetype to replace the older 'human' archetype initiated 5x13x144,000 kin or 9,360,000 days before
the nexus date of December 21st, 2012.

As the sun's angular diameter is about 0.53 degrees,
the Maya calculated the ending of their longcount in the last cycle of the winter-summer solstices as a function of the Mayan Precessional 'Great Platonic Year' of 25,626.81 kin (or civil Gregorian days).

A precessional degree then becomes 9,360,000/360=26,000=71.1856.x365.2425 days
and so in the Mayan kin count, 71.1856 civil years specify a 1-degree precession
and the galactic synchronisation at the winter solstice will be 71.1856x0.53=37.728 civil years for the solar transit across the galactic centre.

The Maya obtained the longcount from the 'hermetic' tradition (of the Plumed Serpent Melchizedek) of Kukulkan (or Quetzalcoatl in the Aztec parallel and the Pacal Mayan royalty of 603-683 AD as its 'pharaonic representation') and this 'prophecy' relates directly to a scripturally encoded 'day count' of 12,000+1,600=13,600 days in a 'furlong' count
of measuring the 'inside' and the 'outside' of the 'great city' {John.2.21;Revelation.11.1-2;14.20;21.16} as the 'Temple of God'.

These 13,600 days from December 21st, 2012 will specify April 1st, 1975
as the beginning of the 37.728 civil year period of 13,780 days,
then ending 180 days after that date on June 19-21, 2013,
which is the following summer solstice in the 21-23 December, 2012 variation.

The 13,600 days begin on September 27th, 1975 with an offset of 15 days as indicated in the linked references.

The midpoint is 18.864 civil years from either end and pinpoints 6,890 days from April 1st, 1975 on February 9th 1994 as the midpoint to December 21st, 2012.

The 'Beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius' is then determined
within the last of the 20 katuns of 7,200 days or 19.713 civil years beginning
on this April 5th, 1993
(20 civil years as 20x365+5=20X360+105=7,200+105 days and ending on April 5th, 2013.

The Mayan Calibration then ends on December 16th, 2013 aka THE 65TH AHUA
and 5 days prior to the December/winter solstice,
and as the 260 Kin as the final Tzolkin round beginning April 1st, 2013
(ending December 16th, 2013.)

This shall be further detailed in the timeline agenda,
but engages the 106 days of 'Noah's daycount' (in Genesis)
from the sending of the Raven of the Tarrying and the Dove of Peace
to the Rainbow Covenant as 56+36+14=106.

The 'Beginning of the Age of Aquarius' and as a 'Lower Bound'
so is dated to the 'transition of the Sun from Capricorn into Aquarius
on January 20th, 1998 and an exit from Aquarius on February 18th, 1998
and as 3.5 years from the midpoint date to specify a 7-year period archetypically characterising the galactic synchronisation scripturally and prophetically.

February 9th, 1994 plus 180 days of the December 21st to June 20th Solstice offset
so give August 8th, 1994 as the starting date
for the 'Age of Aquarius' transit in the solar-galactic alignment.

Adding the 3.5x360=7x180=1260 days to August 8th, 1994
then give January 19th, 1998 for the Beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius'
in calibration with the Mayan-Gregorian synchronisation with scriptural prophecy.

The 15 day addition relates to the encoded 'hour of the beast' in the proportion 1 day/24 hours=360days/15days and the dayyears encoded in Ezekiel.

This 'addition' then becomes 'natural' in the Gregorian calendar of 365.2425 days
as compared to the Ancient calendar of 360 days
in the 18 days as the differential between the two calendars
and the halfweek addition/subtraction of 3.5 days (see timeline agenda).

The 'Upper Bound' for the 'Beginning of the Age of Aquarius'
must so engage the solar transit from Aquarius into Pisces in a mirror image
for the 'Lower Bound' situated at the midpoint of the center of February 3rd, 2005
to assign this 'Upper Bound' the civil date February 19th, 2012
and so a 14-year superposition (2x7=14 proportionalises 2x18.864=37.728)
for the 'Aquarian Transit' from 1998 to 2012
and as the galactic synchronisation of the galactic center 'Hunab Ku' with the Sun 'RahSol'.

Overall however, in the Mayan longcount September18th,1618
began this last baktun of 144,000 days.
This is 25 years and 108 days or 9,239 kin before the birth of Isaac Newton
on January 4th, 1643 as the onset of the 'Age of Reasoning'
and science-based Enlightenment in the scientific methodology
and a 'Renaissance of Rationality',
say as instigated by Galileo Galilei (February15th,1564-January 8th,1642).

It would be this 'last' baktun or a 395-year period from 1618 to 2013,
which would refine and finetune the human reasoning mind
to gather enough data to 'finally' allow a full remembrance
of its UnTimed collective reality in nospacetime
and where 391 years from 1618 define the Year of the beginning manifestation
for the 'Trial of Humanity' in 1618+391=2009.

The human group-mind would allow the 'Image of Separation' to 'shatter'
in a self-destruction of the scripturally encoded 'Sea of Glass' {Revelation.4.6;13.1;18.17-21;21.1} and in a self-fulfilment of 'all prophecy'
given in the Mayan superlong count of 13x5 baktuns,
beginning in the nexus point of the previous initialisation of the then
'new human' template
(this is anthropologically known as the time of
The Neanderthal-Cro Magnon transition of Homo Sapiens or 'Wise Man') in 23,615 BC.

But this day count of the 65th baktun carries many other archetypical associations;
such as the 'Sealing of 144,000=12x12,000' of the 200 million of YOU,
which will allow yourselves to remember your own scriptwritings.

This 'sealing in the forehead' so relates to your selfimage processing
through the 'mirrors' in above description.

-So, in other words - the answer is within

-The Mathematics, you are asking for; is all here: ... ageindex=6
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by AndyK »

Irrespective of which Susan, Suzie, Sue, or whomever wrote the articles, they are a total pile of llama excrement.

There is absolutely no scientific validation, support, or reasoning for the woo-woo dialogue posted related to the various cycles, longcounts, baktuns, kin counts, ahuas, and/or llama anal hair counts. Other than scientific, there is no rational reasoning supporting calendar computations done by stone-age civilizations.

There is absolutely no evidence, in any means whatsoever, supporting the inane calculations and predictions associated with the Mayan (or any other) calendar.

I'm sorry to inform you that the 2013 Ig Nobel prizes have been awarded. You will have to wait another year to have your research and findings entered into the competition.

It is important to realize that, although the Mayans were performing at the pinnacle of their abilities, they were a primative society lacking a rational system of mathematics, a comprehension of science beyond the couple of gods who visited them off and on, and any other abilities within the grasp of modern civilization.

If you wish to plan your life according to the Mayan calendar, so be it. Just, PLEASE, don't try to drag others down with you.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by JamesVincent »

In case you haven't figured it out The_eXchanger is Susan Lynne and she just defended herself in the third person. It's one of her nicknames.

Point of note:
-i've got to wonder about the validity of the original poster & his claims
as he posts absolutely NO examples, nor any conclusive proof
of his so-called 'statement' of 'the facts' related to this person

~he has NOT provided any solid research
that he can back up, related to his claims
all he has done, is just post some 'bad' air
~which could be likened to:
In the few years I've known her I have seen everything from NESARA to lizards to truther to aliens to Presidents being arrested to Rothschild and Koch to Indian movements to, well, you get the point.
You supposedly have a degree in (?) but have yet to spell NESARA correct even though it's posted at the top of the page you're typing on. And, quite frankly, nothing I said required "research", all it required was seeing some of the posts you have made and articles that you have linked to know you go for every conspiracy theory out there. And so far all you have done is copy and paste your own "work" to attempt to prove what? That you're not whacko? That you're a misunderstood genius? As far as examples go I posted links to several different websites you signed up for let others see what it is you have been putting out there. As far as confusing you with another floozy does ... ts&fref=ts seem like I'm confused? Maybe you're the one confused.

As far as MLMs go (another thing you can't seem to get right) this
what celebrities really use to lose fat & try healthy
- check out this website
i did, and, i've lost 63 lbs
- just 7 lbs left to hit my goal
-Special car bonus program for Bmw, Porsche or Mercedes
was posted to your facebook page yesterday. Lo and behold, kinda sounds like an MLM doesn't it.

Or your link to and your proclaiming:
Hitler's Daughter ... wakey/wakey ;)
It does, however, seem that you told a fib when you said:
Taking a break - will NOT be back soon
find an other way to contact me,
i will NOT be responding to anyone on facebook anymore !!!
Had enough of this utter nonsense !!!
And then there was your link to ... othchilds/. Yup, that say Rothchilds doesn't it? You know, the ones you claim not to talk about.

And looky, on 10 September you linked ... om-russia/. Thats got Rothschild (even spelled correctly) AND Rockefellers in it.

And, of course, an oldy but goody:
That time is not far off. It will come when the Saquasohuh (Blue Star) Kachina

dances in the plaza and removes his or her mask. she / He represents a blue star,

far off and yet invisible, which will make its appearance soon.

The time is foretold by a song sung during the Wuwuchim ceremony.

It was sung in 1914 just before World War I, and again in 1940 before World War II,

describing the disunity, corruption, and hatred contaminating Hopi rituals, which were followed by the same evils spreading over the world.

This same song was sung in 1961 during the Wuwuchim ceremony.

The Emergence to the future Fifth World has begun.

It is being made by the humble people of little nations, tribes, and racial minorities.

You can read this in the earth itself.

Plant forms from previous worlds are beginning to spring up as seeds, if people were wise enough to read them.

The same kinds of seeds are being planted in the sky as stars.

The same kinds of seeds are being planted in our hearts.

All these are the same, depending how you look at them.

That is what makes the Emergence to the next, Fifth World.

Read the entire Hopi Prophecy

"iT iS TiME" ~ SUSAN LYNNE SCHWENGER aka Spring Waters - The eXchanger
So, yes Susan, I have seen you post about most everything in the world at one point in time or another. As far as :beatinghorse: I think you pretty much did that when you came on here repeatedly posting page long word salads that meant absolutely nothing, said absolutely nothing, and made you look even worse then anything I could have ever said or did say. Like I said, my whole point was to put your name out there, just like you do, and let others see the stuff you post and write about. You may very well be right, it may not belong in the NESARA forum but that can always be fixed. My head hurts too bad now to try to find where you had talked about either NESARA or one of the other similar schemes so DK can move it if he feels it necessary.
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by JamesVincent »

As far as Google goes I did a search also. There was one hit from Quatloos and it was number 7. Keep posting though, we might get it higher.

And it does appear you don't have a problem with hyping yourself in the third person. ... nders.html
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"

Re: Susan Lynne Serafina Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

For your records
you might want to look closer at the facebook page posted
-serafina is part of the proper name
DON'T YOU EVEN LOOK at the links you post ?

some people have been successful in MLM or network marketing
-since 1986, we have earned checks from
matol for 27 yrs, neways for 25 years,
rgarden for 20 years, and, awareness for 20 years without scamming anyone

-so, earning 95 years of income in the past 27+ years is actually a success story,
not, a failure

-and, sites like this one, simply provide free publicity
which, ironically gets me MORE distributors
-and, the gov't like people like me,
since, we actually PAY taxes and don't milk the system
(unlike a lot of online posters who sit at home,
collect 'disability' checks & spend their time on posting boards]

in this world, it is pretty hard to talk about any 'current affairs'
and, not find some references to people who control the 'monetary' system
(in fact, they are so closely wooven together,
you can't mention one, without mentioning the other)
we live in a world that revolves around this
(and, a lot of people would be totally shocked to know 'real' truth)

we have NO association to Nesara aka Netscara aka Net-scary

and, you have YET to disprove the mathematics, sciences, physics & moon cycles
behind the calendar calibrations

you can certainly keep trying, however, i can assure you,
the relations behind the mathematics is about as solid as you can get
~that is why, it has yet to be debunked

so, have yourself a good day
& thanks for the free promotion
i'm sure there are lots of folks who would love a company car
- bmw, mercedes or porsche, or lamborghini
by simply distributing products with NO gmos
that are good for you, and, good for the earth
& that your doctor can actually reference in his big pharma - reference desk book

Commercial link deleted -- AndyK

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

engine lights, dogs biting, brake line blowing
- yup, lots of unique things happen to dogs who bark up the wrong tree :haha:

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

The galactic alignment was scientifically
rather nicely approximated by REAL scientists as having occurred in early 1998
We said just this in the Aquarius posts
- just read what is on 'our' links
NOT the Susan Hedke Seymour link
you are confusing 'oranges' and 'apples'
thank you
Last edited by The_eXchanger on Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

Your questions, are NOT in alignment
with apples and apples, and, oranges and oranges
-first understand the Moon Cycle
The term "moon cycle" (or "lunar cycle")
refers to the moon's continuous orbit around the earth.
As the moon orbits the earth,
its appearance aka the "phase" changes
and thus gives us an indication of the moon's progress in the cycle aka the "age".

The sun always illuminates exactly one-half of the moon,
but we see it at different angles as it rotates around the earth.

With the naked eye, we can see only the part of the moon that the sun is illuminating.

For instance, a crescent moon is what we call the moon
when we see only a small portion of its illuminated surface.

We give the parts of the moon cycle different names,
according to how the moon appears to us. In order of appearance:

New (also called the Dark Moon) - not visible

Waxing Crescent

First Quarter - commonly called a "half moon"

Waxing Gibbous

Full - we can see the entire illuminated portion of the moon

Waning Gibbous

Third Quarter - another "half moon",
but the illuminated part is opposite of the First Quarter

Waning Crescent

New - back to the beginning of the cycle

This complete lunar cycle aka The New Moon to The New Moon
is also called a "lunation".

During this time the moon will actually completely circle the earth

A circle is 360 degrees

That is the scientific definition,
but you can take any phase,
for instance a so-called "full moon cycle"
would be from The Full Moon to The Full Moon.

This is why the moon is so very important
to day-record-time-wisdom keepers

~ Susan Lynne Schwenger
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by AndyK »

Whoop-I-Doo :!:

You neglected to mention the moon's impact on the tides AND how it constantly warps Earth as it orbits.

Anyway, it's one thing to note totally valid observations about astronomical observations such as the phases of the moon [and everything else orbiting the Sun or one of the planets for that matter].

It's a totally different thing to assign some arcane meaning to the number of lunar cycles, metacycles, or megacycles, which have happened since a stone age culture devised a means of tracking time.

Did you or any of your fellow Mayan calendar calculationists ever consider one itty-bitty fact: The moon was going through these various gyrations for millions of years before the Mayans ever noticed them.

Has anyone ever tracked the lunar cycles BACKWARDS in time to relate other auspicious events to the moon? Perhaps the dinosaurs all died off because it was a bad moon day? Did the eruption of vesuvius or the [irony] destruction of Atlantis [/irony] occur on days associated with the Mayan lunar calendar?

I do have a suggestion for you with respect to time- and date-keeping. You really should look into what will happen when either the Microsoft Windows or Unix clocks run out of enough bits to keep incrementing. Will they both (on different dates) go negative thus forcing a reversal of time? Will they overflow thereby pushing all of us into an alternate space-time continuum? Or, will they simply stop and shut down every computer in the world?

This theorizing has just as much validity as your feeble attempts to associate carefully-selected events with retrospectively predicted calendar dates.

One final two-part question: Have there EVER been any critical Mayan calendar dates on which nothing major happened or have there ever been events of major magnitude which were not associated with the calendar? If so, in either case, Why?
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by JamesVincent »

I am under no obligation to dis-prove your calculations, I think Andy pretty much summed it up. I will say that if that is the full of your calculations then you are off by quite a bit, possibly years. If you're so intelligent and great minded it shouldn't be hard to figure out. And, quite frankly, this thread is not about your lovely calculations, it was started since one of the things we look at is people who promote ideas that are on the fringe and, if you had bothered to look, do not allow commercial promotion.

As far as MLMs go I have a friend who is a multi miliionaire thanks to MLMs, SOC being his one of choice for the past few years. The point, which you again missed, is you tried to discredit what I stated earlier about you being involved in MLMs and I proved that you were sphincter deep in them. So far that I have seen, as others have noted, every thing you have tried to "prove" just proves what I started out with, that you are interested in and promote ideas that are indeed on the fringe.

By the way, I have no interest whatsoever in your lunar cycle (bad pun but hey) so why would I "have" to understand it?
Disciple of the cross and champion in suffering
Immerse yourself into the kingdom of redemption
Pardon your mind through the chains of the divine
Make way, the shepherd of fire

Avenged Sevenfold "Shepherd of Fire"

Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by The_eXchanger »

From: by John Major Jenkins from JohnMajorJenkins Website
(this is so we know,
that the apples are apples, and, the oranges are oranges)

It is important to define what
The Galactic Alignment is in precise astronomical terms.

See Glossary below for terms.

The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun
with the Galactic equator.
This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes.

Precession is caused by the earth wobbling very slowly on its axis
and shifts the position of the equinoxes and solstices
one degree every 71.5 years.

Because the sun is one-half of a degree wide,
it will take the December solstice sun 36 years
to precess through the Galactic equator (see diagram below).

The precise alignment of the solstice point
(the precise center-point of the body of the sun as viewed from earth)
with the Galactic equator was calculated to occur in 1998
(Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 1997).

Thus, the Galactic Alignment "zone" is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016.
This is "era-2012."

This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years,
and was what the ancient Maya were pointing to
with the 2012 end-date of their Long Count calendar.

These are the astronomical facts of the matter.

From a larger perspective,
we can visualize the 2012 Galactic Alignment in the following way:

Position A is where the December solstice sun
was in relation to the Milky Way some 3,000 years ago

Position B is 1,500 years ago

Position C is "era-2012", when the December solstice sun has converged,
as a result of the precession of the equinoxes,
with the exact center-line of the Milky Way (the Galactic equator)

Notice that the place of alignment is where the 'nuclear bulge'
of the Galactic Center is located.

It is my hope that the these definitions will help to standardize
the terminology so we can clearly discuss the rare precessional alignment
that culminates in era-2012.


The ecliptic: The path followed by the sun, moon, and planets.
It is the plane of our solar system.
The ecliptic encircles the earth and is divided into twelve constellations, or zodiac signs.

The Milky Way: The bright band of star that our solar system belongs to.
It encircles the earth and is wider in the region of Sagittarius
because that is where the 'nuclear bulge" of the Milky Way's center
is located (our Milky Way is saucer shaped). (click below image)

The Galactic equator: The precise mid-line running down the Milky Way.
Analogous to the earth's equator, it divides the galaxy into two hemispheres, or lobes.

The Dark Rift in the Milky Way: A feature caused by interstellar dust that runs
along the Milky Way from the Galactic Center northward past the constellation of Aquila. (click below image)

The December solstice sun: The sun, on the December solstice.
It is one-half of a degree wide.

The December solstice point: The precise midpoint of the sun, on the December solstice.

The Precession of the equinoxes: The earth wobbles very slowly on its axis
and this causes the position of the equinox to shift backwards,
or precess, through the signs of the ecliptic at the rate of
one degree every 71.5 years.
The full precessional wobble is complete in roughly 25,800 years. (click below image)
There are pics on the last link

We started to summarize this here: ... 5795198653
Last edited by The_eXchanger on Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Susan Lynne Schwenger

Post by AndyK »

What an amazing collection of pseudo-scientific babble.
(this is so we know,
that the apples are apples, and, the oranges are oranges)

It is important to define what
The Galactic Alignment is in precise astronomical terms.

See Glossary below for terms.

The Galactic Alignment is the alignment of the December solstice sun
with the Galactic equator.
This alignment occurs as a result of the precession of the equinoxes.
The precession of Earth has absolutely nothing -- zero -- nada -- to do with the alignment of the Sun with respect to anything EXCEPT for the perception of a viewer on Earth.

Precession is caused by the earth wobbling very slowly on its axis
and shifts the position of the equinoxes and solstices
one degree every 71.5 years.

Because the sun is one-half of a degree wide,
it will take the December solstice sun 36 years
to precess through the Galactic equator (see diagram below).
The Sun is 1/2 degree wide? With respect to what and from what point of view? It would be much more appropriate to state that we, on Earth, perceive the Sun as 1/2 degree wide. Then, you can continue to say that FROM OUR PERSPECTIVE it will take 36 years for the image of the sun, when observed on the date of the winter solstice, to transit across the core of the Galaxy AS WE PERCEIVE it. Again, the Sun (with respect to your voodoo) does NOT precess.

The precise alignment of the solstice point
(the precise center-point of the body of the sun as viewed from earth)
with the Galactic equator was calculated to occur in 1998
(Jean Meeus, Mathematical Astronomy Morsels, 1997).

Thus, the Galactic Alignment "zone" is 1998 +/- 18 years = 1980 - 2016.
This is "era-2012."

This Galactic Alignment occurs only once every 26,000 years,
and was what the ancient Maya were pointing to
with the 2012 end-date of their Long Count calendar.

These are the astronomical facts of the matter.

From a larger perspective,
we can visualize the 2012 Galactic Alignment in the following way:

Position A is where the December solstice sun
was in relation to the Milky Way some 3,000 years ago

Position B is 1,500 years ago

Position C is "era-2012", when the December solstice sun has converged,
as a result of the precession of the equinoxes,
with the exact center-line of the Milky Way (the Galactic equator)
The previous sentence makes absolutely no sense. The pseudo-scientific babble has reached an apex.

Notice that the place of alignment is where the 'nuclear bulge'
of the Galactic Center is located.

It is my hope that the these definitions will help to standardize
the terminology so we can clearly discuss the rare precessional alignment
that culminates in era-2012.


The ecliptic: The path followed by the sun, moon, and planets.
It is the plane of our solar system.
The ecliptic encircles the earth and is divided into twelve constellations, or zodiac signs.
I was wrong. The babble continues to expand. First, any astronomer knows that not all of the planets orbit the Sun on the ecliptic. Even those which are close to the ecliptic are not all exactly on it. As to the division into the twelve zodiac signs, you really need to be more specific. First, the entire concept of the zodiac and astrology is total nonsense. Second, which particular concept of the zodiac are you espousing: Mayan, Roman, Greek, Babylonian, Chinese? All are different.

The Milky Way: The bright band of star that our solar system belongs to.
It encircles the earth and is wider in the region of Sagittarius
because that is where the 'nuclear bulge" of the Milky Way's center
is located (our Milky Way is saucer shaped). (click below image)
The Milky Way GALAXY is the system there Earth resides. However, it does NOT encircle Earth. Our planet is well on the outskirts of the galaxy. Thus, the bright concentration of stars we call the milky way ONLY exists in the direction of the galactic core. It does most definitely encircle Earth

The Galactic equator: The precise mid-line running down the Milky Way.
Analogous to the earth's equator, it divides the galaxy into two hemispheres, or lobes.

The Dark Rift in the Milky Way: A feature caused by interstellar dust that runs
along the Milky Way from the Galactic Center northward past the constellation of Aquila. (click below image)

The December solstice sun: The sun, on the December solstice.
It is one-half of a degree wide.
Width as perceived from Earth. From Mercury, it's a lot wider. From Neptune, a lot narrower.

The December solstice point: The precise midpoint of the sun, on the December solstice.

The Precession of the equinoxes: The earth wobbles very slowly on its axis
and this causes the position of the equinox to shift backwards,
or precess, through the signs of the ecliptic at the rate of
one degree every 71.5 years.
The full precessional wobble is complete in roughly 25,800 years. (click below image)
Again, you have attempted to scientify your voodoo. You have yet to answer the few simple questions which were poster OR to refute or admit the high-school level astronomical disbunkings of your distortions.

But, keep it up. The more you post here, the higher this thread will appear in Internet searches AND the more people will realize what utter balderdash the Mayan calendar nonsense is.
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