Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ArthurWankspittle »

notorial dissent wrote:I am curious as to why they even allowed him to intervene, since he has absolutely no standing to do so.
My guess would be he claims to be a creditor. Given that Detroit probably has thousands of possible creditors then almost anyone would pass any initial screening to be party to the hearings.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

Took the time to listen to some of the interviews on 5DMedia youtube page. Here are some thoughts.

1. They appear to have paid a guy to convert their RV to run on water.
2. The Kiri woman is completely unhinged. In her post arrest interview she denies knowing the checking account was closed but in the pre arrest interview she told the interviewer she knew it was closed. She says she drives without a license in an unregistered car, she's hardcore sov-cit, had tried to cash in her "strawman accounts" prior to getting into OPPT. Got in trouble with whatever New Zealand's child protection service is called for not treating her daughters medical condition after presumably falling for some alt medicine internet nonsense.
3. Their plans for a post-OPPT world are f*cking insane. They talk about an electronic system that can withdraw from your "value" yet everyone will keep working their jobs because "people do what they love" or some nonsense.
4. The group as a whole is completely deranged. They're talking aliens, bigfoot, every single conspiracy theory on the internet basically. They don't seem to understand basic economics, the degree of confusion is on the level where they might as well think iPhones are made in the north pole by santa claus then delivered to stores by elves and we're tricked by the evil government into paying for them with "fake money".

Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by reefwalker »

Having a bit of fun with them..............................
From: ... s-forward/
Ken Smith says : Reply
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September 30, 2013 at 10:39 pm

Noel – not quite sure your comment is not on here as it came to my mailbox so I’ll copy it here
Author: noel
“This can all come to a sudden halt if the BANKS AND CORPORATE GOVERNMENTS REBUT the filings. WHY haven’t they ? Simply Because they can’t, the Uniform Commercial Code works on Truth and the filings were true and the BANKS OR CORPORATE GOVERNMENTS cannot prove otherwise. So they have to provide remedy. They were beaten at their own game by their own laws. So whether you believe it’s true or not, does not matter a rats arse, it’s now Universal Law.
So to you doubters stop your bullshit, you are only proving that you do not understand. It has taken a long time to get to where we are today, so it will take a lot of undoing, we have never been down this road before and neither has Heather, we are all just feeling our way, so have patients.”

Me:The truth is the banks don’t have to rebut the UCC filings. Just because you file something doesn’t mean its in force. This is why nothing has changed. The world continues on just as usual as no one has taken any notice of the UCC filings. Its the same with the courtesy notices – just because you have sent them and there is no reply doesn’t mean they are then in force. Two parties must agree on a contract – not one – that’s just silly.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

You know, we keep bashing this nonsense; but, the fact is that the gurus are profiting nicely from all of this. They have succeeded in finding an endless stream of FRNs. True Believers are donating tons of cash to them. They are traveling all over the world, vacationing in Morocco, paying their rent and utilities, and now even buying RV's to party hardy on a True Believer funded road trip around the U.S.

Their language might be 5D, but their actions are pure shakedown.

Oh, and their interest in "accessing their value" seems to have wained as well. Haven't heard much about their assault on the banks lately.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by The Observer »

dreamwalker444 says : Reply
September 6, 2013 at 12:37 pm
I want to address concerns of folks who complain that promised dates aren’t being met. As a software developer, I know that dates are impossible when you are doing something that you’ve never done before.
And there's a term for software that keeps missing its release dates: vaporware. Just in case you forgot, that term has a negtive connotation.
When you do something over and over, then dates are easier.
Well, the dates get easier to promise. After all, when you miss 50 deadlines in arow, what's one more for the list?
In the case of materials relating to I-UV, none of this has been done before, so it is very difficult (if not impossible) to deliver something by a given date.

Yes, I know people have had very same problem when promising perpetual motion machines, cars that run on water, high-yield debenture bonds, and the deed to the Brooklyn Bridge. And here is another funny thing about that - people sort of expect you to deliver what you promise, especially after you took their money for it in advance.
You can do it fast, or you can do it right. You can’t do both.
But in the case of scams like this, you can do it fast, slow or at a dead stop, and it will be still be wrong.
I do feel this is an expression of anticipation – but it seems silly to me to hinge your entire belief system on a single date.
And I think it seems silly for you to be taking their money from them in advance and you cannot deliver what you are promising.
Relax – things will happen when they happen.
Easy for you to say - you getting their money has already happened for you, right?
If you want to do something to move things along, there are many opportunities, including doing it yourself.
Such a snide comment, coming from a "guru" such as yourself. You have put yourself out there as a person who would help them reach this 5D NIrvana. Now that your victims are starting to complain, you want to dump them.
We are all part of a machine, and each one of us has our own unique role.
And your role was to throw a monkey wrench into the gears.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

thunter wrote:They have succeeded in finding an endless stream of FRNs.
I don't think that's accurate. The RV they bought cost like 6 grand which is basically the cheapest used RV you can get. It sounds like they don't have the funds for either gas or food for the trip. Heather certainly doesn't appear to be vacationing in Morocco, more like in exile/avoiding the cops and for all we know that's funded by her husbands export business and I can't imagine that being the most luxurious lifestyle.

If it's meant to be a scam to get FRN's then they're failing at it. More likely, as some have hinted throughout the thread, Heather is crazy or on drugs and doing this for attention. Huge ego boost when you're a cult leader.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

There are several major changes in the lunatic asylum known as the OPPT that my fellow Quatloosians might be interested in this week:

- BZ Meyers has announced that after "offering to play" (their term for trying to scam the banks) with Wells Fargo via mass harassment in phone and in person, the OPPT true believers are now moving on to Bank of America. Because after the Wells Fargo fraud department tells you that your nuts and to please stop harassing bank staff, clearly the path to success is to go do the same thing AGAIN but with Bank of America.

- Someone was asking too many difficult questions about the OPPT and it provoked Goddess Heather to "answer" him. Whats amazing is this person was simply asking the obvious sort of stuff - like how everyone in the world could be getting $5 billion when that added up was way over the total amount of wealth in the world. Typical of Heather she answered in gibberish that I can't make heads or tails of. For example, her answer to how everyone could get billions was that measures of total world wealth were all Cabal conspiracies and clearly theirs more wealth because derivatives exist (even though derivatives are not assets...). Also, she just completely avoided hard questions like whose going to take out the garbage when were all billionaires and doing whatever we want except to say all dirty jobs would be done by magical technology the Cabal has hidden from us (magic trash disposal!): ... irty-jobs/

- D, also known as the OPPT prophet who lives in Morocco with Goddess Heather, has (wait for it) declared that the US government shutdown was because of the OPPT and RV. Clearly, she says, Congress couldn't be bothered with planning a budget since the RV was near at hand and then the new financial system would be brought out thanks to OPPT. I KNEW they were going to make this insane claim, and when the government opens up again they will simply quietly forget about D's statement and act like she never said it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Jeffrey wrote:
thunter wrote:They have succeeded in finding an endless stream of FRNs.
I don't think that's accurate. The RV they bought cost like 6 grand which is basically the cheapest used RV you can get. It sounds like they don't have the funds for either gas or food for the trip. Heather certainly doesn't appear to be vacationing in Morocco, more like in exile/avoiding the cops and for all we know that's funded by her husbands export business and I can't imagine that being the most luxurious lifestyle.

If it's meant to be a scam to get FRN's then they're failing at it. More likely, as some have hinted throughout the thread, Heather is crazy or on drugs and doing this for attention. Huge ego boost when you're a cult leader.
While I don't think this scam was started for the money (more just to inflate egos, which has worked for the gurus and Heather as you say), the gurus are certainly profiting from it. The OPPT flock don't have much money to begin with but they do things like maxing out credit cards and taking out loans (since their $5 billion is arriving any day now) to fund the gurus. Brian Kelly, Lisa Harrison, and Bob Wright are all living off the true believers in addition to I presume collecting government benefits.

In addition, the OPPT flock funded international travel for them all to/from Morocco. And now the OPPT bus tour, which actually will end up being 3 RV's (even at 6k each that is 18k). Remember that the OPPT bus tour isn't just the gurus, it includes other people like a chef to cook for them all (food provided by OPPT believers with their money) and at least two video production people to make a documentary about the whole thing (equipment paid for by OPPT believers). With 9 or 10 people across 3 RVs and food and gas for weeks as well as other things you just need to live, the tab could easily rise over 50 grand.

Its a good life, I think. I wouldn't mind having thousands of people worship me like the gurus do and have them pay for insanely stupid things like "distance" reiki healing at $50/hour.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

LightinDarkness wrote:- D, also known as the OPPT prophet who lives in Morocco with Goddess Heather, has (wait for it) declared that the US government shutdown was because of the OPPT and RV. Clearly, she says, Congress couldn't be bothered with planning a budget since the RV was near at hand and then the new financial system would be brought out thanks to OPPT. I KNEW they were going to make this insane claim, and when the government opens up again they will simply quietly forget about D's statement and act like she never said it.
I knew the conspiracists would make that claim. So predictable.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Jeffrey wrote:Took the time to listen to some of the interviews on 5DMedia youtube page. Here are some thoughts.

1. They appear to have paid a guy to convert their RV to run on water.
Erasmus, 'zat you?
Jeffrey wrote:3. Their plans for a post-OPPT world are f*cking insane. They talk about an electronic system that can withdraw from your "value" yet everyone will keep working their jobs because "people do what they love" or some nonsense.
This was the assertion of the prosperity packie people too, even to the point of insisting that everyone could live in mansions with servants because some people would want to play the French maid (ooh la la!). When everyone wouldn't go for "people do what they love, and for some that's cleaning your toilet," it became "the opening up of previously-repressed technologies will..." and everything from replicators to robots filled in the labor gaps and kept your bowl sparkling!
LightinDarkness wrote:Also, she just completely avoided hard questions like whose going to take out the garbage when were all billionaires and doing whatever we want except to say all dirty jobs would be done by magical technology the Cabal has hidden from us (magic trash disposal!):
What did I tell you?!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Although they have already collected thousands (I'd estimate $15-$20k) from the OPPT true believers for the RV tour, now they are asking for $20k in order to start a "free energy device" scam as part of the tour. Their go fund me page:

Of course these free energy devices - theirs is a free energy from water variety - are a staple in conspiracy theory mythology. They never work, but when the inevitable failure occurs its because The Dark Cabal has somehow sabotaged it.

If this stuff really worked and they were really concerned about making it "free" then they would open source the plans and start a non-profit to sell the technology at cost. But that won't ever happen BECAUSE LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE these wackos due its a delusion.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

LightinDarkness wrote:Although they have already collected thousands (I'd estimate $15-$20k) from the OPPT true believers for the RV tour, now they are asking for $20k in order to start a "free energy device" scam as part of the tour. Their go fund me page:
Oh I know that specific scam quite well. Called a GEET? reactor in some versions, seems to be very old scam. Doesn't actually run on water, runs on gasoline that evaporates in the chamber.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Oh, sorta like internal combustion???
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

notorial dissent wrote:Oh, sorta like internal combustion???

There's a ton of videos on youtube, basically they mix gasoline and water then bubble air / exhaust into the mixture, the heat makes the gasoline evaporate and go into the intake then they claim it's being fueled by water when it's clearly running off the gasoline fumes.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

Yeah, kinda sorta like internal combustion. Ain't pseudo mumbo jumbo science wonderful???
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

notorial dissent wrote:Yeah, kinda sorta like internal combustion. Ain't pseudo mumbo jumbo science wonderful???
But it's turbo charged too.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I don't believe this has been posted - if not, my apologies.

Kiri Campbell in New Zealand has been sentenced to 200 hours of community service:
The news report identifies the OPPT as a facet of the Freeman-on-the-Land phenomenon, and details Kiri's various fraud targets.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

How the hell do you only get 200 hours community service for trying to defraud a bank out of $15 million and businesses out of $65k. Some googling tells me she'd be facing 3 years jailtime if she did the same thing in California.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Oh snap, the free energy crackpot brigade is not happy about the OPPT spreading their "technology" (in quotes because its really all BS to begin with). A comment to the go fund me page, pasted here to preserve it as I am sure Brian Killy will remove it despite acting like the OPPT acts with full transparency:
Hi Brian I am pretty good friends with Paul Pantone. I talked to him tonight and he informed me of the direction of the conversation that you and him had on the phone. I had asked him to be lenient with you because everyone is struggling in this economic time. I do agree with the fact that I hate patents and I don't think they should exist but they do. He has one and copywrites. Before I had gotten to know Paul I had a promoter paint this really bad pic of Paul so I was going to act the exact same as you have. I decided that I should at least talk to him and then found out how much of an awesome rational guy he was and still is. Unfortunately you have chosen not to follow the law and really he can and will press charges and can make you have to pay out money for trying to profit off his idea. I have extensively researched the patent industry because I wanted to find loop holes in them but unfortunately when I someone owns a patent there are no loop holes. It may be open source but he did that out of the publics need to learn the basics of it and from what I see that you have done it is the mere basics and in fact is dangerous. So please call me at your earliest convenience. I do live in Canada so if you prefer you can inbox me a message on Facebook and I will call you tomorrow. Matt McMahon Inventor 613-894-4949 This doesn't need to go down the bad road.
I love it, they are fighting over who can distribute something that doesn't exist.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

So let me see if I have this right. Crazy person B is telling crazy person C that crazy person A has a PATENT on this vaporware contraption???? And that crazy person A will take crazy person C to court over it if they don't quit doing whatever it is they(OPPT) are doing?? Does that about cover it?? I love it, of course the question is, would the court convene at Denny's or IHOP, or is there a preference up north? And which is superior to the others? This has all kinds of possibilities.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.