The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga begins

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Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga begins

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I can never make up mind whether I like it better when siblings are really different, or siblings are really similar. My fondness for hereditary theory favours the latter. My appreciation for the role of environment and the plasticity of mankind makes me prefer the former.

But, when it comes to dopy Freemen-on-the-Land, I’ll go with nature over nurture any day - and here’s our latest example. Media reports ( ... /306279974) ( ... 84937.html) ( ... 54016.html) indicate that Darren Murray Clifford, sib of the King of Muscular Freemanism, guru Dean Clifford, is currently residing in a probably rectangular solid space in the Calgary Remand Centre. Why?
[Darren Clifford] is facing a number of charges, including assaulting a police officer, which stems from an alleged altercation with Const. Tom Christie of the Turner Valley detachment last year.
One of those other charges is an alleged 2011 “assault against his girlfriend’s ex-husband.” Those Muscular Freemen! They just get a little excited at times. The first detention occurred in 2012. Clifford (Darren) had been picked up for an array of charges, including that ex-husband pummeling. Apprehension followed another time-honoured Freeman procedure:
Christie said he used a Taser on Clifford, who then “was more compliant.”
Clifford (Darren) was later released on bail after the 2012 detention, but only after a traditional 'meet and greet' with the Court:
Clifford appeared in court on Tuesday and urged the judge to read the paperwork from his brother and declared his autonomy.

“I am a non-resident of Canada,” he said.

Clifford was sent for a psychological assessment when he repeatedly told the judge he couldn’t understand his charges after they were read out to him.

“I don’t agree with the charges,” Clifford told the judge. “I understand the English language.”

He said he wouldn’t consent to a psychological assessment, but Judge Ann Brown said she felt it was necessary.

“I have some concern you can’t understand these proceedings,” she said.

He also asked the judge to read documents faxed to the court by his brother, Dean Clifford, a man who has numerous online videos and blogs outlining his viewpoints which include rejecting government authority, not holding a driver’s license and denying the police’s right to stop and detain people.
Needless to say a fee schedule was deployed:
Clifford “has identified himself to us as a Freeman,” said Christie, adding Clifford has said he will bill police “exorbitant rates” for their dealings with him.
The Okotoks Western Wheel (only, only in Alberta could there be a newspaper with this name!) reports the rate was $1 million per hour.

Clifford (Darren) was again picked up on Friday and denied bail today. On this occasion Clifford (Darren) explained why he should be loose on the streets:
“As God as my witness I do not associate with the rules of your society,” he told the court.

“I renounce my association with your society.”
Judge Eugene Creighton then denied bail.

The question emerges – do the Alberta Crown prosecutors and RCMP know they have landed a trophy catch? Will Clifford (Dean) appear to act as counsel for Clifford (Darren)? I wonder if the trial judge will catch the Clifford (Dean) video where he explains how he regularly beats up police officers who dare infringe on his person and property? Will the Cliffords’ Muscular Freemanism compel them to smite those who offend them?

So many questions. We must now wait and see. In the meantime I am certain that Clifford (Darren) will engage in that most traditional of Freeman-on-the-Land activities, reaching out to his fellow detainees to proselytize the Truth. And perhaps offer subscriptions to a brand spanking new Menard Card.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by LordEd »

Dean Clifford is clearly on the case:
So that everyone knows, my brother was taken down "again" on Friday in another "sting" while he was pouring concrete at home in yet another pathetic raid. What's interesting, is that after the Crown having lost in Summary Conviction, the original court file disappeared without a trace, and now all the charges are back "indictable", with new charge numbers and a new court file number. This is known as "tampering with Court files" and is an international crime. I have all copies of the old charges and their 'resolution', so a formal complaint is being sent to the Hague regarding Canada's complicity in tampering with court files, malicious prosecution, as well as a NUMBER of other crimes that I will not disclose yet as I want what I am doing to be a surprise to the Alberta Court of Criminals.

Darren renounced association to the legal person through the Birth Certificate as being being a manufactured fraud from day one, the AG of Alberta was defaulted by a proper admin process, that was put in the old court file, and that was when it disappeared and all records were purged and it no longer exists, except for all my copies that are kept safely at another location.

See you soon, Jonathan Denis, handcuffs, you ****ing scumbag.
Dean Clifford “I renounce my association with your society.” Actually, that was done some time ago, on the record, and the government was defaulted for non-response in a convened court after all ID was surrendered and voided nunc pro tunc and ab initio for fraud.

Canadian Bill of Rights:
2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
(d) freedom of association.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Article 20.

(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESR):

Article 22

Everyone has the right to freedom of association, including the right to join a trade union.

Guess what judge just bought themselves a one way ticket to "You're ****ed now asshole", as he swore an oath to protect these rights unless notwithstanding.......well, you don't have your notwithstanding clause ****HEAD, because we have records of EVERYTHING, and Judge Eugene Creighton just forfeited his personal property.

I'm coming for you, you ****er. You do NOT have immunity. See you in a lawfully convened court of equity.

That is a promise.
Admiral of the Quatloosian Seas
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

I see a Kane style ending to the Clifford brothers based on their history of assaulting police officers and their rhetoric.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Well, it certainly is a 'double or nothing' strategy.

Perhaps the wrong province in which to try this stunt. Looking more closely at Dean's screed discloses something interesting. I think Dean is trying to say (among other things) that when his brother was originally charged those were 'summary conviction offences'. That is the 'secret lost original court file'. However, now Dean says:
... all the charges are back "indictable", with new charge numbers and a new court file number.
In Canada many offences can be processed through the courts via two different channels. "Summary conviction" offences are heard in the provincial courts, in this case that would be the Provincial Court of Alberta. When an offence is tried as a summary conviction offence the elements of the crime are the same, but the range of sentences is lower than the other criminal proceeding process.

And that second alternative is trial of an "indictable offence", which is heard at a superior provincial court, in this case the good ol' Alberta Court of Queen's Bench. As noted, the same misconduct when tried in the superior court results in a much longer potential term of imprisonment.

The Crown gets to choose which path is used, and as I recall has a lot of leeway to drop an old list of charges and switch courts. I think that is exactly what has happened here. So I bet Deano is quite correct that there is a new court file - the trial is now scheduled for Queen's Bench - and the charges have new numbers - a new "indictment" document has been filed. Is this cause to go to the International Criminal Court in the Hague? Well, no. It's a procedure that is provided in the Criminal Code, so no luck there.

However, it does tell us in the peanut gallery that the Crown has decided that Mr. Clifford (Darren) deserves a firmer, lengthier, harder sentence. So my guess is the Crown prosecutors have some idea of whom they have caught. Or it just may be that Darren really convinced them that he was a jerk who required a different approach. All very interesting.

Dean has offered a clarification:
Dean Clifford
P.S. He never made application for bail (Baal), and would never make any application for anything in that jurisdiction. Constructive frauds, and willfull ignorance will not help these people from what I have coming.
[Oct. 9, 2013 at approximate 8 a.m.]
I just don't get the 'Baal' thing. Is Mr. Clifford equally repulsed by, say, soccer, as there the players kick around a 'Baal'. Does he reject fancy costume events, lest one be the Belle of the 'Baal'?

Regardless, I look forward to the promised documents and stuff. And the inevitable "let's call the Calgary Remand Centre to demand to know if Clifford (Darren) is still alive" campaign.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Arthur Rubin »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe wrote:
Dean Clifford
P.S. He never made application for bail (Baal), and would never make any application for anything in that jurisdiction. Constructive frauds, and willfull ignorance will not help these people from what I have coming.
[Oct. 9, 2013 at approximate 8 a.m.]
I just don't get the 'Baal' thing. Is Mr. Clifford equally repulsed by, say, soccer, as there the players kick around a 'Baal'. Does he reject fancy costume events, lest one be the Belle of the 'Baal'?
I would guess he meant Ba'al, a Canaanite god. But it's hard to predict what he might mean.
Arthur Rubin, unemployed tax preparer and aerospace engineer
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

Definitely a loose reference to Ba'al. Cliffords freemanism is very biblical.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by rumpelstilzchen »

Jeffrey wrote:Definitely a loose reference to Ba'al.
More than a loose connection. :lol: When Brother Dean was arrested earlier this year he chose to refuse bail, or I should say "pray to bail":
He also told me that he could have gotten out tonight had he prayed to ‘bail’ which he refused of course! ... -manitoba/

It's because judges are High Priests of Ba'al :haha:

It's all explained here:
BHF wrote:
It shows your mentality to think someone would make the effort to post something on the internet that was untrue.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Chados »

Who has the popcorn? This one will be entertaining.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

I have been patiently waiting for the next step in the Cliffords Inexorable Drive to Victory, but it's been quiet, until today. And what has popped up was not really what I had expected.

You see, Dean has posted today in his webpage forum ( and Facebook page ( ... 3641475541) and made an interesting announcement. He has met the enemy - and he is us. Err. Them. The Freemen. Not Us - Quatloosians. Freemen. That's the enemy.

Dean's exposition is lengthy and pointed. Persons within the Freedom movement are subverting his followers via secret skype conferences, engaged in sabotage via attempts to infiltrate the forums, and just ... scurrilousness. Lots of scurrilousness - tons of it!

All this while Dean is faithfully driving (oh sorry - 'travelling') lengthy shuttles to prepare for the Inexorable Victory in his brother's impending criminal litigation.
... Now, this is a nice way of putting this. A lot of people are probably unaware of this, but this site and the people who donate their time and efforts to running it, have become the target of a coordinated and disgusting campaign by a group of people to undermine, discredit, and ultimately ruin this site and the reputations of myself and a few others. Unfortunately, this is not the work of government infiltrators, this is the work of a number of individuals in the law movement. It's been fun sitting back and watching the attempts of these people to lurk around and sow discontent here, attempt to gain access to the back end of the forum and sabotage things, and attack the credibility of the people trying to make a difference. If you sit back and wait, your enemies will come right to your door, and they did. Starting some time ago, I was approached by a few people who wanted to let me know that they had been approached by a "cabal" of people, some of them members here on this forum, who had a plan to sabotage this forum and discredit me. I'm not sure why, but these people cannot go build something of their own, they feel the need to destroy what someone else has built and "hijack" it. It was no surprise to find the likes of Tony Boutros, Cari-Lee, and Trazy (aka CrazyTracy as they call her on Salt Springs Island) at the root of this problem, among others, but it was a surprise to find out what others were involved in this ruse and cooperating with this cabal of pathetic deranged individuals, although most discovered they were ultimately being decieved and duped and quickly left. Now that we have most of them identified, we know who to ban and ostracize for life.

These pathetic attempts to hijack websites, and attack the credibility of people trying to help, only serves to undermine the entire movement as a whole. Many people have been turned away from the movement because of these people, and I have received emails that confirm that people feel they would be better off dealing with the government than associating with these "nutcases and scumbags" that seem to have infested every nook and cranny of the law restoration movement. The actions of these people need to be renounced everywhere they are found, and driven from the ranks of our movement like a virus that is killing the host. Again, all societies and movements are destroyed from within, never from a foreign source.
Dean Smash!

The allegations are shameful:
Contacting MANY of the 4000+ people on my facebook page, by private message, and tell them that I am a drunk, and a heavy drug abuser, and that is where all the donation money goes. I have also been called a pedophile, a male chauvinist pig who only wants sex from women, an animal abuser (that accusation grieves me the most btw), a crack house operator, a crack addict, and I have been accused of stealing 10's of thousands of dollars from old ladies and then not helping them. Apparently they forgot about the baby seal clubbing parties I have on Friday's.
These fiends also show no respect for Dean's kin:
My brother has also now been accused of being a drug addicted drunk, proving what little creativity has gone into this, and that is where donation money is going, to finance his drug habits. So, for the people that want to believe that and have previously not become involved, they will not reap the benefits of his or my sacrifices to willingly fight this system, take the lumps in the courts and in the jails, uncover the remedy and win. We have risked, so we will benefit. Personally, I would have come up with something better, like he sells organs on the black market that he harvests from homeless people that he takes in to feed and house for the night. Darren's wife was especially surprised to discover that he has a crack and alcohol addiction. Boy you think you know someone until mysterious people on the internet point out what should have been obvious. *sigh*

Other stories have been fabricated to make people believe that non-existent family members of mine have secretly joined this group and confessed to all these accusations against me as being true, but for their protection......their identity cannot be disclosed. This is because they simply don't exist. But that is what they are telling people. Also, it has been claimed that all my friends have abandoned me and now claim to not speak to me at all, verifying that the accusations are true. They cannot offer up any real people, but just trust us, it's true.
And who is at fault? It's YOU! Err. Freemen. Not you Quatloosians. But YOU, you so-called Freedom-lovers!
It is really disheartenting to wake up and discover I am surrounded by scumbags and freeloaders. People that would take advantage of you, lie to your face with not a hint of remorse or guilt, take advantage of your good intentions and good faith, and then turn around and carry out some of the worst things against you that anyone has ever done. At times, it has made me publicly proclaim that I cannot wait for Agenda 21 to hurry up and get rid of all these fucking pieces of s---.
[Feces redacted.]

What is Agenda 21 by the way? I must be behind schedule on my Illuminatiod updates.

In any case, Dean has explained there's going to be tightening up in the ranks, deviants will be purged, and it's time for the Legions to Stand Side by Side. If you're with Dean, it's non-disclosure agreement time.

Needless to say, this has caused some hoopla. At the time I posted this message there have been 367 replies on Facebook, and they range from the Solidarnosc! of elite persons such as Kent Barrett, guru of the Human Rights Defenders League in Canada:
Kent Barrett
They don't have to stop us if they can slow us down enough. Hence, people like you Dean Clifford face an endless barrage of bulls--- which poisons the bandwidth and which (they hope) you'll waste time "defending" yourself against.

And that's just the smart gov shills. The un-paid volunteer trolls are just sick, sick people, and we do hope they recover, but if they can't then it would be better for humanity if they just went insane from their insecurities quietly in some pleasant hospice with no internet access (to limit exposure to their contagion), or found a more useful therapy like making plant boxes out of old hockey stick bits.
[More feces redacted.]

to the idolatrous:
Pat Ryan
You still inspire me Dean.
to those crippled with all-caps keyboards:
Alex Tsa-Tsa
to the illiterate:
Rob Anthony
Hey Dean Clifford us drunken drug banger if people can't see your videos and news parts you have been on and see your far from that then yeah they are retarded. By the way Did you get that video I sent you on here just wondering if it slightly like what you have there.
But then the fraternicide builds. Within no time at all, other gurus are fingered as subverts:
Jason Wettstein
if it means anything I have not been contacted. I believe there are some aggressive a--holes in the movement doing far more harm than any cops saboteurs persons like Scott Duncan who acts like he is a god and has a very good and informative group i am still on as a alias but his arrogance is so insulting and his collective of groupies maybe very well informed but they are ready for the kool aid anytime this guy and that group are so fucking angry they drip insults how many people leave that page thinking were all c---s and run fast and far?

I like your posts and I love the time you have committed its people like you that turn people on to this its too bad about the many that turn people off like that egomaniac Lord Scott Duncan
[Gosh they use a lot of nasty language.]

And the subverts reply:
Scott Duncan

Dean Clifford, you are wasting time. Sorry, but you just are. As long as you "respect the beliefs of others" there will be division amongst those who seek freedom, and the Free-Dumb movement.

You do not choose your company well.
You have no goals.
You have no means to attain those goals.
You have adults with imaginary friends who think their ignorance is the same as your knowledge.

Plus: You think wrong and value the wrong things.

AQUILAE offers sanctuary when you figure that out...

...which will be soon, by the looks of things.

Time doesn't make me any less right.
Seriously folks, if you want some excellent entertainment, this is it. Hit this link ( ... 3641475541) and savor the impotent rage of small dogs. Wolves in mind, chihuahuas in body.

These guys need a serious dose of Do-ing and Be-ing.

I actually feel a little sorry for Darren.

(well, not really...)

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
notorial dissent
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by notorial dissent »

I hate to tell him, but that rant does more to verify the claims against him than anything he could have done. I mean really, as classic a heavy drug user fit of paranoia as I haven't seen in ages, they're all out to get him, they are plotting against him, they're saying bad rude things about him. I mean really. I doubt if he has enough real followers to even really get up a conspiracy, and why would anyone want to hijack his website??? Just more paranoia showing through.
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by rogfulton »

notorial dissent wrote:I hate to tell him, but that rant does more to verify the claims against him than anything he could have done. I mean really, as classic a heavy drug user fit of paranoia as I haven't seen in ages, they're all out to get him, they are plotting against him, they're saying bad rude things about him. I mean really. I doubt if he has enough real followers to even really get up a conspiracy, and why would anyone want to hijack his website??? Just more paranoia showing through.
He's starting to sound a little like Gassy Rassy. :naughty:
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by LightinDarkness »


Thanks for posting the update as always, I know I (and others) much appreciate it. I can't say I am that surprised with Dean's rand here. He is essentially doing the soverign citizen version of "rally 'round the flag" - create an imaginary enemy to rally your (insane) followers to your cause. Why pick now to do it? I think its because of all the negative press freeman has been getting lately, the flock was starting to get restless and question things. This solves that by getting them worked up into a froth against an imaginary Freeman cabal out to get Dean. Of course, no such cabal exists. Dean has his detractors, but they are few within the sov'run movement - he is a rock star to most of them.

Fighting the imaginary anti-Dean cabal will help distract when he "helps" lose his brother's trial.
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Fully agree on the 'let's create some drama!' component, LightinDarkness, as well as a Big Lie approach that would make Goebbels proud.

But that said, I think there's a second process ongoing as well. Or at least I suspect there is. In Canada the old Freeman-on-the-Land crowd seems quite without direction, and as they twirl in the currents they have drifted to pretty much anyone who may offer a new answer. We have had an explosion of mini-Gurus - people who have long been affiliated with OPCA groups now coming out and claiming some kind of teaching role. I have documented some of these here on Quatloos. In particular, there seems to be no end of Internet 'Truth Radio' shows by these new authority figures. Dean Kory started up one just last week - I have not subjected myself to that yet.

There are also unlikely alliances - or at least what I would have called unlikely alliances not too long ago. The Grande Prairie squat is composed of people who, as far as I can tell, are collected from many separate OPCA subgroups, and intriguingly it seems their participation is often a surprise to their long-time movement buddies. I think this is a symptom of the community malaise.

It seems to me that there is a vicious competition building for the relatively small 'student pool'; that pool is not getting much larger, if not the opposite. I increasingly see catty comments directed to persons who are clearly within the general community, but are competitors. That seems to be the case with the persons Dean has, in particular, targeted by name in a now deleted length Facebook post.

I find it interesting to contrast that with the OPPT phenomenon, which seems (as a novice observer) to have many voices, but those public opinions more commonly seem to support the hub orthodoxy rather than gnaw at its foundations. Canadian Freemanism was like that five years ago when Robert Menard was without question the chief figure, but now that movement is instead Balkanized. Perhaps that is a consequence of the many years of failure that mark the Freeman-on-the-Land community and the discouragement that I believe many affiliates feel.

Me generally rambling, little more.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by erwalkerca »

This was the last newspaper report about Darren Clifford since his arrest that I have seen.

The sub-headline certainly is fitting. ... legal-name
Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

erwalkerca - thanks for digging that out - and welcome to Quatloos!

Coincidentally, media have reported that Clifford (Darren) was back in court today ( ... story.html), but the story reports nothing about Dean... where-ever was he?

In brief, Darren was tried and found guilty of resisting arrest. This was recorded with a police dash camera which showed the arresting officer, a Constable Christie, stop Darren in his Hummer, Darren refused to accompany the officer back to the police vehicle, a struggle followed, Darren hopped back into his Hummer and had to be pulled out. He received a one day sentence, but that doesn't really matter because he is still in detention on other charges. The news report offers quite a few interesting details of the proceeding.
Seated in the prisoner’s dock wearing a hooded sweatshirt, cut-off shorts and leg shackles, Clifford began the day by refusing to acknowledge his name. Instead, he read from handwritten notes on foolscap held in a black folder.

The rhetoric is similar to that of so-called sovereign citizens who refuse to obey police, judges and other authority figures.

“Sir, are you Darren Murray Clifford?” asked Judge Patrick McIlhargey.

“I am Darren Murray Murphy, son of David Clifford and grandson of William Clifford. ... I am now being seen as a man with standing,” he told court.

“I refuse to accommodate the name of any capacity bound by your political organization. I never have nor ever will give consent to be associated with the legal person under the terms and conditions of a birth certificate,” he said.

When asked if he was ready for his trial, Clifford said: “I am under no securities agreement with Her Majesty the Queen, I am a land owner and Her Majesty the Queen is a tenant. This tribunal known as provincial court is trying to force me to act against my conscience. This is an unconscionable act,” he said.


Clifford, who didn’t cross examine Christie or take the stand to testify in his defence, tried arguing that the Mountie erred because when Clifford asked to see the warrant, he didn’t have it with him, and wouldn’t identify himself by name when “asked about 25 times,” said Clifford.

The judge ruled both points were non-issues — Mounties have no need to produce warrants, although it is preferable, he said. And the fact that Christie was wearing a uniform, gun holster and driving an RCMP truck outfitted with light was enough, the judge said.

Christie said Clifford told him his billing rate was a million dollars an hour and he wanted to see the arrest warrant and other documents, which Christie said were back at the office.

Christie’s conduct was commendable, the judge said.

“It seems to me the officer was extremely patient and in control,” McIlhargey said.

The Crown recommended Clifford be ordered to undergo counselling for “life management skills” as part of probation.

“He seems to be starting to develop a bit of a pattern of disrespect to the court,” Faught said.

But the judge said he didn’t agree with imposing anything to retrain the accused’s political beliefs.

“I feel like I’m being profiled,” Clifford said.

“There’s no evidence about my being associated with this Freeman thing.”
I think he protests too much.

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Jeffrey »

Hilfskreuzer Möwe
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Hilfskreuzer Möwe »

Uh oh!? Spaghetti-os!

Dean has been kidnapped by men in sweaters!?

What I truly enjoy are the notes that have been hastily posted on Dean's Youtube page and website:
Please for the love of God do not file crackpot documents and threats that will interfere with my plea bargain! And no, Robert-Arthur: Menard is NOT my Agent!
And to think, just a few days before Dean was promoting his weekend seminar (, exhorting the faithful that they no longer need to feel like "shunned mutants", expounding on how his recent trip to western Canada has helped his brother [whoops found guilty and still in jail] and he caused "... lots of successes, lots of positive things going on in the movement, there's so much going on that it's impossible to keep up at this point... ".

Yes, it is a little hard to keep track of all the arrests and sentences, yes that IS true.

Oh the seminar? Huge success! Watch as Dean eats sprouts (! Mmm... Freeman-brand sprouts!

SMS Möwe
That’s you and your crew, Mr. Hilfskreuzer. You’re just like a vampire, you must feel quite good about while the blood is dripping down from your lips onto the page or the typing, uhm keyboard there... [ at 11:25]
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by Notarius »

Here is a CBC Hamilton news story on the arrest:

Freeman on the land guru arrested in Hamilton ... -1.2439237

Some of the text:

"The so-called guru of the Freeman on the Land movement, Dean Clifford, was arrested Sunday night in Hamilton.

Officers from the OPP’s Repeat Offender Parole Enforcement Squad (ROPE) nabbed Clifford after a two-day seminar he was hosting called “Divestment from Corporations and Detaxation” that was being held at the Hamilton Marriott.

The OPP’s Burlington detachment confirmed Clifford was arrested Sunday, but couldn’t say what he had been charged with or on what grounds the warrant for his arrest was issued.

Calls to the ROPE squad and the OPP's media representatives were not returned. It's not clear if Clifford remains in custody."
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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by grixit »

Welp, they gave him enough rope.
Three cheers for the Lesser Evil!

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Re: The Brothers Clifford: Darren Murray Clifford's saga beg

Post by GlimDropper »

Posted on
Dean Clifford was unlawfully handcuffed and kidnapped after November 23rd-24th seminar by Police who refused to produce identification or produce a warrant for arrest when asked multiple times by multiple people.

Visit for more information and how you can free yourself and stop these radical and unlawful acts towards a person operating under nature’s law.