Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust, Pro

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by ashlynne39 »

AndyK wrote:For all the "DO" she is doing, I sincerely hope they have several porta-pottys available.

Seriously though, it is incomprehensible that anyone who is not on a serious recreational drug habit could possibly believe any of the crap she's spouting.

Agreed. Her followers are morons, head cases, or drug users. There is no other viable explanation. Even then I just have a really hard time understanding why people are falling for this. It's sad when something makes the RV and Orlys court cases seem rational but next to the OPPT, they seem downright sane.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Lambkin »

AndyK wrote:it is incomprehensible that anyone who is not on a serious recreational drug habit could possibly believe any of the crap she's spouting.
Please stop insulting recreational drug addicts. I have known a couple serious LSD abusers and they wouldn't fall for NESARA. :wink:
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Lambkin wrote:
AndyK wrote:it is incomprehensible that anyone who is not on a serious recreational drug habit could possibly believe any of the crap she's spouting.
Please stop insulting recreational drug addicts. I have known a couple serious LSD abusers and they wouldn't fall for NESARA. :wink:
I've said this for years, sure dangerous drugs can destroy your mind, but it's nothing compared to these folks. For example, I just got this social media message from a methamphetamine abuser who likes to dance so that her behind shakes up and down - that's right, I was tweeted by a twerking tweaker.
DK - I have seen the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, but it's nothing compared to Heather 'cause that girl is CRAZY.
'Nuff said.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:

ETA: Dammit, Cat . . .
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Dai Kiwi »

Jeffrey wrote:How the hell do you only get 200 hours community service for trying to defraud a bank out of $15 million and businesses out of $65k. Some googling tells me she'd be facing 3 years jailtime if she did the same thing in California.
The bank chose not to pursue charges. In the end they just closed her accounts and no doubt she is blacklisted with all the other major banks. That was probably the charge not proceeded with. The vehicles and most of the furniture & electrical goods were recovered in short order, though some used/damaged(?), which just left the supermarket stuff - a couple of hundred dollars. She had the sense to get and follow the advice of a lawyer - presumably on legal aid - and pleaded guilty at an early opportunity rather than trying to brazen it out like many freemen/sovs. I presume that a repayment schedule for the remaining loss/damage was negotiated and presented in mitigation in sentencing submissions. I also presume she had a clean, or fairly clean, previous record.

I am surprised she got off so lightly. I was expecting home detention of a few months plus community work. Still, it is being presented as a 'win' by the various freeman/OPPT types and she has garnered quite a following for them. As far as I can tell she is the first person in NZ to get any significant press attention for this sort of thing.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Cathulhu »

wserra wrote:
Deep Knight wrote:

ETA: Dammit, Cat . . .

When I find a giant steaming heap of Vogon poetry, I can't help but label it.

If you yell "Dammit, Cat" around here, you could get bitten by Xombie the Pirate kitty--named for her one eye.

p.s. There's more poetry in ANY of my kitty names than that entire pile of words. The late, much lamented Refrigerator Door Opening would agree, and she had the least poetic name of the lot.

edited to add p.s.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Deep Knight »

Cathulhu wrote: When I find a giant steaming heap of Vogon poetry, I can't help but label it.
I don't think it was meant to be poetry of any kind, bad or worse, but instead a "decree." This is a magic incantation that allows your co-creating god-force-within to manifest itself or something.

Here are some examples of decrees by Ray Ballard in the 1930s, who started all this with his "I AM" movement. No doubt Vogons are turning green with envy.

I DEMAND You come forth and blast, blast, blast and annihilate, annihilate, annihilate everything destructive driven against this city and the entire West Coast, before it can act, approach, or encroach upon Life longer! I demand whatever Power and Action of the Law of the “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence” in the Great Central Sun is necessary, to blaze the Light and the Sacred Fire which annihilates, annihilates, annihilates all that does not hold the Victorious Christ there!

I call on the Law of Forgiveness for that mistake! Strike Your Sword of Blue Flame into its cause! Annihilate it so it never touches any other part of Life! “Beloved Mighty I AM Presence!” You give me something ten times better to take its place; and see I give the obedience which makes me worthy of It, and make me use It to fulfill the Divine Plan forever!
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Cathulhu »

Goodness is about what you do. Not what you pray to. T. Pratchett
Always be a moving target. L.M. Bujold
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by wserra »

Deep Knight wrote:No doubt Vogons are turning green with envy.
Vogons are kinda green to begin with. They turn purple with envy.

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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

Dai Kiwi: Thanks for that information, I also was curious on how she got off so light. Interesting that this crowd is so deluded that they can sell this as a "win" when she clearly only got off as light as she did because she admitted guilt and agreed to stop with the OPPT antics.

A few thoughts from this weeks OPPT propaganda call:

- The One People Absent Limit free energy/sex bus/party tour is apparently planning to keep going as long as the true believers are willing to send them those worthless FRNs. They are already talking about an Australia tour.

- Angel Lucci, who is among the crazier of this group (and thats saying something with these people), promoted his IOPEEN exchange ( where they think they will be exchanging each others value. Interestingly hes asking for donations to keep the software server this thing runs on, and the only way to get this "alternative currency" is to (1) send your ID to this nut so he can verify that you only have one account (but don't worry, fake Patriot IDs are accepted) and (2) convert your worthless FRNs into the IOPEEN currency. This seems like yet another failed launch just like Project 13 was, and the problem yet again is that they are marketing this trash to people who want free money and asking them to convert their money into a worthless alternative currency. The One People true believers may be dumb, but they aren't that dumb.

- For me, the most interesting part of the call was the talk about Heather's latest declaration. It again reminded me of how cult like this place really is. Heather's words are like the word of a god, and the gurus are there to interpret it to the true believers. They treat it like its holy scripture. Bob Wright read it with solemn reverence, Lisa Harrison teared up at how she thought it was just so powerful, BZ Meyers talked about how her and a dozen other true believers got into a conference call and analyzed it line by line as if these were the words of the divine. However, Heather may have made a mistake here - she mentions that all her gibberish means "the event" (the big world changing event where OPPT will take over and we all live in utopia) IS DONE in 3 "Gregorian calendar days." Big mistake, Heather, because your true believers saw that and will be expecting something tomorrow. The gurus knew to immediately play this down and say that while something big would happen it would only be on a "energetic level" (that way you don't need any proof!).

- There is someone that got into the skype boards named "Henry" who is "asking hard questions" as someone who wants to believe but has problems with little things like the fact that nothing Heather says ever happen. I don't think this guy is a real skeptic, it seems he genuinely wants to believe (it could be good acting) and he uses lunatic sources like Dean Clifford sometimes so maybe his wanting to believe is authentic. This is the same guy who Heather had to respond to and the true believers are NOT happy with him and keep insulting him. Hes started a board for his "hard questions" and its ruffling quite a few feathers - to many easy to answer questions that no one can answer. See
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

For those of you not keeping track, the 10th was the last day of the "3 Gregorian calendar days" of the holy words of Heather in THE WILL AND THE WORD gibberish document. Knowing Heather's 100% failure rate the gurus smartly stayed away from saying anything would happen, but the OPPT true believers really latched on to this and were convinced "THE EVENT" would happen. So its the 11th here on the east coast of the USA - did we RV? Is Heather crowned Queen of the World yet? Did I miss it?
notorial dissent
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

DAMN!!! Go away from civilization for a just few days and miss the whole big non-event.

"3 Gregorian calendar days", did we change the calendar too and I missed the memo??? "3 Gregorian calendar days", does she even know what that means????
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by rogfulton »

notorial dissent wrote:
"3 Gregorian calendar days", did we change the calendar too and I missed the memo??? "3 Gregorian calendar days", does she even know what that means????
Lots of chanting?
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by JamesVincent »

rogfulton wrote:
notorial dissent wrote:
"3 Gregorian calendar days", did we change the calendar too and I missed the memo??? "3 Gregorian calendar days", does she even know what that means????
Lots of chanting?
Where is the like button......
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Dai Kiwi »

LightinDarkness wrote:Dai Kiwi: Thanks for that information, I also was curious on how she got off so light. Interesting that this crowd is so deluded that they can sell this as a "win" when she clearly only got off as light as she did because she admitted guilt and agreed to stop with the OPPT antics.
I may have to revise my previous opinion. Having re-read the blog here: ... n-private/
Please be advised that the deceased estate was given 200 hours of community in the Public. Due to the fact that Kiri Lee is a deceased estate a letter was sent via the Assembled Owners which in effect eliminated the 200 hours of community work. This is known as the administrative due process.
Remember Kiri lee is the deceased estate. Matariki Edgecombe is the living ‘flesh and blood’ woman.
I am now taking bets for the date which Kiri/Matariki is arrested for Breach of Sentence.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

My personal opinion is that she got off altogether too lightly to begin with, and that she really should have been prosecuted for the crimes she attempted to commit whether or not they actually succeeded or not, and I quite sincerely doubt/do not believe that she has repented of her errors in the slightest. She has given every indication of being a pathological liar and flake from the get go, and I really don't see her changing for anything as mundane as ending up in court. It is to be hoped that when she is arrested, as she most surely should be for effectively thumbing her nose at the court, that they will really slap her down this next time.
The fact that you sincerely and wholeheartedly believe that the “Law of Gravity” is unconstitutional and a violation of your sovereign rights, does not absolve you of adherence to it.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by LightinDarkness »

All is NOT well in the OPPT circus! It seems the OPAL magical sex bus and free energy device tour has caused a bit of a division. One of the biggest and most active OPPT true believers, Chase Binnie, has declined an invitation to be a OPAL tour member with the gurus! Why did he do that? Because he learned that the GEET free energy device (which isn't really free energy) patent guy doesn't want OPAL giving away what he charges conspiracy kooks by the hour to "teach" them how to make. Well, Chase isn't very happy about that beause hes a free-will/free-love type of new age hippy guy and so he made a video telling the gurus he wouldnt go. His reasoning was that even though Heather foreclosed on the patent office, its still the GEET inventors idea and his wishes should be respected (a reasonable argument that, except for the whole foreclosure part).

The chief guru in charge of the OPAL tour circus, Brian Kelly, then posted a blog post acting like Chase was free to dissent and how his opinion was respected...except then he said this:
No matter how many laws we write on paper and no matter how many people you get on your side, owning an idea WILL NEVER BE LAWFUL ACCORDING TO CREATION, THE UNIVERSE OR GOD. I am not stating opinion, this is not a belief I am asking you to consider. I am telling you the facts. I strongly consider you research Natural Law if your confused by these concepts.
Oh dear. So all opinions are welcome and considered in The One People, except yours, Chase Binnie. Because your wrong. Side note: As a philosophy major it really gets to me when conspiracy nuts try to apply philosophy in ways they don't understand use terms they don't comprehend. Like this one - arguing that no one can own something under "natural law" - shows they don't even know what that term is. Its like the soverign citizens and "common law" - they just make it up as you go along.

By the way, the GEET patent guy is a real gem. Apparently hes been touring the kook brigade for years and has scammed people out of hundreds of thousands of dollars based on baseless promises from it. A few years ago he was on trial for securities fraud and went so nuts they had to put him in a mental institution for a few years. Now he lives in a survivalist-style compound where he charges by the hour to teach the conspiracy loving masses how to make his GEET device. Needless to say it isn't really free energy, its just a machine that runs off gas fumes that are left behind in it. If you tried to "convert" something that used gas to it you would ruin the engine very quickly.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by notorial dissent »

LightinDarkness wrote:All is NOT well in the OPPT circus! It seems the OPAL magical sex bus and free energy device tour has caused a bit of a division. Oh, say it ain't so!! Snerk!!! :snicker:

As a philosophy major it really gets to me when conspiracy nuts try to apply philosophy in ways they don't understand use terms they don't comprehend.Like this one - arguing that no one can own something under "natural law" - shows they don't even know what that term is. Its like the soverign citizens and "common law" - they just make it up as you go along. Of course they are just making it up as they go along, since what they are claiming sanctity from doesn't, and never did support their contentions, but it sounds important to say that, and their thralls who are even less educated than they are never question it for a second.

... its just a machine that runs off gas fumes that are left behind in it. If you tried to "convert" something that used gas to it you would ruin the engine very quickly. I'm not sure I would really expect any of the OPPT yoiks to be even marginally competent enough to build the contraption in the first place. I'm in fact amazed that any of them can figure out where to put the gas when they fill up the car to begin with. I think it would be so very appropriate that they spend all that money on an RV, have one of their "geniuses" retrofit the engine and then have it promptly blow up never getting out of the drive way. Not likely to happen, I know, but I can fantasize can't I????
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by Jeffrey »

I like that for the weeks the OPAL people have been discussing the GEET thing, none of them have brought up the question of whether it works or not.
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Re: Prosperity Scam: IUV Exchange, One Peoples Public Trust,

Post by thunter »

So the tourers have convinced OPPTers to give them tens of thousands of dollars to travel around the country giving away someone else's idea. Genius. Totally insane, but pure genius.